Gold Hunt by Villagers Reveals Ancient Harappan Settlement in Gujarat

  • 20 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The newly discovered Harappan settlement at Lodrani village in the Kutch region of Gujarat has sparked widespread interest in the fascinating remains of this ancient civilisation, making it an important site for archaeological exploration and research.

Features of Harappan site Morodharo:

  • Morodharo is a fortified settlement of the Harappan era, with the fortification measuring 102 m to the west and 58 m north to the south.
    • The thickness of the wall is 3.3 m on average.
  • Morodhara has a 10x10 m platform on the southwest side and a well on the northeast side.
  • Burial cairns have been found at Morodharo.
    • A cairn is an intentionally constructed mound of stones, typically created for marking a location or serving as a burial mound.
  • Harappan pottery with perforated jar sherds, reserved slipware and terracotta cakes have also been unearthed.
  •  All these items have a striking resemblance to those found in Dholavira.

About Harappan Civilization:

  • The Harappan civilization, also known as the Indus Valley civilization was South Asia's first urban civilization, flourishing concurrently with Mesopotamia and Egypt.
  • It encompassed the most extensive territory, covering approximately 800,000 square kilometres, compared to its contemporaries.
  • Prominent cities during the Harappan period included Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in present-day Pakistan, along with Dholavira, Lothal, and Surkotada in Gujarat, India, among others.
  • Urban planning in Harappan cities followed a meticulous grid layout, with streets intersecting at right angles, dividing the cities into neat rectangular blocks.
  • The streets and alleys were deliberately designed for efficient movement, accommodating carts and pedestrians, often featuring covered drains alongside.
  • For defence and security, the cities were enclosed by sturdy walls made of mud bricks, shielding against intruders and natural calamities.
  • Each city was structured into an elevated citadel and a lower town, with the former housing monumental structures like granaries and administrative buildings.
  • Residential areas comprised multi-story brick houses clustered around courtyards, some equipped with private wells and well-ventilated bathrooms.
  • A sophisticated drainage system ensured efficient waste disposal, with individual house drains connected to street-level drainage networks.
  • Granaries and storage facilities were strategically positioned to manage surplus agricultural yields, reflecting advanced urban planning and resource management.