Gene-drive Technology (The Hindu)

  • 12 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

Gene-drive technology has been employed in India, Brazil, and Panama under carefully controlled outdoor conditions to genetically modify mosquitoes.

Facts About:

  • Gene-drive technology is a form of genetic engineering that involves the modification of genes.
  • This groundbreaking technique was conceptualized by Professor Austin Burt from Imperial College London.
  • Its potential lies in effectively addressing issues posed by pest species, such as malaria-transmitting mosquitoes.
  • Rather than adhering strictly to Mendelian genetics principles, this method ensures the selective inheritance of specific genes by mosquitoes.

Here's how it works:

  • A protein precisely cleaves the mosquito's DNA at a specific location that doesn't encode a particular sequence in the genome.
  • This action triggers a natural cellular mechanism to repair the DNA, compelling the incorporation of a designated sequence known as the 'drive sequence' into the repaired region.