What is Operation Kawach, the new ‘war on drugs’ waged by Delhi Police?

  • 05 Sep 2024

Aimed at identifying and apprehending people involved in the trafficking and distribution of narcotics, 'Operation Kawach' is a joint initiative launched by the Crime Branch in coordination with all district units of the Delhi Police.

In a major crackdown on the menace of drugs in the national capital, the Crime Branch of the Delhi Police conducted widespread raids, swooping down on over 100 locations across Delhi. Earlier, raids conducted during the intervening night of May 12 and 13 had led to the arrest of 31 drug offenders in 30 cases under the Narcotic-Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985.

As many as 12 bootleggers were also arrested in six cases of the Excise Act. The operation also saw the seizure of 957.5 grams of heroin, 57.8 kilograms of marijuana and 782 bottles of illicit liquor.

What is Operation Kawach?

Aimed at identifying and apprehending people involved in the trafficking and distribution of narcotics, ‘Operation Kawach’ is a joint initiative launched by the Crime Branch in coordination with all district units of the Delhi Police. The initiative aims to combat the harmful influence of drug addiction on youth and children and underscores the authorities’ commitment to safeguarding the well-being of young individuals and curbing the distribution of illicit substances in educational settings.

Operation Kawach is primarily intended to save the youth from the menace of drugs. Although the focus is to take stringent action on the supply side, it is also appealed to society to create awareness and reduce the demand of drugs. The parents, teachers and the social reformers are specially requested to sensitise the youth about the grave consequences of drug addiction.

Operation Kawach: The story so far

According to the official, the joint operations, which utilised a variety of resources such as undercover officers, surveillance, canine support and intelligence gathering, targetted both street-level dealers and high-level traffickers and have both ‘top-to-bottom’ and ‘bottom-to-top’ approaches to effectively counter drug trafficking in the national capital.

In this year, Delhi Police has arrested 534 narco-offenders in 412 NDPS cases. Around 35 kg of heroin/smack, 15 kg of cocaine, 1,500 kg of ganja, 230 kg of opium, 10 kg of charas and 20 kg of poppy have been recovered during these operations.


Black Coat Syndrome

  • 05 Sep 2024

In News:

In her recent speech at the National Conference of District Judiciary, President Droupadi Murmu introduced the concept of 'black coat syndrome' to address the persistent issue of case delays in Indian courts. This term is intended to reflect the anxiety and reluctance that people experience when dealing with the judicial system, similar to the 'white coat syndrome' seen in medical settings.

Current Challenges in India's Judicial System

  1. Case Pendency: As of October 2023, there are over five crore cases pending across various levels of the judiciary in India. The current number of judges—20,580—falls short of effectively managing this caseload.
  2. Infrastructure Deficiencies: Many courts lack essential infrastructure and modern technology. For example, as of September 2023, 19.7% of district courts did not have separate toilets for women.
  3. Judicial Vacancies: There are notable vacancies in the judiciary. High courts have 347 unfilled positions out of a total of 1,114 sanctioned posts. Similarly, 5,300 out of 25,081 district judge positions are vacant.
  4. Gender Representation: The Supreme Court has three female judges, making up 9.3% of its bench. High courts have 103 female judges, representing 13.42%, while the district judiciary has a more balanced representation with 36.33% female judges.

Ongoing Initiatives to Address Judicial Challenges

  1. Technological Advancements:
    • e-SCR (Electronic Supreme Court Reports): Provides digital access to Supreme Court judgments.
    • Virtual Court System: Facilitates court proceedings through videoconferencing.
    • eCourts Portal: Serves as a comprehensive platform for interaction among litigants, advocates, government bodies, and the public.
    • National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG): Makes case statistics available at various levels for public and research use.
  2. Legal Reforms and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):
    • National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms (2011): Focuses on improving justice access by tackling delays and arrears.
    • ADR Methods: Includes Lok Adalats, Gram Nyayalayas, and Online Dispute Resolution to expedite justice.
    • Commercial Courts Act 2015: Enforces pre-institution mediation for commercial disputes.
    • Fast Track Courts: Designed to speed up cases involving serious crimes, senior citizens, women, and children.

Strategies for Future Improvement

  • Increasing Court Efficiency: The Chief Justice of India has stressed the need for courts to function beyond their current capacity of 71% to better align case disposal with new case inflows.
  • Filling Judicial Positions: With 28% of district court positions vacant, a regularized recruitment schedule is suggested to address these gaps. Additionally, integrating judicial recruitment on a national scale is recommended to reduce regional biases.
  • Enhancing Case Management: Establish District-Level Case Management Committees to better manage cases by reconstructing records and identifying priority cases. Encouraging pre-litigation dispute resolution can also help manage the case backlog.
  • Adjusting Judicial Vacations: The 2003 Malimath Committee report proposed reducing vacation periods to help address the backlog of cases.
  • Bridging Judiciary Gaps: Addressing the disparity between district courts and high courts is crucial to create a more cohesive and unified judicial system.

Poshan Tracker Initiative

  • 05 Sep 2024

In News:

The Ministry of Women and Child Development recently earned the National Award for e-Governance 2024 (Gold) for its Poshan Tracker initiative, which has made significant strides in enhancing child health and nutrition.

About the Poshan Tracker Initiative

The Poshan Tracker initiative focuses on identifying and addressing growth-related issues in children aged 0-6 years. By using real-time monitoring and WHO growth charts, the program ensures that children receive optimal nutrition.

Key components of the initiative include:

  • Role of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs): These workers are essential in assessing children's health and implementing necessary interventions when deviations from expected growth are observed.
  • Technology Integration: The program employs advanced ICT tools and Growth Measuring Devices (GMD) at Anganwadi Centers (AWCs) to enable precise data collection and regular monitoring.
  • Impact: Real-time growth monitoring through the Poshan Tracker has substantially improved child health outcomes in India, benefiting millions of children under the Mission Poshan 2.0 initiative.

Key Features of the Poshan Tracker App

  • Comprehensive Overview: The app offers a complete view of Anganwadi Centre activities, including service deliveries and beneficiary management for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children under six.
  • Digitization and Automation: It replaces physical registers used by workers with digital records, thereby enhancing the quality and efficiency of their work.
  • Smartphone Provision: Anganwadi workers have been provided with smartphones through the Government e-Market (GeM) to streamline service delivery.
  • Technical Support: Each state has a designated nodal person to provide technical assistance and resolve issues related to the Poshan Tracker application.
  • Service Accessibility: Migrant workers who registered in their original state can access services at the nearest Anganwadi in their current location.


  • 05 Sep 2024

In News:

India recently celebrated the launch of its first reusable hybrid rocket, RHUMI-1, developed by the Tamil Nadu-based start-up Space Zone India in collaboration with the Martin Group. The launch took place on August 24, 2024, from Thiruvidandhai in Chennai. This innovative rocket was propelled into a suborbital trajectory using a mobile launcher, carrying three Cube Satellites and fifty Pico Satellites designed to gather data on global warming and climate change.

Key Features of RHUMI-1:

  • Hybrid Propulsion System: RHUMI-1 utilizes a combination of solid and liquid propellants, which enhances efficiency and lowers operational costs.
  • Adjustable Launch Angle: The rocket's engine allows for precise trajectory control with adjustable angles ranging from 0 to 120 degrees.
  • Electrically Triggered Parachute System: Equipped with an advanced and eco-friendly descent mechanism, this system ensures safe recovery of rocket components, offering both cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits.
  • Environmentally Friendly: RHUMI-1 is entirely free of pyrotechnics and TNT, underlining its commitment to sustainability.

Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs):

Reusable Launch Vehicles are spacecraft designed to be launched, recovered, and reused multiple times. They offer several advantages:

  • Cost Savings: RLVs can be up to 65% cheaper than constructing a new rocket for every launch.
  • Reduced Space Debris: By minimizing discarded rocket components, RLVs help reduce space debris.
  • Increased Launch Frequency: Shorter turnaround times allow for more frequent use of the rocket.

Unlike traditional multi-stage rockets, where the first stage is discarded after fuel depletion, RLVs recover and reuse the first stage. After separation, the first stage returns to Earth using engines or parachutes for a controlled landing.

Background on Space Zone India and Recent Missions:

Space Zone India is an aero-technology company based in Chennai, focusing on providing cost-effective, long-term solutions in the space industry. They offer hands-on training in aerodynamic principles, satellite technology, drone technology, and rocket technology while raising awareness about careers in the space sector. In 2023, Space Zone India conducted the "Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Students Satellite Launch Mission," involving over 2,500 students from various schools across India. This mission resulted in the creation of a student satellite launch vehicle capable of carrying a payload of 150 Pico Satellites for research experiments.

Disaster Management (Amendment) Bill, 2024

  • 05 Sep 2024

In News:

On August 1, 2024, the central government introduced the Disaster Management (Amendment) Bill in the Lok Sabha. This Bill, aimed at amending the existing Disaster Management Act of 2005, has been proposed in response to the increasing frequency of climate-induced disasters. However, the Bill’s provisions have raised concerns about further centralisation of disaster management processes, which may complicate and delay disaster response efforts.

Centralisation Concerns

The Bill continues the trend of centralising disaster management, a feature already prevalent in the 2005 Act. It grants statutory status to existing bodies like the National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC) and the High-Level Committee (HLC), potentially complicating the disaster response process. This centralised approach has previously led to delays, such as the late disbursement of funds to Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, contrary to the Act's intended rapid response.

Proposed Changes

Strengthening NDMA and SDMAs: The Bill aims to bolster the role of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) by having them prepare disaster management plans directly. It also introduces Urban Disaster Management Authorities (UDMAs) for state capitals and major cities, although these bodies may face challenges due to insufficient financial devolution.

Database and Staffing: The Bill mandates the creation of comprehensive disaster databases at national and state levels and allows the NDMA to appoint its own staff, subject to central government approval.

Issues with the Current Definition of ‘Disaster’

Heatwaves Exclusion: On July 25, 2024, the Minister of State for Science, Technology, and Earth Sciences announced that heatwaves will not be classified as a notified disaster under the Act. This decision aligns with the 15th Finance Commission’s view and maintains a restricted list of disasters eligible for assistance, which includes cyclones, droughts, earthquakes, and floods, but excludes climate-induced phenomena like heatwaves.

Inadequate Definition: The existing definition of "disaster" in the Act and the Bill remains narrow, failing to encompass climate-induced events such as heatwaves, which are increasingly recognized globally as significant disasters. Data from the India Meteorological Department shows a record number of heatwave days and related fatalities, highlighting the need for a broader disaster definition.

Critical Issues

Central-State Dynamics: The Bill’s centralisation raises questions about the balance of power between central and state governments. There are concerns that states will remain heavily dependent on central funds, complicating disaster management and response.

Lessons Unlearned: Despite being an update to the 2005 Act, the Bill appears to overlook past shortcomings, including delays in financial preparedness and response. A focus on cooperative federalism and effective disaster management should prioritize practical solutions over a central versus state blame game.

Future Directions: Addressing the challenges of climate-induced disasters and ensuring effective financial and operational preparedness requires revisiting and refining the disaster management framework. Emphasizing cooperative federalism and proactive disaster management strategies will be crucial in improving disaster resilience and response in the face of escalating climate risks.

India-France Bilateral Naval Exercise VARUNA

  • 07 Sep 2024

In News:

The 22nd edition of the India-France bilateral naval exercise, VARUNA, took place in the Mediterranean Sea from September 2 to 4, 2024. This exercise highlights the strong maritime partnership between the Indian Navy and the French Navy, showcasing their commitment to enhancing interoperability and operational effectiveness.

Key Highlights:

  1. Participating Vessels and Aircraft:
    • Indian Navy:
      • INS Tabar: A frontline stealth frigate commanded by Captain MR Harish.
      • Ship-borne Helicopter: Provided air support during the exercises.
      • LRMR Aircraft P-8I: An advanced long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft.
    • French Navy:
      • FS Provence: A French naval ship participating in the exercise.
      • Submarine Suffren: A French attack submarine.
      • Aircraft F-20: Providing air support.
      • Atlantique 2: A French maritime patrol aircraft.
      • Fighters MB339: Multi-role fighter aircraft.
      • Helicopters NH90 and Dauphin: Providing additional aerial capabilities.
  2. Exercise Activities:
    • Tactical Maneuvers: Advanced maneuvers showcasing the operational capabilities of both navies.
    • Anti-Submarine Warfare: Exercises designed to enhance capabilities in detecting and countering submarines.
    • FLYEX (Flight Exercises): Coordinated air operations involving various aircraft.
    • Air Defence Exercise: Training in defending against aerial threats.
    • Live Weapon Firings: Demonstrations of weapon systems in action.
    • PHOTO-EX (Photographic Exercise): Exercises designed for documenting and assessing naval operations.
    • Steam Past: A ceremonial maneuver showcasing the participating ships.
  3. Significance of the Exercise:
    • Evolution of VARUNA: Since its inception in 2001, VARUNA has become a key component of the India-France naval relationship. The exercise has evolved to improve interoperability and share best practices between the two navies.
    • Strategic Importance: Conducting the exercise in the Mediterranean Sea reflects the Indian Navy's capability and commitment to operate far beyond the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). It underscores the strategic depth and outreach of the Indian Navy.
    • Enhanced Interoperability: VARUNA demonstrates the mutual commitment of India and France to enhancing naval collaboration and operational effectiveness through joint exercises and shared experiences.
  4. Future Outlook:
    • Commitment to Partnerships: The Indian Navy continues to prioritize building strong partnerships with like-minded navies worldwide. The VARUNA exercise is a testament to this ongoing commitment and the broader strategic goals of both India and France in strengthening maritime security and cooperation.

This bilateral exercise not only enhances the operational capabilities of both navies but also reinforces the strategic partnership between India and France in the maritime domain.

India’s $15 Billion Push for Chipmaking

  • 07 Sep 2024

In News:

India is significantly ramping up its efforts to establish a semiconductor manufacturing industry, with plans to invest $15 billion in the second phase of its chipmaking incentive policy. This move aims to bolster the country's position in the global semiconductor supply chain, where it currently has minimal presence.

Key Points:

  1. Government Funding and Projects:
    • Increased Investment: The Indian government is boosting its funding for chipmaking incentives to $15 billion, up from the $10 billion committed in the first phase.
    • Approved Projects: Four major semiconductor projects have been approved, totaling over Rs 1.48 lakh crore ($18 billion). This includes:
      • Tata and PSMC Fabrication Plant: India’s first commercial semiconductor fabrication plant, with an investment of more than Rs 91,000 crore ($11 billion), developed in partnership with Taiwan’s Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (PSMC).
      • Assembly and Testing Plants (ATMP/OSAT): Three plants:
        • Micron Technology is building the first plant, approved in June 2023.
        • Tata is constructing an assembly plant in Assam.
        • C G Power and Industrial Solutions, in partnership with Japan’s Renesas Electronics, is developing the third plant.


  1. Government Subsidies:
    • Capex Subsidies: The central government will provide nearly Rs 59,000 crore ($7 billion) in capital expenditure subsidies for these projects.
    • State Support: State governments are offering incentives such as discounted land and electricity rates.
  2. Strategic Importance:
    • Economic and Strategic Impact: Semiconductor chips are critical to a wide range of industries, including defense, automotive, and consumer electronics. Developing domestic chipmaking capabilities is seen as essential for economic growth and strategic independence.
    • Global Competition: India is entering a highly competitive field dominated by Taiwan and the US. The US has a $50 billion chip incentive scheme, while the EU has a similar program. India’s efforts are part of a broader strategy to reduce dependence on global chip supply chains and capitalize on geopolitical shifts.
  3. Challenges and Realities:
    • Technology Barriers: The Tata-PSMC plant will not produce cutting-edge chips, as the technology for advanced nodes is currently beyond their reach. Manufacturing chips with smaller node sizes involves significant technological expertise and innovation, areas where leading companies like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) excel.
    • High Entry Barriers: The chipmaking industry has high entry barriers, and India’s new plants will face challenges in achieving technological and competitive parity with established global leaders.

India's push into semiconductor manufacturing represents a major step in its economic development and strategic planning, aiming to position itself as a significant player in the global tech landscape while addressing critical supply chain vulnerabilities.


India-Maldives Defence Talks

  • 07 Sep 2024

In News:

  • India and the Maldives held their first defence talks since India withdrew its military personnel early this year.

Significance of Talks:

  • The dialogue is notable given recent tensions in bilateral relations. Relations soured after President Mohamed Muizzu's election on an "India Out" platform, leading to the withdrawal of Indian troops. The last defence cooperation dialogue was held in March 2023 under President Ibrahim Solih.

Discussion Topics:

    • Expediting ongoing defence cooperation projects.
    • Planning forthcoming bilateral military exercises.
    • Enhancing high-level exchanges and capability development.

Context of Tensions:

    • Mohamed Muizzu, who took office in November 2023, had called for the removal of Indian military personnel, a significant shift from the previous administration’s stance.
    • India agreed to withdraw 80 military personnel between March and May 2024. Indian technical personnel now operate key equipment like helicopters and a Dornier aircraft in the Maldives.

Recent Developments:

    • Maldives Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer visited India in May.
    • President Muizzu attended PM Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony in June.
    • In August, Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar visited the Maldives to reaffirm bilateral ties.

Historical Defence Cooperation:

    • India gifted a Dornier aircraft to the Maldives in 2020 and a patrol vessel in 2019.
    • India provided a coastal radar system last year and laid the foundation for the 'Ekatha Harbour' project, enhancing Maldivian Coast Guard capabilities.

Ongoing Projects:

    • Greater Male Connectivity Project (GMCP) - a $500 million initiative financed by India.
    • Building a new Coast Guard base at Uthuru Thilafalhu (UTF) atoll.
    • India’s grant for High Impact Community Development Projects (HICDPs).

Strategic Importance:

    • For Maldives: India is a key security partner and crisis responder, with historical assistance during emergencies (Operation Neer, Vaccine Maitri). Maldives seeks to restore Indian tourist numbers, vital for its economy.
    • For India: The Maldives is crucial to India's Neighbourhood First Policy and Vision SAGAR. Its strategic location between major Indian Ocean chokepoints makes it a vital partner for maritime security and countering China's influence.

Recent Changes:

    • The Muizzu government decided not to renew a 2019 MoU for hydrographic surveying with India, ending joint hydrographic surveys conducted under the pact.

Travel and Trade:

    • Both countries benefit from an open skies arrangement and visa-free access for tourism, medical, and business purposes

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)

  • 07 Sep 2024

In News:

IMEC is an important initiative that can add to India's maritime security and faster movement of goods between Europe and Asia, said Union Minister of Commerce & Industry at the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) India-Mediterranean Business Conclave 2024 in New Delhi.

Key Details:

  • Corridors:
    • East Corridor: Connects India to the Gulf.
    • Northern Corridor: Links the Gulf to Europe.
  • Components:
    • Railroad: Provides a reliable and cost-effective cross-border ship-to-rail transit network.
    • Ship-to-Rail Networks: Integrates road, sea, and rail transport routes.
    • Road Transport: Complements the overall transport infrastructure.
  • Expected Benefits:
    • Increased Efficiency: Enhances transit efficiency and reduces costs.
    • Economic Unity: Promotes economic integration and job creation.
    • Environmental Impact: Lowers greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Transformative Integration: Connects Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
  • Additional Features:
    • Infrastructure: Includes laying cables for electricity and digital connectivity, and pipes for clean hydrogen export.
  • Implementation:
    • MoU Commitments: Participants will collaboratively address technical design, financing, legal, and regulatory aspects.
    • Action Plan: A meeting is planned within 60 days to develop an action plan with specific timetables.


Geoeconomic Perspective

  1. Economic Integration and Interdependence:
    • Prosperity Through Integration: IMEC aims to foster trade and investment among India, the Middle East, and Europe, potentially leading to mutual prosperity and regional stability.
    • Building Bridges: Aligns with the liberal international order by promoting economic interdependence to reduce tensions and create shared interests.
    • Support from Major Powers: Backed by the US, Europe, and India, signaling a strong commitment to economic ties and regional stability.
  2. Economic Potential:
    • Infrastructure and Trade Routes: Enhances infrastructure and trade routes, boosting economic activity, trade volumes, and investment opportunities.
    • Regional Development: Promotes job creation and development in economically disadvantaged areas along the corridor.

Geopolitical Perspective

  1. Strategic Rivalry with China:
    • Countering the BRI: IMEC is seen as a strategic counterbalance to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), offering an alternative aligned with US, European, and Indian interests.
    • Regional Influence: Aims to limit China’s influence in the Middle East and South Asia by establishing a competing corridor.
  2. Geopolitical Alliances:
    • Aligning Interests: Involves strategic partnerships among the US, Europe, and India, reflecting concerns about China’s global strategy and shifting power dynamics.
    • Rivalry and Competition: The IMEC could be viewed as a global positioning move, responding to China’s growing influence and securing strategic interests.

Reasons for Joining the IMEC

  1. Economic Enhancement:
    • Boosts Indo-Gulf Relations: Enhances trade and economic ties with the Arab Gulf, addressing infrastructure gaps.
    • Regional Connectivity: Links India with key partners like Israel and Jordan, boosting economic opportunities.
  2. Strategic Trade Routes:
    • Alternative Routes: Complements existing routes like Chabahar Port and INSTC, connecting India to southern Eurasia.
    • Bypassing Choke Points: Offers a shorter route to Eastern Mediterranean and Western Europe, avoiding strategic choke points.
  3. Energy and Trade Opportunities:
    • Access to Resources: Provides potential access to Eastern Mediterranean gas fields.
    • Trade Bloc Connectivity: Links India with the EU and GCC, opening up growth opportunities.
  4. Geopolitical Aspirations:
    • Global Power Ambitions: Supports India’s goal to enhance global influence and integrate with eastern and western neighbors.
    • Economic Growth: Leverages economic integration to support development and influence.
  5. Infrastructure Development:
    • Economic Integration: Facilitates infrastructure creation for increased trade volumes and regional stability.

e-Sankhyiki portal

  • 07 Sep 2024

In News:

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has launched e-Sankhyiki portal with the objective to establish a comprehensive data management and sharing system for ease of dissemination of official statistics in the country.

Key Highlights:

  • Launched on National Statistics Day 2024, the e-Sankhyiki portal is designed to create a comprehensive system for managing and sharing data, facilitating the easy dissemination of official statistics across the country.
  • The portal is also accessible at - https://esankhyiki.mospi.gov.in. It aims to provide timely and valuable data inputs for policymakers, researchers, and the general public. 
  • It provides time series data for key macroeconomic indicators, with features for filtering and visualising the data. Users can also download customised datasets and visualisations and access them through APIs, enhancing the data's reusability.
  • It consists of two modules viz. Data Catalogue and Macro Indicators
    • Data Catalogue Module:
      • This module catalogues the Ministry’s major data assets, simplifying users' access. It enables searching within datasets and tables, downloading relevant data, and enhancing its value and reusability. 
      • The Data Catalogue includes seven core data products: 
        • Consumer Price Index
        • Index of Industrial Production
        • National Accounts Statistics
        • Periodic Labour Force Survey
        • Annual Survey of Industries
        • Household Consumption Expenditure Survey
        • Multiple Indicator Survey. 
      • It currently hosts over 2,300 datasets, each accompanied by specific metadata and visualisations for user convenience.
    • Macro Indicators module:
      • This module provides time series data on key macro indicators, featuring tools for filtering and visualising data.
      • It allows users to download custom datasets, generate visualisations, and share data through APIs, promoting greater reusability. The initial phase of this module covering data from the past decade includes four major MoSPI products:
        • National Accounts Statistics
        • Consumer Price Index
        • Index of Industrial Production
        • Annual Survey of Industries
      • The portal currently features over 1.7 million records, providing access to extensive vital data.

Government Initiatives for Safe Data Dissemination

  • In response to the rapid data expansion, the Government of India has instituted robust data safety measures. These include storing data in the cloud facilities provided by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), conducting comprehensive security audits of applications, and implementing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology for domain protection. 
  • Additionally, the government has focused on vulnerability assessments and ensured compliance with guidelines issued by organisations such as NIC and the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In).
  • In addition , CERT-In under the Ministry of Electronics and Information technology (MeitY) also undertakes various activities like issuance of advisories and guidelines for cyber/information security, conduct of sensitization programmes/trainings/workshops, operating Cyber Threat exchange platform & Cyber Swachhta Kendra, formulation of a Cyber Crisis Management Plan, setting up of National Cyber Coordination Centre (NCCC) and empanelment of security auditing organisations etc. for data safety.


Rashtriya Poshan Maah 2024

  • 06 Sep 2024

In News:

Union Minister of State for Women and Child Development, launched the Rashtriya Poshan Maah 2024 in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh on 1st September,2024.

Key Highlights:

  • As part of the 7th Rashtriya POSHAN Maah, awareness programs are being organized at various levels.
  • Under the ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) Project, complementary feeding activities were conducted at Anganwadi Centres (AWC) Paduck Bagicha, South Andaman.
  • Also, at AWC, Champin Nancowrie, Nicobar district (Andaman & Nicobar) under the ICDS Tribal initiative, local food items and nutrition sources were displayed.
  • These efforts aim to further the Prime Minister's vision of a ‘Suposhit Bharat’ by conducting diverse large-scale activities, harnessing the potential of Gram Panchayats and Urban Local Bodies.

Rashtriya Poshan Maah:

  • The programme is annually celebrated in the month of September, with a different theme each year, primarily focusing on addressing malnutrition by ensuring convergence of various nutrition-related schemes and programmes.
  • The objective of the Poshan Maah is to ensure community mobilisation and bolster people’s participation for addressing malnutrition amongst young children, and women and to ensure health and nutrition for everyone.

Poshan Abhiyaan:

  • POSHAN Abhiyan (Prime Minister's Overarching Scheme For Holistic Nourishment) focuses on advancing nutritional outcomes for children under six years, adolescent girls, pregnant women, and lactating mothers.
  • To cultivate widespread awareness about nutrition at each stage of life, it is celebrated annually as Poshan Maah (1st—30th September) and Poshan Pakhwada (fortnight of March).
  • POSHAN Abhiyan (National Nutrition Month) aims to strengthen efforts to end hunger and malnutrition.
  • It focuses to improving the nutritional outcomes among children, adolescent girls, pregnant women, and lactating mothers by focusing on prenatal care, diet, and optimal breastfeeding.
  • The Ministry of Women and Child Development plans month-long activities under Poshan Maah, focusing on issues such as the hygiene and sanitation, anaemia prevention, maternal and infant health, among others.
  • There are outreach programmes, identification drives, camps, and fairs with a special focus on pregnant and lactating women, children below six years, and adolescent girls in order to realise the vision of ‘Swasth Bharat’.


  • 06 Sep 2024

In News:

  • Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) launches 2nd Cohort of Startup Accelerators of MeitY for Product Innovation, Development and Growth (SAMRIDH).

About SAMRIDH Scheme:

  • SAMRIDH is a flagship programme of MeitY for startups acceleration under National Policy on Software Products – 2019.
  • The SAMRIDH programme, launched in August 2021 aims to support 300 software product startups with outlay of ?99 crore over a period of 4 years.
  • SAMRIDH is being implemented through potential and established accelerators across India which provide services like making products market fit, business plan, investor connect and international expansion to startups plus matching funding upto ?40 lakh by MeitY.
  • The scheme is being implemented by MeitY Start-up Hub (MSH), Digital India Corporation (DIC).
  • In the first round of cohort, 22 Accelerators spread across 12 states are supporting 175 startups, selected through a multilevel screening process.
  • Major Objective:
    • The SAMRIDH scheme aims to support existing and upcoming Accelerators to select and accelerate potential IT-based startups to scale.
    • Among others, the program focuses on accelerating the startups by providing customer connect, investors connect and connect to international markets
  • Eligibility of Accelerator:
    • Should be a registered Section-8/Society, [Not-for-Profit Company (eligible to hold equity)] having operations in India.
    • The Accelerator and the team are recommended to have more than 3 years of startup experience and should have supported more than 50 start-ups of which at least 10 startups should have received investment from external Investors
    • The Accelerator should have an experience of running startup program cohorts with activities listed as desirable under SAMRIDH program.

AgriSURE Fund and Krishi Nivesh Portal

  • 04 Sep 2024

In News:

  • Recently, the Union agriculture minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan launched two initiatives — a fund aimed at boosting farm-sector startups, and a single-window portal to process investments — as part of a slew of measures being taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government in its third term to bolster the farm economy.

Key Details:

  • AgriSure is a ?750-crore fund established to support agricultural startups.
  • Krishi Nivesh Nidhi is a portal designed to expedite the clearance of project proposals.
  • Both initiatives aim to enhance farm incomes.

Awards for Credit Disbursal:

  • Scheduled banks were recognized for their credit disbursals under the government’s agriculture infrastructure fund.
  • First prize: State Bank of India (SBI).
  • Second prize: HDFC Bank.
  • Third prize: Canara Bank.

Significance of Agriculture Sector:

  • Agriculture contributes 16% to India’s GDP.
  • Farmers play a crucial role as both producers and consumers in the economy.

PM Modi’s Strategy to Double Farmers’ Incomes:

  • The strategy includes:
    • Increasing output.
    • Reducing input costs.
    • Ensuring profitable prices.
    • Promoting crop diversification.
    • Supporting natural farming.
    • Enhancing value addition to crops.

Details of AgriSure Fund:

  • Blended capital fund with a total corpus of ?750 crore:
  • ?250 crore each from the Department of Agriculture and NABARD.
  • ?250 crore to be raised from financial institutions.
  • Managed by NabVentures, a subsidiary of NABARD.
  • Provides both equity and debt support to startups and agripreneurs.
  • Focuses on high-risk, high-impact activities within the agriculture value chain.

Agriculture Infrastructure Fund:

  • Mobilized projects worth ?78,000 crore with ?45,000 crore in financing so far.
  • Expanded areas of coverage approved by the Union Cabinet on August 28.
  • Aims to create durable farm assets, such as warehouses and processing plants.
  • Can be used by agricultural produce marketing committees (APMCs) for market facility improvements.

Funding and Loan Details:

  • Part of the ?20-lakh crore stimulus package introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Total funding of ?1 lakh crore over four years:
    • ?10,000 crore for 2020-21.
    • ?30,000 crore each for the subsequent three financial years.
  • Provides medium-to-long term debt financing for rural projects.
  • Interest subvention of 3% per annum on loans up to ?2 crore for seven years, with the government covering part of the interest.


eShram portal

  • 04 Sep 2024

In News:

The Ministry of Labour & Employment (MoLE) stated in a latest update that in the short span of three years since its launch, eShram has registered more than 30 crore unorganised workers, showcasing its rapid and widespread adoption among the unorganised workers.

Key Highlights:

  • The Government envisages to establishing the eShram portal as a "One-Stop-Solution" for Country’s unorganised workers.
  • During Budget speech 2024-25 it has been announced that, A comprehensive integration of eShram portal with other portals will facilitate such One-Stop-Solution.
  • This initiative aims to facilitate access of various social security schemes being implemented by different Ministries/ Departments to unorganised workers through the eShram portal.
  • As part of the eShram - One Stop Solution project, Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) has been working to integrate major schemes like Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), Pradhan Mantri Street Vendors Atmanirbhar Nidhi (PM-SVANidhi), Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Gramin (PMAY-G), Ration Card scheme etc. for the benefit of the unorganised workers.

What is e-Shram and its purpose?

  • e-Shram is a comprehensive National Database of Unorganised Workers (NDUW) launched by the Government of India under the Ministry of Labour & Employment.
  • Its primary purpose is to facilitate delivery of welfare benefits and social security measures to unorganised sector workers across the country.
  • The platform aims to register and provide identity cards to unorganised workers, enabling them to access various government schemes, benefits, and services more efficiently.

Who are unorganised workers?

Any worker who is a home-based worker, self-employed worker or a wage worker working in the unorganised sector and not a member of ESIC or EPFO, is called an unorganised worker.

What is unorganised sector?

Unorganised sector comprises of establishment/ units which are engaged in the production/ sale of goods/ services and employs less than 10 workers. These units are not covered under ESIC & EPFO.

What is UAN?

UAN or Universal Account Number is a 12 digit number uniquely assigned to each unorganised worker after registration on e-Shram portal. UAN is a permanent number i.e., once assigned, it will remain unchanged for any worker.

India Semiconductor Mission (ISM)

  • 04 Sep 2024

In News:

The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approved the proposal of Kaynes Semicon Pvt Ltd to setup a semiconductor unit in Sanand, Gujarat, with an investment of Rs 3,300 crore.

Key Highlights:

  • The proposed unit, under the India Semiconductor Mission (ISM), will produce nearly 60 lakh chips per day.
  • The chips produced in this unit will cater to a wide variety of applications which include segments such as industrial, automotive, electric vehicles, consumer electronics, telecom and mobile phones, etc.
  • The initiative aligns with India’s goal of developing indigenous semiconductor capabilities.
  • As per the reports, India’s semiconductor market is projected to reach $64 billion by 2026, positioning the country as a major global semiconductor hub.
  • The first indigenously-developed chip is set to arrive in the country by the end of this year.
  • In March, PM Modi laid the foundation stone of three semiconductor projects worth Rs 1.25 lakh crore.
  • Tata Electronics is setting up a semiconductor fab in Dholera, Gujarat and one semiconductor unit in Morigaon, Assam.
  • CG Power is setting up one semiconductor unit in Sanand. These units will produce lakhs of direct and indirect jobs.
  • These four units will bring an investment of almost Rs 1.5 Lakh crore. The cumulative capacity of these units is about 7 crore chips per day, according to the Ministry of Electronics & IT.
  • The Programme for Development of Semiconductors and Display Manufacturing Ecosystem in India was notified in 2021 with a total outlay of Rs 76,000 crore.

About India Semiconductor Mission (ISM)

  • It is a specialized and independent Business Division within the Digital India Corporation that aims to build a vibrant semiconductor and display ecosystem to enable India’s emergence as a global hub for electronics manufacturing and design.
  • ISM has all the administrative and financial powers and is tasked with the responsibility of catalysing the India Semiconductor ecosystem in manufacturing, packaging, and design.
  • ISM has an advisory board consisting of some of the leading global experts in the field of semiconductors.
  • ISM has been working as a nodal agency for the schemes approved under the Semicon India Programme.

Semicon India Programme:

  • Launched in 2021 with a total budget of Rs. 76,000 crore, the ISM is overseen by the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY), Government of India. This initiative is part of a broad effort to develop a sustainable semiconductor and display ecosystem within the country.
  • The programme is designed to offer financial support to companies involved in semiconductor and display manufacturing and design. It also aims to foster the creation of domestic Intellectual Property (IP), and to promote and incentivize the Transfer of Technologies (ToT).
  • Under this programme, four key schemes have been introduced:
  1. Scheme for establishing Semiconductor Fabs in India.
  2. Scheme for establishing Display Fabs in India.
  3. Scheme for setting up Compound Semiconductors/Silicon Photonics/Sensors Fabs and Semiconductor Assembly, Testing, Marking, and Packaging (ATMP)/OSAT facilities in India.
  4. Design Linked Incentive (DLI) Scheme.

Centre gives clearance for ‘Mission Mausam’

  • 13 Sep 2024

The Union Cabinet approved 'Mission Mausam,' a groundbreaking initiative with an investment of ?2,000 crore over the next two years. The mission, spearheaded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), aims to significantly advance India's capabilities in atmospheric sciences and climate resilience.

Objectives and Key Focus Areas

Mission Mausam is designed to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of weather forecasting and climate management through several critical components:

  1. Advanced Technology Deployment: The mission will focus on deploying next-generation radars and satellite systems equipped with advanced sensors. These technologies are crucial for enhancing weather surveillance and prediction accuracy.
  2. Research and Development: A key objective of Mission Mausam is to bolster research and development in atmospheric sciences. This will include the development of enhanced Earth system models and advanced weather forecasting techniques.
  3. GIS-Based Decision Support System: An automated decision support system based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will be developed to facilitate real-time data sharing and improve decision-making processes.

Institutional Framework and Implementation

The Ministry of Earth Sciences will oversee the implementation of Mission Mausam. The following institutions will play central roles in the mission:

  • India Meteorological Department (IMD)
  • Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
  • National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting

Additional support will come from other MoES bodies:

  • Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
  • National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
  • National Institute of Ocean Technology

Sectoral Benefits

Mission Mausam is expected to bring significant improvements across various sectors:

  1. Agriculture: Enhanced agromet forecasts will aid farmers in optimizing crop management and increasing resilience to climatic variability.
  2. Disaster Management: Improved monitoring and early warning systems will enhance disaster preparedness and response, potentially reducing loss of life and property damage.
  3. Defence: Accurate weather forecasting will support strategic planning and operational efficiency within the defence sector.
  4. Energy and Water Resources: Better weather predictions will lead to more efficient management of energy and water resources.
  5. Aviation: Safer aviation will be supported by more reliable weather information, reducing risks and improving travel safety.
  6. Tourism: Sustainable tourism will benefit from accurate weather forecasting, contributing to safer and more enjoyable travel experiences.

