Grey-zone Warfare Latest Entry in Lexicon of Warfare

  • 04 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

On the last day of the 2024 Raisina Dialogue (February 24), India’s Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan said that “grey zone warfare” is the latest in informal warfare.

What is the Grey Zone Warfare?

  • Grey zone warfare refers to a strategic approach where a nation seeks to gain advantages over others without engaging in overt conflict.
  • It involves a series of tactics, including cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns, and economic pressures, aimed at subtly undermining or destabilizing adversaries.
  • China has notably employed this strategy against India and neighboring countries.

What are the China's Grey Zone Tactics Against India?

  • South China Sea Activities: China asserts its dominance in the South China Sea using naval and civilian vessels, raising tensions with neighboring countries like India.
  • Infrastructure Near Borders: China constructs infrastructure and settlements near India's borders, bolstering territorial claims and strategic positioning.
  • Digital Investments: China invests in Indian digital platforms and media, influencing public narratives and perceptions.

India's Counter-Measures:

  • Inter-Agency Collaboration: India promotes collaboration among defense, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies to devise comprehensive strategies to counter grey zone threats.
  • Enhanced Vigilance: India increases surveillance and presence in border areas and strategic locations to detect and respond to covert Chinese activities.
  • Regulating Foreign Investments: India scrutinizes foreign investments in critical sectors, particularly technology, to safeguard national security interests.

Long-Term Implications for India:

  • Information Warfare: Grey zone conflicts often involve digital misinformation, influencing public opinion and perceptions.
  • Economic Leverage: Dependency on foreign investments poses vulnerabilities if used as leverage by investing nations.
  • Technology Dependency: Heavy reliance on foreign technology exposes India to risks, emphasizing the need to bolster indigenous technological capabilities.


Grey zone warfare encompasses a multifaceted strategic landscape, blending digital, economic, and geopolitical tactics. India recognizes these challenges and is actively devising strategies to navigate this complex terrain.