Mission Mausam represents a significant investment in India’s ability to manage and mitigate the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events, ultimately aiming to enhance the resilience of communities and support sustainable development.

Delhi Declaration on Civil Aviation

  • 13 Sep 2024

In the News:

The Prime Minister has announced the adoption of the Delhi Declaration on Civil Aviation.


The Delhi Declaration was unanimously accepted following the conclusion of the 2nd Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference held in New Delhi. This Declaration provides a thorough framework designed to boost regional cooperation, tackle emerging challenges, and promote sustainable growth within the civil aviation sector across the Asia-Pacific region. The conference also marks the 80th anniversary of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Key Announcements:

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted significant achievements in Indian aviation, noting that women make up 15% of Indian pilots, a figure that surpasses the global average.
  • A proposal for establishing an International Buddhist Circuit was introduced to enhance regional tourism and connectivity.
  • India plans to build between 350 and 400 new airports by 2047, aiming to increase its global aviation presence.
  • A Pacific Small Island Developing States Liaison Office will be created to help smaller nations manage aviation-related issues.
  • The ‘Ek Ped Ma Ke Naam’ campaign was launched, with a goal to plant 80,000 trees in honor of ICAO’s 80 years, emphasizing green aviation and sustainability in future initiatives.

Significance of the Delhi Declaration:

  • It marks a significant advancement in enhancing regional cooperation in civil aviation within the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific region.
  • The framework tackles crucial issues such as sustainability, green aviation, and safety, which are vital for the current aviation industry.
  • Initiatives like the International Buddhist Circuit are in line with broader regional objectives to improve connectivity, tourism, and economic development throughout Asia.
  • India aims to assert itself as a major global aviation player with its ambitious plan to construct 350-400 airports by 2047, thereby becoming a key contributor to aviation infrastructure development.

Civil Aviation Sector in India:

  • India ranks as the third-largest domestic aviation market globally and is projected to become the third-largest overall by 2025.
  • The sector is expanding through significant government programs such as the UDAN Scheme, Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti Plan, and NCAP 2016.
  • With 136 operational airports and plans for an additional 100, the government is focused on modernizing infrastructure, improving regional connectivity, and promoting public-private partnerships for airport development.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO):

  • Established in 1947 by the Chicago Convention (1944).
  • Headquarters: Montreal, Canada.
  • Functions:
    1. Ensures the safety and efficiency of international air transport.
    2. Sets standards for aviation safety, security, and environmental performance.
    3. Encourages regional and international agreements to liberalize aviation markets.
    4. Promotes cooperation and dialogue among its 193 member states.
    5. Develops legal frameworks for aviation laws and standards.


  • 13 Sep 2024

In News:

Recently, the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) introduced the Saarthi app in partnership with Bhashini.

About the Saarthi App:

  • The Saarthi app is a reference tool designed to help businesses create their own customized buyer-side applications.
  • It facilitates network participants in developing buyer apps with multilingual capabilities. Initially, the app supports Hindi, English, Marathi, Bangla, and Tamil, with plans to expand to all 22 languages offered by Bhashini.
  • The app features real-time translation, transliteration, and voice recognition, allowing businesses to broaden their market reach and attract customers from new regions.

What is Bhashini?

  • Bhashini is India's AI-driven language translation platform. Its goal is to facilitate easy access to the internet and digital services in Indian languages, including through voice-based interactions, and to aid in the creation of content in these languages.
  • The platform is designed to provide Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP) resources to Indian MSMEs, startups, and individual innovators. This support will help developers offer all Indians access to the internet and digital services in their native languages.
  • Additionally, Bhashini features a ‘Bhasadaan’ section for crowdsourcing contributions and is available through Android and iOS apps.

Exercise AL NAJAH

  • 13 Sep 2024

In News:

  • Indian Army contingent departed for the 5th edition of the India-Oman Joint Military Exercise AL NAJAH on September 12, 2024.

Key Details:

  • Location: Rabkoot Training Area, Salalah, Oman.
  • Frequency: Exercise AL NAJAH has been held biennially since 2015, alternating between India and Oman. Last edition was conducted at Mahajan, Rajasthan.
  • Indian Army Contingent:
  • Size: 60 personnel
  • Composition: Battalion of the Mechanised Infantry Regiment, along with personnel from other arms and services.
  • Royal Army of Oman Contingent:
  • Size: 60 personnel
  • Composition: Troops of the Frontier Force.
  • Objective:
  • Enhance joint military capability for counter-terrorism operations under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.
  • Focus on operations in a desert environment.
  • Tactical Drills:
  • Joint Planning
  • Cordon and Search Operation
  • Fighting in Built-Up Areas
  • Establishment of Mobile Vehicle Check Posts
  • Counter Drone Operations
  • Room Intervention
  • Training Exercises:
  • Combined field training exercises simulating real-world counter-terrorism missions.
  • Outcomes Expected:
  • Exchange of best practices in tactics, techniques, and procedures for joint operations.
  • Foster interoperability, goodwill, and camaraderie between the two armies.
  • Strengthen defense cooperation and enhance bilateral relations between India and Oman.

INDUS-X Summit 2024

  • 14 Sep 2024

The third edition of the INDUS-X Summit, held on September 9-10, 2024, in California, marked a significant advancement in the collaborative defence innovation ecosystem between India and the USA. Co-organized by the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) and Stanford University, the summit emphasized the deepening of defence cooperation through innovation, joint research, and investment.

Key Outcomes

A major highlight of the summit was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India’s Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) and the US Department of Defense’s Defence Innovation Unit (DIU). This agreement aims to enhance collaboration in defence innovation. The summit also saw the release of the INDUS-X Impact Report and the launch of a dedicated webpage for the initiative on both iDEX and DIU platforms.

Technological Showcase and Expert Dialogue

The summit provided a platform for startups and MSMEs to present cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, two advisory forums—the Senior Advisory Group and the Senior Leaders Forum—facilitated in-depth discussions on future technology trends, defence supply chain resilience, and funding opportunities for defence innovation. The discussions included contributions from experts across the defence industry, investment sectors, academia, and think tanks from both countries.

Leadership and Commitment

The Indian delegation was led by Amit Satija, Joint Secretary (Defence Industries Promotion), who underscored the commitment of both India and the USA to advancing defence technology through strategic collaboration. Since its launch in June 2023 during the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to the US, INDUS-X has achieved significant milestones, reinforcing its role in strengthening the US-India defence innovation partnership.


  • 14 Sep 2024

Indian Researchers Advance Neuromorphic Computing with Innovative Molecular Film

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have made a groundbreaking development in neuromorphic computing, creating an analog computing system that leverages molecular films. This new system can store and process data across 16,500 different states, a significant leap from conventional binary computing methods.

Understanding Neuromorphic Computing

Neuromorphic computing is an advanced computing paradigm designed to emulate the structure and function of the human brain. By using artificial neurons and synapses, this approach marks a departure from traditional binary computing, enabling systems to learn and adapt from their environments.

How Neuromorphic Computing Works

Neuromorphic computing relies on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), which consist of millions of artificial neurons similar to those found in the human brain. These neurons communicate through electrical spikes or signals, following the principles of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). This setup allows the system to replicate the brain’s neuro-biological networks, performing tasks such as visual recognition and data interpretation with high efficiency.

Key Features of Neuromorphic Systems

  1. Brain-Inspired Architecture: Neuromorphic systems mimic the brain's structure, particularly the neocortex, which is involved in higher cognitive functions like sensory perception and motor commands.
  2. Spiking Neural Networks: These networks use spiking neurons that interact through electrical signals, mirroring the behavior of biological neurons. This design facilitates parallel processing and real-time learning.
  3. Integrated Memory and Processing: Unlike traditional von Neumann architecture, which separates memory and processing functions, neuromorphic systems combine these functions, leading to improved computational efficiency.

Advantages of Neuromorphic Computing

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Neuromorphic computing enables faster problem-solving, pattern recognition, and decision-making compared to conventional systems.
  • Revolutionizing AI Hardware: It holds the potential to transform AI hardware, allowing for complex tasks, such as training Large Language Models (LLMs), to be performed on personal devices. This advancement addresses current limitations related to hardware resources and energy efficiency.
  • Energy Efficiency: Current AI tools are confined to data centers due to their high energy demands. Neuromorphic computing could overcome these constraints by providing energy-efficient hardware solutions.

Integration with Molecular Films

Molecular films, ultrathin layers engineered with specific electrical and optical properties, are central to this new advancement. These films act as neuromorphic accelerators, enhancing data storage and processing capabilities. They simulate brain-like parallel processing, improving performance in tasks such as matrix multiplication.

The recent development involves a molecular film that supports 16,500 possible states, a significant advancement over traditional binary systems. This film uses molecular and ionic movements to represent memory states, mapped through precise electrical pulses, creating what can be described as a "molecular diary" of states.

Comparison with Traditional Computing

  • Parallel Processing: Neuromorphic computers can handle multiple streams of information simultaneously, unlike traditional computers that process data sequentially.
  • Energy Efficiency: These systems consume less power by computing only when relevant events occur, making them suitable for real-time data processing applications.
  • Analog vs. Binary: Traditional binary computing operates with bits that are either 0 or 1, akin to a light switch being on or off. In contrast, analog computing involves continuous values, similar to a dimmer switch with varying brightness levels.

This breakthrough by IISc researchers signifies a major step forward in neuromorphic computing, potentially transforming the way we approach data processing and artificial intelligence.

4 Years of Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)

  • 14 Sep 2024


Celebrating Four Years of Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)

The Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) has marked its fourth anniversary since its launch in 2020. This flagship scheme, managed by the Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying, aims to transform India’s fisheries sector into a vibrant and sustainable industry.


The PMMSY is designed to invigorate the fisheries sector through a comprehensive approach that consolidates various existing schemes and initiatives. It operates as an umbrella scheme with two main components:

- Central Sector Scheme (CS)

- Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS)

The CSS component is divided into:

Non-Beneficiary Oriented Subcomponents:

   - Enhancement of Production and Productivity

   - Infrastructure and Post-Harvest Management

   - Fisheries Management and Regulatory Framework

Fisheries Sector Overview

India stands as the third-largest fish producer globally and the second-largest in aquaculture production. It is also the fourth-largest exporter of fish and fisheries products, experiencing a notable 26.73% growth in exports from FY 2021-22 to FY 2022-23. Andhra Pradesh leads the country in fish production, followed by West Bengal and Gujarat. The sector supports the livelihoods of over 30 million people.


The Department of Fisheries is spearheading the PMMSY to foster a "Blue Revolution" through sustainable and responsible development of the fisheries sector.

Challenges Facing the Fisheries Sector

1. Overfishing: Excessive fishing pressure threatens fish stocks and disrupts ecosystem balance.

2. Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing: Practices such as fishing without proper authorization and using banned gear undermine conservation efforts.

3. Lack of Infrastructure and Technology: Outdated technology and inadequate storage and transportation facilities result in post-harvest losses and reduced productivity.

4. Poor Fisheries Management: Inefficient regulation enforcement and lack of comprehensive data exacerbate overfishing and IUU fishing.

5. Pollution and Habitat Destruction: Industrial pollution and habitat destruction from activities like coastal reclamation impact marine and freshwater ecosystems.

6. Climate Change: Altered oceanic and freshwater environments affect fish distribution and reproductive cycles, disrupting fisheries ecosystems.

7. Socio-Economic Issues: Poverty and limited livelihood options increase the vulnerability of fishing communities.

Government Initiatives for Sector Growth

1. National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB): Established in 2006, the NFDB plans and promotes fisheries development, enhancing production and infrastructure.

2. Blue Revolution: Launched in 2015, this initiative focuses on sustainable development, modern technology adoption, and strengthening fisheries governance.

3. Sagarmala Programme: Also launched in 2015, it aims to boost port-led development and includes projects to develop fishing harbors and cold chain infrastructure.

4. National Fisheries Policy: Introduced in 2020, this policy provides a framework for sustainable fisheries development, focusing on responsible management and socio-economic improvements.

5. Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDAs): Established at the district level to provide technical guidance and support to fish farmers.

6. Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF): Created in 2018-19 with a fund of Rs 7,522.48 crore to address infrastructure needs, resulting in 121 approved projects.

7. Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA): Regulates coastal aquaculture to ensure sustainability and environmental conservation.

Way Forward

The fisheries sector in India holds immense potential due to its extensive coastline and water resources. Key measures to further enhance the sector include:

- Strengthening Monitoring and Enforcement: Combat IUU fishing with better monitoring and regulatory mechanisms.

- Supporting Sustainable Practices: Provide financial incentives for adopting modern technologies and sustainable practices.

- Protecting Aquatic Habitats: Ensure the conservation and restoration of vital habitats like mangroves and coral reefs.

- Improving Supply Chain Infrastructure: Develop better market linkages to ensure fair pricing and access to markets.

With these strategies, the PMMSY aims to drive the sustainable growth of India’s fisheries sector and bolster its contribution to the economy and livelihoods.

What is Helium & why is it used in rockets?

  • 14 Sep 2024

The Crucial Role of Helium in Space Missions and the Challenges It Presents

Two NASA astronauts aboard Boeing’s Starliner will extend their stay on the International Space Station (ISS) due to issues with the spacecraft’s propulsion system, which includes problematic helium leaks. Meanwhile, SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission, which successfully launched on Tuesday, experienced delays due to similar helium-related issues with ground equipment.

The Importance of Helium in Spacecraft

Helium plays a critical role in space missions for several reasons. As an inert gas, it does not react with other substances or combust, which is crucial for maintaining the safety and stability of rocket systems. With an atomic number of 2, helium is the second lightest element after hydrogen. Its lightweight nature is essential for reducing the overall mass of rockets, which in turn minimizes fuel consumption and the need for more powerful (and costly) engines.

A key property of helium is its extremely low boiling point of –268.9 degrees Celsius. This allows it to remain in a gaseous state even in the super-cold environments where many rocket fuels are stored.

How Helium Is Utilized in Spacecraft

In spacecraft, helium is primarily used for:

  1. Pressurizing Fuel Tanks: Helium ensures that fuel flows smoothly to the rocket’s engines. As fuel and oxidizer are consumed during launch, helium fills the empty space in the tanks, maintaining consistent pressure.
  2. Cooling Systems: Helium is also used in cooling systems to manage the temperature of various components, preventing overheating and ensuring the proper functioning of the spacecraft.

Due to its non-reactive nature, helium can safely interact with the residual contents of the tanks without causing adverse reactions.

The Challenge of Helium Leaks

Despite its advantages, helium is prone to leakage. Its small atomic size and low molecular weight allow helium atoms to escape through even minor gaps or seals in storage tanks and fuel systems. This characteristic poses a significant challenge for space missions.

On Earth, helium leaks are easier to detect due to the gas’s rarity in the atmosphere. This makes helium a valuable tool for identifying potential faults in rocket or spacecraft fuel systems. The frequency of these leaks across various space missions, including those by ISRO and ESA, underscores a broader industry need for improved valve designs and more precise tightening mechanisms.

OpenAI’s powerful new AI model o1

  • 14 Sep 2024

OpenAI Unveils New AI Model: Key Features and Implications

OpenAI has introduced its latest AI model, a significant advancement that aims to elevate the capabilities of artificial intelligence. This new model, part of the enigmatic ‘Project Strawberry,’ is designed to think more like a human when solving complex problems, offering a glimpse into the future of AI reasoning.

Introduction of OpenAI o1

The new OpenAI o1 model marks the beginning of a series of "reasoning" models intended to address intricate tasks in fields such as science, coding, and mathematics. This model, released as part of a preview in both ChatGPT and the API, represents a major leap forward in AI technology. OpenAI has announced that this is just the start, with regular updates and enhancements expected. Additionally, evaluations for the next model update, currently under development, are included in this release.

How It Works

The o1 model is designed to approach queries with a level of careful consideration similar to human problem-solving processes. It learns to tackle problems from various angles, verify its outputs, and improve through feedback. According to OpenAI, this model performs at a level comparable to PhD students in disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and biology. It is particularly adept in mathematics and coding, solving 83% of problems in a challenging math contest— a notable improvement from previous versions that only managed 13%. In coding, it has outperformed 89% of participants.

Sub-Models and Their Features

Alongside the main o1 model, OpenAI has also launched the o1-Mini. This version is a more cost-effective alternative, being 80% cheaper than the o1-preview. The o1-Mini is designed to offer fast and efficient reasoning, particularly beneficial for developers focused on coding tasks. 

Implications for Jobs and Research

The advanced problem-solving capabilities of the o1 model are expected to impact various job sectors, particularly those involving routine coding, data analysis, and mathematical modeling. While this could reduce the need for human intervention in some tasks, it may also create new roles in AI safety and maintenance. For researchers, the model offers a powerful tool for accelerating breakthroughs in fields like physics, chemistry, biology, and healthcare. Its ability to generate formulas and analyze large datasets positions it as a valuable asset for advancing scientific research.

Access and Usage

The OpenAI o1 model is now accessible to ChatGPT Plus and Team users. The o1-preview and o1-mini can be selected using the model picker, with weekly message limits set at 30 for o1-preview and 50 for o1-mini. This rollout marks a new era in AI capabilities, showcasing OpenAI’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence.

Key Points to Note 

1. Not Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Despite its advanced capabilities, o1-preview is not a step towards AGI, which aims for AI systems to perform cognitive tasks as well as or better than humans. The o1 models, while more adept at reasoning, still fall short of human-level intelligence. 

2. Impact on Competition: While o1 gives OpenAI a temporary edge, it is expected to prompt competitors like Google, Meta, and others to accelerate their development of similar advanced models. These companies have the expertise to quickly develop models that could rival or surpass o1's capabilities. 

3. Unknowns About Model Operations: Details on how o1 operates remain limited. It combines various AI techniques, including "chain of thought" reasoning and reinforcement learning, but specifics about its training data and internal mechanisms are not fully disclosed. 

4. Cost Considerations: Using o1-preview comes at a higher cost compared to previous models. OpenAI charges $15 per million input tokens and $60 per million output tokens for corporate customers, compared to $5 and $15, respectively, for GPT-4o. The model’s complex reasoning requires more tokens, potentially making it more expensive to use. 

5. Chain of Thought Transparency: OpenAI has chosen not to reveal the chain of thought process used by o1, citing safety and competitive reasons. This decision may cause issues for enterprise customers who lack visibility into their usage and billing accuracy. 

6.  New Scaling Laws: OpenAI's o1 models reveal new "scaling laws" suggesting that longer inference times can improve accuracy. This could increase the computing power and costs required to run these models effectively. 

7. Potential Risks: o1 models could enable powerful AI agents, but they also present risks. Instances of “reward hacking” and unintended actions suggest that companies must carefully manage these agents to avoid ethical, legal, or financial issues. 

8. Safety Assessments: OpenAI reports that o1 is generally safer than previous models, though it still poses a "medium risk" of assisting in biological attacks. This rating has raised concerns among AI safety and national security experts. 

9. Concerns About Persuasion and Deceptive Alignment: AI safety experts are wary of o1’s persuasive capabilities and the potential for “deceptive alignment,” where a model might deceive users to achieve hidden goals. These concerns highlight the ongoing challenges in ensuring AI safety and transparency. 

Overall, while the o1 models represent a significant leap forward in AI reasoning and problem-solving, they also introduce new complexities and risks that will need to be managed as they become more integrated into various applications.

40% Amazon rainforest unprotected: why is this significant for climate change?

  • 12 Sep 2024

In News

  • Scientists agree that preserving the Amazon rainforest is critical to combating global warming, but new data published recently, indicate huge swathes of the jungles that are vital to the world’s climate remain unprotected.
  • Nearly 40% of the areas of the Amazon rainforest most critical to curbing climate change have not been granted special government protection, as either nature or indigenous reserves, according to an analysis by nonprofit Amazon Conservation.
  • The areas lie in the far southwest of the Amazon in Peru and the far northeast in Brazil, French Guiana, and Suriname, the data show.
  • Those parts of the Amazon have the biggest, densest trees and the most continuous canopy cover. That means these areas hold the most carbon, which would be released into the atmosphere as climate-warming greenhouse gas if the jungle is destroyed by fire or logging.

What satellite data show

  • Amazon Conservation analysed new data from the satellite imaging company Planet that used lasers to get a three-dimensional picture of the forest and combined it with machine-learning models.
  • Only aboveground vegetation was considered, and not underground carbon in roots and soils.
  • Amazon Conservation’s Monitoring of the Andean Amazon Project (MAAP)’s analysis shows that 61% of the peak carbon areas in the Amazon are protected as indigenous reserves or other protected lands, but the rest generally has no official designation.
  • In Brazil, Suriname and French Guiana, only 51% of peak carbon areas are labeled for preservation. Peru protects a higher proportion of its critical areas, but some of the areas that have been left unprotected have been earmarked for logging.

Why the Amazon matters

  • MAAP published an analysis last month showing that the Amazon contained 71.5 billion tonnes of carbon, roughly double the global carbon dioxide emissions for 2022. That analysis showed that the Amazon just barely absorbed more carbon than it released in the decade leading up to 2022, a positive signal for the world’s climate.
  • But that remains an area of intense debate, with other studies showing the Amazon has flipped to become an emissions source.
  • As the effects of anthropogenic climate change become more stark with each passing day, the Amazon becomes one of the most valuable assets for the planet’s health. Scientists say that if the Amazon becomes an emission source instead of a carbon sink — which absorbs carbon from the atmosphere — the impact on the planet may be cataclysmic.

Controversy over Mumbai's salt pans: why do these lands matter?

  • 12 Sep 2024

In News:

Earlier this month, the Centre approved the transfer of 256 acres of salt pan land in Mumbai to the Dharavi Redevelopment Project Pvt Ltd (DRPPL), a joint venture between Adani Realty Group and the Maharashtra government, for building rental housing for slum dwellers.

What are salt pan lands?

  • They comprise parcels of low-lying lands where seawater flows in at certain times, and leaves behind salt and other minerals. Along with Mumbai’s mangroves (also at risk due to development), this ecosystem is instrumental in protecting the city from flooding.
  • According to the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification of 2011, the ecologically sensitive salt pans fall under CRZ-1B category, where no economic activity is allowed with the exception of salt extraction and natural gas exploration.
  • In all, 5,378 acres of land in Mumbai have been designated as salt pan lands, approximately nine times the size of the Dharavi slum. About 31% of this land is located in residential and commercial belts, and roughly 480 acres are encroached upon, a 2014 study by the state government found. The same study found that about 1,672 acres of Mumbai’s more than 5,000 acres of salt pan lands are “developable”.
  • Nationally, some 60,000 acres have been demarcated as salt pan lands, spread across Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Andhra Pradesh (20,716 acres) boasts the largest expanse of such land, followed by Tamil Nadu (17,095 acres) and Maharashtra (12,662 acres).

Why are Mumbai’s salt pan lands at risk?

Development Pressure

  • Land Scarcity: Mumbai faces severe land scarcity, with its burgeoning population and high demand for space. Salt pans, being some of the last undeveloped areas, are increasingly targeted for various projects.
  • Development Plans: Multiple state governments have eyed salt pan lands for different uses.

Environmental Significance

  • Flood Prevention: Salt pans are situated in low-lying areas that naturally collect rainwater and tidal flows, helping to mitigate flooding in Mumbai’s eastern suburbs. They act as natural buffers, absorbing excess water during heavy rains and high tides.
  • Historical Context: During the July 2005 deluge, salt pans helped reduce the impact of flooding compared to other areas of Mumbai, highlighting their role in flood management.
  • Ecosystems: Salt pans are home to various species of birds and insects and contribute to local biodiversity. The destruction of these lands could lead to loss of habitat and disruption of local ecosystems.

Risks of Development

  • Flooding Concerns: Environmentalists argue that constructing on these low-lying areas will lead to increased flooding in areas like Vikhroli, Kanjurmarg, and Bhandup. This is because the land’s natural ability to absorb and manage water will be compromised.
  • Quality of Life Issues: Relocating slum-dwellers to these areas raises concerns about their living conditions. Salt pans are prone to flooding, which could undermine the quality of life for new residents. The cost of making these lands habitable, including extensive land filling and waterproofing measures, could negate the benefits of affordable housing.
  • Conflict with Climate Goals: There is a contradiction between Mumbai’s Climate Action Plan, which recognizes climate threats, and the push to develop areas critical for flood management.

Strengthening India-UAE Relations

  • 11 Sep 2024

The bilateral relationship between India and the UAE has flourished in recent years, marked by deepening strategic ties and multifaceted collaboration. The recent visit of Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince to India highlights the growing importance of this partnership. The UAE is now India's second-largest export destination, third-largest trading partner, and fourth-largest investor. The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), effective from May 2022, has been transformative, boosting total trade by nearly 15% and increasing non-oil trade by 20% in the 2023-24 period.

Significance of the UAE for India

  • Economic Gateway: The UAE is a crucial entry point for India into the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. As India's third-largest trading partner, bilateral trade reached USD 84.5 billion in FY 2022-23. The CEPA, removing tariffs on 80% of Indian exports to the UAE, has led to a 5.8% increase in non-oil trade early in 2023 and is expected to elevate trade to USD 100 billion by 2030. The UAE’s strategic location and infrastructure make it an ideal hub for re-exporting Indian goods to Africa and Europe.
  • Energy Security: The UAE is India's fourth-largest crude oil supplier, with oil imports surging by 81% in January 2024. The partnership extends to renewable energy projects, aligning with India's goal of 500 GW renewable energy capacity by 2030, underscoring the UAE's role in India's energy transition.
  • Investment Catalyst: FDI from the UAE to India has increased more than threefold, reaching USD 3.35 billion from USD 1.03 billion in 2021-22. The UAE-India High-Level Joint Task Force on Investments has played a key role, with significant investments like the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority’s Rs 4,966.80 crore in Reliance Retail Ventures Limited.
  • Strategic Partner: The UAE has become a vital strategic ally for India in counterterrorism and maritime security. The bilateral naval exercise "Zayed Talwar" in 2021 and India's access to the UAE’s Al Dhafra air base highlight the expanding defense cooperation between the two nations.
  • Remittances and Soft Power: The 3.5 million-strong Indian diaspora in the UAE is a major source of remittances and cultural influence. In 2022, India received nearly USD 111 billion in global remittances, with the UAE as a significant contributor. The diaspora also strengthens cultural ties, as evidenced by the BAPS Hindu Temple in Abu Dhabi, symbolizing the UAE’s commitment to religious tolerance.
  • Tech and Innovation Hub: The UAE-India partnership is increasingly focused on technology and innovation. The I2U2 group (India, Israel, UAE, USA) aims to enhance cooperation in clean energy and food security. The UAE’s USD 2 billion investment in food parks in India and the UAE-India Artificial Intelligence Bridge, launched in 2018, facilitate joint research and position both countries at the forefront of technological advancement.

Areas of Friction

  • Labor Rights: Persistent labor rights issues for Indian workers in the UAE, including passport confiscation and wage theft, remain a concern.
  • Geopolitical Tensions: India’s growing ties with Israel and the UAE’s normalization with Israel complicate the geopolitical landscape, potentially entangling India in regional rivalries, especially with Iran. The UAE’s increasing ties with China also add strategic complexity.
  • Energy Transition: Both nations’ commitments to net-zero targets—India by 2070 and the UAE by 2050—pose challenges to their traditional hydrocarbon-based relationship.
  • Trade Imbalance: Despite growing trade, India’s trade deficit with the UAE stood at USD 16.78 billion in FY 2022-23. While the CEPA aims to address this, diversifying trade beyond hydrocarbons remains a challenge.
  • Maritime Security: Coordinating responses to maritime security threats while respecting strategic autonomy is challenging. The UAE’s expanding naval presence and India’s growing maritime footprint require careful coordination.

Enhancing Relations

  • Digital Diplomacy: India could use its IT capabilities to develop digital platforms for collaboration, including a real-time trade portal and a joint innovation hub, and expand cross-border digital payments.
  • Green Energy Corridor: Proposing an "India-UAE Green Energy Corridor" could align with both nations’ climate goals through joint investments and research in renewable energy.
  • Skill Bridge Program: A "Skill Bridge Program" could upskill Indian workers for the UAE job market, focusing on emerging sectors like AI and sustainable technologies.
  • StartUp Synergy Scheme: Developing a "StartUp Synergy Scheme" could foster collaboration between Indian and UAE startups through joint incubation programs and market access facilitation.
  • Maritime Cooperation Blueprint: Creating a comprehensive "India-UAE Maritime Cooperation Blueprint" could enhance collaboration in maritime security, blue economy initiatives, and port development, including joint patrols and deep-sea ports.

Polaris Dawn Mission: First Private Spacewalk Attempt

  • 11 Sep 2024

Recently, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Florida, carrying American billionaire Jared Isaacman and three other astronauts into orbit for the Polaris Dawn mission. This five-day mission marks a milestone as it aims to achieve the world’s first private spacewalk. Polaris Dawn is the inaugural flight of the Polaris Program, a collaborative effort between Isaacman and SpaceX, led by Elon Musk. The program's goal is to develop innovative technologies for future Mars missions.

What is a Spacewalk?

A spacewalk, or “extravehicular activity” (EVA), involves an astronaut conducting activities outside a spacecraft while in space. The concept of a spacewalk dates back to March 18, 1965, when Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov performed the first EVA during the Space Race. Leonov's spacewalk lasted just 10 minutes.

Modern spacewalks typically occur outside the International Space Station (ISS) and can last between five and eight hours. Astronauts conduct spacewalks for various purposes, such as performing scientific experiments, testing new equipment, or repairing satellites and spacecraft.

During a spacewalk, astronauts wear specially designed spacesuits and use safety tethers to prevent floating away into space. These tethers have one end attached to the astronaut and the other secured to the spacecraft. An alternative safety device is the SAFER (Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue), a backpack with small jet thrusters controlled by a joystick, which helps astronauts maneuver in space.

Objectives of the Polaris Dawn Mission

The Polaris Dawn mission, utilizing SpaceX’s Dragon capsule, aims to reach an altitude of approximately 1,400 km from Earth. This altitude exceeds the previous record set by NASA’s Gemini XI mission in 1966, which reached 1,372 km. At this height, the mission will be deep within the Van Allen radiation belts, which start around 1,000 km altitude and are known for their high levels of radiation. The crew will study the effects of spaceflight and radiation on human health.

Following this high-altitude phase, the Dragon capsule will descend to a lower orbit to facilitate the spacewalk scheduled for the third day of the mission, Thursday. During the spacewalk, the capsule will be depressurized, and the hatch will open, exposing the interior to the vacuum of space. Only two crew members, Isaacman and Gillis, will exit the capsule, while Poteet and Menon will remain inside to manage safety tethers and monitor the mission’s status.

The primary objective of the spacewalk is to test SpaceX’s newly developed EVA spacesuits. These suits, designed specifically for this mission, feature built-in cameras and heads-up displays to provide real-time information about the suit's condition. They also incorporate advanced thermal management systems.

After the spacewalk, Isaacman and Gillis will return to the capsule, which will then be repressurized before resuming its mission activities.

Additional Mission Activities

Throughout the mission, the crew will conduct 40 scientific experiments. These include attempting to capture X-ray images using natural space radiation instead of traditional X-ray equipment. The mission will also test SpaceX’s Starlink satellite network for laser-based communication, allowing satellite-to-satellite communication without relying on ground-based infrastructure.

Good Digital Public Infrastructure

  • 08 Sep 2024

Good digital public infrastructure (DPI) integrates technology with societal needs, ensuring that it is secure, scalable, and inclusive.

India’s achievement of over 80% financial inclusion in just six years has drawn international praise, particularly as a model for the Global South. This accomplishment underscores India’s success in achieving both digital and financial inclusion for over a billion people. Consequently, the G20 summit in New Delhi in 2023 highlighted the critical role of digital public infrastructure.

In response, India’s G20 task force has released a comprehensive report outlining a global strategy for DPI development. This positions India to support other nations in achieving digital sovereignty, financial inclusion, and self-reliance.

The evolving digital landscape is marked by a variety of stakeholders—including private enterprises, government bodies, non-profits, and think tanks—each working to advance their DPI solutions. This raises two key questions: How can we identify genuine and reliable DPIs from the plethora available? And what differentiates a “good DPI” from a “bad DPI”?

Identifying effective DPI involves assessing how well technology meets societal needs while ensuring security, scalability, and inclusivity. Authenticity and adherence to core principles are essential for evaluating DPIs.

The Citizen Stack Model

Citizen Stack, built upon the proven success of India Stack, emerges as a trusted ecosystem in digital infrastructure. India Stack, a robust digital platform, has demonstrated its effectiveness and security on a vast scale, serving over a billion citizens. This strong foundation enhances Citizen Stack’s credibility and reliability. Unlike DPI manufacturers, Citizen Stack functions as a regulatory body or auditor, certifying and authenticating DPIs to ensure they meet high standards of quality and security.

Citizen Stack’s approach is comprehensive, focusing on security, scalability, and inclusivity. The DPI platforms approved by Citizen Stack are designed to meet the diverse needs of large populations while maintaining stringent security measures to protect user data and privacy. As an auditor, Citizen Stack ensures that certified DPIs are dependable, secure, and beneficial to the public.

In an era of abundant digital solutions and promises, distinguishing genuinely reliable platforms is essential. Citizen Stack offers assurance as a gold standard for DPI solutions.

Guiding Principles of a “Good DPI”

Citizen Stack has established five core principles—referred to as sutras—that define a good DPI:

  1. Maintain Citizen Relationships: Ensure that digital infrastructure supports a fair relationship between citizens, the market, and the state, free from undue influence.
  2. Protect Empowerment and Privacy: Implement consent-based data sharing systems that prioritize individual empowerment and privacy.
  3. Prevent Monopolistic Lock-In: Ensure interoperability to avoid citizens being restricted by monopolistic entities.
  4. Combine Techno-Legal Regulation: Integrate technology with legal frameworks to govern ethical tech use, ensuring innovation while safeguarding security and societal rights.
  5. Foster Public-Private Innovation: Encourage collaboration between public and private sectors, while avoiding corporate dominance. The focus should be on public good rather than corporate monopolies, and technology should prevent exploitation by state or corporate actors.

Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant

  • 08 Sep 2024

Location: Situated in Al Dhafra, Emirate of Abu Dhabi.


  • Reactor Count: Four nuclear reactors.
  • Annual Output: 40 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity.

Objective and Significance:

  • Energy Diversification: The plant is a key component of the UAE’s energy diversification efforts, providing clean and efficient power.
  • Environmental Impact: It is projected to reduce carbon emissions by up to 22 million tons annually, equivalent to removing 4.8 million cars from the roads.

International Nuclear Energy Agreements

Purpose: Nuclear energy agreements are bilateral or multilateral treaties focused on the peaceful use of nuclear energy. They facilitate international cooperation in areas such as technology transfer, fuel supply, safety standards, and non-proliferation.

India’s Nuclear Energy Agreements:

  • General Overview: India has established civil nuclear cooperation agreements with various countries including France, the United States, Russia, Namibia, Canada, Argentina, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Australia, Sri Lanka, and the United Kingdom.

Key Agreements:

  • India-Russia: A longstanding partnership since the Cold War, with Russia significantly contributing to the construction of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in Tamil Nadu.
  • India-US Civil Nuclear Agreement (2008): Known as the 123 Agreement, it marked India’s entry into the global nuclear market despite its non-signatory status to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). This agreement enabled India to engage in nuclear trade with the US and other Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) members.
  • India-France Civil Nuclear Agreement (2008): This agreement allows France to supply nuclear technology and fuel to India, including involvement in the proposed Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project in Maharashtra.
  • India-Canada Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (2010): This historic deal marked a return to cooperation after a hiatus following Canada's sanctions in 1974, allowing uranium supply for India’s civilian reactors.
  • India-Japan Nuclear Agreement (2016): This agreement facilitates the export of nuclear technology from Japan to India, reflecting Japan’s confidence in India's non-proliferation commitments.
  • India-Kazakhstan: Agreements with Kazakhstan for uranium supply, given Kazakhstan’s status as a major uranium producer.
  • India-Australia Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: Permits Australia to export uranium for India’s civilian nuclear program. Notably, Australia typically exports uranium only to NPT signatories.
  • India-United Kingdom Nuclear Agreement (2015): This agreement promotes collaboration on nuclear technology and research between India and the UK.
  • India-UAE Civil Nuclear Energy Cooperation: Recently, India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) formalized their collaboration in civil nuclear energy through an MoU.

National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing innovations (NIDHI) program

  • 08 Sep 2024


  • NIDHI is an umbrella programme conceived and developed by the Technology Translation and Innovation (TTI) Division/ National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board, of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, for nurturing ideas and innovations (knowledge-based and technology-driven) into successful startups.
  • The NIDHI programme works in line with the current national priorities and goals and its focus would be to build an innovation driven entrepreneurial ecosystem with an objective of national development through wealth and job creation.
  • NIDHI aims to nurture Startups through scouting, supporting and scaling of innovations by providing them with a series of programme components tailored towards the critical initial phases of the Startup journey.
  • The key stakeholders of NIDHI include Science & Technology based entrepreneurs, Startup Incubators, academic and R&D institutions, Startup mentors, financial institutions, angel investors, venture capitalists,  relevant government & industry bodies and associations.
  • NIDHI has been developed to suit the national aspirations and on the basis of DST’s three-decade long experience in propelling Startup Incubation centres and Science & Technology based entrepreneurs.
  • The key components of NIDHI are :-
    • NIDHI PRAYAS: Promotion and Acceleration of Young and Aspiring technology entrepreneurs – Support from Idea to Prototype
    • NIDHI – EIR: Entrepreneur In Residence – Support system to reduce risk for entrepreneurs.
    • NIDHI – TBI : Technology Business Incubator (NIDHI-TBI) – Converting Innovations to start-ups.
    • NIDHI – iTBI : Inclusive- Technology Business Incubator – A new variant of the NIDHI-TBI launched in 2022-’23.
    • NIDHI – Accelerator : Startup Acceleration Programme – Fast tracking a start-up through focused intervention.
    • NIDHI – SSS : Seed Support System – Providing early stage investment
    • NIDHI – COE : Centres of Excellence – Globally competitive facilities to help startups go global.
  • While NSTEDB is the funding agency, the NIDHI programmes are implemented through Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) available around the country.
  • Note: All the NIDHI-Startup funds and offerings are disbursed to eligible startups only through eligible NSTEDB associated incubators across India

Agni-4 ballistic missile successfully test-fired in Odisha

  • 09 Sep 2024

In News:

India successfully test-fired the Agni-4 ballistic missile from the Integrated Test Range in Chandipur, Odisha. The test, conducted by the Strategic Forces Command (SFC) under India's Nuclear Command Authority (NCA), demonstrated the missile's operational and technical capabilities.

Key Details:

  1. Missile Specifications:
    • Range: The Agni-4 missile has a maximum range of 4,000 kilometers.
    • Payload: It can carry a payload of up to 1,000 kilograms.
    • Length: The missile is approximately 20 meters long.
    • Launch Platform: It is designed for deployment on a road-mobile launcher, enhancing its flexibility and mobility.
  2. Historical Context:
    • Previous Test (2012): In its earlier test in 2012, Agni-4 successfully covered over 3,000 kilometers within 20 minutes. This was noted as the longest-range mission achieved by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) at that time.
    • Name Change: The Agni-4 was previously known as Agni-2 Prime.
  3. Development and Capabilities:
    • Development: The Agni missiles, including the Agni-4, are developed by the DRDO, showcasing India's advancements in missile technology and strategic capabilities.
    • Comparison with Agni-5: The Agni-4 is part of a series of Agni missiles that have progressively enhanced India's missile range and strike capabilities. The Agni-5 represents an even more advanced development in this series.

The successful test of Agni-4 underscores India's commitment to strengthening its strategic defense capabilities and maintaining its deterrence posture.

Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari Initiative

  • 09 Sep 2024

In News:

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi recently launched the ‘Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari’ initiative via video conferencing from Surat, Gujarat.

Key Points:

  • Campaign and Objectives:
    • Objective: The initiative seeks to bolster water conservation through extensive public and governmental collaboration.
    • Scope: About 24,800 rainwater harvesting structures will be constructed across Gujarat.
    • Approach: Emphasizes a Whole-of-Society and Whole-of-Government approach to water management.
  • Significance:
    • Cultural Significance: PM Modi highlighted that water conservation is deeply embedded in Indian culture, with water revered as a divine entity and rivers considered Goddesses.
    • Policy and Virtue: He stated that water conservation transcends policy and is both an effort and a virtue, reflecting social commitment and cultural consciousness.
    • Future Challenges: The Prime Minister acknowledged the exacerbating impact of water scarcity due to climate change, urging a shift to the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recharge, and Recycle’ mantra for sustainable water management.
  • Impact of Drought and Water Scarcity:
    • Recent Challenges: The drought affecting the Amazon region and other parts of India has highlighted the urgent need for effective water conservation strategies.
    • Water Table Decline: Significant declines in river levels, such as the Rio Negro reaching its lowest minimum (12.7 meters) on record, and the death of endangered species due to low water levels underscore the crisis.
  • Government Initiatives:
    • Jal Jeevan Mission: Aims to provide piped water to every home, with significant progress noted from 3 crore households to over 15 crore.
    • Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Focuses on renovation and construction of water sources with widespread public participation.
    • Amrit Sarovar: Over 60,000 Amrit Sarovars have been constructed under this campaign, which began during the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.
  • Innovative Solutions and Technological Integration:
    • Drip Irrigation: Promotion of water-efficient farming techniques like drip irrigation to ensure sustainable agriculture.
    • Support for Farmers: Encouragement for cultivating less water-intensive crops such as pulses and millets.
  • Role of Industries:
    • CSR Contributions: Industries have played a significant role in water conservation through initiatives like Net Zero Liquid Discharge Standards and the completion of 10,000 borewell recharge structures in Gujarat.
    • Future Plans: The ‘Jal Sanchay-Jan Bhagidari Abhiyan’ aims to create an additional 24,000 recharge structures.
  • Conclusion and Vision:
    • Global Leadership: PM Modi expressed his belief that India can become a global leader in water conservation.
    • Public Movement: Stressed the importance of continuing public participation in water conservation to make India a model for global sustainability.

Background: The ‘Jal Sanchay Jan Bhagidari’ initiative builds on the success of the earlier Jal Sanchay program by involving citizens, local bodies, and industries in water conservation efforts. The initiative aligns with the vision of water security and aims to mobilize collective action for long-term sustainability.

Key Data:

  • Construction of 24,800 rainwater harvesting structures.
  • Significant increase in tap water connections from 3 crore to over 15 crore households.
  • Creation of more than 60,000 Amrit Sarovars across the country.
  • Completion of 10,000 borewell recharge structures in Gujarat.

Climate change drives Amazon rainforest's record drought, study finds

  • 09 Sep 2024

In News:

The drought that hit all nine Amazon rainforest countries - including Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Peru - is expected to worsen in 2024

Role of Climate Change:

  • Likelihood Increase: Climate change made the drought 30 times more likely.
  • Temperature and Rainfall: It drove extreme high temperatures and contributed to lower rainfall.

Future Projections:

  • Expected Worsening: The drought is predicted to worsen in 2024, with the rainy season expected to recede in May.

Impact on Ecosystems:

  • River Levels: Rivers have reached their lowest levels on record, with the Rio Negro river falling to its lowest minimum (12.7 meters) since records began in 1902.
  • Dolphin Deaths: At least 178 endangered pink and gray Amazon river dolphins died due to low water levels and high temperatures.
  • Fish Deaths: Thousands of fish died from low oxygen levels in Amazon tributaries.

Impact on Human Life:

  • Disruptions: Waterways dried up rapidly, forcing people to undertake long journeys across dried river sections to access essential goods like food and medicine.

Contributing Factors:

  • El Niño Influence: Periodic warming in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (El Niño) contributed to decreased rainfall but not to higher temperatures.

Potential Consequences:

  • Forest Fires and Biome Health: The drought could exacerbate forest fires, combined with climate change and deforestation, potentially pushing the Amazon toward a point of no return where it ceases to be a lush rainforest.
  • Previous Droughts: While the region has experienced at least three intense droughts in the past 20 years, this one’s impact on the entire Amazon basin is unprecedented.

India, UAE ink pact for civil nuclear cooperation

  • 10 Sep 2024

In News:

  • Recently, India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a significant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for civil nuclear cooperation.
  • The agreement, established between the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) and the Emirates Nuclear Energy Company (ENEC)-led Barakah Nuclear Power Plant Operations and Maintenance, was formalized during the visit of Sheikh Khalid bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, to New Delhi.


  • This MoU marks the first formal agreement of its kind between NPCIL and ENEC. The collaboration aligns with the broader commitment made during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the UAE in August 2015, which focused on peaceful nuclear energy applications, including safety, health, agriculture, and science and technology.

Trilateral Cooperation:

  • The agreement follows a series of discussions on nuclear cooperation between India and the UAE. On September 19, 2022, Foreign Ministers from France, India, and the UAE met in New York during the UN General Assembly and initiated a trilateral cooperation framework. This was further solidified by a phone call on February 4, 2023. The trilateral format aims to promote joint projects in energy, emphasizing solar and nuclear energy.

Additional Agreements:

During the Crown Prince’s visit, several other agreements were also signed:

  • LNG Supply MoU: An agreement was reached between Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and Indian Oil Corporation Limited for long-term LNG supply.
  • Production Concession Agreement: Urja Bharat and ADNOC signed an agreement for Abu Dhabi Onshore Block 1.
  • Food Parks Development: The Government of Gujarat and Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company PJSC (ADQ) signed an MoU for developing food parks in India. This initiative aligns with the I2U2 grouping (including Israel and the United States), which envisions food parks in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.


The visit of the Crown Prince and the signing of these agreements reflect the strengthening ties between India and the UAE. This dynamic development coincides with the first India-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Foreign Ministers’ meeting held in Riyadh on September 8-9. External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar highlighted India's growing energy demands and its significant role in future global energy markets during his remarks at the meeting.


Govt dissolves Standing Committee on Statistics

  • 10 Sep 2024

In News:

The recent dissolution of the 14-member Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) by the Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has sparked considerable controversy and debate. The committee, which was chaired by Pronab Sen, a renowned economist and former chief statistician of India, was reportedly disbanded after its members raised concerns about the delay in conducting the decennial census.

Key Points:

  • Dissolution of the Committee:
    • The SCoS, formed in July 2023, was responsible for advising the Union government on survey methodology and statistical frameworks. According to the experts the decision to dissolve the SCoS was due to an overlap in functions with the newly formed Steering Committee for National Sample Surveys.
  • Concerns and Criticism:
    • Dr. Pronab Sen and other committee members expressed concerns over the delay in conducting the census, which was due in 2021 but has yet to be carried out. The last census, conducted in 2011, is now outdated, impacting the accuracy of various statistical surveys.
    • Members of the SCoS reportedly questioned the delay in census operations during their meetings, leading to speculation that their concerns may have contributed to the committee's dissolution.
  • Formation of the New Steering Committee:
    • The new Steering Committee for National Sample Surveys, chaired by Rajeeva Laxman Karandikar, was established following a recommendation by the National Statistical Commission (NSC). The roles of this new committee are said to overlap with those of the SCoS, which the Ministry cited as a reason for disbanding the latter.

Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS)

  • The Standing Committee on Statistics (SCoS) was established by renaming and expanding the scope of the Standing Committee on Economic Statistics (SCES), which was originally formed in December 2019.
  • The SCES, with 28 members, was tasked with reviewing economic indicators related to the industrial sector, services sector, and labor force statistics, including datasets like the Periodic Labour Force Survey, the Annual Survey of Industries, and the Economic Census.

Current Structure and Members: The newly formed SCoS comprises 14 members, including:

  • Four Non-Official Members
  • Nine Official Members
  • One Member Secretary

The committee's total membership can be extended up to 16 based on requirements.


1.       Review and Address Issues:

o   The SCoS reviews the existing frameworks and addresses issues related to all surveys as presented by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI). This includes evaluating survey results and methodologies.

2.       Advisory Role:

o   It advises on various aspects of survey methodology, including sampling frames, sampling designs, and survey instruments. The committee is also responsible for finalizing the tabulation plans and results of surveys.

3.       Data Collection and Production:

o   The SCoS oversees the design and implementation of all data collection and production efforts. It ensures that data collected by MoSPI adheres to high standards of statistical quality and accuracy.

In a first, critically endangered elongated tortoise spotted in Aravallis

  • 10 Sep 2024

In News:

  • A critically endangered species, the elongated tortoise (Indotestudo elongata), was spotted in Haryana’s Damdama area during a research survey in the Aravallis.

Key Features:

  • The tortoise is medium-sized with a yellowish brown or olive shell and distinct black blotches at the centre of each scute.
  • The tortoise has on its nostril a pink ring, which appears in the breeding season.
  • Mature individuals of both sexes develop a distinct pinkish colouration surrounding the nostrils and eyes during the season.
  • Habitat:
    • The tortoise, found in the Sal deciduous and hilly evergreen forests, is distributed across Southeast Asia from northern India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh in the west, eastward through Myanmar, Thailand, and all of Indochina, north to Guangxi Province of China and south to Peninsular Malaysia.
    • A disjunct tortoise population exists in the Chota Nagpur plateau in eastern India. It also inhabits lowlands and foothills of up to 1,000 m above sea level.
    • There have not been enough surveys to ascertain its presence in Aravallis, but the tortoise is found in the foothills of the Himalayas.
    • It inhabits wetter areas and discovering it here is an aberration than a norm, adding it cannot be ruled out that the tortoise was brought by trade.

Conservation Status:

  • International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Status: Critically Endangered, under criteria A2cd.


  • Currently, I. elongata is heavily exploited for food and traditional medicine throughout its range.
  • Local people often opportunistically capture tortoises while farming or extracting other forest resources. However, deliberate hunting also occurs and dogs continue to be widely used for finding tortoises.

India-Singapore Relations

  • 04 Sep 2024
  • High-Level Inter-Governmental Contacts:
    • Frequent and high-level exchanges, including the Prime Minister's upcoming visit.
    • Recent second India-Singapore Ministerial Roundtable with senior Indian ministers.
  • Key Areas of Cooperation:
    • Digitalisation, skills development, sustainability, healthcare, advanced manufacturing, and connectivity.
    • Broader contacts include parliamentary and judicial exchanges.
  • Economic Ties:
    • Singapore is India’s largest trading partner among ASEAN countries and the sixth largest globally.
    • Singapore is also the largest source of foreign direct investment (FDI) for India.
  • People-to-People Exchanges:
    • Large concentration of IIT and IIM alumni in Singapore.
    • Historical ties, including the Indian National Army's presence and the contributions of early Indian diaspora in Singapore.
  • Regional Policy and Strategic Importance:
    • Singapore has supported India’s “Look East” and “Act East” policies.
    • Facilitated India’s dialogue partnership with ASEAN.
    • Regional implications due to Myanmar’s instability, with India and Singapore both having stakes.
  • Defence and Maritime Cooperation:
    • Important defence component and maritime collaboration.
    • Focus on the Indo-Pacific region amidst growing Chinese influence and new regional architectures like the QUAD.
  • Trade and Economic Outlook:
    • The visit provides an opportunity to review and expand trade and economic partnerships.
    • Potential for increased Chinese FDI into India, with Singaporean entities likely to play a role.
  • Complementarities and Challenges:
    • Singapore's role as a global trading and investment hub complements India’s economic landscape.
    • Highlights India's regulatory and structural inefficiencies, pointing to areas needing improvement for enhanced bilateral cooperation.

World Bank hikes India's economic projection to 7% for FY 2024-25

  • 04 Sep 2024
  • The World Bank has forecast a growth of 7% for the Indian economy for the current fiscal year, upping its earlier estimate of 6.6%.
  • In its report, India Development Update: India’s Trade Opportunities in a Changing Global Context, the World Bank said India’s growth continued to be strong despite a challenging global environment.
  • The World Bank growth projection is in line with those of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Asian Development Bank (ADB).
    • Both the institutions have raised their forecast to 7% for the financial year ending March 2025.
  • The India Development Update [IDU] observes that India remained the fastest-growing major economy and grew at a rapid clip of 8.2% in FY 23/24.
    • Growth was boosted by public infrastructure investment and an upswing in household investments in real estate.
    • On the supply side, it was supported by a buoyant manufacturing sector, which grew by 9.9%, and resilient services activity, which compensated for underperformance in agriculture.
  • Reflecting these trends, urban unemployment has improved gradually since the pandemic, especially for female workers. While female urban unemployment fell to 8.5 % in early FY24/25, the urban youth unemployment remained elevated at 17%.
  • India’s robust growth prospects, along with declining inflation rate will help to reduce extreme poverty
  • India can boost its growth further by harnessing its global trade potential. In addition to IT, business services and pharma where it excels, India can diversify its export basket with increased exports in textiles, apparel, and footwear sectors, as well as electronics and green technology products.
  • A recovery in agriculture will partially offset a marginal moderation in industry and all services will remain robust. The rural private consumption will recover, thanks to the expected recovery in agriculture.
  • The report also highlights the critical role of trade for boosting growth. The global trade landscape has witnessed increased protectionism in recent years. The post pandemic reconfiguration of global value chains, triggered by the pandemic, has created opportunities for India.
  • The IDU recommends a three-pronged approach towards achieving the $1 trillion merchandise export target by reducing trade costs further, lowering trade barriers, and deepening trade integration.

23rd Law Commission of India

  • 06 Sep 2024

Constitution and Tenure:

  • Notification and Term:
    • The 23rd Law Commission of India was notified by the Union government on September 2, with effect from September 1.
    • The commission will have a three-year term, concluding on August 31, 2027.
    • The tenure of the previous Law Commission, chaired by former Karnataka High Court Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, ended on August 31.

Role and Importance of the Law Commission:

  • Purpose:
    • The Law Commission is a non-statutory body formed by the Union Ministry of Law and Justice through a gazette notification.
    • Its role includes reviewing the functioning of laws, recommending the repeal of obsolete legislation, and providing recommendations on issues referred by the government.
  • Composition:
    • Typically chaired by a retired Supreme Court or High Court judge.
    • Includes legal scholars and can also have serving judges.
  • Impact:
    • Over the years, 22 Law Commissions have submitted 289 reports.
    • Their recommendations have influenced significant legislation, such as the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC), and the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE Act).

Constitution of the 23rd Law Commission:

  • Structure:
    • The commission will consist of:
      • A full-time chairperson.
      • Four full-time members, including a member-secretary.
      • Up to five part-time members.
      • Ex officio members including the secretaries of the Legal Affairs and Legislative departments.
  • Appointment and Remuneration:
    • Chairperson and full-time members can be serving Supreme Court or High Court judges or other experts chosen by the government.
    • The chairperson will receive a monthly salary of ?2.50 lakh, while members will receive ?2.25 lakh.
    • The member-secretary must be an officer of the Indian Legal Service of the rank of Secretary.
    • Serving judges appointed to the commission will serve until retirement or the end of the commission’s term, without additional remuneration.

Terms of Reference:

  • Primary Tasks:
    • Identify and recommend the repeal of obsolete or irrelevant laws.
    • Create a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for periodic review and simplification of existing laws.
    • Identify laws that are misaligned with current economic needs and suggest amendments.
  • Directive Principles and Reforms:
    • Examine laws in light of Directive Principles of State Policy and suggest improvements and new legislation to achieve constitutional objectives.
    • Address laws affecting the poor, conduct post-enactment audits of socio-economic legislation, and review judicial administration for responsiveness.

Previous Commission's Contributions:

  • Reports and Recommendations:
    • The 22nd Law Commission produced 11 reports, including:
      • A report in April 2023 recommending retention of Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code (sedition law), with suggested amendments for clarity.
      • A report recommending a new law to protect trade secrets.
      • A report on simultaneous elections, though it was not submitted to the government before the commission’s chairperson assumed office as a Lokpal member.

Upcoming Focus:

  • The 23rd Law Commission is expected to continue examining key issues, including the implementation of a uniform civil code, which was also considered by the 22nd Commission but whose recommendations remain unpublished.

Addressing Vertical Fiscal Imbalance: The Role of the 16th Finance Commission

  • 06 Sep 2024

In India, the financial relationship between the Union government and the States is characterized by vertical fiscal imbalance (VFI), where the Union government holds most of the revenue while States shoulder significant expenditure responsibilities. The 16th Finance Commission has a pivotal role in addressing this imbalance. Here's how it should approach the issue:

Understanding Vertical Fiscal Imbalance (VFI)

  • Current Situation:
    • States incur 61% of revenue expenditure but collect only 38% of revenue receipts.
    • States rely heavily on transfers from the Union government, leading to a pronounced VFI.
  • VFI Definition:
    • VFI arises when the expenditure responsibilities of States exceed their revenue-raising capabilities, necessitating transfers from the Union.

Reasons to Address VFI

  • Constitutional Allocation:
    • Revenue duties and expenditure responsibilities are constitutionally divided.
    • Union government collects Personal Income Tax, Corporation Tax, and part of indirect taxes for efficiency.
    • States are better positioned to deliver publicly provided goods and services effectively.
  • Historical Context:
    • The 15th Finance Commission highlighted that India has experienced a rising VFI, exacerbated by crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Finance Commission's Role:
    • The Commission addresses VFI by determining how to allocate taxes collected by the Union to the States and how to distribute these among States.

Finance Commission Recommendations

  • Tax Devolution:
    • The Commission recommends devolving a portion of Union taxes to States.
    • The 14th and 15th Finance Commissions recommended devolving 42% and 41% of net proceeds, respectively.
    • To eliminate VFI, devolution should be around 48.94%.
  • Grants and Transfers:
    • The Commission also suggests grants under Article 275 for specific purposes.
    • Transfers under Article 282, such as centrally sponsored and central sector schemes, are tied and include conditionalities, which are not untied resources.

Calculation and Recommendations for VFI

  • Estimating VFI:
    • Ratio = (Own Revenue Receipts + Tax Devolution) / Own Revenue Expenditure.
    • A ratio less than 1 indicates insufficient revenue to meet expenditure, showing the VFI deficit.
  • Empirical Findings:
    • To address VFI, the share of net proceeds devolved to States should be around 49%.
    • This increase would ensure that States have more untied resources, enhancing their ability to meet local needs and priorities.

Implications of Increased Tax Devolution

  • Enhanced State Capacity:
    • A higher share of tax devolution would empower States with more resources for untied expenditures.
    • It would improve the alignment of State expenditures with local needs and priorities.
  • Improved Efficiency:
    • Enhanced devolution would lead to better efficiency in expenditure by allowing States to respond more effectively to jurisdictional requirements.
  • Strengthened Fiscal Federalism:
    • Addressing VFI through increased tax devolution contributes to a more balanced and cooperative fiscal federalism.

Conclusion: The 16th Finance Commission should focus on increasing the share of tax devolution to around 50% to address the vertical fiscal imbalance. This adjustment will provide States with the necessary resources to manage their expenditure responsibilities more effectively and ensure a more equitable distribution of fiscal resources in India’s federal structure.

Can Kerala access funds from the Loss and Damage Fund?

  • 06 Sep 2024

In light of the recent landslides in Kerala’s Wayanad district, the question arises whether subnational entities like Kerala can access the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s Loss and Damage Fund (LDF). While the need for compensation is clear, the process of accessing climate funds is complex.

What is the Loss and Damage Fund (LDF)?

  • Established at COP27 in Egypt, the LDF aims to support regions experiencing economic and non-economic losses from climate change.
    • Includes extreme weather events and slow-onset processes like rising sea levels.
  • Managed by a Governing Board, with the World Bank as the interim trustee.
  • The Board is developing mechanisms for resource access, such as direct access, small grants, and rapid disbursement options.
    • Concerns exist about the speed and accessibility of climate funds, which may affect their effectiveness in immediate disaster recovery.

What has been India’s Role?

  • India faced over $56 billion in weather-related damages from 2019 to 2023. Despite this, its National Climate Action Policy prioritizes mitigation over adaptation, leading to limited engagement in Loss and Damage dialogues at COP meetings.
    • High vulnerability in certain regions could benefit from active participation in these dialogues.
  • India needs a clear legal and policy framework for climate finance, focusing on locally led adaptation, which is vital for vulnerable communities.
  • The Union Budget 2024’s introduction of a climate finance taxonomy raises hopes for increased international climate finance.
    • Without clear guidelines for accessing loss and damage funds, frontline communities remain at risk.
  • India should advocate for decentralized fund disbursement methods from the LDF, contrasting with the centralized systems used for other climate funds.

What have been State Interventions?

  • State governments, such as Kerala, often bear the financial burden of disaster recovery.
    • Example: The Rebuild Kerala Development Programme post-August 2018 floods, funded by World Bank and KfW Development Bank loans.
    • Focused on infrastructure reconstruction, including roads and bridges.
  • Lack of a standardized method for comprehensive disaster damage assessments, especially for slow-onset events, may mean significant loss and damage needs go unassessed.
    • This could hinder India’s ability to access the LDF.
  • The Wayanad situation highlights broader challenges in accessing and managing climate finance for loss and damage.
    • A clearer domestic policy framework focusing on locally led adaptation and defined guidelines for accessing loss and damage funds is needed for better climate change protection.

Vishvasya-Blockchain Technology Stack

  • 08 Sep 2024

The Government of India has recently introduced several significant initiatives to advance blockchain technology and its applications.

1. Vishvasya-Blockchain Technology Stack

  • Purpose: The Vishvasya-Blockchain Technology Stack is designed to offer Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) with a geographically distributed infrastructure. This stack supports various permissioned blockchain-based applications, enhancing the security and efficiency of digital services.

2. NBFLite

  • Description: NBFLite is a lightweight blockchain platform intended as a sandbox for startups and academic institutions. It allows for rapid prototyping, research, and capacity building, fostering innovation in blockchain applications.

3. Praamaanik

  • Purpose: Praamaanik is a blockchain-enabled solution for verifying the origin of mobile apps. This ensures that users can trust the source of their applications, contributing to enhanced digital security.

4. National Blockchain Portal

  • Function: The National Blockchain Portal serves as a central hub for accessing blockchain technologies and services developed under the National Blockchain Framework (NBF).

5. National Blockchain Framework (NBF)

  • Overview: The NBF is designed to promote secure, transparent, and trusted digital service delivery. It includes:
    • Distributed Infrastructure: Hosted across NIC Data Centers in Bhubaneswar, Pune, and Hyderabad.
    • Core Framework Functionality: Provides the backbone for various blockchain applications.
    • Smart Contracts & API Gateway: Facilitates interactions with blockchain-based systems.
    • Security, Privacy & Interoperability: Ensures robust security and privacy while supporting integration with other systems.
    • Applications Development: Supports the creation and deployment of blockchain applications.
  • Goals: The NBF aims to address challenges such as the need for skilled manpower, vendor lock-in, and issues related to security, interoperability, and performance.

6. Strategic Objectives

  • Digital Trust and Service Delivery: The framework is part of the government's effort to create trusted digital platforms and improve service delivery to citizens.
  • Global Leadership: The initiative seeks to position India as a global leader in blockchain technology, driving economic growth, social development, and digital empowerment.
  • Governance Transformation: Blockchain technology is envisioned to enhance transparency, efficiency, and accountability in public services.

7. Collaborative Efforts

  • Development: The technologies have been developed through the collaborative efforts of organizations including C-DAC, NIC, IDRBT Hyderabad, IIT Hyderabad, IIIT Hyderabad, and SETS Chennai, with support from MeitY.
  • Research and Patents: The NBF project has already resulted in several patents and research publications, reflecting its innovative and research-driven approach.

8. Future Directions

  • Scaling Applications: There is an emphasis on scaling blockchain applications across various states and departments.
  • Exploring New Innovations: Efforts will continue to onboard new applications and innovative components on the NBF stack.

Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) SKILLS Platform

  • 24 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

In response to the escalating biodiversity crisis, the Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) is designed to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).

About GSAP SKILLS Platform:

  • The Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) SKILLS platform, standing for (Species Conservation Knowledge, Information, Learning, Leverage, and Sharing), brings the GSAP’s content online and enables real-time updates of technical tools and resources.
  • This platform aims to facilitate global collaboration and partnership by connecting decision-makers, species conservation practitioners, and experts at all levels.
  • It ensures accessibility and relevance by providing real-time updates on technical tools and resources.
  • Each target within the Global Biodiversity Framework is accompanied by a summary and rationale for species conservation interventions, actions, and sub-actions, along with the actors involved and the technical tools and resources required, facilitating the scaling-up of implementation efforts.
  • Managed proactively by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the platform meets the needs of governments and stakeholders to take decisive action for species conservation.
  • The development of the GSAP SKILLS platform has been principally supported by the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea, with additional resources from the Tech4Nature Initiative, launched by IUCN and Huawei in 2020.

What is the Global Species Action Plan?

  • It has been developed to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and to address the increasing biodiversity loss worldwide.
  • It outlines strategic interventions and actions to conserve and sustainably manage species while ensuring equitable benefits.

About Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework:

  • The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) is an outcome of the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference.
    • Its tentative title had been the "Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework".
  • The GBF was adopted by the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on 19 December 2022.
    • It has been promoted as a "Paris Agreement for Nature".
  • It is one of a handful of agreements under the auspices of the CBD, and it is the most significant to date.
  • It has been hailed as a "huge, historic moment" and a "major win for our planet and for all of humanity."
  • UN Secretary-General António Guterres speaking at the 2022 biodiversity conference in Montreal which led to this treaty
  • The Framework is named after two cities, Kunming, which was scheduled to be the host city for COP15 in October 2020 but postponed and subsequently relinquished the hosting duties due to China's COVID policy, and Montreal, which is the seat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat and stepped in to host COP15 after Kunming's cancellation.

The League of Arab States (LAS)/Arab League

  • 24 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Arab League called recently for a UN peacekeeping force in the "occupied Palestinian territories" at an international summit dominated by the war between Israel and Hamas.

What is the Arab League?

  • The League of Arab States was formed in Cairo on 22 March 1945 with six members: Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan (later renamed Jordan), Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria, with Yemen joining on 5 May 1945.
    • It currently has 22 member states; Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordon, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
  • Four countries have been admitted as observers: Brazil, Eritrea, India and Venezuela.
  • Each member state has one vote in the League Council, while decisions are binding only on those states that have voted for them.
  • The official language of the Arab League and its 22 member states is Arabic.
  • The league seeks to promote the political, social, and military interests of its members.
  • The head of the league is known as the secretary-general.
    • The secretary-general is appointed to a five-year term by a two-thirds majority of league members.
  • Headquarters: Cairo, Egypt.


  • The overall aim of the league is to promote Arab interests.
  • Its main goals are to strengthen and coordinate the political, cultural, economic, and social programs of its members and to try to settle disputes among them or between them and third parties.
  • In 1950 the members also agreed to provide military support to help defend each other.

The Arab League Council:

  • The League Council is the highest body of the Arab League and is composed of representatives of member states, typically foreign ministers, their representatives, or permanent delegates.
    • Each member state has one vote.
  • The Council meets twice a year, in March and September. Two or more members may request a special session if they desire.
  • The general secretariat manages the daily operations of the league and is headed by the secretary-general.
  • The general secretariat is the administrative body of the league, the executive body of the council, and the specialized ministerial councils.

Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)

  • 23 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) will now be open to new members and observers after a historic first charter of the grouping came into force on 20 May.

What is BIMSTEC?

  • The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a multilateral regional organization that brings together seven member states located in the littoral and adjacent areas of the Bay of Bengal, forming a contiguous regional unity.
  • Aims: The primary aim of BIMSTEC is to accelerate shared growth and cooperation among littoral and adjacent countries in the Bay of Bengal region.
  • Formation: The organization was initially founded as BIST-EC in June 1997, following the adoption of the Bangkok Declaration.
    • The founding members included Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
  • With Myanmar's entry in late 1997, the organization evolved into BIMST-EC (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Economic Cooperation).
  • In 2004, the inclusion of Nepal and Bhutan led to the formation of BIMSTEC, as we know it today.
  • The current member states comprise five South Asian nations: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, and two Southeast Asian nations: Myanmar and Thailand.
  • BIMSTEC's Permanent Secretariat is situated in Dhaka, Bangladesh, serving as a hub for regional cooperation and coordination among member states.

Areas of cooperation:

  • BIMSTEC functions as a sector-driven cooperative organization, initially focusing on six key sectors: Trade, Technology, Energy, Transport, Tourism, and Fisheries.
  • Over time, the scope of cooperation has expanded, and as of now, BIMSTEC has identified 14 priority areas of cooperation.
  • The inclusion of Climate Change in 2008 marked the 14th priority area.
  • Within these priority areas, each member country takes responsibility for leading specific sectors.
  • This allows for focused efforts and utilization of regional expertise.
    • India, for example, is the leading country in several crucial areas, including Transport & Communication, Tourism, Environment & Disaster Management, and Counter-Terrorism & Transnational Crime.
  • This leadership role involves coordinating initiatives, sharing best practices, and driving collaborative efforts within these sectors to enhance regional development and cooperation.

Planetary Alignment

  • 23 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

Next month, on June 3, there will be a planetary alignment that may actually allow you to witness six planets align in the sky.

What is a Planetary Alignment?

  • Planetary alignment is a term used to describe the positioning of planets in the solar system such that they appear to be in a straight line or close to one when viewed from a specific vantage point, for us that's Earth.
  • It is an astronomical event that happens when, by coincidence, the orbits of several of the planets of the Solar System bring them to roughly the same side of the Sun at the same time.
  • This phenomenon is more an illusion of perspective rather than the planets being in a perfect line in space.
  • It’s important to emphasise that the planets aren’t forming a straight line in space – that’s a much rarer astronomical event called a syzygy.
    • However, because all the planets, including the Earth, orbit around the Sun in roughly the same orientation (moving in which we call the “Plane of the Ecliptic”), when they’re on the same side of the Sun as each other, they appear to form a line in the sky when we view them from Earth.”
  • Planetary alignments are rather common within themselves, especially when two, three, or even four planets align in the sky.
    • Five or more planets aligning, however, is less common.
  • April 8, 2024, was the last time the planets were all in alignment.

Which planets will align?

  • Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will form a near-straight line, offering an extraordinary opportunity to witness this cosmic phenomenon.

Which planets will be visible?

  • While six planets align, not all of them will be visible to the naked eye, due to their vast distance from Earth.
  • Meanwhile, the Moon will also play a spoilsport as it distorts the visibility.
  • Mercury and Jupiter will be tricky to see in the sky due to their proximity to the Sun in their orbit.
  • However, Mars and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye, though very dim.
  • Meanwhile, keen observers will need telescopes or high-powered binoculars to spot the distant planets Uranus and Neptune.

Economic Capital Framework (ECF)

  • 23 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Central Board of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has approved a record surplus transfer of Rs 2.11 lakh crore to the Central government for the fiscal year 2023-24, determined based on the Economic Capital Framework (ECF).

What is the Economic Capital Framework (ECF)?

  • The Economic Capital Framework (ECF)  is an objective, rule-based, transparent methodology for determining the appropriate level of risk provisions (fund allocation to capital reserve) that is to be made under Section 47 of the Reserve Bank of India Act.
  • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) developed an Economic Capital Framework (ECF) for determining the allocation of funds to its capital reserves so that any risk contingency can be met as well as to transfer the profit of the RBI to the government.
  • There are two clear objectives for the ECF.
    • First, the RBI as a macroeconomic institution has the responsibility to fight any disorder especially a crisis in the financial system. Here, to meet such a crisis, the RBI should have adequate funds attached under the capital reserve.
    • Second, is transferring the remaining part of the net income to the government.
  • The process of adding funds to the capital reserve is a yearly one where the RBI allots money out of its net income to the capital reserve.
  • How much funds shall be added to the capital reserve each year depends upon the risky situation in the financial system and the economy.
  • The process of allocation of funds is technically called as provisioning (risk provisioning etc.,) to the reserves.
  • After allotting money to the capital reserve, the remaining net income of the RBI is transferred to the government as profit.
  • Since the government is the shareholder of the RBI, the latter’s income (means profit) should be transferred to the Government (Section 47 of the RBI Act).
  • Previously, there were several attempts to frame an ECF for the RBI. However, under the changed circumstances, the RBI central board constituted a new committee (under Bimal Jalan) to design an ECF in 2018.

What is a Bimal Jalan Committee?

  • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in November 2018 had constituted a six-member committee, chaired by former governor Dr Bimal Jalan, to review the current economic capital framework (ECF), after the Ministry of Finance asked the central bank to follow global practices.

What did the Bimal Jalan Committee Recommend?

  • According to the Committee, a better distinction between the two components of RBI's economic capital, realised equity and revaluation balances, was needed.
    • The realised equity can be used as a buffer in meeting losses, whereas the revaluation balances will be used only during market risks as they are unrealised valuation gains and cannot be distributed.
  • The Committee has recommended the adoption of Expected Shortfall (ES) under stressed conditions for measuring the RBI’s market risk and asked to adopt a target of ES 99.5 per cent confidence level.
  • It also asked to maintain a Contingent Risk Buffer (CRB) within 6.5 per cent and 5.5 per cent of RBI's balance sheet.
  • The Jalan Committee recommended a surplus distribution policy that follows the realised equity maintained by the RBI.
  • The panel also suggested that the RBI’s ECF should be reviewed every five years.
  • In August 2019, the Central Board of the RBI, chaired by Governor Shaktikanta Das, finalised the RBI’s accounts for 2018-19 using the revised framework to determine risk provisioning and surplus transfer. According to the reports, the RBI had over Rs 9 trillion of surplus capital with it.


Personality Rights

  • 23 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson has said she was “shocked” and “angered” to hear the voice of GPT-4o, OpenAI’s latest AI model, as it sounded “eerily similar” to her own voice.

What are Personality Rights?

  • Personality rights or publicity rights are a subset of “celebrity rights” – a much broader term used to refer to certain rights enjoyed by celebrities.
  • Besides personality rights, celebrities also have “privacy rights”, which include the right to be left alone.
  • The name, voice, signature, images, or any other feature easily identified by the public are markers of a celebrity’s personality and are referred to as “personality rights.”
  • These could include poses, mannerisms, or any other distinct aspect of their public persona.
  • Several celebrities register aspects of their personalities as trademarks to use them commercially.
    • For instance, footballer Gareth Bale trademarked the heart shape he makes with his hands as part of goal celebrations.
  • The rationale behind such rights is that only the creator or owner of the unique features can gain commercial benefit from them.
  • Therefore, unauthorised use could lead to revenue losses.
  • In India, actors such as Rajnikanth, Anil Kapoor and Jackie Shroff have approached the courts over “personality rights” in India.
  • Recently, the Delhi HC protected the personality and publicity rights of actor Jackie Shroff while restraining various e-commerce stores, AI chatbots, and social media from misusing Shroff’s name, image, voice, and likeness without his consent.

How are Personality Rights Protected in India?

  • Although personality rights or their protection are not explicitly defined in Indian statutes, they usually fall under the right(s) to privacy and property.
  • Concepts in intellectual property rights cases, such as passing off and deception, are usually applied in such cases while ascertaining if protection is warranted.
  • Protection can be given through damages and injunctions.

International Criminal Court (ICC)

  • 21 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor recently announced that he has applied for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant for crimes against humanity in the ongoing Gaza war.

What is the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

  • The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague (Netherlands) is a permanent global court established in 2002.
  • The ICC was created as a result of the Rome Statute, a treaty established at a United Nations conference in Italy and signed in 1998 by 120 countries — giving the ICC its power.
    • The ICC is independent of the United Nations (UN) but is endorsed by the UN General Assembly.
    • It also maintains a cooperation agreement with the UN.
  • It has the power to prosecute individuals and leaders for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
  • Unlike the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which is an organ of the UN, the ICC does not prosecute states.

The Court does not have universal jurisdiction:

  • Its jurisdiction only applies to crimes committed by nationals of States Parties or Non-States Parties that have recognized its jurisdiction through declaration and crimes committed in such States.
  • The Court may also exercise its jurisdiction for crimes that have been referred to it by the United Nations Security Council, in accordance with a resolution adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

The Court’s jurisdiction is governed by the principle of complementarity:

  • It does not relieve States of their primary responsibility and only intervenes when the States have been unable or did not wish, to try crimes under their jurisdiction.
  • The Court is not a United Nations body. However, it is part of the international system to fight against impunity and prevent and handle crises.

How is the ICC governed?

  • The Rome Statute created three bodies:
    • The International Criminal Court
    • The Assembly of States Parties
    • The Trust Fund for Victims
  • The Assembly of States Parties (ASP) is made up of representatives of States Parties.
  • It provides general guidelines while respecting the independence of the Court and makes decisions relating to how it operates (in particular by electing judges and the Prosecutor and by approving the ICC’s budget).
  • The Trust Fund for Victims was created by the ASP to grant individual reparations to victims by executing reparations orders handed down by the Court.
    • It also contributes to their rehabilitation through psychological and physical recovery and material support.
    • The Fund has financed projects in Uganda, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The International Criminal Court is made up of four bodies:

  • The Presidency (made up of three judges) is responsible for external relations with States, organizes the Divisions’ judicial work and supervises the administrative work of the Registry;
  • The Judicial Divisions – the Pre-Trial Division, the Trial Division and the Appeals Division – carry out judicial proceedings;
  • The Office of the Prosecutor carries out preliminary analyses, investigations and prosecutions;
  • The Registry carries out non-judicial activities related to safety, interpretation, information and outreach or support to lawyers for the defence and victims.

The recruitment process for judges at the ICC:

  • Every three years, the ASP elects six new judges, a third of the 18 ICC judges, for a term of nine years.
  • The candidates for the position of judge at the ICC are presented by the States Parties.
  • The election of judges is governed by a unique procedure that aims to ensure, insofar as possible, that there is a balanced bench with regard to legal expertise, geographical representation and gender.

How does the International Criminal Court differ from the International Court of Justice?

International Criminal Court:

1. Part of the United Nations (UN)?

Ans. No, The International Criminal Court is independent but co-operates closely with the UN.

2. What is its aim?

Ans. To try individuals who are suspected of the crime of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or the crime of aggression.

3. Where is it located?

Ans. The Hague

International Court of Justice:


1. Part of the United Nations (UN)?

Ans. No, The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.

2. What is its aim?

Ans. To settle legal disputes between states,and to advise the UN on legal questions.

3. Where is it located?

Ans. The Hague


  • 20 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process by which stars forge elements inside their cores.

What is Nucleosynthesis?

  • Nucleosynthesis is the process by which atomic nuclei undergo nuclear reactions and decay to form new nuclei.
  • It is responsible for the production of new elements in the universe.
  • Nucleosynthesis occurs in various environments, such as during the Big Bang, in the cores of stars through nuclear fusion, and in black hole accretion disks through nuclear burning.
  • The process is temperature-dependent, and the rates of nuclear reactions are influenced by the temperature of the environment.
    • The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) model is a fundamental theory that explains the evolution of the early universe and predicts the abundance of light elements.
  • Nucleosynthesis plays a crucial role in understanding the composition of the universe and can provide insights into physics beyond the standard model.

Types of nucleosynthesis:

  • Nucleosynthesis occurs in several different environments and phases of the universe's evolution, including:
  • Stellar Nucleosynthesis: This occurs within stars and is responsible for producing most of the chemical elements heavier than hydrogen and helium.
    • As stars age and undergo various stages of nuclear fusion, they synthesize elements up to iron in their cores, and heavier elements during supernova explosions at the end of their life cycles.
  • Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: This took place during the early moments of the universe's existence, shortly after the Big Bang.
    • t primarily produced the lightest elements, hydrogen, and helium, along with trace amounts of lithium, beryllium, and boron.
  • Cosmic Ray Spallation: High-energy cosmic rays interacting with interstellar matter can cause fragmentation of atomic nuclei, resulting in the production of lighter elements and isotopes.

Project Astra

  • 20 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, during the company's annual developer conference, Google unveiled an early version of Project Astra.

What is Project Astra?

  • Project Astra is an experimental “multimodal” AI assistant developed by Google DeepMind.
  • It's designed to be a versatile tool that can understand and respond to information from the real world through various means,  like text, voice, images, and even videos.
  • This makes it different from current AI assistants that mostly rely on internet searches and user input. 
  • Building on Google’s Gemini language model, Astra has multimodal capabilities to perceive visuals, sounds, and other real-world inputs.
  • The aim is to create a universal AI helper that seamlessly assists us in daily life by comprehending the actual environment through sight and sound, not just text.
  • Astra represents Google’s vision for next-gen AI assistants.

Key Features of Google's Project Astra:

  • Visual Understanding: Astra can interpret and analyze visual input from its camera feed.
    • It identifies objects, reads text, and describes scenes and environments in detail, allowing users to show Astra something and ask questions about it.
  • Voice Interaction: Astra supports natural conversation without the need to repeatedly use wake words.
    • It comprehends context and facilitates back-and-forth dialogue, even allowing users to interrupt its responses.
  • Remembering Context: Astra retains memory of previous conversation parts, objects it has seen, and information provided by the user.
    • This contextual awareness enhances the fluidity of interactions.
  • Multimodal Integration: Astra integrates visual and auditory inputs to form a comprehensive understanding of the current situation, correlating what it sees and hears to fully grasp the context.
  • Real-Time Assistance: Astra delivers real-time assistance by rapidly processing sensor data and queries, ensuring a responsive and interactive user experience.

What are Multimodal AI Models?

  • Multimodal AI models are advanced artificial intelligence systems that process and integrate multiple types of data inputs, such as text, images, audio, and video, to develop a comprehensive understanding of context.
  • By combining these different modalities, these models enhance their ability to interpret complex scenarios more accurately than unimodal systems.
    • For instance, in autonomous vehicles, multimodal AI uses data from cameras, lidar, radar, and GPS for better navigation.
    • In healthcare, these models integrate medical images with patient history for improved diagnostics.
  • Applications also include virtual assistants, which understand and respond to spoken commands while recognizing objects in images, and educational tools that combine text, video, and interactive content for richer learning experiences.
  • Multimodal AI models are often implemented using deep learning techniques, which allow the model to learn complex representations of the different data modalities and their interactions.
  • As a result, these models can capture the rich, diverse information present in real-world scenarios, where data often comes in multiple forms.

Plunging Region of a Black Hole

  • 18 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

For the first time, astronomers have observed the area right at the edge of a black hole where matter stops orbiting and plunges straight in at near-light speed.

What is the Plunging Region of a Black Hole?

  • The plunging region of a black hole is an area where matter ceases to orbit the celestial object and instead falls directly into its incalculable depths.
    • This phenomenon was initially predicted by Albert Einstein's groundbreaking theory of general relativity, which continues to shape our understanding of the cosmos.
  • As matter approaches a black hole, it is torn apart and forms a rotating ring known as an accretion disc.
  • According to general relativity, there exists an inner boundary within this disc, beyond which nothing can maintain its orbit around the black hole.
    • Instead, the material is drawn towards the black hole at nearly the speed of light, marking the beginning of the plunging region.
  • This region, situated just outside the event horizon, represents the point of no return for matter falling into a black hole.
  • Despite the challenges posed by studying these enigmatic structures, researchers believe that investigating plunging regions could unveil new insights into the formation and evolution of black holes.
  • Additionally, these studies may offer valuable information about the fundamental properties of space-time, potentially transforming our understanding of the universe and its most mysterious inhabitants.

What is a Black Hole?

  • A black hole is a celestial phenomenon that arises from the remnants of a massive star that has exhausted its nuclear fuel and undergone gravitational collapse.
  • It is characterized by an unfathomably dense core, known as a singularity, which is enveloped by a boundary called the event horizon.
  • The event horizon serves as a point of no return; any matter or light that crosses this boundary is irrevocably drawn towards the singularity, making it impossible to escape the immense gravitational pull.

Black holes are classified into three categories based on their size and formation process:

  • Stellar-mass black holes: These form when a massive star collapses at the end of its life cycle. They typically have masses ranging from approximately five to several dozen times that of our Sun.
  • Supermassive black holes: Found at the centre of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way, these colossal structures boast masses that can reach billions of times the mass of the Sun.
  • Intermediate-mass black holes: With masses between those of stellar mass and supermassive black holes, these entities are thought to form through the merger of smaller black holes or the collapse of dense clusters of stars.
  • Due to their extreme nature, black holes have been the subject of extensive research and fascination in the scientific community.
  • The study of these enigmatic structures continues to yield invaluable insights into the fundamental principles governing our universe.


  • 18 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

New research has found South African leopards originated from two unique clades in southern and central Africa approximately 0.8 million years ago.

What is a Mitogenome?

  • DNA is found in the nucleus of cells and also in the mitochondrial genome, or mitogenome.
  • Mitogenomes are DNA molecules that float around outside the nucleus of a cell.
  • They store their own set of genetic information and are maternally inherited, which means they are only passed on from mother to offspring.
  • Mitogenomes are a “genomic by-catch” when sequencing the whole genome.
    • They are so abundant in cells that it is very easy to extract them.
  • Studying mitogenomes is a reliable way to track the ancestry of a species.
    • This is because genes mutate (change) at a regular rate over time.
  • The changes in the mitogenome provide a picture of any species' evolution over hundreds of thousands of years.

What is DNA?

  • DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid is the genetic material that codes the information for all the different processes that make an organism living like growth, replication, metabolism, etc.
  • DNA is present in each cell (except for some viral species, RBCs, sieve cells, etc.) and is passed down from parents to their offspring. DNA is comprised of units called nucleotides.
  • DNA is self-replicating, a long stretch of nucleotides.
  • DNA is a form of nucleic acid and is one of the four major macromolecules that make up the living system.
  • In eukaryotic cells, it is found in the nucleus of the cell whereas in prokaryotes it is found free-floating in the cell cytoplasm.
  • Other than the nucleus DNA is also found in mitochondria, chloroplast, and in smaller forms called plasmid in certain bacterial species.

Baobab Tree

  • 17 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

A new study has uncovered the origins of baobabs, the tall and uniquely shaped deciduous trees that are famously spotted on the island of Madagascar.

What are Baobab Trees?

  • Baobabs are known for their great heights, with some extending up to 50 metres, and exceptionally long lifespans going up to 2,000 years.
  • In India too, a few baobab trees exist, including one near the Golconda Fort in Andhra Pradesh that is believed to be more than 400 years old.
  • The trees have trunks with large circumferences and thin, spindly branches.
  • In local cultures, the trees are also revered because of the multiple uses their parts have, with the fruits and seeds being edible, the seed oil used for cooking and the bark fibre for clothing.
  • They are also called “upside down” trees because of their tops resembling an uprooted plant turned upside down.

Essential for the ecosystem:

  • Baobab trees are fundamental to the entire dry African savanna ecosystem.
  • They help keep soil conditions humid, aid nutrient recycling, and slow soil erosion with their massive root systems.
  • As a succulent, the tree absorbs and stores water from the rainy season in its massive trunk, producing a nutrient-dense fruit in the dry season, which can grow up to a foot long.
    • The fruit contains tartaric acid and Vitamin C, serving as a vital nutrient and food source for many species.
  • They are also an essential source of water and shelter for hundreds of animals, including birds, lizards, monkeys, and even elephants – which can eat their bark for moisture when there is no water nearby.

In human culture:

  • For humans, the baobab’s fruit pulp can be eaten, soaked in water to make a refreshing drink, preserved into a jam, or roasted and ground to make a coffee-like substance.
  • The bark can be pounded to make everything from rope, mats, and baskets to paper and cloth.
  • Leaves are also used, they can be boiled and eaten, or glue can be made from their flower’s pollen.

What Did the Study Find?

  • The study highlighted the threats facing baobab trees and examined their genetic makeup.
    • It reported that three Madagascar species of baobab trees are threatened with extinction, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  • The study identified various threats, including residential and commercial development and livestock farming, which require land clearing.
    • However, even species not currently endangered show declining populations, suggesting that more rigorous conservation strategies are needed to ensure their long-term survival.
    • This necessitates a detailed understanding of the baobabs' genetics.
  • Genomic sequencing revealed a consensus on the monophyly of the Malagasy lineage from Madagascar.
    • According to DNA studies, baobab trees first arose in Madagascar 21 million years ago, with their seeds later carried by ocean currents to Australia and mainland Africa, where they evolved into distinct species.
  • The study also warned that climate change poses severe threats to Adansonia suarezensis from Madagascar, predicting its possible extinction by 2080.
    • Due to their unique ecological roles and low genetic diversity, these species are likely to have reduced resilience to environmental changes and habitat fragmentation.

Leopard Cat

  • 17 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

The leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), a small wild cat native to South, Southeast and East Asia, was recently spotted in Maharashtra’s Pench, in what is being billed as Central India’s first sighting of the species.

About Leopard Cat:

  • The Leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) is a small wild cat native to continental South, Southeast, and East Asia.
  • With its distinctive leopard-like colouring, this small wildcat is known for its remarkable adaptability and extensive distribution across Asia.

Habitat and Distribution:

  • Leopard cats can be found in a variety of environments, ranging from the Amur region in Russia to the Korean Peninsula, China, Indochina, the Indian Subcontinent, northern Pakistan, and as far south as the Philippines and the Sunda Islands of Indonesia.
  • Although they can inhabit agriculturally used areas, leopard cats prefer forested habitats, including tropical evergreen rainforests, subtropical deciduous and coniferous forests, and plantations at various altitudes.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size and appearance vary considerably across their range, with a length of 45 to 75 cm (18 to 30 inches), excluding their 23-35 cm (9-13.8 inches) tail.
  • Their colouration ranges from pale tawny to yellow, red, or grey, with white underparts and distinctive spots.
  • Most leopard cats have four black stripes running from their forehead to the nape, breaking into short bands and elongated spots on their shoulders.

Behaviour and Diet:

  • As solitary and nocturnal carnivores, leopard cats primarily feed on rodents, tree shrews, and hares, playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.

Conservation Status:

  • Listed as "Least Concern" on the IUCN Red List, leopard cats face threats from habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict. Continued monitoring and conservation efforts are essential to protect this species and its vital role in Asia's diverse ecosystems.

Facts about Pench Tiger Reserve:

  • Location: Situated in the southern reaches of the Satpura hills, the Pench Tiger Reserve spans Seoni and Chhindwara districts in Madhya Pradesh and extends into Nagpur district in Maharashtra as a separate Sanctuary.
    • It derives its name from the Pench River, which flows from north to south through the Reserve.
  • The reserve encompasses the Indira Priyadarshini Pench National Park, the Pench Mowgli Sanctuary, and a buffer zone.
  • The area served as the inspiration for Rudyard Kipling's renowned work, "The Jungle Book."
  • Vegetation: The undulating topography supports a diverse range of vegetation, from moist, sheltered valleys to open, dry deciduous forests.
  • Flora: Pench Tiger Reserve boasts a rich variety of flora, including teak, saag, mahua, and various grasses and shrubs.
  • Fauna: Renowned for its wildlife diversity, the reserve is home to large herds of Chital, Sambar, Nilgai, Gaur (Indian Bison), and wild boar.
    • Key predators include the tiger, leopard, wild dogs, and wolf. Additionally, the reserve supports over 325 species of resident and migratory birds, including the Malabar Pied Hornbill, Indian Pitta, Osprey, Grey Headed Fishing Eagle, and White Eyed Buzzard.


  • 17 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

China's latest scientific achievement, the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), is poised to become Asia's first fourth-generation synchrotron light source which is scheduled to commence operations by the end of this year.

What is a Synchrotron?

  • A synchrotron is a type of circular particle accelerator where particles travel in a loop.
  • It functions by accelerating charged particles, typically electrons, through sequences of magnets until they approach the speed of light.

How Does It Work?

  • Acceleration: Charged particles are accelerated through magnets.
  • Production of Light: These high-speed electrons generate extremely bright light, known as synchrotron light.
    • This light, predominantly in the X-ray region, is millions of times brighter than conventional sources and 10 billion times brighter than the sun.
  • Beamlines and Workstations: The intense light is directed down beamlines to experimental workstations for research purposes.


  • Research: Scientists use synchrotron light to study tiny matter such as atoms and molecules.
  • By examining how a sample scatters, diffracts, absorbs, or reemits the synchrotron light, they can uncover details about its structure and chemical composition.

Global Presence:

  • There are approximately 70 synchrotrons worldwide in various stages of development.
  • They have varying technical specifications and uses, ranging from practical applications to fundamental theoretical research.

In India:

  • India has a synchrotron facility known as the "Indus Synchrotron."
  • It is located at the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Indus Synchrotron is a third-generation synchrotron radiation source that is used for various research applications in fields such as materials science, biology, and environmental science.

What is the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS)?

  • HEPS (High Energy Photon Source) is recognized as the brightest synchrotron X-ray source in Asia.
  • Location: The HEPS facility is situated in Huairou, China, approximately 50 kilometres from Beijing.
  • Acceleration Capabilities: HEPS is designed to accelerate electrons up to energies of 6 gigaelectron volts within its 36-kilometer circumference storage ring, producing high-energy X-rays for research purposes.
  • Nanoscale Investigations: The high-energy X-rays generated by HEPS can penetrate deep into samples, allowing researchers to study intricate details at the nanometer scale.
  • Diverse Research Applications: HEPS will cater to various research fields, including energy, condensed matter physics, materials innovation, and biomedicine, by providing access to 14 specialized beamlines.
  • Superiority to Existing Synchrotrons: Compared to China's current most advanced synchrotron, the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (with a circumference of 432 meters), HEPS will offer a time resolution 10,000 times better.

PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment) Mission

  • 17 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

NASA is set to launch the two small satellites of the PREFIRE mission from New Zealand on May 22 aimed at filling in critical gaps in data from Earth's polar regions.

What is the PREFIRE Mission?

  • PREFIRE (Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment) is a NASA mission that involves sending two tiny twin spacecraft, known as CubeSats, to the Earth's polar regions to gather data on the heat energy radiated out to space and its impact on our climate.
  • PREFIRE consists of two, 6U CubeSats with a baseline mission length of 10 months.
  • These shoebox-sized satellites will orbit at altitudes between 292 and 403 miles, crossing paths in the atmosphere.


  • The mission will help close a gap in understanding how much of Earth’s heat is lost to space, especially from the Arctic and Antarctica.
  • Analysis of PREFIRE’s measurements will inform climate and ice models, providing better projections of how a warming world will affect sea ice loss, ice sheet melt, and sea level rise.
  • Improving climate models can ultimately help to provide more accurate projections on the impacts of storm severity and frequency, as well as coastal erosion and flooding.
  • By studying the far-infrared radiation emitted from these regions, PREFIRE will help improve the accuracy of climate models, enhancing our understanding of phenomena such as Arctic warming, sea ice loss, and ice-sheet melting.

The mission will help in:

  • Uncover the reasons behind the Arctic warming more than 2½ times faster than the global average since the 1970s.
  • Provide scientists with a clearer understanding of how efficiently far-infrared heat is emitted by materials such as snow and sea ice, and how clouds affect the amount of far-infrared radiation that escapes to space.
  • Enhance predictions about future changes in the heat exchange between Earth and space, and how these changes will impact phenomena like ice sheet melting, atmospheric temperatures, and global weather patterns.

How will the Satellites Work?

  • The mission with cube satellites about the size of a shoebox will be launched aboard an Electron launch vehicle.
  • It is equipped with technology proven on Mars and will measure a “little-studied portion” of the radiant energy emitted by Earth.
  • Two satellites carrying a thermal infrared spectrometer will be in asynchronous near-polar orbits and will be passing over a given spot on Earth at different times. To maximize coverage, they will be overlapping every few hours near the poles.
  • The instruments weighing less than 6 pounds (3 kilograms) each will make readings using a device called a thermocouple, similar to the sensors found in many household thermostats.

Why is it Important to Study the Polar Regions?

  • According to NASA, Earth's climate balance hinges on the equilibrium between the heat energy the planet receives from the Sun and the amount it radiates back into space.
  • The difference between incoming and outgoing energy determines Earth's temperature and climate.
  • The polar regions are crucial in this balance.
  • Changes in the polar regions can significantly impact global weather patterns.
  • Extreme storms, flooding, coastal erosion – all of these phenomena are influenced by what’s happening in the Arctic and Antarctic.
  • This underscores the importance of understanding polar dynamics to predict and mitigate global climate effects.

Invasive Alien Species

  • 11 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

In a bid to manage the teeming population of chital (spotted deer) in Ross Island (officially known as the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Island), the Andaman and Nicobar Islands administration recently sought help from the Wildlife Institute of India.

What are Invasive Alien Species (IAS)?

  • According to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Invasive alien species are plants, animals, pathogens, and other organisms that are non-native to an ecosystem, and which may cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect human health.
  • In particular, they impact adversely upon biodiversity, including the decline or elimination of native species - through competition, predation, or transmission of pathogens - and the disruption of local ecosystems and ecosystem functions.
  • Invasive alien species, introduced and/or spread outside their natural habitats, have affected native biodiversity in almost every ecosystem type on Earth and are one of the greatest threats to biodiversity.
  • Since the 17th century, invasive alien species have contributed to nearly 40% of all animal extinctions for which the cause is known (CBD, 2006).
  • The problem continues to grow at great socio-economic, health, and ecological costs around the world.
  • Invasive alien species exacerbate poverty and threaten development through their impact on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and natural systems, which are an important basis of people’s livelihoods in developing countries.
  • This damage is aggravated by climate change, pollution, habitat loss, and human-induced disturbance.

What are Some Examples of Invasive Wildlife in India?

  • The list of invasive wildlife in India is dominated by certain species of fish such as the African catfish, Nile tilapia, red-bellied piranha, and alligator gar, and turtle species such as the red-eared slider.
    • The red-eared slider, for instance, is a favorite among India’s exotic pet owners, and many have been abandoned in local water bodies.
    • This turtle, native to North America, notoriously edges out local freshwater species, owing to its fast rates of reproduction, and the following competition for food.
  • With regards to species of fish, many were introduced in India to feed the demand for those maintaining aquariums.
    • For instance, the African catfish was brought over from Bangladesh specifically for aquaculture purposes. “
    • The occurrence of C gariepinus (the species’ scientific name) has been reported from several inland systems of India including the mighty rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Sutlej, Godavari, Periyar River, and the lakes like Vembanad Lake.

How do IAS Impact Native Flora and Fauna?

  • The invasive species act as disruptors in the food chain and disturb the balance of the ecosystem.
  • In habitats where there is no competition, invasive species can dominate the entire ecosystem
    • For instance, “in Keoladeo Park, Bharatpur in Rajasthan, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, the African catfish have been known to prey on waterfowls and migratory birds as well.
  • Studies have shown that the proliferation of chital in the Andamans has affected the regeneration of native vegetation, as the deer are known to consume seeds and seedlings.

QS World University Rankings

  • 11 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Sixty-nine Indian universities made it to the rankings with 424 entries in the 2024 QS World University Rankings by Subject. This marks a 19.4 percent rise from the previous year’s 355 entries.

About QS World University Rankings:

  • The QS World University Rankings, curated annually by Quacquarelli Symonds, are a comprehensive assessment of the world's top 1,000 universities.
  • In the latest 2024 edition, universities were meticulously evaluated across 55 specific subjects and five broader subject areas, offering a nuanced perspective on academic excellence.

Key Highlights from the 2024 Rankings:

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) maintains its prestigious position as the top-ranked university globally for the 12th consecutive year, a testament to its enduring academic prowess.
  • The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) shines as the leading Indian institution, securing the 149th spot on the global stage.
  • Noteworthy Progress: India demonstrates remarkable advancement with a total of 69 universities making their mark in the QS rankings, showcasing a notable 19.4% increase from the previous year.
    • India stands as the second most represented country in Asia, highlighting its growing significance in the global academic landscape.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) emerges as a standout, clinching the 20th position globally in development studies, reaffirming its commitment to excellence in specialized fields.
  • India's Rise in Research: The nation exhibits a commendable 20% improvement in the Citations per Paper indicator, underscoring its burgeoning research capabilities.
    • With a staggering 1.3 million academic papers produced, India emerges as the world's fourth-largest contributor to research, trailing only behind academic powerhouses like China, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
  • Challenges Ahead: Despite significant strides, India grapples with the challenge of securing citations in premier global journals, with only 15% of its research receiving recognition in these esteemed publications between 2017 and 2021.
  • Overall, India's journey in the QS World University Rankings reflects a narrative of progress, innovation, and resilience, while also highlighting areas for continued growth and enhancement in the global academic arena.

African Baobab Tree

  • 11 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

In a groundbreaking conservation endeavor, the Global Society for the Preservation of Baobabs and Mangroves (GSPBM) has initiated a mission to rejuvenate the iconic Baobab trees.

About the African Baobab Tree:

  • African baobab trees, scientifically known as Adansonia Digitata, are some of the oldest living organisms in the world.
  • Baobab trees originated millions of years ago in West Africa and spread over time to other parts of the world, creating new species.
    • There are 9 baobab species, of which 6 have originated in Madagascar, 2 in Australia, and 1 in Africa.
  • These trees range in height from 5 to 20 meters and are typically found in deciduous forests composed primarily of broad-leaved trees that shed their leaves during one season.
  • It is one of nine species of baobab, is native to mainland Africa, and also thrives in the African savanna ecosystem.
  • The savanna features warm temperatures year-round and experiences its highest seasonal rainfall in the summer.
  • It is characterized by grasses and dispersed trees, allowing ample sunlight to reach the ground.
  • Age Record: Carbon-14 dating has revealed that an African baobab specimen in Namibia is approximately 1,275 years old, making it the oldest known angiosperm tree.
  • Tree of Life: African baobabs, being succulents, absorb and store water in their expansive trunks during the rainy season.
    • This unique adaptation enables them to produce nutrient-dense fruit during the dry season, even in arid environments.
  • Utilization: Baobab trees, with lifespans exceeding a thousand years, offer a multitude of benefits including food, fodder for livestock, medicinal compounds, and raw materials for various purposes.
  • Threats: Since 2005, nine of the thirteen oldest African baobab specimens and five of the six largest trees have either perished or experienced significant decline, possibly due to the impacts of climate change.

What are Angiosperms?

  • Angiosperms, a taxonomic class of plants, are characterized by seeds enclosed within an ovule, such as those found in apples.
  • This group is commonly known as hardwoods.
  • Angiosperms typically comprise trees with broad leaves that undergo color changes and shed annually during autumn.
    • Examples of deciduous angiosperms include oaks, maples, and dogwoods. However, certain angiosperms, such as rhododendrons, live oaks, and sweet bay magnolias, retain their leaves.


  • Gymnosperms, another taxonomic class, encompass plants with seeds not enclosed in an ovule, as seen in pine cones.
    • The term "gymnosperm" translates to "naked seed," and this group is often referred to as softwoods.
  • Gymnosperms commonly feature needle-like leaves that remain green throughout the year. Examples include pines, cedars, spruces, and firs.
  • While many gymnosperms maintain their foliage year-round, some, like ginkgos, dawn redwoods, and bald cypresses, do shed their leaves.

Higgs Boson

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Peter Higgs, the eminent theoretical physicist who first proposed the idea of what we now know as the “Higgs Boson,” died at the age of 94 on April 8.

What is the Higgs Boson?

  • Particles make up everything in the universe but they did not have any mass when the universe began.
  • They all sped around at the speed of light, according to the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN).
    • CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research, is where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is located, and it's where the discovery of the Higgs Boson was made in 2012 through experiments conducted at the LHC.
  • Everything we see like planets, stars, and life, emerged after particles gained their mass from a fundamental field associated with the particle known as the Higgs boson.
  • The particle has a mass of 125 billion electron volts making it 130 times bigger than a proton?, according to CERN.
  • Interestingly, the subatomic particles known as bosons are named after Indian Physicist Satyendra Nath Bose.

How does the Higgs Boson Work?

  • The Higgs boson is a fundamental component of a theory formulated by Higgs and colleagues in the 1960s to elucidate how particles acquire mass.
  • According to this theory, a pervasive Higgs energy field permeates the universe.
  • As particles traverse this field, they interact with and draw in Higgs bosons, which congregate around the particles in varying quantities.
  • Likewise, envision the universe akin to a party: less prominent guests can swiftly traverse the room without notice, while more popular guests attract clusters of people (the Higgs bosons), thus decelerating their movement through the room.
  • Similarly, particles navigating the Higgs field experience a comparable phenomenon.
  • Certain particles attract larger assemblies of Higgs bosons, and the more Higgs bosons a particle draws in, the greater its mass becomes.

Why is the Higgs Boson Called the “God Particle?”

  • The Higgs boson is popularly known as the "God Particle".
  • The name originated from Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman's book on the particle which he titled the "Goddamn Particle", owing to frustration over how difficult it was to detect.
  • However, his publishers changed the name to "The God Particle", which often draws ire from religious communities.

Who was Peter Higgs?

  • Born in UK's Newcastle upon Tyne in 1929, Mr Higgs studied at King's College in London and has taught at the University of Edinburgh since the 1950s.
  • Described as a modest man who published only a few scientific papers, he disliked his sudden fame calling it "a bit of a nuisance", even cringing when the term "Higgs boson" was used.
  • Even as a lifelong atheist, he disliked the name "God particle".
  • In 2013, Higgs and Francois Englert won the Physics Nobel Prize for their work on the particle which was thought to be a key to explaining the universe.


  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The government has come up with a new platform to disburse subsidies to horticulture farmers under the Cluster Development Programme (CDP) — the Centre’s initiative to promote horticulture crops.

What is the CDP-SURAKSHA?

  • The CDP-SURAKSHA is essentially a digital platform.
    • SURAKSHA stands for “System for Unified Resource Allocation, Knowledge, and Secure Horticulture Assistance.”
  • The platform will allow an instant disbursal of subsidies to farmers in their bank accounts by utilizing the e-RUPI voucher from the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
  • The CDP-SURAKSHA has features such as database integration with PM-KISAN, cloud-based server space from NIC, UIDAI validation, eRUPI integration, local government directory (LGD), content management system, geotagging, and geo-fencing.

How does the CDP-SURAKSHA work?

  • The platform allows access to farmers, vendors, implementing agencies (IA), cluster development agencies (CDAs), and officials of the National Horticulture Board (NHB).
  • A farmer can log in using their mobile number and place an order for planting materials such as seeds, seedlings, and plants based on their requirement.
  • Once the demand has been raised by the farmer, the system will ask them to contribute their share of the cost of planting material.
    • The subsidy amount paid by the government will appear on the screen automatically.
  • After the farmer pays their contribution, an e-RUPI voucher will be generated.
    • This voucher will then be received by a vendor, who will provide the required planting material to the farmer.
  • Once the ordered planting material is delivered to the farmer, they have to verify the delivery through geo-tagged photos and videos of their field.
    • It is only after the verification that the IA will release the money to the vendor for the e-RUPI voucher.
    • The vendor will be required to upload an invoice for the payment on the portal.
  • The IA will collect all the documents and share them with the CDA for subsidy release, then only the subsidy will be released to the IA.
  • However, the farmer, who raised the demand for the plant material using the platform, can avail of the subsidy at the first stage only.

What is e-RUPI?

  • The CDP-SURAKSHA platform uses e-RUPI vouchers from the NPCI.
  • The voucher is a one-time payment mechanism that can be redeemed without a card, digital payments app, or internet banking access, at the merchants accepting e-RUPI.
  • According to the NPCI, the e-RUPI can be shared with the beneficiaries for a specific purpose or activity by organizations or government via SMS or QR code.

What is the Cluster Development Program (CDP)?

  • The CDP is a component of the central sector scheme of NHB.
  • It is aimed at leveraging “the geographical specialization of horticulture clusters and promoting integrated and market-led development of pre-production, production, post-harvest, logistics, branding, and marketing activities.”
  • So far, 55 horticulture clusters have been identified, out of which 12 have been selected for the pilot.
  • These clusters are in different stages of development.
  • Four more clusters:
    • A floriculture cluster in West Bengal
    • Coconut clusters in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and
    • White onion clusters in Gujarat
  • Each cluster will have an implementing agency and a cluster development agency (CDA).
  • According to the government, about 9 lakh hectares of area will be covered through all 55 clusters, covering 10 lakh farmers.
  • It is estimated that the initiative will attract private investment of Rs 8,250 crore, in addition to the government’s assistance, which is fixed according to the size of the cluster, up to Rs 25 crore for mini cluster (size up to 5,000 ha), up to Rs 50 crore for medium clusters (5,000 to 15,000), and up to Rs 100 crore for mega clusters (more than 15,000 ha).

C-Dome Defense System

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Israel for the first time used a seaborne missile defense system to shoot down a drone approaching from the Red Sea that had set off sirens in the port city of Eilat.

What is the C-Dome Defense System?

  • The C-Dome is a naval version of Israel's Iron Dome air defense system, designed to protect against rocket and missile attacks.
  • Drawing from Iron Dome's technology, C-Dome shares its 90% effectiveness rate and utilizes radars to detect and destroy short-range rockets with its missiles.

Operational Deployment and Integration:

  • First unveiled in 2014 and declared operational in 2022, the C-Dome is mounted on Sa'ar 6-class corvettes and German-made warships.
  • It employs the same interceptor as the Iron Dome but differs in its integration with the ship's radar for target detection, ensuring full-circular vessel protection.

Combatting Modern Threats:

  • C-Dome's primary objective is to counter a wide range of modern maritime and coastal threats with high kill probability.
  • Its successful deployment and performance underscore its pivotal role in safeguarding Israel's naval interests and assets against evolving security challenges.

About Iron Dome:

  • Developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries, the Iron Dome is a cutting-edge air missile defense system that offers protection against short-range rockets by intercepting them above Israeli territory.
  • With its multi-rocket handling capacity, Iron Dome became operational in 2011 and features:
    • All-weather capabilities for day and night functionality
    • Launching versatility with various interceptor missiles
    • A range of approximately 40 miles
    • Portable design for deployment on ships or land
    • Adaptive defense through reloadable interceptors

Iron Dome consists of three key elements:

    • Radar system for detecting incoming rockets
    • Command-and-control mechanism to evaluate threat levels
    • Interceptors are designed to neutralize incoming rockets before impact
  • These components work in tandem to provide Israel with a robust and reliable defense against aerial threats.

India Imposed Import Restrictions on Solar PV Cells

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recent government orders on attempts to increase local sourcing of solar modules to support India’s renewables manufacturing ecosystem have been widely reported in the media as ‘import restrictions’.

What is the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) List?

  • The Approved List of Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules (ALMM) comprises government-approved manufacturers eligible for use in government projects, government-assisted projects, and schemes.
  • ALMM aims to boost the domestic solar industry and reduce dependence on imports, particularly from China.

ALMM's Suspension and Reinstatement:

  • The ALMM was kept in abeyance for two years to address concerns raised by renewable energy producers with pre-existing government contracts.
  • During this period, India's domestic solar industry struggled to compete with cheap Chinese imports.
  • To support local manufacturers, the government launched initiatives like the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme under the Atmanirbhar Bharat ('Self-Reliant India') Programme.
  • With the PLI scheme enhancing the competitiveness of Indian manufacturers, the ALMM was reinstated in March 2024.
  • The government believes that domestic companies can now meet India's solar equipment demand, making the ALMM an essential tool for promoting import substitution and self-reliance in the renewable energy sector.

Solar PV Imports:

  • India heavily relies on solar cell and module imports, with China and Vietnam being the primary suppliers.
  • Government data reveals that India imported approximately $11.17 billion worth of solar cells and modules over the past five years.
  • As of 2023-24, China accounted for 53% of solar cell imports and 63% of solar PV modules.

China's Competitive Edge:

  • Several factors contribute to China's dominance in solar PV exports:
    • Cost-effective manufacturing due to lower power costs
    • Government policies prioritizing the solar PV sector
    • Economies of scale and continuous innovation driven by growing domestic demand
  • These advantages have made China the most cost-competitive location for producing solar PV components, making it challenging for other countries to match their production capabilities.

What is the Scope of Solar Energy in India?

  • India's solar sector holds immense potential, driven by the government's target of achieving 500 GW of installed non-fossil fuel capacity by 2030.
  • Moreover, the country's rapid growth in electricity demand, fueled by economic activities and climate adaptation measures, positions solar power as a critical resource.
  • Solar energy accounted for one-third of renewable energy generation from April 2023 to February 2024, showcasing its significance in India's energy mix.
  • Despite an estimated solar power potential of 748.99 GW, the country has yet to fully exploit this resource.
  • To harness this potential, the government is implementing various schemes and programs, paving the way for a sustainable and prosperous solar future.

Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)

  • 10 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, the US White House has officially instructed NASA to create a lunar time standard for international and private sector coordination on the Moon.

What is Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)?

  • Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) is a lunar-based time system being developed by NASA in collaboration with other government agencies to establish a standardized time zone for the Moon.
  • LTC aims to provide a precise timekeeping benchmark for lunar spacecraft and satellites, synchronizing communication between astronauts, bases, and Earth.

Importance of LTC:

  • As lunar exploration and commerce expand, a unified time standard becomes essential for managing operations, ensuring transaction reliability, and coordinating logistics.
  • Furthermore, LTC addresses the discrepancy in timekeeping between Earth and the Moon due to differences in gravity, as time ticks faster on the Moon, causing Earth-based clocks to lose an average of 58.7 microseconds per day.
  • Establishing LTC will prevent potential problems in spacecraft docking, data transfer, communication, and navigation.

How Will a Lunar Time Standard Be Established?

  • Like on Earth, atomic clocks can be deployed on the lunar surface to set a time standard.
  • These clocks have to be placed on the Moon at different locations since the Moon’s rotation and even local lumps of mass, called mascons, beneath the crust of the Moon affect the flow of time ever so slightly.
    • Mascons or mass concentrations are so dense that they alter the Moon’s local gravity field.
  • These effects are minor but the output from these clocks can be synthesized to give the Moon its own independent time, which can be tied back to UTC for seamless operations from Earth as well.

How Does Earth’s Time Standard Work?

  • Most of the clocks and time zones of the world are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), set by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris, France.
  • UTC is essentially an internationally agreed-upon standard for world time.
  • It is tracked by a weighted average of more than 400 atomic clocks placed in different parts of the globe.
  • Atomic clocks measure time in terms of the resonant frequencies — the natural frequency of an object where it tends to vibrate at a higher amplitude — of atoms such as cesium-133.
  • In atomic time, a second is defined as the period in which a cesium atom vibrates 9,192,631,770 times.
  • As the vibration rates at which atoms absorb energy are highly stable and ultra-accurate, atomic clocks make for an excellent device for gauging the passage of time.
  • To obtain their local time, countries must subtract or add a certain number of hours from UTC depending on how many time zones they are away from 0 degree longitude meridian, also known as the Greenwich meridian.
  • If a country lies on the west of the Greenwich meridian, it has to subtract from the UTC, and if a country is located on the east of the meridian, it has to add.

Black Swan Event

  • 09 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Army Chief Gen Manoj Pande on Monday called upon the force to be always prepared for 'black swan' events and "expect the unexpected" even as he identified technology as the new area for strategic competition among nations.

What is the Black Swan Event?

  • A black swan is a rare, unpredictable event that comes as a surprise and has a significant impact on society or the world.
  • These events are said to have three distinguishing characteristics:
    • They are extremely rare and outside the realm of regular expectations
    • They have a severe impact after they hit; and
    • They seem probable in hindsight when plausible explanations appear.

When did the Term Originate?

  • The black swan theory was put forward by author and investor Nassim Nicholas Taleb in 2001 and later popularised in his 2007 book – The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable.
    • In his book, Taleb does not try to lay out a method to predict such events but instead stresses building “robustness” in systems and strategies to deal with black swan occurrences and withstand their impact.
  • The term itself is linked to the discovery of black swans.
  • Europeans believed all swans to be white until 1697 when a Dutch explorer spotted the first black swan in Australia.
  • The metaphor ‘black swan event’ is derived from this unprecedented spotting from the 17th century, and how it upended the West’s understanding of swans.

Implications of Black Swan Events:

  • Black Swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and widespread implications across various sectors.
  • These unanticipated occurrences can trigger substantial disruptions, unveiling vulnerabilities in systems once thought resilient and prompting reassessments of risk management practices.
  • Disruption: Black Swan events have the potential to disrupt economies, industries, and societies on a global scale.
    • Their unforeseen nature can cause sudden shifts in financial markets, business operations, and everyday life, leaving lasting effects on the overall landscape.
  • Uncertainty: The inability to predict Black Swan events using traditional methods injects considerable uncertainty into decision-making and planning for individuals, organizations, and governments.
    • Navigating through such unpredictable circumstances can pose significant challenges for all affected parties.
  • Vulnerability: These rare events can expose vulnerabilities in systems that were previously thought to be impervious or resilient.
    • By doing so, Black Swan events emphasize the importance of preparedness and encourage the development of more robust risk management practices.
  • Reassessment of Risk: In the aftermath of a Black Swan event, there is often a renewed focus on identifying and mitigating previously overlooked risks.
    • This heightened awareness can lead to changes in investment strategies, regulatory policies, and overall risk management practices.
  • Regulatory and Policy Responses: Governments and regulatory bodies may implement new regulations or policies in response to Black Swan events.
    • These measures are designed to prevent or mitigate the impact of similar occurrences in the future, ultimately shaping the economic and social landscape.
  • Behavioral and Attitude Changes: Black Swan events can significantly alter behaviors and attitudes as individuals and organizations adapt to the new reality.
    • These shifts may include changes in consumer behavior, investment strategies, and approaches to risk management.

Examples of Black Swan Events:

  • The Dot-com Bubble: In 2000, the valuation of many internet-based companies plummeted after a period of rapid growth.
  • The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: The events of September 11, 2001, had far-reaching consequences on global security, politics, and economies.
  • The 2008 Financial Crisis: A series of shocks to Wall Street due to the unraveling of subprime lending practices caused significant economic turmoil.
  • Brexit: The unexpected decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union in June 2016 caught many by surprise and caused the British pound to plummet against the US dollar.
  • COVID-19 Pandemic: The ongoing global health crisis continues to significantly affect economies and markets worldwide.
  • These instances illustrate the profound and widespread implications of Black Swan events, underscoring the importance of adaptability and resilience in an ever-changing global landscape.

Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duty on Sodium Cyanide

  • 09 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has now recommended the imposition of anti-dumping duty on sodium cyanide (NaCN) imported from China, the European Union, Japan, and Korea.

Key Facts About Sodium Cyanide:

  • Sodium cyanide (NaCN) is a highly toxic, inorganic compound with a white, crystalline appearance.
  • It is a solid at room temperature and has a high affinity for metals, making it useful in various industrial processes.
  • Due to its toxic nature, proper handling and safety protocols must be followed when working with sodium cyanide.

Applications of Sodium Cyanide:

  • Mining and Metallurgy: Sodium cyanide is widely used in the extraction of gold and silver from ores. It is employed in a technique called "cyanide heap leaching," where a dilute sodium cyanide solution is sprayed onto crushed ore.
    • The cyanide forms a water-soluble complex with the precious metals, enabling their recovery from the ore.
  • Electroplating: NaCN is utilized as an electrolyte in electroplating processes, particularly for the deposition of silver, gold, and other metals on various surfaces to improve their appearance, durability, or conductivity.
  • Synthetic Fiber Production: Sodium cyanide is used in the manufacturing of synthetic fibers such as acrylic and nylon.
    • It serves as a catalyst in the polymerization process, promoting the formation of long-chain polymers that make up the fibers.
  • Pesticides: Due to its toxicity, sodium cyanide has been used as a fumigant to control pests and rodents.
    • However, its use in this field has been largely phased out in many countries due to safety concerns and the development of safer alternatives.
  • Dye and Pigment Production: NaCN can be used in the production of certain dyes and pigments, particularly those containing nitrogen.
    • It acts as a precursor for the synthesis of these compounds.

What is Anti-Dumping Duty?

  • An anti-dumping duty is a tariff imposed by a domestic government on foreign imports suspected of being sold at prices lower than those in the exporter's domestic market.
  • This measure aims to prevent these products from undercutting local businesses and harming the local economy.
  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) oversees a framework of international trade rules governing anti-dumping measures.
  • Under this agreement, governments are permitted to address dumping practices if they pose a threat of significant harm to a domestic industry.

Calculation of Anti-Dumping Duty:

  • The calculation of anti-dumping duty involves determining the difference between the normal value and the export value of the product.
  • The normal value represents the market value of the product in the exporter's domestic market, while the export value denotes the price at which the product is sold when exported to India.
  • The anti-dumping duty is levied to neutralize this price disparity and safeguard the domestic industry from the adverse effects of inexpensive imports.

Anti-Dumping Mechanism in India:

  • India's anti-dumping mechanism is overseen by the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) under the Ministry of Finance.
  • The legal framework for anti-dumping in India is established by the Customs Tariff Act of 1975 and the Customs Tariff Rules of 1995.
  • The DGAD conducts investigations to assess whether a surge in below-cost imports has negatively impacted the domestic industry.

Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS)

  • 08 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Consumer confidence for the year ahead has improved further on the back of higher optimism, which resulted in the Future Expectations Index (FEI) rising by 2.1 points to 125.2, the highest level since mid-2019, according to a Reserve Bank of India survey conducted in March 2024.

What is the Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS)?

  • The Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS) is a comprehensive assessment conducted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to gauge consumer perceptions of the current economic landscape.
    • Administered across various cities, the CCS measures consumer confidence based on key indicators such as economic conditions, employment prospects, price levels, income, and spending patterns.
  • The survey collects valuable insights into consumer sentiments by posing a series of questions about both present and future economic scenarios.
    • These responses offer a glimpse into consumers' perceptions of the prevailing financial environment, shedding light on economic trends, opportunities, and potential challenges.
  • As a vital tool for policymakers, the Consumer Confidence Survey contributes to shaping effective strategies aimed at fostering sustainable economic growth and improving overall financial stability.

Highlights of the Survey:

  • The survey revealed optimistic consumer sentiments across all parameters, reflecting a positive outlook on the current and future economic landscape.
    • Key indicators, such as the Current Situation Index (CSI) and Future Expectations Index (FEI), showcased significant improvements, reaching their highest levels since mid-2019.
  • Current Situation Index (CSI): Measuring overall consumer perception of the present economic situation, the CSI experienced a notable increase of 3.4 points compared to the previous survey, currently standing at 98.5.
  • Future Expectations Index (FEI): Evaluating consumer sentiment for the next 12 months, the FEI witnessed a substantial surge, reaching its highest point since mid-2019 and indicating a positive outlook for the upcoming year.
    • The CSI and FEI are calculated based on net responses concerning the economic situation, income, spending, employment, and price levels, comparing the current period with one year ago and the anticipated changes in the year ahead, respectively.
  • Households’ Inflation Expectation Survey: There was a slight increase in the proportion of households anticipating an overall rise in prices and inflation within the next three months and one year, as observed across general prices and most product categories when compared to the previous survey round.
  • Additionally, the survey results revealed noteworthy enhancements in households' perceptions regarding the general economic situation and employment prospects, signaling a sense of optimism for both the current period and the years ahead.

Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA)

  • 08 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

In its manifesto for the Lok Sabha election, the primary opposition party pledged to cease the weaponization of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) if entrusted with power.

About the Prevention of Money Laundering Act:

  • The Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) constitutes the cornerstone of India's legal framework aimed at combating money laundering, with its enactment and enforcement starting from July 1, 2005.
  • Enacted by India's Parliament under Article 253, which authorizes legislation for implementing international conventions, the Act has three primary objectives:
    • Prevention and control of money laundering
    • Confiscation of proceeds derived from laundering, and
    • Addressing related issues within India.
  • The Act empowers the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND) and the Director (Enforcement) with exclusive and concurrent powers to enforce its provisions.
  • Subsequent amendments were made in 2009 and 2012 through the Prevention of Money Laundering (Amendment) Acts.

What is Money Laundering?

  • Money laundering is defined as the process through which an illegal fund, such as black money, is obtained from illegal activities and disguised as legal money, eventually portrayed as white money.
  • The money laundered is passed on through various channels or phases of conversions and transfers to make it legal and eventually reach a legally acceptable institution, like a bank.

Brief History of the PMLA:

  • In response to the emergence of global terrorism in the 1990s and the subsequent imperative to curb illicit financial flows, international efforts intensified, culminating in the establishment of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in 1989 to coordinate anti-money laundering endeavors worldwide.

Legislative Response:

  • Against this backdrop, India, as a member of FATF, was prompted to enact domestic legislation to combat money laundering following the United Nations General Assembly's political declaration in 1998 urging member states to implement national anti-money laundering measures.

Enactment Process:

  • The initial iteration of the Prevention of Money-Laundering Bill in 1998 was introduced by the NDA government, aiming to address various aspects such as the prevention of money laundering, confiscation of illicit proceeds, and establishment of coordinating agencies.
  • However, concerns regarding potential misuse of the proposed law led to bipartisan opposition, prompting referral to the Department-related Standing Committee on Finance.
    • Despite deliberations and amendments, the bill was eventually passed by Parliament in 2002, with enforcement commencing in 2005 following the formulation of accompanying rules under the subsequent UPA government.

Significant Amendments in the PMLA:

  • Over the years, the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) has undergone various revisions, but it was the amendments introduced in 2009 and 2012 that notably empowered the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to take coercive measures against politicians.
  • In 2009, amendments expanded the PMLA's scope to include 'Criminal conspiracy' under Section 120B of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), enabling the ED to intervene in cases alleging conspiracy, even if the primary offense isn't listed in the PMLA.
    • For instance, this broadening facilitated the ED's pursuit of cases like the land-grabbing accusations against a former Jharkhand CM, currently incarcerated in Ranchi.
  • Furthermore, the 2009 amendments granted the ED international jurisdiction for tracking laundered money, enhancing its global reach.
  • In 2012, the PMLA was amended to elevate the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) to Part A of the statute's schedule from Part B.
    • This move imposed stricter bail conditions on corruption suspects, requiring courts to ascertain substantial evidence of guilt if bail opposition arises from the public prosecutor.
    • Part A of the schedule encompassed various serious offenses, including acts like waging war against the nation, drug trafficking, and violations of the PC Act, among others.

Supreme Court's Verdicts on the Constitutionality of PMLA:

  • In the case of Vijay Madanlal Choudhary & Ors vs Union of India (2022), a three-judge Bench of the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), which faced challenges in over 200 individual petitions.
  • One of the primary challenges was regarding the creation of an alternative criminal law system by the PMLA, as the Enforcement Directorate (ED) operates outside the ambit of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).
    • Not being classified as 'police', the ED is not bound by CrPC provisions for searches, seizures, arrests, and property attachments.
    • The judgment affirmed the ED's expansive powers, including the admissibility of statements made to it in court.
  • In Nikesh Tarachand Shah v Union of India (2017), the PMLA, akin to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), imposed stringent bail conditions, requiring accused individuals to prove the absence of a "prima facie" case against them and their commitment to refraining from future offenses.
    • The Supreme Court initially struck down these provisions as unconstitutional.
    • However, Parliament reintroduced them through an amendment to the PMLA via the Finance Act, of 2018, which the Supreme Court upheld in 2021.
  • While certain aspects of the 2021 ruling, such as the ED's non-obligation to disclose the ECIR (similar to an FIR in criminal cases), are currently under review, the ruling stands as the prevailing law of the land.

Use of Green Hydrogen in the Transport Sector

  • 06 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has announced a Rs-496-crore (until 2025-26) scheme to support pilot projects that either test the viability of green hydrogen as a vehicle fuel or develop secure supporting infrastructure such as refueling stations.

What is Green Hydrogen?

  • Green hydrogen is a form of hydrogen gas produced through a process called electrolysis, where water (H2O) is split into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) using electricity.
    • The electricity used in this process is generated from renewable sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power, hence the term "green" hydrogen.
  • Unlike conventional methods of hydrogen production, which often rely on fossil fuels and emit greenhouse gases, green hydrogen production is considered environmentally friendly because it doesn't generate carbon dioxide emissions.
    • It can be used as a clean energy carrier in various sectors, including transportation, industry, and energy storage.
  • The production of green hydrogen is still relatively expensive compared to other forms of hydrogen production, but ongoing advancements in renewable energy technologies and electrolysis processes are expected to reduce costs and increase the viability of green hydrogen as a sustainable energy source in the future.

India's Push for Green Hydrogen in the Transportation Sector:

  • India is aggressively pushing for the adoption of green hydrogen in its transportation sector:
  • Major Indian commercial vehicle manufacturers like Tata Motors, Volvo Eicher, and Ashok Leyland are intensifying their efforts to develop hydrogen-powered trucks and buses.
  • Simultaneously, Indian energy companies are ramping up efforts to increase the production of green hydrogen while striving to decrease costs, making it competitive with other fuels.
  • Given its vast and expanding market for both vehicles and energy, India stands poised to reap substantial benefits from widespread green hydrogen adoption as a vehicular fuel.
  • India anticipates numerous advantages from this transition, including mitigating pollution, achieving climate objectives, and reducing reliance on expensive fossil fuel imports.
  • Moreover, India views this shift as a significant business opportunity, aiming to establish itself as a global hub for the production and export of green hydrogen.

Scheme for Use of Green Hydrogen in the Transport Sector:

  • The Scheme for Use of Green Hydrogen in the Transport Sector focuses on several key objectives:
    • Validating the technical feasibility and performance of green hydrogen as a transportation fuel.
    • Evaluating the economic viability of vehicles powered by green hydrogen.
    • Demonstrating the safe operation of hydrogen-powered vehicles and refueling stations.
  • Under the scheme, the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways will designate a scheme implementation agency responsible for inviting proposals for pilot projects.
  • Once selected, the chosen company or consortium will serve as the project's executing agency and must complete the pilot project within a two-year timeframe.
  • To support these initiatives, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) will consider approving viability gap funding (VGF) based on the recommendations of a Project Appraisal Committee.
    • The VGF amount will be determined by assessing the specific needs, merits, and feasibility of each project.

Advantages of Green Hydrogen in the Transportation Sector:

  • Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles utilize hydrogen through combustion, akin to traditional diesel and petrol vehicles, but without emitting carbon.
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) convert hydrogen electrochemically into electricity, leaving water as the sole byproduct, offering a clean and efficient alternative.
  • While hydrogen ICE vehicles emit no carbon, studies indicate that converting hydrogen into electricity in a fuel cell is more energy efficient than burning it.
  • Unlike Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) where the battery is heavy, hydrogen FCEVs are typically lighter due to hydrogen being a lighter element.
  • This lightweight characteristic of hydrogen fuel cell technology makes it particularly promising for heavy-duty trucks, providing a viable alternative to EV battery technology.
  • Green hydrogen presents a significant opportunity to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector without compromising revenue-generating payload capacity, addressing both environmental and economic concerns.

Challenges to the Large-Scale Adoption of Green Hydrogen in the Transportation Sector:

  • Cost Prohibitions: The production cost of green hydrogen remains high, posing challenges to its viability as a fuel option.
    • To compete with Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), the cost of green hydrogen needs to be reduced to between $3 and $6.5 per kilogram by 2030.
    • Retail green hydrogen prices in California reached as high as $30 per kilogram in 2023, underscoring the current cost disparity.
    • However, ongoing technological innovations and scale-up efforts are expected to drive cost reductions soon.
  • Insufficient Infrastructure: Building hydrogen fueling stations for trucks can cost up to 72% more than those for battery electric trucks, according to the California Transportation Commission.
    • Challenges with supply complications and market factors have led to the closure of hydrogen refueling stations, exemplified by Shell's recent decision in California.
  • Storage and Transportation Challenges: Hydrogen storage requires high-pressure cylinders, which are costly and pose technical challenges.
    • Existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure is unsuitable for transporting hydrogen.
    • Specialized cylinders capable of safely storing green hydrogen are under discussion, necessitating infrastructure development.
  • Handling and Safety Concerns: Hydrogen's flammability necessitates stringent safety protocols and infrastructure at refueling stations.
    • Developing robust safety standards is imperative before widespread adoption can occur.
  • Long-Term Viability: Advancements in battery technologies are continuously improving the weight and efficiency of EV batteries, potentially challenging the long-term viability of green hydrogen-powered vehicles, particularly in heavy-duty commercial applications.

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

  • 06 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

According to the recently released 2022 statistics by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), out of 3865 samples handled by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), 125 (3.2 percent) tested positive — the most in any country.

About World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA):

  • WADA, or the World Anti-Doping Agency, is an international independent organization established in 1999.
  • It operates with equal funding from both the global sports community and governments worldwide.
  • WADA's primary objectives encompass scientific research, education, capacity-building in anti-doping measures, and oversight of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code), which standardizes anti-doping policies across all sports and nations.
  • Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, WADA comprises various governing bodies, including a foundation board, executive committee, and several specialized committees.
  • The foundation board, consisting of 42 members, holds the highest decision-making authority within WADA.
    • It comprises equal representation from both the Olympic Movement and governments.
  • Responsibilities for day-to-day operations and policy implementation are delegated by the foundation board to the executive committee, which comprises 12 members, also equally distributed between the Olympic Movement and governments.
  • WADA's presidency is a voluntary role that alternates between representatives from the Olympic Movement and governments.
  • Additionally, WADA's committees serve as advisory bodies, offering guidance and expertise to support the organization's programs and initiatives.

About National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA):

  • The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) was established on November 24, 2005, under the Societies Registration Act of 1890.
  • NADA operates to foster a culture of doping-free sports in India.
  • NADA's key objectives include implementing anti-doping regulations in alignment with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) code, regulating the doping control program, promoting education and research, and raising awareness about the detrimental effects of doping.

The primary functions of NADA are as follows:

  • Enforcing the Anti-Doping Code to ensure compliance by all sports organizations in the country.
  • Coordinating dope testing programs in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Facilitating anti-doping research and educational initiatives to instill the values of drug-free sports.
  • Adopting best practices and quality standards to enhance the effectiveness and continual improvement of the anti-doping program.

Hydroponic Farming

  • 06 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

In the wake of evolving consumer preferences, India is at the forefront of an agricultural transformation, pivoting towards sustainable farming with an emphasis on health.

What is Hydroponics?

  • Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, utilizing nutrient-rich water as the primary source of essential minerals and elements.
  • The technique involves the circulation of nutrient-enriched water through a network of pipes or channels, directly supplying the roots of plants with the necessary nourishment for their growth and development.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Soilless Cultivation: Hydroponics eliminates the need for soil by providing an alternative substrate or a soil-like medium, such as rock wool, perlite, or vermiculite, to support the plants' roots.
  • Nutrient Control: This technique enables precise control over the nutrient composition, concentration, and pH levels in the water, ensuring optimal nutrient availability for plants.
  • Water Efficiency: Hydroponics recirculates and reuses water, significantly reducing water consumption compared to traditional soil-based farming.
  • Space Optimization: Due to the compact nature of hydroponic systems, they can be used in urban areas, greenhouses, and indoor facilities, maximizing yield per unit area.
  • Year-round Cultivation: With controlled environmental conditions, hydroponics allows for continuous cultivation, regardless of seasonal changes or weather fluctuations.
  • Hydroponics provides a sustainable, efficient, and adaptable approach to agriculture, with potential benefits in resource conservation, food security, and sustainable urban food production.

Hydroponics in India:

  • According to a report by Datamintelligence, India’s hydroponic market is poised for a remarkable growth trajectory, with a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.53% by 2027, outpacing the global industry’s estimated growth of 6.8%.
  • This surge underscores the vast potential of hydroponics in meeting the rising demand for sustainable food produce, particularly in metros and tier 1 cities where health-conscious consumers are willing to pay a premium for fresh, safe, and sustainably grown products.
  • This transformative shift is not just a response to changing consumer preferences for fresh produce but also an adaptation to the geographical and environmental challenges that face traditional farming methods.

Suitable Regions for Hydroponic Farming:

  • Hydroponic farming presents a viable solution in regions where traditional farming faces significant barriers:
    • Areas with Limited Water Supply: Hydroponics drastically reduces water usage, making it ideal for drought-prone areas.
    • Rocky Regions: In places where the terrain is unsuitable for soil-based agriculture, hydroponics offers a practical alternative.
    • Low Soil Fertility Areas: Hydroponics bypasses the need for fertile soil, allowing cultivation in regions with poor soil quality.
    • Demand-Driven Areas: Regions with a high demand for fresh products are perfect for hydroponic farms, catering to health-conscious consumers in urban and semi-urban locales

The Edge with Hydroponic Farming in India:

  • Hydroponic farming’s ascendancy in India is attributed to several compelling benefits, underpinned by technological advancements that lower operational costs and facilitate scalability:
    • Versatility in Location: It enables agriculture in environments traditionally deemed unsuitable, such as deserts or cold climates.
    • Controlled Conditions: Farmers have precise control over nutrients, pH, and the growing environment, optimizing plant health and yield.
    • Resource Efficiency: The recycling of water and nutrients significantly cuts down on input costs and environmental impact.
    • Enhanced Growth Rates: Increased oxygen availability accelerates plant growth, leading to quicker harvest cycles.
    • Pest and Disease Reduction: By eliminating soil, hydroponics reduces the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests.
    • Higher Yields: The efficiency and controlled environment of hydroponic systems result in substantially higher crop yields.
    • Labour and Maintenance Savings: The absence of weeding and traditional cultivation reduces labour requirements and costs.
    • Improved Working Conditions: Elevating crops to a more accessible height improves ergonomics for farm workers, further reducing labour costs.
    • No Need for Crop Rotation: Hydroponics eliminates the necessity for crop rotation, simplifying farm management.
    • Reduced Transplant Shock: Plants grown hydroponically experience less stress when transplanted, enhancing survival rates.

India Abstains from UNHRC Resolution on Gaza Ceasefire

  • 06 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

India recently abstained on a resolution at the Human Rights Council that called on Israel for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

India's Voting Pattern on Israel-Palestine Issues at the UNHRC:

  • India's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict has been reflected in its voting behavior at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
    • While India has voted in favor of resolutions criticizing Israel for human rights violations, occupation of the Syrian Golan, and affirming Palestinian self-determination, it has also abstained from certain resolutions.
  • In a significant development, India abstained from a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an arms embargo on Israel.
    • This decision followed instances of violence, including the killing of aid workers and airstrikes.
    • India's abstention is believed to be in line with its previous votes on resolutions involving "accountability."
  • India's approach indicates its belief that both parties should be held accountable for their actions.
    • As a result, it refrains from supporting resolutions that single out one side for condemnation.
    • By taking a balanced stance, India aims to promote peace and stability in the region while advocating for the rights of all parties involved.

About the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC):

  • The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is an inter-governmental body established by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 2006.
  • Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the council serves as a key platform for addressing human rights issues globally.
  • The High Commissioner for Human Rights serves as the principal human rights official within the UN system.
  • The council convenes three times annually to address human rights violations worldwide.


  • Comprising 47 member states, the council is responsible for promoting and safeguarding human rights across the globe.
  • Member states are elected individually via secret ballot by a majority vote of the General Assembly.
  • The election of members occurs within geographical groups to ensure equitable representation.


  • Council members serve for a term of three years and are not eligible for immediate re-election after two consecutive terms.

The UNHRC's primary functions include:

  • Promoting universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • Addressing violations of human rights, including gross and systematic violations.
  • Developing international human rights law and making recommendations to the UN General Assembly.
  • Conducting investigations into alleged human rights abuses through special rapporteurs and working groups.
  • Reviewing the human rights records of all UN member states through the Universal Periodic Review process.

Agni-Prime Ballistic Missile

  • 05 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

India has successfully flight-tested the new generation ballistic missile Agni-Prime from the APJ Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Odisha.

About Agni-Prime Missile:

  • Agni-P or Agni-Prime is a new generation nuclear-capable medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) developed by the DRDO that incorporates technological advances from Agni-IV and Agni-V and is considered a successor for Agni-I and Agni-II missiles in the operational service of the SFC.
  • Agni-Prime, with a strike range of 1,000 to 2,000 km, has significant upgrades, which include composite motor casing, maneuverable reentry vehicle (MaRV), improved propellants, and navigation and guidance systems.
  • It is a two-stage, surface-to-surface, road-mobile, and solid-fueled missile that is transported by a truck and launched via a canister.
  • It is a ballistic missile with a dual redundant navigation and guidance system.


  • Although Agni-Prime looks similar to Agni-III, the weight is reduced by half.
  • Agni-P will replace older generation missiles such as Prithvi-II (350 km), Agni-II (2,000 km), Agni-III (3,000 km), and Agni-4 (4,000 km) ballistic missiles.
  • Agni-Prime incorporates upgrades such as propulsion systems, composite rocket motor casings, and advanced navigation and guidance systems.
  • Along with Agni-V, Agni-P will provide India with stronger deterrence against countries such as China and Pakistan.
  • While Agni-V brings all of China within its strike range, Agni-P seems to have been developed to counter Pakistan's forces.
  • Agni-P is developed to achieve maximum maneuverability against missile defense systems and higher accuracy for precision strikes.

What is a Ballistic Missile and why is it named so?

  • A Ballistic missile follows a ballistic flight path - which comprises three phases of flight.
  • In the first phase or the boost phase, the solid-fuel rocket engine propels the missile upwards and it has to rapidly gain velocity and altitude, by knifing through the densest parts of the earth's atmosphere.
  • The second and unpowered phase of flight happens in the upper reaches of the earth's atmosphere or in space, where the missile travels along its pre-determined path, but without the power of its engines.
  • It is known as the coast phase or mid-course phase and during this time, it travels along a horizontal path.
  • During the coasting, the missile is either in space or the upper atmosphere, where it faces minimal resistance or drag.
  • In the third and final phase or the terminal phase, the missile descends and gets back into the earth's atmosphere and flies towards its target, while being guided by its on-board systems.


  • 05 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, scientists have created plant-based plastic that doesn't create cancer-causing microplastics because 97% of it breaks down in the environment.

What is Microplastics?

  • Microplastics are small plastic particles measuring less than 5 millimeters in diameter.
  • These particles, which are distinguished from larger "macroplastics" like bottles and bags, stem from both commercial product development and the breakdown of larger plastics.
  • Microplastics are commonly found in a variety of products, including cosmetics, synthetic clothing, plastic bags, and bottles.
  • Unfortunately, many of these products can easily enter the environment as waste.
  • Composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms linked in polymer chains, microplastics often contain additional chemicals such as phthalates, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA).
  • There are two categories of microplastics: primary and secondary.
    • Primary microplastics are intentionally designed for commercial use, including in cosmetics and microfibers shed from textiles like clothing and fishing nets.
    • Secondary microplastics, on the other hand, result from larger plastic items breaking down due to environmental factors such as sunlight and ocean waves.
  • Understanding the sources and types of microplastics is crucial for addressing their impact on the environment, wildlife, and human health, ultimately promoting more sustainable production and waste management practices.

Environmental Impacts of Microplastics:

  • Microplastics pose significant environmental concerns due to their resistance to breaking down into harmless compounds, much like larger plastic items.
    • Consequently, both primary and secondary microplastics accumulate and endure once introduced into the environment.
  • In marine ecosystems, microplastics have the potential to amalgamate with harmful chemicals before being consumed by marine organisms.
    • Despite efforts, conventional water treatment facilities struggle to completely eliminate microplastics from water sources.
  • Additionally, microplastics contribute to air pollution as they are present in dust and airborne fibrous particles, further highlighting their pervasive impact on various environmental systems.

Wadge Bank

  • 03 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

While India 'gave away' rights to Katchatheevu, in a subsequent pact, it secured sovereign rights in Wadge Bank near Kanyakumari.

What is Wadge Bank?

  • Wadge Bank is a 10,000 square kilometer submarine plateau, of the sea south of Kanyakumari that is rich in biodiversity and considered India’s richest fishery resource.
  • Wadge Bank, located near Cape Comorin, is home to more than 60 species of ornamental fish and other oceanic animals.
  • It is a productive coastal area where three seas meet and tides create a rich fishing ground from May to October.
  • Moreover, it is an invaluable treasure that indigenous people and communities depend on for food and resources, and is important to their culture.

How did India get control of the Wadge Bank?

  • Wadge Bank came to India as part of the second of the two accords signed with Sri Lanka in the 1970s.
  • Following the 1974 agreement under which Prime Minister Indira Gandhi ‘gave away’ Katchatheevu island to Sri Lanka, New Delhi, and Colombo signed another pact in 1976 under which the former bought Wadge Bank.
    • On March 23, 1976, India and Sri Lanka signed the agreement on the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Mannar and the Bay of Bengal as part of which it was agreed that the Wadge Bank “lies within the exclusive economic zone of India, and India shall have sovereign rights over the area and its resources”.
  • In the general description of Wadge Bank annexed with the treaty shared with the United Nations, it is described as “outside the territorial waters of India”.
  • The Wadge Bank near Kanyakumari is rich in biodiversity and considered India’s richest fishery resource.
  • As per the 1976 pact, Sri Lankan fishermen can’t engage in activities here.
  • ??But at the request of Sri Lanka and as a gesture of goodwill, India agreed that Lankan fishing vessels licensed by the Government of India could fish in Wadge Bank for three years from its establishment as an exclusive economic zone of India with the stipulation that only six such vessels can fish and their catch cannot exceed 2,000 tonnes in a year.
  • And, again at the request of the Sri Lankan government, India agreed to provide Colombo with 2,000 tonnes of fish of the quality, species, and at the price mutually agreed by the two sides for five years after the Lankans stopped fishing at the Wadge Bank.


  • 03 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, a significant majority in Nepal's Lower House backed the proposal to endorse the BIMSTEC Charter.

About the BIMSTEC Charter:

  • The BIMSTEC Charter, officially signed and adopted during the Fifth BIMSTEC Summit in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2022, serves as a cornerstone legal and institutional framework for the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC).
  • This charter aims to establish a structured environment conducive to rapid economic development by delineating specific cooperation projects within the agreed areas of collaboration, along with potential expansions into additional areas as mutually agreed upon by Member States.
  • Furthermore, the charter reaffirms the enduring commitment to the foundational principles and objectives of BIMSTEC, as articulated in the Bangkok Declaration of 1997.

The Importance of the BIMSTEC Charter:

  • By officially adopting the BIMSTEC Charter, the organization transforms into a structured institution comprising member states situated along the Bay of Bengal, thereby formalizing their cooperation and dependence on this vital maritime region.
  • The Charter grants BIMSTEC the authority to establish external relations with non-member states, developmental partners, as well as regional, UN, and international organizations, facilitating broader collaboration and engagement.
  • Moreover, it underscores the imperative for a fair, just, equitable, and transparent global order while reiterating the commitment to multilateralism, with the United Nations at its core, and advocating for a rule-based international trading system.

About the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC):

  • The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a regional organization comprising seven Member States lying in the littoral and adjacent areas of the Bay of Bengal constituting a contiguous regional unity.
  • This sub-regional organization came into being on 6 June 1997 through the Bangkok Declaration.
  • It constitutes seven Member States:
    • Five derive from South Asia, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, and
    • Two from Southeast Asia, including Myanmar and Thailand.
  • Initially, the economic bloc was formed with four Member States with the acronym ‘BIST-EC’ (Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Economic Cooperation).
  • Following the inclusion of Myanmar on 22 December 1997 during a special Ministerial Meeting in Bangkok, the Group was renamed ‘BIMST-EC’ (Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand Economic Cooperation).
  • With the admission of Nepal and Bhutan at the 6th Ministerial Meeting (February 2004, Thailand), the name of the grouping was changed to ‘Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation’ (BIMSTEC).

Havana Syndrome

  • 02 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The mysterious so-called Havana Syndrome symptoms experienced by U.S. diplomats in recent years have been linked to a Russian intelligence unit, according to a joint media investigation released on April 1.

What is Havana Syndrome?

  • Havana Syndrome is a term used to describe a set of mental health symptoms experienced by US intelligence and embassy officials in various countries.
  • The symptoms include hearing sounds without any external noise, nausea, vertigo, headaches, memory loss, and balance issues.
  • The syndrome first came to light in 2016 when US officials stationed at the country's embassy in Havana, Cuba, began reporting these symptoms.
  • The exact cause of the syndrome remains unknown, but it has been linked to high-frequency microwave transmissions.
  • The syndrome was named after the city where it was first reported, Havana, and has since been reported by US government officials and military personnel serving at various stations across the world.
  • The symptoms of Havana Syndrome are diverse and range from pain and ringing in the ears to cognitive dysfunction.
    • Some individuals have also reported hearing loss, memory loss, and nausea.
    • The exact cause of these symptoms remains unknown, with theories ranging from sonic weapons to mass psychogenic illness.
  • Despite ongoing investigations, there is currently no known cure for Havana Syndrome.
  • Research continues into the potential causes and treatments for this perplexing condition.

Affected Regions:

  • As per reports from US media outlets, over the past few years, officials have documented more than 130 instances worldwide, including in Moscow, Russia, Poland, Georgia, Taiwan, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Austria, among others, with similar accusations emerging in early 2018 from US diplomats stationed in China.
  • Status in India: The first such incident was reported in 2021 when a US intelligence officer accompanying CIA director William Burns to New Delhi exhibited symptoms of Havana Syndrome.

Recent Investigation Findings and Russia's Response:

  • A year-long investigation revealed evidence suggesting that unexplained anomalous health incidents, commonly known as Havana Syndrome, may be linked to the use of directed energy weapons wielded by members of Russia's GRU Unit 29155, responsible for foreign operations and implicated in various international incidents, including the 2018 attempted poisoning of defector Sergei Skripal in Britain.
  • Moscow has dismissed the allegations as "groundless," asserting the absence of convincing evidence, deeming the accusations baseless and unfounded.

What are Microwave Weapons?

  • Microwave weapons, a type of directed energy weapon, utilize high-frequency electromagnetic radiation to generate heat in the water within a target's skin, resulting in pain and discomfort.
  • Several nations are believed to have developed such weapons for use against both humans and electronic systems.
  • China unveiled its "microwave weapon," the Poly WB-1, at an air show in 2014, while the United States has also designed a prototype called the "Active Denial System."
  • The existence of these weapons has raised concerns regarding their potential misuse, and further research is necessary to understand their long-term effects and implications on human health and security.

Presence of Ozone on Jupiter's Moon Callisto

  • 02 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

An international team of scientists, including from India, has discovered strong evidence indicating the presence of ozone on Jupiter’s moon Callisto, shedding light on the complex chemical processes taking place on icy celestial bodies in the Solar System.

Study on the Formation of Ozone in Callisto's Icy Environment:

  • A recent study examined the chemical evolution of sulfur dioxide (SO2)-rich astrochemical ice found on Callisto's surface when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
  • The investigation revealed a unique signature indicating the formation of ozone, which could have implications for the potential habitability of the Jovian moon.
  • Callisto is Jupiter's second-largest moon and the third-largest moon in our solar system.
  • It has a relatively stable surface, which could play a vital role in preserving subsurface oceans or potential habitats beneath its icy crust.
    • The study analyzed UV absorption spectra data from ice samples containing SO2, a primary component of Callisto's surface ice, and observed the generation of ozone under UV irradiation.
  • Ozone formation on Callisto could have implications for the moon's astrobiological potential, as ozone can protect the surface from harmful radiation.
  • Further research is needed to better understand the implications of this discovery on Callisto's habitability and the potential for future exploration missions.

Callisto's Distinctive Environment:

  • Following Saturn, Jupiter boasts the second-highest number of moons in the Solar System, with Callisto ranking among its largest moons and holding the position of the third-largest moon overall, after Ganymede and Titan.
  • Comprised predominantly of water ice, rocky elements, sulfur dioxide, and traces of organic compounds, Callisto presents a compelling potential for harboring life beyond Earth within the Solar System.
  • The moon's extensively cratered surface bears witness to a lengthy history of impacts from asteroids and comets.

Importance of the Research:

  • The identification of ozone on Callisto hints at the existence of oxygen, a crucial component essential for the development of intricate molecules vital for life, including amino acids, thus prompting inquiries into the moon's potential for sustaining life.
  • This finding also has implications for other icy moons within our Solar System, offering insights that could broaden our comprehension of habitable environments beyond Earth.

Significance of Ozone:

  • Consisting of three oxygen atoms bonded together, the ozone molecule plays a pivotal role in shielding life on Earth.
  • Situated in the lower region of the Earth's stratosphere, approximately 15-35 kilometers above the surface, the ozone layer acts as a protective barrier.
  • Without this layer, ultraviolet radiation would intensify, posing significant threats to various species and disrupting ecosystems.
  • Ultraviolet-B and ultraviolet-C, with wavelengths ranging from 290 to 320 nanometers and 100 to 280 nanometers respectively, can cause DNA damage, and mutations, and elevate the risk of skin cancer and cataracts in humans.
  • Furthermore, ultraviolet light can impede plant growth and adversely affect diverse organisms.

Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)

  • 02 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Congress has hailed as an “important first step” the Supreme Court’s notice to the Election Commission and the Centre on a plea seeking a complete count of VVPAT slips and said the matter should be decided before the Lok Sabha polls commence.

What is the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)?

  • The Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail, or VVPAT system, was first introduced in 2014 for the first time during the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections.
  • The ECI conducted pilot tests of VVPAT systems in a few constituencies in 2011, and after successful trials, VVPAT was gradually deployed across all polling stations in subsequent elections.
  • It is connected to Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) and enables voters to confirm that their votes were cast as intended.
  • The concept of VVPAT was to enhance the credibility and transparency of EVMs.

What are VVPAT Slips?

  • VVPAT slips are an integral part of the EVMs used in elections.
  • It provides a physical paper trail for voters to verify that their vote has been correctly recorded by the EVM.
  • It ensures transparency and accountability in the electoral process by allowing voters to verify their vote before casting it finally.
  • The VVPAT produces a paper slip that permits the voter to confirm the accuracy of their vote on the EVM.
  • This slip displays the name and symbol of the party chosen by the voter.
  • Additionally, the machine features a transparent window through which the voter can observe the printed slip.
  • Subsequently, the slip is securely deposited into a sealed compartment within the machine.
  • However, in the event of a dispute, this sealed box can be opened for further examination.

Controversies Surrounding VVPAT:

  • Despite its intended purpose of enhancing transparency, VVPAT has been subject to several controversies over the years.
  • Some critics have raised concerns about the reliability of VVPAT systems, citing instances of malfunctioning printers, paper jams, and discrepancies between electronic and paper records.
  • The Opposition parties within the INDIA bloc have been advocating for the full counting of VVPATs, to bolster public trust in the EVMs, which itself has been subjected to intense scrutiny recently.
  • Their concern has mostly stemmed from allegations of delay in the printing and displaying of VVPAT slips for every vote, which they claim can significantly increase the time required for vote counting.

Supreme Court’s intervention in VVPATs:

  • In April 2019, the SC asked the poll panel to increase the number of EVMs that undergo VVPAT physical verification from one to five per assembly segment in a parliamentary constituency.
  • In the month of May the same year, the Supreme Court dismissed a writ petition seeking 100 percent counting of VVPAT in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.
  • Earlier in the same month, the Supreme Court had also dismissed the review petition filed by opposition parties to increase verification of VVPAT-EVM to 50 percent.

Katchatheevu Island

  • 01 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi once again attacked the Congress about its decision to “callously give away” the island of Katchatheevu.

About the Island of Katchatheevu:

  • Katchatheevu is an uninhabited area located between India and Sri Lanka in the Palk Strait.
  • It measures around 1.6 km in length and slightly over 300 m wide at its broadest point.
  • Situated northeast of Rameswaram, it is approximately 33 km away from the Indian coast.
  • Moreover, it is positioned about 62 km southwest of Jaffna, at the northern tip of Sri Lanka, and 24 km from the inhabited Delft Island, which is a part of Sri Lanka.
  • Katchatheevu is not suited for permanent settlement as there is no source of drinking water on the island.

History of the island:

  • Being the product of a 14-century volcanic eruption, Katchatheevu is relatively new in the geological timescale.
  • In the early medieval period, it was controlled by the Jaffna kingdom of Sri Lanka.
  • In the 17th century, control passed to the Ramnad zamindari based out of Ramanathapuram, about 55 km northwest of Rameswaram.

What is the dispute?

  • The island became part of the Madras Presidency during the British Raj.
  • But in 1921, both India and Sri Lanka, at the time British colonies, claimed Katchatheevu to determine fishing boundaries.
  • A survey marked Katchatheevu in Sri Lanka, but a British delegation from India challenged this, citing ownership of the island by the Ramnad kingdom.
  • This dispute was not settled until 1974.

What is the Agreement on Katchatheevu Island?

  • In 1974, Indira Gandhi made attempts to settle the maritime border between India and Sri Lanka, once and for all.
    • As a part of this settlement, known as the ‘Indo-Sri Lankan Maritime Agreement’, Indira Gandhi ‘ceded’ Katchatheevu to Sri Lanka.
    • At the time, she thought the island had little strategic value and that ceasing India’s claim over the island would deepen its ties with its southern neighbor.
  • Moreover, as per the agreement, Indian fishermen were still allowed to access Katchatheevu “hitherto”.
    • Unfortunately, the issue of fishing rights was not ironed out by the agreement.
    • Sri Lanka interpreted Indian fishermen’s right to access Katchatheevu to be limited to “rest, drying nets and for visit to the Catholic shrine without a visa”.
  • Another agreement in 1976, during the period of Emergency in India, barred either country from fishing in the other’s Exclusive Economic Zone.
    • Again, Katchatheevu lay right at the edge of the EEZs of either country, retaining a degree of uncertainty about fishing rights.

How did the Sri Lankan Civil War Impact Katchatheevu?

  • Between 1983 and 2009, the border dispute remained on the back burner as a bloody civil war raged in Sri Lanka.
  • With the Sri Lankan naval forces preoccupied with their task of cutting off supply lines of the LTTE based out of Jaffna, incursions by Indian fishermen well into Sri Lankan waters were commonplace.
  • Bigger Indian trawlers were especially resented as they would not only tend to overfish but also damage Sri Lankan fishing nets and boats.
  • In 2009, the war with the LTTE ended, and things dramatically changed. Colombo beefed up its maritime defenses and turned its focus to Indian fishermen.
  • Facing a depletion of marine resources on the Indian side, they would frequently enter Sri Lankan waters as they had been doing for years, but finally began facing consequences.
  • To date, the Sri Lankan navy routinely arrests Indian fishermen and there have been many allegations of custodial torture and death.
  • The demand for Katchatheevu is revived each time such an incident happens.

Indian Government Stance on Katchatheevu Island:

  • The Union government’s position on Katchatheevu has largely remained unchanged.
  • It has argued that since the island had always been under dispute, “no territory belonging to India was ceded nor sovereignty relinquished.”

Kodaikanal Solar Observatory (KOSO)

  • 01 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Since ancient times, seafarers, mathematicians, astronomers, and physicists have all diligently studied and tracked the Sun and its phenomena, with the establishment of the Madras Observatory by the British East India Company in 1792 marking a pioneering effort in this region.

About Kodaikanal Solar Observatory:

  • The Kodaikanal Solar Observatory is a solar observatory owned and operated by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bengaluru.
  • It is on the southern tip of the Palani Hills 4 kilometers from Kodaikanal (Tamil Nadu).
    • The Government of India separated Astrophysics from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) in April 1971.
  • From solar data recorded on basic photographic plates or films, the 125-year-old KoSO boasts a mammoth digital repository containing 1.48 lakh digitized solar images of 10 terabytes.
    • These include 33,500 white-light images (showing sunspots) and thousands of other images of the Sun recorded every day since the start of the 20th century.
  • KoSO is the only observatory offering high-resolution digitized images for such a long period (with coverage of more than 75 percent).
  • Today, it houses a spectrum of advanced instruments like the H-alpha telescope to perform full disc imaging, a White light Active Region Monitor (WARM) with calcium and sodium filters to make full disc simultaneous observations of the photosphere and chromosphere layers of the Sun, a solar tunnel telescope and more.

Links to the Great Drought:

  • Scanty rainfall over south India during the winter monsoon of 1875 triggered one of the worst droughts the country had experienced till then.
  • Multiple failed crops over the famine-stricken peninsular India killed 12.2 to 29.3 million people across the Madras and Mysore Provinces during 1875-1877.
  • India, along with China, Egypt, Morocco, Ethiopia, southern Africa, Brazil, Columbia, and Venezuela, suffered concurrent multi-year droughts during 1876-1878, later named the Great Drought, and an associated global famine that killed nearly 50 million.
  • The drought was thought to be due to multiple reasons:
    • Solar activity
    • Cool Pacific Ocean conditions followed by a record-breaking El Nino (1877-1878)
    • Strong Indian Ocean Dipole and
    • Warm North Atlantic Ocean conditions.

Solar Physics Observatory in Palani Hills:

  • Established in response to the British Raj's acknowledgment of solar activity's link to India's weather patterns, the Palani Hills Solar Physics Observatory, also known as the Indian Solar Observatory, was founded to conduct systematic studies on solar phenomena and their correlation with Indian meteorology.
  • Located in Kodaikanal, selected for its favorable atmospheric conditions after careful consideration by Charles Michie Smith (a Professor of Physics at the Madras Christian College), the observatory was officially sanctioned by the Government of India in August 1893 and inaugurated by Lord Wenlock (the then Governor of Madras) in 1895.
  • Commencing systematic observations in 1901, it merged with the Madras Observatory, enriching its instrumentation.
  • Notable discoveries ensued, including the identification of the Evershed Effect.
  • Over time, the observatory expanded its research domains to encompass cosmic rays, radio astronomy, and ionospheric physics, among others, solidifying its status as a pioneering institution in the field of astrophysics.
  • Notably, it initiated solar radio observations in 1952, marking a significant milestone in Indian solar research.
  • Despite the closure of contemporaneous observatories, the Palani Hills Solar Physics Observatory has endured, continuing to contribute to our understanding of the Sun and its effects on Earth's climate and space weather.

Why Study the Sun?

  • Being the primary source of energy, life on Earth is supported by the Sun.
  • Any change on the solar surface or its periphery could significantly affect the Earth’s atmosphere.
  • Powerful solar storms and solar flares can be potentially harmful to Earth’s satellite-based operations, power grids, and navigational networks.
  • The KoSO (Kodaikanal Solar Observatory), which has been imaging the Sun for over a century now, has a rich repository of data.
  • This is extremely useful not only to reconstruct the Sun’s historic past but also to link its behavioral changes to better understand and predict its future and its impact on life on Earth and Space weather.

Fukushima Water Issue

  • 01 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, Japan announced that its experts have engaged in discussions with their Chinese counterparts to address Beijing's concerns regarding the release of treated radioactive wastewater from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea.

What is the Fukushima Water Issue?

  • In 2021, the Japanese government unveiled plans to gradually discharge over one million tonnes of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean over the next three decades.
  • The contaminated water is a residual product of the devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami that incapacitated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, resulting in the release of radioactive materials.
  • After more than ten years of storing this wastewater, Japan asserts that they are facing storage space limitations and contends that the treated water is now safe for release.

Concerns Surrounding the Fukushima Water Discharge:

  • Tritium and Carbon-14: The water from Fukushima undergoes filtration via the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), effectively reducing most radioactive contaminants to acceptable safety levels, except tritium and carbon-14.
    • While both emit low levels of radiation, consumption in large quantities could potentially pose risks.
  • Insufficient Research: Scientists emphasize the need for further investigation into the potential impact of the water discharge on the ocean bed and marine ecosystems.
  • The Pacific Islands Forum regional group has labeled the proposed plan as "another significant nuclear contamination disaster," citing ongoing challenges faced by its member nations due to past US nuclear testing.

Pacific Islands Forum (PIF):

  • The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) is an inter-governmental organization that aims to enhance cooperation among countries and territories of Oceania, including the formation of a trade bloc and regional peacekeeping operations.
  • It was founded in 1971 as the South Pacific Forum (SPF), and changed its name in 1999 to "Pacific Islands Forum", to be more inclusive of the Forum's Oceania-spanning membership of both north and south Pacific island countries, including Australia.
  • It is a United Nations General Assembly observer.
  • The PIF secretariat is located in Suva, the capital of Fiji.

Nuclear Incidents:

  • A nuclear and radiation incident denotes an occurrence that has resulted in significant repercussions for individuals, the environment, or the facility involved.
  • These may entail fatal consequences for individuals, substantial releases of radioactivity into the environment, or reactor core meltdowns.
  • Globally, there have been a total of 99 incidents at nuclear power plants.
  • Fifty-seven of these incidents have transpired since the Chornobyl disaster, with the United States accounting for 57% of all nuclear-related incidents.
  • Noteworthy nuclear power plant mishaps encompass:
    • Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (2011)
    • Chernobyl disaster (1986)
    • Three Mile Island accident (1979), and
    • The SL-1 accident (1961).

Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016

  • 01 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

Eight years after Parliament passed the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is in the process of reviewing the functioning of the Act, including by holding regular meetings with homebuyers and setting up a data collection unit within the Ministry.

What Is Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016 (RERA)?

  • The Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016 is an act of the Parliament of India that strives to protect home buyers and helps escalate the investment made in the real estate industry.
  • It was established under this Act to regulate the real estate sector.
  • Additionally, it acts as the adjudicating body for faster dispute resolution related to the real estate industry.

The Primary Objectives of the Act:

  • Ensuring Transparency: Promoting transparency in the real estate sector regarding the sale of flats, apartments, plots, buildings, or any real estate project.
  • Establishing Dispute Resolution: Setting up an adjudicating mechanism to swiftly resolve disputes.
  • Protecting Buyer Interests: Safeguarding the interests of buyers/allottees in the real estate domain.
  • Building Trust: Fostering trust between buyers and promoters by leveraging regulatory authority.
  • Furthermore, the Act mandates that Real Estate Regulatory Authorities establish and maintain a web portal containing pertinent details of all registered real estate projects for public access.

Reasons for RERA Implementation:

  • The introduction of RERA was necessitated by challenges faced by the Indian real estate sector since 2012, including factors such as unemployment, recession, low rental yield, inventory pile-up, and ambiguous tax and arbitration frameworks.

Projects Covered by RERA:

  • RERA covers commercial and residential projects, including plotted developments, that exceed 500 square meters or comprise more than 8 units.
  • Additionally, projects lacking a Completion Certificate prior to the Act's commencement are subject to its provisions.

Benefits of RERA Implementation:

  • Standardization: RERA ensures uniformity in the real estate sector concerning aspects like carpet areas and common areas, thereby preventing malpractices such as alterations in layout, area, agreements, and specifications.
    • It also mandates disclosure of details regarding brokers, architects, and contractors.
  • Timely Delivery: Developers are obligated to adhere to scheduled delivery timelines for office spaces or homes.
    • Failure to comply may result in stringent penalties or imprisonment for the developer.
  • Regulatory Compliance: RERA mandates obtaining clearance from government departments before the sale of any residential or commercial property.
  • Financial Transparency: Developers are required to maintain separate bank accounts for each project, enhancing financial transparency and accountability.
  • Warranty Protection: Buyers are empowered to report any structural defects in the building to the developer within one year of possession, with the developer obligated to rectify them free of charge.

Challenges Associated with RERA:

  • Limited Scope: The regulations of RERA do not extend to ongoing projects or those stalled due to clearance issues, potentially leaving certain projects outside its jurisdiction.
  • Approval Delays: Delays in approval and clearance from government agencies may impede the timely completion and delivery of real estate projects, affecting both developers and buyers.
  • Exemption for Small Developers: Small-scale developers overseeing projects smaller than 500 square meters are exempt from RERA's provisions, and registration with the regulatory authority is not compulsory for them.
  • Project Launch Delays: Projects cannot be launched without necessary clearances, which may result in delays in the commencement of new projects.

X-Class Solar Flares

  • 30 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently the Earth was hit by an X-class solar flare that was strong enough to ionize part of the planet's atmosphere.

What are Solar Flares?

  • Solar flares are large explosions from the surface of the sun that emit intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation.
  • The intensity of the explosion determines what classification the flare belongs to.
    • The most powerful are X-class flares, followed by M-, C-, and B-class; A-class flares are the smallest.
  • These flares can be visible as bright flashes in a particular region of the sun and can last several minutes.
  • Solar flares occur when magnetic energy builds up in the solar atmosphere and is released suddenly.
    • These outbursts are intrinsically linked to the solar cycle — an approximately 11-year cycle of solar activity driven by the sun's magnetic field.

What Causes Solar Flares?

  • The sun's surface is a magnetically mixed-up place.
  • Magnetic fields are created from electrically charged gases generating electrical currents that act as a magnetic dynamo inside the sun.
  • These magnetic fields twist, tangle, and reorganize themselves due to the turbulent nature of the gases that create them.
  • This unsettled magnetic field behavior — also known as solar activity — can trigger solar flare eruptions from the surface that release vast amounts of electromagnetic radiation — a form of energy that includes radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, gamma rays, and visible light.
  • Solar flares tend to originate from regions of the solar surface that contain sunspots — darker, cooler portions of the solar surface where magnetic fields are particularly strong.
    • As such, the number of sunspots can indicate the likelihood of a solar flare eruption.
  • Solar activity follows an approximately 11-year cycle with the peak of sunspot activity coinciding with the solar maximum and a sunspot hiatus coinciding with the solar minimum.
  • During periods of low solar activity when no sunspots are present, it is unlikely that a solar flare will occur. 

What are X-Class Solar Flares?

  • Solar flares are categorized into five classes based on the intensity of emitted X-rays, with each class letter denoting a 10-fold increase in energy output, akin to the Richter scale for earthquake strength assessment.
  • X-class flares are the most powerful solar flares.
    • Then there are M-class flares that are 10 times smaller than X-class flares, then C-class, B-class, and finally A-class flares which are too weak to significantly affect Earth.
  • Within each letter class, a finer scale from 1 to 9 gives the flare assessment greater precision with larger numbers representing more powerful flares within the class.
  • However, X-class flares can break this nine-point rating mold with higher ratings, since there is no class more powerful than X-class.
  • Fortunately, X-class flares occur on average about 10 times per year.

How do Solar Flares Affect the Earth?

  • Disruption of Satellite Communications: Solar flares can interfere with satellite communications, GPS signals, and radio transmissions, causing disruptions or blackouts in telecommunications and navigation systems.
  • Auroral Displays: Intense solar flares can trigger colorful auroras, or Northern and Southern Lights, as charged particles interact with Earth's magnetic field, creating stunning light displays in the polar regions.
  • Power Grid Disturbances: Severe solar flares have the potential to induce geomagnetic storms that can overload power grids, leading to widespread power outages and damage to electrical infrastructure.
  • Radiation Hazards: Solar flares emit harmful radiation, particularly in the form of ultraviolet and X-rays, which can pose risks to astronauts in space and airline passengers at high altitudes.
  • Impact on Electronics: The influx of charged particles during solar flares can induce currents in electrical circuits, potentially damaging or disrupting sensitive electronic devices, such as computers, satellites, and spacecraft.

India-led ‘Group of Friends’

  • 30 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

At a high-level meeting of the India-led 'Group of Friends (GOF), India launched a new database designed to record crimes against UN peacekeepers and monitor progress in holding perpetrators accountable.

About the 'Group of Friends':

  • The Group of Friends (GOF) was launched by India in 2022 to promote accountability for crimes against the Blue Helmets during its presidency of the UN Security Council.
  • India, Bangladesh, Egypt, France, Morocco, and Nepal are co-chairs of the GOF, which comprises 40 member states.

Key objectives of the group include:

  • Engaging and sharing information with the UN Secretary-General to assist member states hosting or having hosted peacekeeping operations in bringing perpetrators of crimes against peacekeepers to justice.
  • Serving as an informal platform at the UN to exchange information, share best practices, and mobilize resources to facilitate accountability for crimes against peacekeepers.
  • Monitoring progress on bringing accountability for crimes against peacekeepers.
  • The 'Group of Friends' will convene two meetings of its members per year and organize one event annually involving Permanent Missions and other stakeholders, ensuring greater safety and security for peacekeepers.
  • This initiative represents the political will of member states, particularly troop and police contributing countries, to champion the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 2589, adopted in August 2021 under India's Presidency of the Council.
  • Resolution 2589 called upon member states hosting or having hosted UN peacekeeping operations to take all appropriate measures to bring to justice perpetrators of violence against UN personnel, including their detention and abduction.
  • The 'Group of Friends serves as a crucial platform for advancing this resolution, promoting accountability, and enhancing the protection of peacekeepers worldwide.

India's Significant Role in UN Peacekeeping:

  • As a longstanding advocate for global peace and stability, India has demonstrated its commitment to United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations.
  • Over the past seven decades, India has contributed more than 260,000 peacekeepers, making it the largest cumulative contributor to UN peacekeeping missions.
  • Despite the risks associated with such endeavors, India has remained steadfast in its support of peacekeeping efforts.
  • Tragically, 177 Indian peacekeepers have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, reflecting India's dedication to fostering stability worldwide.
  • Presently, India has more than 6,000 peacekeepers deployed in nine out of the twelve UN peacekeeping missions.
  • As a strong proponent of accountability for crimes against peacekeepers, India plays a crucial role in advocating for the safety and security of these dedicated personnel.

C-Vigil App

  • 30 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Ever since the general election was announced two weeks ago, a total of 79,000 violations have been reported on the Election Commission of India’s (ECI) cVigil app across the country.

About C-Vigil App:

  • cVigil is a user-friendly and easy-to-operate application, that connects vigilant citizens with the District Control Room, Returning Officer and Field Unit (Flying Squads), or Static Surveillance Teams.
  • By using this app, citizens can immediately report incidents of political misconduct within minutes and without having to rush to the office of the returning officer.
  • As soon as the complaint is sent on the cVigil app, the complainant receives a unique ID, through which the person will be able to track the complaint on their mobile.
  • This creates a rapid and accurate reporting, action, and monitoring system.

The cVIGIL app enabled voters to

  • Register Complaints: The app allows every citizen within the election boundaries to report the Model Code of Conduct / Expenditure Violations by taking photos/audio/video through their mobile phones by signing into the application.
  • Anonymous User: The app also allows the citizen to complain anonymously, without revealing their details/ identity.
  • Geotagging: The app automatically enables a geo-tagging feature when users switch on their camera in the cVIGIL to report a violation, which helps the field unit to know the precise location of the incident.

Benefits of the Application:

  • cVIGIL is a convenient and user-friendly app allowing citizens to send pictorial evidence of the model code of conduct violations in their vicinity.
  • Each reported incident is tracked and scrutinized from the beginning to the endpoint, thus bringing accountability into the system.
  • The immediate location verification feature of the cVIGIL will act as a strong deterrence for miscreants and wrong-doers as they can be easily tracked.
  • A combination of all these factors will encourage citizens to keep vigil over unhealthy electoral practices and bring them to the notice of the Election Commission.
    • This in turn will help the commission reach its objective of conducting free and fair elections.

Great Indian Bustard (GIB)

  • 29 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Supreme Court last week said it will review its April 2021 order to bury underground all power lines in the habitat of the Great Indian Bustard (GIB), after the Centre found the order “practically impossible to implement” over long distances.

About Great Indian Bustard:

  • Great Indian Bustard (GIB) is an agro-grassland bird endemic to the Indian Subcontinent.
  • Known locally as Godawan in Rajasthan, it is a Critically Endangered species as per the IUCN Red List.
  • It belongs to the family Otididae and exhibits sexual dimorphism.
  • The GIB is an omnivorous bird.
  • The species has a current viable population of around 150 individuals in India and mainly survives in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan which holds about 100 individuals.
  • Of the remaining individuals, these birds are found in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh respectively.
  • With fewer than 150 individuals, they are caught in a deadly maze of power lines that crisscross its last refuge in the Kutch and Thar deserts of western India.

Why Do Power Lines Kill Bustards?

  • Power lines pose a risk to all flying birds.
  • In 2020, a study carried out by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) in 4,200 sq km of GIB habitat in and around Desert National Park (DNP) in Rajasthan estimated that power lines killed around 84,000 birds of multiple species every year.
  • GIBs are especially vulnerable because of their narrow frontal vision and large size.
    • Unlike some birds that have a panoramic vision around the head, species like raptors and bustards have extensive blind areas above their heads.
    • When they stretch their head forward to scan the ground below, they fly blind in the direction of travel.

Arguments of the Centre:

  • The Centre said taking lines of 66 KV and higher voltage underground was not feasible for the evacuation of bulk power due to constraints such as transmission losses, maintenance challenges, multiple cable joints, increased time requirements, and safety concerns.
  • The cost implications of undergrounding all power lines in the large area identified are very heavy — running into many thousands of crores and the cost of externalities that will burden the nation was “huge” and “disproportionate”.
  • Harnessing renewable power from high-potential areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat was “essential for meeting rising power demand and India’s international commitments on climate change”.

Other threats faced by GIB:

  • Free-ranging dogs pose a significant threat to the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) population, particularly in the Thar landscape, with feral packs responsible for a substantial portion of Chinkara depredation in the Desert National Park (DNP) as of 2017.
  • Although sporadic hunting of GIBs persists, the prevalent use of pesticides in agricultural areas poses a more substantial risk to the bird's survival.
  • Additionally, habitat loss, particularly the decline of grasslands essential for nesting, and diminishing support from local communities are growing concerns.


  • 29 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched a global network of laboratories to identify and monitor potentially novel coronaviruses that could emerge shortly.

What is CoViNet?

  • The Coronavirus Network (CoViNet) is a global collaboration of laboratories with expertise in human, animal, and environmental coronavirus surveillance.
    • This network aims to identify and monitor potential new coronaviruses that could emerge and impact public health worldwide.
  • To enhance pandemic preparedness, CoViNet will expand its scope to include animal health and environmental surveillance, as well as timely risk assessments.
    • This will allow the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop more informed policies and protective measures against future viral outbreaks.
  • CoViNet will also play a pivotal role in building and supporting laboratory capacities in low- and middle-income countries to monitor MERS-CoV and other emerging coronaviruses of public health importance.
    • By fostering knowledge exchange and capacity building, CoViNet aims to strengthen the global response to coronavirus threats.
  • Furthermore, data generated through CoViNet's efforts will guide the work of the WHO's Technical Advisory Groups on Viral Evolution (TAG-VE) and Vaccine Composition (TAG-CO-VAC). These groups rely on cutting-edge research and surveillance data to inform public health policies and vaccination strategies.
  • With 36 laboratories from 21 countries across all six WHO regions, CoViNet currently encompasses a wide range of expertise and resources.
    • Three Indian institutions, namely, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, the Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology in Pune, and the Translational Health Science and Technology Institute, proudly represent the country in this global network dedicated to coronavirus surveillance and preparedness.

About the World Health Organization (WHO):

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) stands as a paramount global health authority, dedicated to promoting health, preventing diseases, and improving healthcare systems worldwide.
  • Established in 1948, WHO operates as a specialized agency of the United Nations, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • It collaborates with governments, international organizations, and civil society to address pressing health challenges and provide guidance and support to countries in need.
  • WHO's mandate encompasses a wide array of health-related issues, including infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, mental health, maternal and child health, and environmental health.
  • Through research, policy development, and technical assistance, WHO plays a vital role in shaping health policies, setting standards, and coordinating responses to health emergencies such as pandemics and natural disasters.
  • With a mission to ensure the highest attainable level of health for all people, WHO continues to lead efforts in global health governance, advocacy, and capacity-building, striving for a healthier, safer, and more equitable world.

Food Waste Index Report 2024

  • 29 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

As per the Food Waste Index Report for 2024, households worldwide discarded more than one billion meals daily in 2022.

About UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2024:

  • The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Food Waste Index Report 2024, co-authored with the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), offers a comprehensive analysis of the state of global food waste.
  • The report reveals alarming trends, including the wastage of over 1 billion meals per day in 2022, highlighting the urgency to address this critical issue.

Key findings from the report include:

  • Per Capita Waste: The average annual food waste per person amounts to approximately 79 kilograms (or around 174 pounds).
    • This equates to over a billion meals being wasted daily worldwide, underscoring the significant inefficiencies in current food consumption habits.
  • Sources of Waste: Household waste constitutes the majority, around 60%, with food service establishments (such as restaurants) contributing approximately 28%, and retailers making up about 12%.
    • This breakdown suggests that interventions targeting consumer behavior could have a substantial impact on reducing overall waste.
  • Environmental Impact: Food loss and waste contribute to 8 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Comparatively, if food waste were considered a country, it would rank as the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases globally, trailing only China and the United States.
    • This stark comparison underscores the urgent need to address food waste not only for resource efficiency but also as a crucial aspect of climate action on a global scale.
  • Global vs. Local Impact: The report highlights that food waste is a pervasive issue affecting both high-income and lower-income countries alike.
    • This universality implies that solutions must be adaptable and scalable across various socioeconomic contexts.
  • Collaborative Solutions: Governments, regional entities, industry stakeholders, and non-profit organizations are increasingly involved in public-private partnerships to combat food waste.
    • Effective strategies, such as food redistribution through initiatives like food banks and charities, are recognized as vital for reducing waste while simultaneously supporting vulnerable communities.


  • The Food Waste Index Report by UNEP emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive action, both globally and locally, to tackle the issue of food waste.
  • By illuminating the extent and origins of waste, as well as its significant environmental and social repercussions, the report advocates for collaborative efforts across all sectors to establish sustainable food systems.
  • The target of halving food waste by 2030 is not only in line with environmental goals but also represents a crucial step towards reducing global hunger and promoting a fairer distribution of food resources.
  • As nations strive to achieve this objective, the report underscores the interconnectedness of food security, environmental sustainability, and economic viability.
  • It presents addressing food waste not only as a moral and environmental imperative but also as a practical opportunity to bolster global food security and combat climate change.

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act

  • 29 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Kerala High Court has held that a child charged with offenses under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, is to be prosecuted as per the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) (JJ) Act.

About the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act):

  • Enacted in 2012, the POCSO Act stands as India's pioneering legislation dedicated to addressing child sexual abuse comprehensively.
  • Under the administration of the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD), its primary objective is safeguarding children under 18 from sexual assault, harassment, and exploitation, alongside establishing Special Courts to adjudicate such cases swiftly and efficiently, ensuring justice and protection for victims.

Salient Features of the Act:

  • The POCSO Act adopts a gender-neutral approach, defining a child as "any person" under 18, ensuring inclusivity for all victims of child sexual abuse.
  • It delineates various forms of sexual abuse, encompassing penetrative and non-penetrative assault, sexual harassment, and pornography.
  • Certain circumstances, such as mental illness or abuse by a trusted individual like a family member, escalate the severity of sexual assault as per the Act.
  • Individuals involved in trafficking children for sexual exploitation are subject to punishment under the Act's provisions on abetment.
  • Attempting to commit an offense under the Act incurs penalties up to half the prescribed punishment for the completed offense.
  • There's no time limit for reporting abuse, empowering victims to come forward at any point, regardless of when the abuse occurred.
  • The Act mandates reporting of sexual abuse, penalizing failure to do so with imprisonment or fines.
  • It includes child-friendly procedures for reporting, evidence recording, investigation, and trial, ensuring a supportive environment for victims.
  • These procedures include recording the child's statement in a preferred location, preferably by a female officer, and avoiding aggressive questioning or character attacks.
  • Medical examinations occur in the presence of a trusted individual, and the child is shielded from seeing the accused during testimony.
  • Trials are held in camera, with the Special Court aiming to complete proceedings within a year of cognizance, prioritizing swift justice for victims.

Amendment to the Act:

  • In 2019, the Act underwent its inaugural amendment to intensify penalties for particular offenses, aiming to dissuade perpetrators and safeguard the dignity of childhood.
  • This amendment introduced the death penalty for aggravated penetrative sexual assault against children.
  • Additionally, it empowered the imposition of fines and sentences of up to 20 years in prison to combat child pornography.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

  • 29 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in 2023, more than 4,500 Rohingya refugees embarked on a perilous journey across the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

About the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR):

  • UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution.
  • It leads international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.
  • Formally known as the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1950 in the aftermath of the Second World War to help the millions of people who had lost their homes.
  • Today, UNHCR operates in 137 countries and provides life-saving assistance, including shelter, food, water, and medical care for people forced to flee conflict and persecution, many of whom have nobody left to turn to.
  • UNHCR defends their right to reach safety and helps them find a place to call home so they can rebuild their lives.
  • UNHCR also collaborates with countries to improve and monitor refugee and asylum laws and policies, ensuring that human rights are upheld.
  • UNHCR considers refugees and those forced to flee as partners, putting those most affected at the center of planning and decision-making.

Who are the Rohingya Refugees?

  • Rohingya are an ethnic group, largely comprising Muslims, who predominantly live in the Western Myanmar province of Rakhine.
  • They speak a dialect of Bengali, as opposed to the commonly spoken Burmese language.
  • Though they have been living in the South East Asian country for generations, Myanmar considers them as persons who migrated to their land during Colonial rule so, it has not granted Rohingyas full citizenship.
  • According to the 1982 Burmese citizenship law, a Rohingya (or any ethnic minority) is eligible for citizenship only if he/she provides proof that his/her ancestors have lived in the country before 1823. Otherwise, they are classified as “resident foreigners” or as “associate citizens” (even if one of the parent is a Myanmar citizen).
  • Since they are not citizens, they are not entitled to be part of civil service. Their movements are also restricted within the Rakhine state.

T+0 Settlement Cycle

  • 28 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The BSE and NSE introduced trading in the T+0 rolling settlement cycle in the equity segment on an optional basis today.

What is Trade Settlement?

  • Trade settlement encompasses the bilateral process of transferring funds and securities on the designated settlement date.
  • It signifies the completion of a trade transaction when the purchased securities of a listed company are successfully delivered to the buyer, and the seller receives the agreed-upon payment.
  • The evolution of the trade settlement cycle in India has seen notable adjustments over time.
  • Initially shortened by SEBI to T+3 from T+5 in 2002 and further to T+2 in 2003, the current cycle in the Indian stock market stands at T+1.
  • This migration to the T+1 cycle took effect in January 2023, positioning India as the second country globally, after China, to implement the T+1 settlement cycle for top-listed securities.

What is the T+0 Trading Settlement Cycle?

  • In December last year, the capital markets regulator SEBI proposed to introduce a facility for clearing and settlement of funds and securities on T+0 (same day) on an optional basis, in addition to the existing T+1 settlement cycle.
  • The regulator has also proposed to introduce optional instant settlement at a later stage.
  • Under the T+0 trade cycle, the settlement of trades will happen on the same day after the closure of the T+0 market.
  • If investors sell a share, they will get the money credited to their account the same day, and the buyer will also get the shares in their demat account on the very day of the transaction.

What are the Benefits of T+0 Trade Settlement?

  • A shortened settlement cycle will bring cost and time efficiency, transparency in charges to investors, and strengthen risk management at clearing corporations and the overall securities market ecosystem.
  • The T+0 trade cycle is expected to provide flexibility in terms of faster pay-out of the funds against the securities to the sellers and faster pay-out of securities against the funds to the buyers.
  • It will allow better control over funds and securities by the investors.
  • For the securities market ecosystem, a shorter settlement cycle will further free up capital in the securities market, thereby enhancing the overall market efficiency.
  • It will enhance the overall risk management of Clearing Corporations (CCs) as the trades are backed by upfront funds and securities.

Who can Participate in the T+0 Settlement Cycle?

  • All investors are eligible to participate in the segment for the T+0 trade settlement cycle if they are able to meet the timelines, process, and risk requirements as prescribed by the Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs).

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)

  • 28 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, NASA's Soho mission, which is tasked with observing the Sun, has captured its 5000th comet as it dives around the star in our Solar System.

About Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO):

  • SOHO was built as a general solar observatory, with twelve suites of scientific instruments to track all of these properties of the Sun.
  • During its operations, it has provided important insights, including:
    • Details about the interior of the Sun,
    • What sunspots look like beneath the surface,
    • Measurements of the speed of the solar wind,
    • The charged particles that escape from the corona,
    • Mapping the magnetic field behavior over the Sun’s surface; and
    • Revealing new phenomena such as “solar tornadoes”.
  • Built in Europe, SOHO is operated jointly by ESA and NASA, with contributions from a large number of scientists, engineers, and other staff around the world.
  • The spacecraft was launched in 1995 with a planned two-year mission.
  • Its work was successful enough to justify keeping the observatory going, and it’s still operating more than 20 years later.
  • The probe orbits the Sun at a place where the gravity of the Sun and Earth balance each other out, known as the first Lagrange point (L1).
  • Center for Astrophysics (CfA) scientists and engineers provided SOHO’s Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS), which operated until 2013 and measured the ultraviolet spectrum of the hot solar atmosphere.
    • UVCS provided the insight that the corona is too hot to be produced by ordinary thermal transfer, where particles collide and pass energy to each other.
    • Instead, the corona and solar wind must be accelerated by the magnetic field interactions in some way.
  • Other SOHO instruments measure the speed and composition of the solar wind; the seismic waves that travel across the Sun’s surface; the fluctuations in the temperature, composition, and density of different parts of the corona; and the motion of matter upward from the Sun’s interior to its surface.

Black Carbon

  • 27 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

As per a study, the residential sector is responsible for 47% of India's overall black carbon emissions.

What is Black Carbon?

  • Black carbon is the dark, sooty material emitted alongside other pollutants when biomass and fossil fuels are not fully combusted.
  • It contributes to global warming and poses severe risks.
  • Studies have found a direct link between exposure to black carbon and a higher risk of heart disease, birth complications, and premature death.
  • Most black carbon emissions in India arise from burning biomass, such as cow dung or straw, in traditional cookstoves.
  • According to a 2016 study, the residential sector contributes 47% of India’s total black carbon emissions.
  • Industries contribute a further 22%, diesel vehicles 17%, open burning 12%, and other sources 2%.
  • Decarbonization efforts in the industry and transport sectors in the past decade have yielded reductions in black carbon emissions, but the residential sector remains a challenge.
  • Black carbon is a potent contributor to global warming due to its efficient absorption of light and subsequent heating of its surroundings.
    • This process leads to the conversion of incoming solar radiation into heat.
  • Moreover, black carbon influences cloud formation and affects regional circulation and precipitation patterns.
    • When deposited on ice and snow, it diminishes surface albedo, reducing their ability to reflect sunlight and causing surface warming.


  • Black carbon significantly contributes to global warming and poses substantial risks to human health.
    • Exposure to black carbon has been linked to increased incidences of heart disease, birth complications, and premature mortality.
  • Its warming effect on climate is estimated to be 460-1,500 times more potent than that of CO2.

Post-Vaccination Immunity

  • 26 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

A recent review revealed that only a handful of vaccines offer durable protection lasting beyond 20 years.

About Post-vaccination immunity:


  • The fundamental immunological process involves the production of memory B cells in lymph nodes, providing long-term protection against diseases.
  • These memory B cells recognize antigens delivered by vaccines, prompting the production of potent antibodies upon encountering similar antigens from foreign objects like viruses, effectively eliminating infections.
  • T cell support is essential for the activation of memory B cells, thus vaccines stimulating T cells are capable of inducing their production.
  • Notably, certain vaccines, such as polysaccharide typhoid and pneumococcal vaccines, may not prompt the production of B cells.
  • To extend the duration of immunity conferred by memory B cells, frequent boosters may be necessary, ranging from six months to several years.
  • However, the presence of memory B cells alone does not guarantee protection, as the effectiveness of vaccines in triggering their production varies.
  • Long-lasting plasma cells (LLPCs) migrate from lymph nodes to the bone marrow, where they may persist for decades, constituting a crucial aspect of vaccine-induced immunity.
  • Every vaccine aims to generate LLPCs in the bone marrow for lifelong protection, with vaccines like those for measles and rubella known to stimulate LLPC production.
  • Notably, some potent vaccines, such as mRNA COVID-19 shots, may not effectively activate LLPCs in the bone marrow.
  • For vaccines to confer long-term protection, they must generate both memory B cells and LLPCs in the bone marrow, with variations in vaccine effectiveness in producing these cells explaining differences in their durability.

Smart Meter National Programme (SMNP)

  • 26 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Kerala's shift towards an alternative approach for the implementation of smart electricity meters, sidelining the Central government's Rs 3 lakh crore project, poses a challenge to the Union Government's initiative of replacing 250 million traditional meters with smart meters in all households by March 2025.

About the Smart Meter National Programme (SMNP):

  • The Indian government has initiated the Smart Meter National Programme (SMNP) to revolutionize the country's energy sector through the implementation of smart meters.
  • By replacing 25 crore conventional meters, the SMNP aims to enhance the operational efficiency and revenue management of distribution companies (DISCOMs).
  • Under the leadership of Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint venture of four National Public Sector Enterprises, the scheme is set to make waves in the energy sector.
  • EESL, comprised of NTPC Limited, PFC, REC, and POWERGRID, operates under the Ministry of Power and is committed to undertaking the necessary capital and operational expenditures with zero upfront investment from states and utilities.
  • The Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) model facilitates the recovery of smart meter costs via the monetization of energy savings resulting from improved billing accuracy, reduced meter reading costs, and increased efficiency.
  • In accordance with guidelines set forth by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the strategic deployment of these smart meters adheres to industry standards.

Smart meters offer a multitude of advantages:

    • Consumers can monitor their electricity usage and make informed decisions to reduce their bills.
    • Utilities benefit from enhanced operational efficiency, enabling better power demand management.
  • Web-based Monitoring: The interconnected smart meter network can mitigate utilities' commercial losses, enhance revenue generation, and propel power sector reforms.
  • The Smart Meter National Programme (SMNP) paves the way for a more efficient and sustainable energy landscape in India, revolutionizing the way utilities operate and consumers engage with their electricity usage.

What are Smart Meters?

  • A smart meter serves as an advanced tool for recording electricity consumption and voltage levels, offering a significant upgrade over traditional metering systems.
    • While conventional meters simply measure power usage, smart meters take it a step further by transmitting real-time data to utility providers at intervals of 15 minutes or hourly.
  • Smart meters truly live up to their name by utilizing internet connectivity to facilitate two-way communication.
    • On one hand, they empower consumers with up-to-date information on energy usage patterns, enabling them to make informed decisions and manage consumption more efficiently.
    • On the other hand, utility providers gain valuable insights for monitoring purposes and ensuring accurate billing.
  • In essence, smart meters pave the way for improved energy management, increased transparency, and enhanced efficiency, catering to the evolving needs of both consumers and utility providers in today's digital era.

ISRO’s Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) LEX 02 Landing Experiment

  • 23 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully conducted the Pushpak Reusable Landing Vehicle (RLV) LEX 02 landing experiment at the Aeronautical Test Range in Chitradurga recently.

What is a Reusable Landing Vehicle (RLV) LEX 02?

  • Continuing our exploration into reusable landing vehicles, RLV-LEX-02 marks the second mission in our series conducted at the Aeronautical Test Range.
  • Following the success of RLV-LEX-01 last year, this latest endeavor showcases the remarkable autonomous landing capability of our reusable launch vehicle (RLV).
  • Notably, RLV-LEX-02 demonstrates the vehicle's ability to navigate and safely land from off-nominal initial conditions immediately upon release from a helicopter.

Methodology of the Experiment:

  • The RLV LEX-02 mission showcased the autonomous landing prowess of our reusable launch vehicle under demanding circumstances following its release from a helicopter.
  • Dubbed 'Pushpak', this winged vehicle was airlifted by an Indian Air Force Chinook helicopter and released from a height of 4.5 km.
  • Navigating autonomously, it adeptly approached the runway, making precise cross-range corrections before executing a flawless landing.
  • Utilizing a combination of its brake parachute, landing gear brakes, and nose wheel steering system, it safely came to a stop.
  • Notably, the winged body and all flight systems previously employed in RLV-LEX-01 were repurposed for RLV-LEX-02 after undergoing necessary certification and clearances.
  • This remarkable mission was executed collaboratively by the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), the Liquid Propulsion System Centre (LPSC), and the ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU).

What is the Reusable Launch Vehicle?

  • The reusable launch vehicle represents a pioneering space plane design characterized by a low lift-to-drag ratio, which mandates high glide angles during approach and consequently requires landing at velocities reaching 350 kmph.
  • Integral to its innovation are a multitude of indigenous systems developed meticulously. These encompass sophisticated navigation systems, leveraging pseudolite technology for precise localization, as well as instrumentation and sensor arrays, among other advancements, all spearheaded by ISRO.


Order of the Druk Gyalpo

  • 23 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently received Bhutan’s highest civilian award, the ‘Order of the Druk Gyalpo’, during his two-day State visit to the neighboring nation.

What is the ‘Order of the Druk Gyalpo’ Award?

  • The Order of the Druk Gyalpo, Bhutan's most prestigious civilian award, was recently conferred upon Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his two-day State visit to the neighboring nation.
  • As the first foreign Head of Government to receive this esteemed accolade, Prime Minister Modi joins a select group of individuals honored for their exceptional contributions to Bhutanese society, service, integrity, and leadership.
  • According to the ranking and precedence established within Bhutan's honor system, the Order of the Druk Gyalpo represents the pinnacle of lifetime achievement, taking precedence over all other orders, decorations, and medals.
  • Prime Minister Modi received the award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to strengthening India-Bhutan relations and his dedicated service to the Bhutanese nation and its people.
  • Past recipients of the Order of the Druk Gyalpo include:
    • Her Majesty The Royal Queen Grandmother Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck in 2008
    • His Holiness Je Thrizur Tenzin Dendup in 2008, and
    • His Holiness Je Khenpo Trulku Ngawang Jigme Choedra in 2018.
  • With Prime Minister Modi's recent addition to this esteemed list, the Order of the Druk Gyalpo continues to symbolize Bhutan's appreciation for remarkable individuals who significantly impact the country and its people.

Netravati River

  • 23 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The principal bench of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) in New Delhi has initiated action on the Netravati Waterfront Promenade Development Project in Mangaluru.

About the Netravati River:

  • The Netravati River, also known as Netravathi Nadi, originates from the Bangrabalige valley, Yelaneeru Ghat in Kudremukh, Chikkamagaluru district, Karnataka, India.
  • It passes through the revered pilgrimage site Dharmasthala, earning recognition as one of India's sacred rivers.
  • Converging with the Kumaradhara River at Uppinangadi, it eventually flows into the Arabian Sea, south of Mangalore city, serving as the primary water source for Bantwal and Mangalore.
  • The Netravati railway bridge, a prominent structure, acts as the gateway to Mangalore.
  • Historically known as the Bantwal River, it was documented as unfordable during the South-West Monsoon in the 1855 Gazetteer of Southern India.
  • The river's navigability by small country craft and its influence on local geography and transport, including the naming of the Netravati Express train, underscores its significance in the region's history.
  • Instances of flooding, notably in 1928 and 1974, have shaped the lives of residents, prompting relocations and resilience

About the National Green Tribunal:

  • The National Green Tribunal (NGT) was established under the National Green Tribunal Act of 2010.
  • While its principal seat is located in New Delhi, it also holds sessions in Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata, and Chennai.
  • The NGT is entrusted with the responsibility of adjudicating applications or appeals, ensuring their final disposition within six months of filing.


  • The tribunal comprises a Chairperson, Judicial Members, and Expert Members, each serving a non-renewable term of five years.
  • The appointment of the Chairperson is made by the Central Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of India (CJI).
  • A Selection Committee, constituted by the Central Government, is responsible for appointing both Judicial and Expert Members.
  • The tribunal can accommodate a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 full-time Judicial and Expert Members.

Powers & Jurisdiction:

  • Established to efficiently handle cases concerning environmental protection and conservation of natural resources, including forests.
  • It possesses appellate jurisdiction akin to a court.
  • While not bound by the procedural formalities outlined in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the NGT operates based on the principles of natural justice.

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Startup Forum

  • 22 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

India will host the fifth meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation startup forum in January next year according to the commerce and industry ministry.

About the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Startup Forum:

  • The SCO Startup Forum is a platform for the stakeholders from the startup ecosystems from all SCO Member States to interact and collaborate.
  • The entrepreneurial activities aim to empower the local startup communities in the SCO Member States.
  • The SCO Startup Forum aims to create multilateral cooperation and engagement for startups among the SCO Member States.
  • This engagement will empower the local startup ecosystems in the SCO Member States.

The following are the objectives of the engagement:

  • Sharing of best practices to promote entrepreneurship and innovation to build knowledge-exchange systems
  • Bringing Corporations and Investors across to work closely with startups and provide local entrepreneurs with much-needed support and market access
  • Increasing scaling opportunities for startups by providing solutions in the field of social innovation and providing Governments with a plethora of innovative solutions
  • Creating open procurement channels to enable matchmaking for procuring innovative solutions from startups
  • Facilitating cross-border incubation and acceleration programs that will enable the startups to explore international markets and get focused mentorship.

Upcoming Events:

  • India is set to host the second meeting of the Special Working Group for Startups and Innovation (SWG) in November 2024 and the SCO Startup Forum 5.0 in January 2025.

Past Initiatives:

  • SCO Startup Forum 1.0: Established in 2020, laying the groundwork for multilateral cooperation among SCO Member States' startups.
  • SCO Startup Forum 2.0: Held virtually in 2021, introducing the SCO Startup Hub, a centralized platform for the SCO startup ecosystem.
  • SCO Startup Forum 3.0: Organized physically in 2023 by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), marking a significant milestone for SCO Member States' startup collaboration.
  • 1st Meeting of the SWG: Led by India, the first meeting of the SCO Special Working Group on Startups and Innovation in 2023 focused on the theme 'Growing from Roots', emphasizing foundational growth within the startup ecosystem.

World Inequality Lab Report

  • 21 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

India’s top 1 percent income and wealth shares have reached historical highs and are among the very highest in the world, according to a paper released by World Inequality Lab.

What is the World Inequality Lab?

  • The World Inequality Lab is a global research center that focuses on studying inequality and public policies that promote social, economic, and environmental justice.

The lab's main missions include:

  • Expanding the World Inequality Database: The lab gathers and analyzes data on income, wealth, and capital asset distribution across various countries.
  • Publishing research: The lab releases working papers, reports, and methodological handbooks to contribute to the understanding of global inequality dynamics.
  • Collaborating with international researchers: The lab works with a network of researchers from around the world to compile and analyze data for the World Inequality Database.
  • Promoting public debate: The lab aims to raise awareness about inequality by disseminating their findings and engaging in public discourse.
  • The World Inequality Lab is known for producing the World Inequality Report, which offers up-to-date and comprehensive data on different aspects of inequality globally, including wealth, income, gender, and ecological inequality.

Key Insights from the Research Paper Released by the WIL:

  • A team of four economists, including Nitin Kumar Bharti, Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, and Anmol Somanchi, has compiled comprehensive time series data on income and wealth inequality in India.
  • Titled "The Billionaire Raj," the paper asserts that India's current level of inequality surpasses that of the British Raj era.
  • In the fiscal year 2022-23, India witnessed its highest recorded levels of income and wealth concentration among the top 1%: 22.6% and 40.1%, respectively.
  • India's top 1% income share is noted to be among the highest globally, even surpassing countries like South Africa, Brazil, and the US.
  • While India's top 1% holds a significant share of income, the wealth share of this segment is comparatively lower than in South Africa and Brazil.
  • The paper accentuates the stark disparities among various income groups in India.
  • For instance, the wealthiest 1% possess an average wealth of Rs 5.4 crore, 40 times the national average, whereas the bottom 50% and the middle 40% hold significantly lower amounts: Rs 1.7 lakh (0.1 times the national average) and Rs 9.6 lakh (0.7 times the national average), respectively.
  • At the pinnacle of the wealth distribution, approximately 10,000 individuals out of 92 million Indian adults possess an average wealth of Rs 2,260 crore, a staggering 16,763 times the average Indian wealth.

Key Recommendations from the Research Paper:

  • The research paper has meticulously compiled data from various sources to construct its estimates on income and wealth inequality.
  • Given the absence of official income estimates and wealth statistics based on surveys in India, the paper underscores the necessity for reliable data sources in these domains.
  • To tackle the issue of inequality in India, the paper proposes a range of policy interventions.
  • These measures encompass a comprehensive overhaul of the tax structure to encompass both income and wealth considerations, alongside substantial public investments in critical areas such as healthcare, education, and nutrition.
  • A notable suggestion outlined in the report is the implementation of a "super tax" of 2% on the net wealth of the 167 wealthiest families recorded in 2022-23. This levy is projected to generate revenues equivalent to 0.5% of the national income.
  • Furthermore, the imposition of such a tax is envisaged not only to create fiscal leeway for essential investments but also to serve as an effective tool in combatting entrenched inequality within the society.

Project GR00T

  • 21 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

AI chip leader Nvidia on Tuesday (March 19) announced Project GR00T or Generalist Robot 00 Technology, which promises to revolutionize the evolution of humanoid robots.

What is Project GR00T?

  • Project GR00T stands for Generalist Robot 00 Technology.
  • It is essentially a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots.
  • This ambitious project aims to create a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots, enabling them to understand natural language, learn new skills from observing humans, and solve various tasks in real-time.
  • Robots built on this platform are designed to understand natural language and emulate movements by observing human actions, such as instantly learning coordination, dexterity, and other skills.
  • This can help the robots navigate and engage with the real world around them.
  • The goal of Project GR00T is to advance the field of embodied artificial general intelligence (AGI) and drive breakthroughs in robotics.
  • NVIDIA intends to leverage its expertise in AI and its technological resources to develop this foundational model, which would provide humanoid robots with human-like abilities, such as emotion, reaction, and movement.

The Potential Consequences of Project GR00T and Humanoid Robots in the Workforce:

  • As humanoid robots, such as those envisioned by NVIDIA's Project GR00T, become more advanced and capable of handling various hazardous or repetitive tasks, concerns arise over potential job displacement.
    • For instance, Nvidia's partnership with Hippocratic AI to develop AI-powered healthcare agents may lead to a reduction in the demand for nurses.
  • However, proponents argue that these robots can serve as valuable aids for humans, enhancing their quality of life and complementing their skills rather than supplanting them entirely.
  • Consequently, the impact of humanoid robots on the workforce may ultimately depend on their successful integration into existing labor structures, as well as the willingness and ability of society to adapt to this transformative technology.

Pusa Basmati Rice

  • 21 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Even as basmati rice exports from the country are poised to scale a new high, scientists at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) have red-flagged the “illegal” cultivation of its blockbuster varieties in Pakistan.

Unauthorized Cultivation and Export of Pusa Basmati Rice Varieties in Pakistan:

  • Despite being officially registered and protected Indian varieties, several IARI-bred Basmati rice varieties, such as Pusa Basmati 1121, Pusa Basmati-6, and Pusa Basmati 1509, are being illegally cultivated and marketed in Pakistan.
    • Recent YouTube videos even feature newer IARI varieties like Pusa Basmati-1847, PB-1885, and PB-1886, released in late 2021.
  • Pakistan's unauthorized Basmati exports have been substantial, with 7.58 lt ($694.55 million) in 2021-22 and 5.95 lt ($650.42 million) in 2022-23 (July-June).
    • This growth is partly due to the depreciation of the Pakistani rupee, allowing the country to offer lower export prices than India.
  • The proliferation of these protected varieties in Pakistan can be attributed to the ease of seed multiplication.
    • With just a small quantity of seeds, large-scale cultivation can be established within two years of the variety's release in India.
    • This unauthorized cultivation not only undermines India's intellectual property rights but also impacts the competitiveness of India's Basmati rice exports in the global market.

What is the Basmati Crop Improvement Program?

  • The Basmati Crop Improvement Program focuses on refining the unique qualities of Basmati rice, such as its distinct grain characteristics, cooking properties, and pleasing aroma.
  • IARI has played a crucial role in the genetic enhancement, leading to the development of high-yielding, semi-dwarf, and photo-insensitive Basmati varieties like Pusa Basmati 1.
  • These improvements have significantly reduced the crop duration from 160 to 120 days and increased productivity from 2.5 to 6-8 tons per hectare.
  • As a result, these advanced Basmati varieties account for approximately 90% of India's projected $5.5 billion exports in 2023-24.
    • This achievement contributes to substantial foreign exchange earnings and economic growth for the country.

Key Features of IARI-Developed Basmati Rice Varieties:

  • IARI has cultivated various Basmati rice varieties with distinct characteristics, including:
  • Pusa Basmati 1121: Known as the world's longest Basmati rice, it matures in 145 days with an average yield of 45 q/ha.
  • Pusa Basmati 1509: Derived from Pusa 1121 x Pusa 1301, this variety addresses Pusa Basmati 1121's weaknesses, matures in 115 days, and yields 5 tons/ha.
  • Improved Pusa Basmati 1 (Pusa 1460): This variety, the first product of molecular breeding in Indian rice, is an enhanced Pusa Basmati 1 with bacterial leaf blight resistance.
  • Pusa Basmati 6 (Pusa 1401): Offering superior grain quality, this variety improves upon Pusa 1121's yielding ability, agronomy, and cooking quality.
  • Pusa RH10: The world's first superfine grain aromatic rice hybrid, it was released in 2001 for commercial cultivation in specific irrigated ecosystems.

Registration and Cultivation Areas of Pusa Basmati Rice in India:

  • All Pusa Basmati rice varieties are officially recognized under the Seeds Act 1966 and can be cultivated within the designated Geographical Indication (GI) area of Basmati rice in India, encompassing seven northern states.
  • These varieties are further registered under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act 2001, which permits only Indian farmers to sow, save, re-sow, exchange, or share the seeds of protected/registered varieties.

State of Global Climate Report 2023

  • 20 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

In line with a host of observations by climate agencies in the preceding three months, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has officially confirmed 2023 to be the hottest year on record.

About the State of Global Climate Report 2023:

  • Published annually by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the State of Global Climate Report provides a detailed analysis of the Earth's climate system.
  • Contributors to the report include various UN organizations, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, Global Data and Analysis Centers, Regional Climate Centres, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), and more.

Highlights of the 2023 Report:

  • Record-Breaking Global Temperatures: 2023 was the hottest year on record, with a global average near-surface temperature of 1.45°Celsius (±0.12°C) above the pre-industrial baseline.
    • The past ten years were also the warmest decade recorded.
  • Extensive Marine Heatwaves: Nearly one-third of the global ocean experienced a marine heatwave on an average day in 2023.
    • Over 90% of the ocean had faced heatwave conditions at some point during the year, negatively impacting ecosystems and food systems.
  • Unprecedented Glacier Ice Loss: Preliminary data reveals the largest loss of ice since 1950 for the global set of reference glaciers, driven by extreme melt in western North America and Europe.
  • Surge in Renewable Energy Capacity: Renewable capacity additions in 2023 increased by almost 50% from 2022, totaling 510 gigawatts (GW) and marking the highest rate in the past two decades.
  • These findings emphasize the pressing need to address climate change through effective international cooperation, policymaking, and sustainable practices.

About the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO):

  • The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that fosters international cooperation in atmospheric science, climatology, hydrology, and geophysics.
  • Founded in 1950, WMO originated from the International Meteorological Organization established in 1873 to facilitate the exchange of weather data and research.
  • Today, WMO comprises 193 member countries and territories and promotes the free exchange of meteorological and hydrological data, information, and research.
  • By collaborating with various partners, WMO contributes to environmental protection, climate change mitigation, and sustainable development efforts worldwide.
  • Headquarters:  Geneva, Switzerland.

Small-Scale LNG (SSLNG)

  • 20 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

India's largest gas utility GAIL (India) Ltd commissioned the country's first SSLNG unit at its Vijaipur complex in Madhya Pradesh recently.

India Unveils Its First Small-Scale LNG Plant:

  • In a significant step towards a cleaner energy mix, GAIL (India) Ltd. has commissioned India's first Small-Scale LNG (SSLNG) plant in Vijaipur, Madhya Pradesh.
  • This plant will produce 36 tonnes of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) daily, utilizing cutting-edge technology like treatment skids and liquefaction skids to convert natural gas into LNG.
  • As part of India's commitment to increasing the proportion of natural gas in its primary energy mix from 6% to 15% by 2030, the SSLNG plant will play a pivotal role in reducing pollution emissions while catering to the nation's growing energy demands.
  • This milestone achievement paves the way for a greener future and positions India as a significant player in the global LNG landscape.

What is Small-Scale LNG?

  • Small-scale LNG (SSLNG) is an emerging industry that offers a novel approach to natural gas distribution.
  • While there is no standard international definition, SSLNG typically involves the liquefaction and transportation of natural gas in smaller quantities using specialized trucks and vessels.
    • This allows for the supply of LNG to industrial and commercial consumers in regions without pipeline connectivity.
  • SSLNG can be sourced from existing large-scale LNG import terminals or small liquefaction plants in gas-rich locations.
    • End-users regasify the LNG using small vaporizers for traditional use cases like supplying Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for vehicles and piped gas for households and industries.
  • Alternatively, LNG can be supplied in its liquid form for direct use.

Benefits of Small-Scale LNG (SSLNG):

  • Expanded Accessibility: SSLNG overcomes the constraints of traditional pipeline infrastructure, enabling natural gas delivery to regions previously lacking access.
    • This opens new avenues for cleaner fuel alternatives and widespread energy availability.
  • Operational Flexibility: SSLNG's modular design allows for rapid deployment in response to local demand fluctuations, making it an ideal solution for remote locations, industrial environments, and diverse transportation requirements.
  • Sustainability Promotion: By fostering the adoption of cleaner fuels, SSLNG significantly reduces emissions in various transportation sectors, including trucks, buses, and marine vessels. This contributes to a greener future and combats climate change.
  • Strengthened Energy Security: Decentralized SSLNG distribution systems diversify fuel sources and bolster energy security, ensuring reliable and stable energy supply amid global fluctuations and uncertainties.

Challenges of Small-Scale LNG (SSLNG) Implementation:

  • Vehicle Availability Constraints: Limited options for LNG-powered vehicles impede the widespread adoption of LNG as a fuel source, underscoring the need for increased production and diversification of vehicle models.
  • Insufficient Retail Infrastructure: The lack of a well-established LNG retail network hinders convenient consumer access to LNG fuel, emphasizing the importance of infrastructure expansion and enhancement.
  • Higher Upfront Investment: The comparatively higher initial costs of LNG vehicles compared to traditional diesel options may deter potential buyers, necessitating innovative financial solutions and incentives.
  • Financing Barriers: The absence of dedicated financing options for LNG vehicles poses obstacles for interested buyers, requiring tailored financial instruments to support SSLNG uptake.
  • Restricted Pipeline Coverage: SSLNG faces logistical challenges in areas without existing natural gas pipeline networks, highlighting the need for infrastructure development to extend its reach to remote regions.
  • Regulatory and Permitting Hurdles: SSLNG projects may encounter regulatory and permitting setbacks, including environmental and safety concerns, potentially prolonging project timelines and inflating costs.
  • Addressing these challenges is essential for expediting SSLNG implementation and fostering its growth.

Reverse Flipping

  • 20 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Payments major Pine Labs and quick commerce firm Zepto are among the startups looking to relocate their headquarters from foreign shores to India, to capitalize on the country's burgeoning tech landscape.

What is Reverse Flipping?

  • Reverse flipping is a growing trend where overseas startups relocate their domicile to India and list on Indian stock exchanges.
    • The primary motivation behind this shift is the potential for a higher valuation and more certain exit opportunities in India's thriving economic landscape.

Several factors contribute to the rise of reverse flipping:

  • Access to a large, expanding economy: India's significant market size and sustained economic growth offer foreign startups attractive prospects for business expansion and success.
  • Abundant venture capital: India's substantial venture capital resources provide a strong financial foundation for startups, fueling innovation and growth.
  • Favorable tax policies: The country's tax regulations encourage foreign startups to establish operations in India, helping them maximize profits and minimize costs.
  • Enhanced intellectual property protection: India's robust IP protection framework fosters innovation and creativity, safeguarding the unique ideas and technologies of startups.
  • Skilled, youthful workforce: The availability of a talented, young, and educated population provides startups with a valuable human resource pool to drive growth and success.
  • Supportive government policies: The Indian government actively promotes entrepreneurship and innovation through various initiatives and policies, creating a conducive environment for startups.
  • The Economic Survey 2022-23 acknowledged the importance of reverse flipping and suggested measures to expedite the process, including simplifying tax vacation procedures, ESOP taxation, capital movement, and reducing tax layers.
  • These efforts aim to further enhance India's appeal as a destination for foreign startups and foster economic growth.

What is Flipping?

  • Flipping refers to the process by which an Indian company becomes a 100% subsidiary of a foreign entity after moving its headquarters overseas, involving a transfer of intellectual property (IP) and other assets.
    • This transforms an Indian startup into a fully-owned subsidiary of a foreign entity, with founders and investors maintaining their ownership through the new overseas structure by exchanging their shares.

The process of flipping poses several concerns for India:

  • The brain drain of entrepreneurial talent: As Indian startups move their operations overseas, India experiences a loss of innovative and entrepreneurial talent, which could otherwise contribute to the country's economic growth and development.
  • Value creation in foreign jurisdictions: Flipping redirects potential value creation to foreign countries, depriving India of the economic benefits that could result from successful startups and innovations.
  • Loss of Intellectual Property: When companies relocate and transfer their intellectual property overseas, India loses valuable IP assets, undermining the country's competitive advantage and innovation potential.
  • Reduced tax revenue: Flipping also contributes to decreased tax revenue for India as companies shift their operations and profits to other jurisdictions, which may have more favorable tax policies.


  • 19 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Findings from a nationwide private hemodialysis network show that there is a variation in the survival of patients receiving hemodialysis in India depending on various factors, and stress on the need to standardize dialysis care across centers.

What is Hemodialysis?

  • Haemodialysis, also known as dialysis, is a medical procedure that helps individuals with kidney failure by removing waste products and excess fluid from their blood.
  • This procedure essentially performs the functions of the kidneys, which are responsible for filtering waste and maintaining the body's electrolyte balance.

Key points about hemodialysis:

  • Process: During hemodialysis, a patient's blood is circulated through a machine with a semipermeable membrane, called a dialyzer or an artificial kidney.
    • The dialyzer filters out waste products, such as urea and creatinine, and excess fluid from the blood, which is then discarded, while essential components are returned to the patient's bloodstream.
  • Access: To perform hemodialysis, a patient typically requires vascular access, which is a surgically created connection between an artery and a vein, usually in the arm.
    • This connection allows for the efficient flow of blood from the patient to the dialysis machine and back.
  • Duration: Haemodialysis treatment typically lasts for around 3-5 hours and is performed several times per week, depending on the patient's needs and kidney function.
  • Indications: Haemodialysis is prescribed for patients with end-stage kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD), who need immediate intervention while waiting for a kidney transplant or when a transplant is not a suitable option.
  • Side effects: Some common side effects of hemodialysis include low blood pressure, muscle cramps, itching, and fatigue.
    • Complications such as infection, access problems, and blood clotting may also occur, but these risks can be minimized with proper medical supervision and management.
  • In summary, hemodialysis is a life-sustaining treatment for patients with kidney failure, offering a means to maintain their health and well-being despite the loss of kidney function.

SAKHI App To Assist Gaganyaan Crew

  • 19 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) facility at Thumba in Thiruvananthapuram, has developed a multi-purpose app that will help astronauts on the Gaganyaan space flight mission carry out a range of tasks such as looking up vital technical information or communicating with one another.

About SAKHI App:

  • The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), an ISRO facility in Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram, has created the versatile 'SAKHI' app for astronauts on the Gaganyaan space flight mission.
  • SAKHI stands for 'Space-borne Assistant and Knowledge Hub for Crew Interaction'.


  • During the mission, the app will assist Gaganyaan crew members in various tasks such as accessing vital technical information and communicating with each other.


  • Health Monitoring: It will monitor key health parameters like blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation, providing crucial insights into the crew's physical condition during the mission.
  • Additionally, it will remind them of hydration, dietary schedules, and sleep patterns.
  • Connectivity:
  • Astronauts can use the app to maintain mission logs in various formats, including voice recordings, texts, and images.
  • It will ensure seamless communication between the crew, the onboard computer, and ground-based stations.
  • Current Status: An engineering model of the custom-built hand-held smart device featuring SAKHI has been tested, with the development of a flight model underway.

About the Gaganyaan Mission:

  • The primary objective of the mission is to demonstrate the capability to launch and safely return three crew members to low Earth orbit.
  • The Launch Vehicle Mark-3 (LVM3) is designated as the launch vehicle for the Gaganyaan mission.
  • Crew Escape System (CES): A vital component of the mission, CES is powered by quick-acting, high-burn rate solid motors.
    • It ensures the safe evacuation of the Crew Module and crew in case of emergencies during launch or ascent.
  • Orbital Module: Comprising the Crew Module (CM) and Service Module (SM), the Orbital Module orbits the Earth, providing safety and support throughout the mission phases.
  • Crew Module (CM): Designed to offer a habitable space with Earth-like conditions for the crew during their time in space.
  • Service Module (SM): This module supports the CM during orbit, containing essential systems such as thermal, propulsion, power, avionics, and deployment mechanisms.
  • This will mark ISRO's inaugural manned spaceflight mission, joining the ranks of the US, Russia, and China, which have previously conducted human spaceflights.

Nilgiris Forest Fire

  • 19 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has deployed its assets to aid the local administration in dousing the raging forest fire that started recently in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiris district.

What is a Forest Fire?

  • A forest fire, also known as a wildfire, is an uncontrolled fire that occurs in forested areas or other vegetated landscapes.
  • These fires can spread rapidly, fueled by dry vegetation, high temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds.
  • Once ignited, they can quickly grow in size, consuming vast areas of land, vegetation, and wildlife habitat.
  • Wildfires pose significant risks to human safety, property, ecosystems, and air quality.

Causes of Forest Fire:

  • Forest fires are caused by Natural causes as well as man-made causes.
    • Natural causes: Many forest fires start from natural causes such as lightning which sets trees on fire.
      • However, rain extinguishes such fires without causing much damage. High atmospheric temperatures and dryness (low humidity) offer favorable circumstances for a fire to start.
    • Man-made causes: Fire is caused when a source of fire like naked flame, cigarette or bidi, electric spark, or any source of ignition comes into contact with inflammable material.

Types of forest fire:

  • Surface Fire: This type of forest fire spreads primarily along the ground, consuming surface litter such as dry leaves, twigs, and grasses.
    • The flames engulf the forest floor as they advance.
  • Underground Fire: Underground fires, also known as muck fires, burn with low intensity beneath the surface, consuming organic matter and surface litter.
    • These fires often spread slowly and can continue burning for months, destroying vegetative cover.
  • Ground Fire: Ground fires occur in sub-surface organic fuels such as duff layers under forest stands or organic soils of swamps.
    • They burn herbaceous growth and organic matter beneath the surface, often transitioning from smoldering underground fires.
  • Crown Fire: Crown fires involve the burning of the crowns of trees and shrubs, sustained by a surface fire.
    • They are particularly hazardous in coniferous forests, where resinous material can fuel intense flames.

Frequency of Forest Fire in India:

  • Seasonality: Forest fires in India are prevalent from November to June, with peak activity typically occurring in April and May, encompassing both small-scale and large-scale incidents.
  • Vulnerability: The 2019 India State of Forest Report (ISFR) highlighted that over 36% of the country's forest cover is susceptible to frequent fires, with 4% categorized as extremely prone and an additional 6% as highly fire-prone.
  • Affected Regions: Dry deciduous forests experience severe fires, with Northeast India, Odisha, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Uttarakhand being particularly vulnerable areas.
  • Recent Incidents: Notable fire outbreaks occurred in 2021 across Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Nagaland-Manipur border, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat, including wildlife sanctuaries.
    • In 2023, Goa faced large bushfires under investigation for potential human causes.
  • 2024 Trends: Recent reports indicate heightened fire activity in Mizoram, Manipur, Assam, Meghalaya, and Maharashtra, with increased incidents along the Konkan belt, coastal Gujarat, southern Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, coastal Odisha, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
  • Southern India: While Andhra Pradesh and Telangana witness fire incidents, forests in southern India, primarily evergreen or semi-evergreen, are less prone to fires, although Tamil Nadu has experienced recent wildfires.

Reasons Behind This Year's Fires:

  • Climate Factors: Dry conditions, high temperatures, clear skies, and light winds have fueled forest fires in southern India.
  • Temperature Trends: February 2024 was exceptionally hot, making it the hottest month in southern India since 1901.
  • Heat Accumulation: Above-average temperatures over the past months led to a buildup of heat, drying out biomass in forests ahead of the summer season.
  • Excess Heat Factor: Western Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka are experiencing higher-than-normal EHF values, increasing the risk of heat waves.
  • Mild Aridity: Lack of rain and high temperatures have classified most districts in southern India as mildly arid.

Equity Issues in IPCC Reports

  • 18 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

In a study published recently, researchers analyzed more than 500 future emissions scenarios the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessed in its latest reports.

About the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

  • The IPCC was created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
  • It is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change.
  • It is a key source of scientific information and technical guidance to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.
  • The IPCC provides governments with scientific information for use in developing climate policies.
  • The IPCC currently has 195 members.
  • The IPCC does not undertake new research. Instead, it synthesizes published and peer-reviewed literature to develop a comprehensive assessment of scientific understanding.
    • These assessments are published in IPCC reports.
    • They are subject to multiple drafting and review processes to promote an objective, comprehensive, and transparent assessment of current knowledge.
  • The IPCC’s work is guided by principles and procedures that govern all main activities of the organization.
  • IPCC member governments and observer organizations nominate experts and the IPCC's scientific governing body, the IPCC Bureau, selects authors and editors with expertise in a range of scientific, technical, and socio-economic fields.

What are IPCC Assessment Reports?

  • Typically, IPCC reports comprise three Working Group reports:
    • One on physical science
    • One on climate adaptation, and
    • One on mitigation action.
  • One synthesis report consolidates findings from the three Working Group reports.
  • Then there are thematic special reports.
  • Each report assesses climate-related scientific literature to capture the state of scientific, technical, and socio-economic knowledge on climate change.
  • The IPCC is currently in its Seventh Assessment cycle (AR7).

How Does it Assess Future Scenarios?

  • The IPCC uses ‘modelled pathways’ to estimate what it will take to limit the warming of the earth’s surface.
  • These pathways are drawn using Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) that describe human and earth systems.
  • IAMs are complex models that examine possible futures of the energy and climate systems and economies.
  • Its macroeconomic models can point to future growth levels in terms of GDP;
    • Its energy models can project future consumption
    • Vegetation models can examine land-use changes; and
    • Earth-system models use the laws of physics to understand how climate evolves.
  • With such integration across disciplines, IAMs are meant to provide policy-relevant guidelines on climate action.
  • However, these models also have shortcomings. They prioritize least-cost assessments — for example, the absolute cost of setting up a solar plant or undertaking afforestation in India is lower than in the U.S.
  • However, experts have said they could exercise the option of enabling countries to equitably share the burden of action, where the richest undertake more drastic mitigation action more immediately.

About the Latest Study:

  • Conducted by a team of specialists from Bengaluru and Chennai, the study scrutinized 556 scenarios outlined in the IPCC's AR6 report.
  • Their findings indicate that by 2050, per-capita GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, West Asia, and other parts of Asia will remain below the global average.
  • Collectively, these regions account for 60% of the global population.
  • Additionally, the study highlighted disparities in the consumption of goods and services, as well as energy and fossil fuel consumption, between the Global North and the Global South.

Why Does Equity Matter?

  • Equity is crucial in climate action as per the UNFCCC, which mandates developed nations to lead in combating climate change.
  • However, current modeling approaches often overlook equity, burdening poorer nations disproportionately.
  • Researchers highlight the need for modeling techniques that prioritize climate justice and equitable distribution of responsibilities.
  • They argue that mitigation pathways should ensure developed regions accelerate towards net negative emissions and allocate carbon budgets to less developed regions.
  • Addressing this gap requires a paradigm shift in scenario building, emphasizing both equity and environmental sustainability.
  • This approach is vital for fostering global cooperation and achieving meaningful climate action.

Predictive AI: Its Applications and Advantages

  • 18 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Predictive AI is revolutionizing data analysis, decision-making, and industry leadership, offering businesses unprecedented insights and strategic advantages.

What is Predictive Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

  • Predictive artificial intelligence (AI) utilizes machine learning techniques to analyze historical data and forecast future events, distinguishing it from traditional AI focused solely on retrospective analysis.
  • This cutting-edge technology employs advanced algorithms and machine learning models to sift through extensive datasets, identifying subtle patterns and trends.
  • Unlike conventional approaches, Predictive AI doesn't just analyze data; it transforms it into actionable insights, enabling organizations to:
    • Anticipate future outcomes,
    • Predict market shifts, and
    • Make strategic decisions with unprecedented foresight.
  • By continuously learning from past data and adapting to changing trends, Predictive AI becomes an invaluable tool, guiding businesses through uncertain landscapes.

How Predictive AI Work?

  • Leveraging Big Data: Predictive AI relies on access to extensive datasets, often referred to as "big data," as larger datasets typically lead to more accurate analyses.
  • Utilizing Machine Learning (ML): As a subset of AI, ML involves training computer programs to analyze data autonomously, without human intervention.
    • In the realm of predictive AI, ML algorithms are applied to vast datasets to extract valuable insights.
  • Autonomous Processing: Predictive AI models are capable of autonomously processing massive datasets, eliminating the need for human oversight.
  • Pattern Recognition: Through ML techniques, predictive AI learns to recognize patterns within datasets, associating specific data points or occurrences with potential future events.
    • By examining numerous factors, predictive AI can identify intricate patterns indicative of recurring events, enabling organizations to anticipate future outcomes effectively.

Difference Between Predictive AI and Generative AI:

  • Predictive AI and generative AI both employ machine learning techniques and leverage extensive datasets to generate their outputs.
  • However, while predictive AI utilizes machine learning to forecast future outcomes, generative AI employs machine learning to produce original content.
  • For instance, a predictive AI model may inform fishermen about impending storms, whereas a generative AI model may craft a fictional narrative depicting various scenarios involving weather and fishing expeditions.
  • While both types of AI rely on statistical analysis to discern patterns, their objectives, machine learning methodologies, and applications differ significantly.

Various Applications of Predictive AI:

  • Assessing the Impact of Natural Disasters: With the recent eruption of a volcano in Iceland, the potential repercussions on air travel echo concerns from a similar event in 2010, which disrupted flights across Europe.
    • Predictive AI leverages data analysis to identify patterns and anticipate the impact of such extreme weather events on air travel. Platforms like Yandex offer interactive maps for real-time monitoring of ash clouds post-eruption.
  • Enhancing Oil and Gas Exploration: In the realm of oil and gas exploration, companies possess extensive historical geological data that can inform predictive AI systems.
    • By analyzing past drilling successes, these systems can predict optimal locations for new oil wells.
      • For instance, Saudi Aramco utilizes its meta-brain generative AI to optimize drilling plans, analyze geological data, and forecast drilling outcomes accurately.
  • Inventory and Supply chain management: Predictive AI aids in inventory and supply chain management by identifying peak consumer demand periods, facilitating proactive stock adjustments, and optimizing resource allocation to address fluctuations in road congestion and meet increased user demands.
  • Marketing campaigns: Just as predictive AI can anticipate user or customer behavior, it can help prognosticate what kinds of content or products prospective customers may be interested in.
  • Advancing Medical Research: Predictive AI plays a pivotal role in drug discovery, a cornerstone of contemporary medical research.
    • Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly collaborating to leverage predictive AI models for analyzing vast datasets and identifying potential drug candidates. Initiatives like the 'MELLODDY Project', supported by the EU Innovative
    • Medicines Initiative and multiple pharmaceutical firms, exemplify this collaborative effort in pooling data and leveraging predictive AI for drug discovery.

MNRE to discuss specialized cylinders for hydrogen storage with stakeholders

  • 11 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) plans to convene a meeting with relevant stakeholders to discuss the development of specialized cylinders for green hydrogen storage.

What is Green Hydrogen?

  • Green Hydrogen is produced through the process of electrolysis of water, utilizing electricity generated from renewable energy sources.
  • The carbon intensity of green hydrogen depends on the carbon neutrality of the electricity source, with higher renewable energy content resulting in greener hydrogen.
  • With its potential to decarbonize various sectors, reduce carbon emissions, and achieve energy independence, green hydrogen holds significant promise.
  • Its production from renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydropower makes it a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels in transportation and industry, offering a consistent and reliable energy source.
  • Storage: Hydrogen is stored in cylinders at high pressure, categorized into four types based on materials used. Type 1 and Type 2 are suited for storage, while Type 3 is ideal for storage and transportation, and Type 4 is recommended for on-board storage.
  • Unlike compressed natural gas (CNG) stored at around 3,600 psi, hydrogen is stored at 5,000-10,000 psi.
    • Vehicles can utilize hydrogen either by burning it in an internal combustion engine or by using a fuel cell to convert it into electricity to charge on-board batteries.
  • Type 3 and Type 4 cylinders are reinforced with carbon fiber, making them lightweight and suitable for vehicles.
    • Type 4 cylinders, lined with a polymer instead of aluminum like Type 3, are even lighter.

Application of Green Hydrogen:

  • Green hydrogen finds diverse applications, including powering vehicles and generating electricity through fuel cells.
    • It also serves in heating systems and the production of chemicals and fertilizers.
  • Additionally, green hydrogen supports microgrids, facilitating electricity provision to remote areas and fostering energy independence.

Advantages and disadvantages of green hydrogen:

  • 100 % sustainable: Green hydrogen does not emit polluting gasses either during combustion or during production.
  • Storable: Hydrogen is easy to store, which allows it to be used subsequently for other purposes and at times other than immediately after its production.
  • Versatile: Green hydrogen can be transformed into electricity or synthetic gas and used for commercial, industrial or mobility purposes.

However, green hydrogen also has negative aspects that should be borne in mind:

  • High cost: Energy from renewable sources, which are key to generating green hydrogen through electrolysis, is more expensive to generate, which in turn makes hydrogen more expensive to obtain.
  • High energy consumption: The production of hydrogen in general and green hydrogen in particular requires more energy than other fuels.
  • Safety issues: Hydrogen is a highly volatile and flammable element and extensive safety measures are therefore required to prevent leakage and explosions.

NHAI to start rolling out satellite-based tolling on national highways soon

  • 11 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari said in Parliament in February that the government plans to implement a new highway toll collection system based on the global navigation satellite system before the model code of conduct for the 2024 election kicks in.

What is the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)?

  • GNSS refers to a constellation of satellites providing signals from space that transmit positioning and timing data to GNSS receivers.
    • The receivers then use this data to determine location.
  • Examples of GNSS include Europe’s Galileo, the USA’s GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and China’s BeiDou

How will the GNSS-Based Toll System work?

  • The system will use an automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system through cameras installed on highways and deduct tolls based on the distance traveled by a vehicle.
  • The device monitors the movements while driving, accurately marking the entry and exit points on tolled segments. By analyzing travel distance, it computes the charges accordingly.
  • This eliminates the uniformity of fixed tolls at booths, ensuring fairness for drivers traversing shorter distances.

Difference between FASTags and ANPR technology:

  • FASTags streamline electronic toll payments at toll plazas equipped with scanners, enabling vehicles to pass through without stopping.
  • Conversely, GNSS-based systems utilize ANPR technology to deduct tolls based on distance traveled, rendering traditional toll plazas unnecessary.

What are the Challenges?

  • Detection of Non-Compliance: Without physical barriers, detecting non-compliant vehicles, such as those without an On-Board Unit (OBU) or engaging in fraudulent activities, poses a challenge.
  • Infrastructure Requirements: Deploying gantry-mounted Automatic Number-Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems along highways is essential for capturing violations and enforcing toll payments.
  • License Plate Quality: The effectiveness of ANPR systems relies on the quality of license plates; subpar plates hinder accurate recognition and enforcement efforts.
  • Data Privacy and Security: GNSS-based toll systems entail collecting and processing sensitive location data, necessitating robust privacy and security measures.

Inflection AI rolls out new large language model to its Pi chatbot

  • 11 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, Inflection AI launched its latest LLM, Inflection 2.5, an upgrade to its model that powers its friendly chatbot Pi personal assistant.

About Inflection 2.5:

  • Inflection-2.5 is an “upgraded in-house model that is competitive with all the world’s leading LLMs like GPT-4 and Gemini.
  • The newly upgraded LLM comes with its signature personality and uniquely empathetic fine-tuning.
  • Its latest model achieved GPT-4’s performance with only 40 per cent of the OpenAI model’s computation power for training.
  • Besides, it seems Inflection 2.5 has made some stellar strides in areas of IQ such as coding and mathematics.
    • This means that the model has made substantial improvements on key benchmarks.
  • With the new upgrade, Pi has now been endowed with world-class real-time web search capabilities to ensure that users get access to high-quality and up-to-date information in real-time.

What is the Pi chatbot?

  • Pi is an advanced chatbot powered by Inflection AI's cutting-edge language model, Inflection 2.5 which allows one to have deep and meaningful conversations.
  • To access the chatbot, one needs to log on to Inflection.AI, click on Meet Pi, and simply start talking to the chatbot right away.
  • Pi is more humane and has been promoted as a chatbot that has a personality.
    • In other words, Inflection AI dubbed it as a chatbot that is “supportive, smart, and there for you anytime”.
  • Pi is more like a companion to humans and is free to use.
  • The chatbot comes with a voice, in six distinct voices, to choose from adding life to conversations.

Pi chatbot boasts a number of impressive features that make it stand out from other conversational AI systems:

  • Real-time web search capabilities: Pi can access and present up-to-date information on a wide range of topics, ensuring that users always have access to accurate and relevant information.
  • Empathetic personality: Pi's unique empathetic fine-tuning allows it to understand and respond to the emotional nuances of human communication, making it a more engaging and personable conversational partner.
  • Versatile conversation topics: Whether you're discussing current events, asking for local recommendations, studying for an exam, drafting a business plan, coding, or just talking about hobbies, Pi is equipped to handle a wide range of conversational topics.
  • User-friendly interface: Designed with accessibility in mind, Pi's intuitive interface makes it easy for users of all technical abilities to engage with the chatbot and get the most out of their conversations.


India’s indigenous fifth-gen fighter jet AMCA

  • 09 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) this week cleared a Rs 15,000 crore project to design and develop the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), India’s fifth-generation fighter multirole fighter jet.

About Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA)?

  • The AMCA will be India’s indigenous fifth-generation fighter aircraft.
    • The indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas is a 4.5-generation single-engine multirole aircraft.
  • The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) under the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) will be the nodal agency for executing the programme and designing the aircraft.
  • It will be manufactured by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
  • The aircraft will put India in a select group of nations that have their own fifth-generation fighter aircraft.
  • Discussions for developing the AMCA started in 2007.
  • The initial plan was to jointly develop the aircraft with Russia under a Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) programme.
    • However, India withdrew from the FGFA project in 2018.

Features of AMCA:

  • Stealth: The 25-tonne twin-engine aircraft, which will be bigger that other fighters in the Indian Air Force inventory, will have advanced stealth features to avoid detection by enemy radar.
    • With stealth features, this aircraft (AMCA) would be able to compete with other stealth fighters in the world.
  • Fuel & Weapons: The aircraft will have a large, concealed internal fuel tank of 6.5-tonne capacity, and an internal weapons bay for a range of weapons, including indigenous weapons, to be buried in its belly.
  • Engine: The AMCA Mk1 variant will have the US-built GE414 engine of the 90 kilonewton (kN) class, while the more advanced AMCA Mk2 will fly on the more powerful 110kN engine, which will be developed indigenously by DRDO’s Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) in collaboration with a foreign defense major.
    • India has been talking with Safran SA of France, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of aircraft engines and related equipment, in order to finalize the roadmap for the development of the combat aircraft engine
  • Another important aspect would be to ensure a higher utilization time and smaller serviceability or maintenance periods for the aircraft.
    • This will be aided by the inclusion of a comprehensive Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) system to keep track of multiple structural components, and to assess the condition of the aircraft in real time.
  • Other features such as a diverterless supersonic inlet for controlling air flow into the engines, and a serpentine air intake duct to shield the engines from radar emissions, are likely to be part of the AMCA.

Other Fifth-generation Fighters:

  • Only a few countries have built a fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft.
  • The list of the aircraft currently in service includes:
    • The F-22 Raptor and F-35A Lightning II of the US
    • The Chinese J-20 Mighty Dragon, and
    • The Russian Sukhoi Su-57.

India to restart Penicillin G manufacture

  • 09 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

India will start manufacturing the common antibiotic Penicillin G later this year, three decades after the country’s last plant shut down, Union health minister Mansukh Mandaviya announced last week.

What is Penicillin G?

  • Penicillin G serves as a key active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) utilized in the production of various common antibiotics.
  • Its molecular formula is C16H18N2O4S.
  • Penicillin G (potassium or sodium) is an FDA-approved antibacterial medication primarily indicated for treating severe bacterial infections like pneumonia, meningitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, among others.
  • This natural penicillin antibiotic is typically administered intravenously or intramuscularly due to limited oral absorption.
  • Additionally, Penicillin G may be employed in certain instances as prophylaxis against susceptible organisms.

Why did Penicillin Manufacturing Stopped in India?

  • The discontinuation of Penicillin G production in India, along with numerous other active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), resulted from the influx of cheaper Chinese products driven by subsidies.
  • Torrent Pharma in Ahmedabad was the final plant to halt Penicillin G production, with at least five companies, including Torrent, manufacturing the antibiotic in the country during the 1990s.
  • In the early 1990s, India boasted nearly 2,000 API manufacturers, while approximately 10,000 units produced formulations. However, the allure of cheaper Chinese alternatives grew, particularly with the relaxation of customs rules during the country's economic liberalization.
  • The Drug Prices Control Order, which imposed price caps on essential medicines, further incentivized companies to opt for cheaper imported products.
  • While India previously sold Penicillin G for around Rs 800 per kg, China drastically reduced prices to nearly Rs 400 per kg, rendering domestic manufacturing economically unviable.

Why the Delay in Restarting Production?

  • Lack of Urgency: Despite awareness within the industry and government about the decline in API production in India due to the availability of cheaper alternatives globally, there was limited emphasis on restarting domestic production.
    • The supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic highlighted the need for self-reliance, prompting the government to launch initiatives like the PLI scheme to bolster domestic manufacturing.
    • High Initial Investment: API manufacturing, particularly for fermented compounds like Penicillin G, entails significant upfront costs.
  • Establishing a production facility requires substantial capital investment, with companies often needing several years to break even.
  • Dominance of China: China has emerged as a dominant supplier, significantly expanding its manufacturing capacity over the past three decades.
    • Competing with Chinese prices would necessitate substantial investments in larger facilities.

What's the Impact of PLI Schemes?

  • Reduction in API Imports: Since the implementation of the PLI scheme, there has been a notable decrease in API imports.
    • For instance, the import dependency for paracetamol, which was previously two-thirds of the required volume, has now halved.
  • Incentive Structure: The PLI scheme offers incentives structured as follows:
    • 20% support for the first four years, gradually reducing to 15% in the fifth year and 5% in the sixth year for eligible sales of fermentation-based bulk drugs like antibiotics, enzymes, and hormones such as insulin.
    •  Chemically synthesized drugs receive a 10% incentive for six years on eligible sales.

Every village to have agricultural credit societies by 2027

  • 09 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Union Cooperation Minister Amit Shah Friday said that the Centre has decided to ensure formation of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) in every village by 2027.


  • Union Cooperation Minister Amit Shah recently announced the Centre's commitment to establishing Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) in every village by 2027, introducing 20 new activities to enhance their profitability.
  • Emphasizing the significance of computerization in PACS, Shah highlighted its role in fostering development opportunities.
  • He also inaugurated the National Cooperative Database and unveiled the 'National Cooperative Database 2023: A Report' to bridge existing gaps through comprehensive analysis.
    • The database initiative progressed through three phases, including mapping approximately 2.64 lakh societies across agriculture, dairy, and fisheries sectors in the first phase.
  • Subsequent phases involved data collection from various federations, banks, and mapping of the remaining 8 lakh primary cooperative societies in other sectors.
  • The unveiling revealed over 8 lakh registered societies in the country, connecting more than 30 crore citizens.

What are Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)?

  • PACS are grassroots cooperative credit societies, constituting the final tier in a three-tier cooperative credit system led by State Cooperative Banks (SCBs) at the state level.
  • SCBs channel credit to District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) operating at the district level, which collaborate with PACS, directly serving farmers.
  • PACS operate as cooperative entities, with individual farmers as members and elected office-bearers from within the community. Villages may host multiple PACS.
  • These societies extend short-term and medium-term agricultural loans to farmers for various farming activities.

Number of PACS in India:

  • Established since 1904, India currently boasts over 1,00,000 PACS nationwide, engaging a significant member base exceeding 13 crore farmers.
  • However, operational PACS stand at only 63,000, indicating the need for enhanced functionality and outreach.

Why are PACS Appealing?

  • PACS offer crucial last-mile connectivity, ensuring farmers have access to capital at the onset of agricultural activities.
  • They streamline credit extension processes, providing farmers with timely financial support with minimal paperwork, unlike traditional banks known for cumbersome procedures.
  • PACS simplify paperwork and administrative tasks, offering farmers collective strength and assistance from PACS office-bearers.
  • Unlike individual interactions required with commercial banks, PACS enable farmers to navigate loan processes collectively, reducing reliance on intermediaries.

Challenges Faced by PACS:

  • Political influences often overshadow financial prudence within PACS, impacting loan recovery.
  • Various committees have highlighted systemic issues within the cooperative system, including low member participation, lack of professionalism, inadequate governance, bureaucratic hurdles, and a workforce with aging and disengaged employees.

Union Cabinet approves India AI Mission with 10,372 cr outlay

  • 08 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News

India has made its first move to address a key shortcoming it currently has in unlocking opportunities around generative artificial intelligence (AI) – that of computing hardware.

What is IndiaAI Mission?

  • India's AI Mission entails the launch of an artificial intelligence (AI) initiative, announced by the Prime Minister at the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit 2023 in New Delhi, with implementation overseen by the 'IndiaAI' Independent Business Division (IBD) under Digital India Corporation (DIC).
  • Led by the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY), the mission aims to establish a computing capacity exceeding 10,000 graphics processing units (GPUs) and develop foundational models trained on datasets encompassing major Indian languages, focusing on priority sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, and governance.
  • Additionally, the mission will involve the establishment of AI Curation Units (ACUs) in 50-line ministries and the creation of an AI marketplace to provide AI services and pre-trained models to AI application developers.
  • Implementation of the AI computer infrastructure will follow a public-private partnership model, with 50% viability gap funding, with Rs 4,564 crore allocated from the total outlay of Rs 10,372 crore for building computing infrastructure.

Key Features of the IndiaAI Mission:

  • IndiaAI Compute Capacity: Establishing a scalable AI computing ecosystem to meet the growing demands of India's burgeoning AI start-ups and research community.
  • IndiaAI Innovation Centre: Focusing on the development and deployment of indigenous Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) and domain-specific foundational models in critical sectors.
  • IndiaAI Datasets Platform: Streamlining access to high-quality non-personal datasets to fuel AI innovation.
  • IndiaAI Application Development Initiative: Promoting the adoption of AI applications in critical sectors, addressing problem statements sourced from Central Ministries, State Departments, and other entities.
  • IndiaAI FutureSkills: Mitigating barriers to entry into AI programs by expanding AI courses at undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. levels.
  • IndiaAI Startup Financing: Supporting and accelerating deep-tech AI startups by providing streamlined access to funding for futuristic AI projects.
  • Safe & Trusted AI: Ensuring the responsible implementation of AI projects through the development of indigenous tools and frameworks to foster trust and safety in AI applications.

The Significance of the IndiaAI Mission:

  • The IndiaAI Mission aligns with the vision of fostering indigenous AI development and leveraging AI technology for the benefit of India.
  • It aims to demonstrate to the international community the positive impact of AI technology on society, thereby enhancing India's global competitiveness.
  • By establishing a comprehensive ecosystem for AI innovation through strategic partnerships across public and private sectors, the mission will catalyze AI-driven advancements.
  • It will foster creativity and bolster internal capabilities, ensuring India's technological sovereignty.
  • Furthermore, the mission is poised to create employment opportunities that demand advanced skills, leveraging India's demographic advantage.

After 10 years struggle, Mendha gets separate Panchayat status under Gramdan Act

  • 08 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News

The Maharashtra government recently notified Mendha, a village deep inside the forests of the state’s Gadchiroli district, as a separate Gram Panchayat under The Maharashtra Gramdan Act, 1964.

What is Gramdan?

  • Gramdan is an expansion of the Bhoodan Movement started in 1951 by Aacharya Vinoba Bhave.
    • ‘Bhoodan’ meant redistribution of land from bigger landowners to the landless.
    • Under Gramdan, the entire village will put its land under a common trust.
  • This way, the land will not be sold outside the village or to one who has not joined Gramdan in the village.
    • But the landowners can continue to cultivate it and reap the benefits.
  • The Movement paved the way for the protection of natural resources by giving equal rights and responsibilities to everyone in the community and empowering communities to move towards self-governance.
  • Under the Act, at least 75 percent of landowners in the village should surrender land ownership to the village community for it to be declared as ‘gramdan’.
    • Such land should at least be 60 percent of the village land. Five per cent of the surrendered land is distributed to the landless in the village for cultivation.
    • Recipients of such land cannot transfer the same without the permission of the community.
    • The rest remains with the donors.
    • They and their descendants can work on it and reap the benefits.
    • But they cannot sell it outside the village or to a village resident who has not joined Gramdan.
  • Today, seven states in India have 3,660 Gramdan villages, the highest being in Odisha (1,309).
    • The states are Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.
  • In September 2022, the Assam government repealed the Assam Gramdan Act, 1961 and Assam Bhoodan Act, 1965, bypassing The Assam Land and Revenue Regulation (Amendment) Bill, 2022.
  • This, it said, was done to counter encroachment on donated lands in the state.
  • Till that time, Assam had 312 Gramdan villages.

About Mendha’s Village Struggle:

  • The village, comprising around 500 Gond Adivasis, has fought for its forests for years.
    • It is popular as the first village in India to secure community forest rights (CFR), following the passing of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006.
    • Some 80 per cent of the area in the village is covered with dense forest.
  • People here believe that land is not a private property but a collective resource that provides food and livelihood and should be saved and passed on to the next generation.
  • All villagers in Mendha have surrendered their land, which is unique. In all other villages, only about 75-80 per cent of landowners had agreed to do so.
    • The village fulfilled these conditions of the Act in 2013 and notified the district collector about its decision to implement the Act.

Amit Shah launches National Cooperative Database, to help in policy making

  • 08 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News

Cooperation Minister Amit Shah on Friday launched the National Cooperative Database and stressed that it would help in policy making.

About National Cooperative Database (NCD):

  • The National Cooperative Database (NCD) is an initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Cooperation, responding to the pressing need for a robust database to effectively capture essential information concerning India's extensive cooperative sector.
  • Developed collaboratively with State Governments, National Federations, and stakeholders, the NCD is designed to promote a cooperative-centric economic model, offering a web-based digital dashboard for seamless data management.
  • Acting as a centralized repository, the NCD aggregates data from cooperative societies, including National/State Federations, with information entered and authenticated by nodal officials at RCS/DRCS offices for cooperative societies and provided by various national/state federations for federations.
  • The collected data encompasses diverse parameters, such as registered names, locations, membership numbers, sectoral details, operational areas, financial statements, audit statuses, and more, providing a comprehensive overview of the cooperative landscape.
  • Serving as a vital communication tool, the NCD facilitates efficient interaction between the Central Ministry, States/UTs, and Cooperative Societies, fostering collaboration and synergy within the cooperative sector.
  • Key features and benefits of the NCD include single-point access, comprehensive and updated data, user-friendly interface, vertical and horizontal linkages, query-based reports and graphs, Management Information System (MIS) reports, data analytics, and geographical mapping capabilities.

Kerala declares man-animal conflict a state-specific disaster

  • 08 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Amid repeated deaths from animal attacks and rising anger over them, Kerala recently declared man-animal conflict as a state-specific disaster, becoming the first state in the country to do so.

What is Man-animal Conflict?

  • Man-animal conflict refers to the interaction between wild animals and humans, resulting in adverse outcomes for both people and wildlife, as well as their habitats.
  • Escalating Conflict: In states across India, human-wildlife conflict has intensified, leading to a significant rise in human casualties.
    • For instance, in Maharashtra, the conflict resulted in 86  in 2021 and 105 deaths in 2022, marking a sharp increase compared to previous decades.


  • Factors contributing to this conflict include the encroachment of grodeathswing human and animal populations into each other's territories, habitat fragmentation due to legal and illegal land use changes, alterations in cropping patterns attracting wildlife to agriculture, and habitat destruction from invasive alien species.
    • Despite having over 700 protected areas, a substantial portion of elephant, lion, and tiger ranges lie outside these protected zones, exacerbating the conflict.

Ecologist Perspective:

  • Ecologist Madhav Gadgil highlights that the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 has inadvertently facilitated an environment where wild animals can invade human habitats with impunity.
    • He cites the optimal foraging theory in ecology, which underscores animals' efforts to maximize nutrient intake while minimizing time, effort, and risks.


  • Addressing the issue requires robust enforcement and pragmatic policies to mitigate conflict incidences.
    • Engaging local communities, as suggested by the Future for All Report 2021 (by WWF and UNEP), fosters coexistence between humans and wildlife, acknowledging that complete elimination of conflicts is impractical.
    • Additionally, awareness campaigns aimed at educating the public about man-animal conflict and skill development initiatives for communities living near forests can alleviate pressures on agricultural and forest lands.

Kerala's Decision to Declare Man-Animal Conflict as a State-Specific Disaster:

  • Implications of the Decision: Currently, the management of man-animal conflict falls under the jurisdiction of the forest department, operating in accordance with the Wildlife Protection Act.
    • By designating man-animal conflict as a state-specific disaster, the responsibility for addressing it shifts to the state disaster management authority, empowered by the Disaster Management Act, enabling swifter and more decisive action.
  • Rationale for the Decision: Instances of loss of life due to man-animal conflict have prompted calls to tranquilize, capture, or eliminate the responsible animals.
    • Presently, the chief wildlife warden, holding the sole authority in the state, makes decisions regarding wild animals causing disturbances in human settlements.
    • Past decisions to tranquilize aggressive animals, like wild elephants, have faced legal challenges.
  • Under the disaster management authority, actions can be taken that supersede other regulations, including those outlined in the Wildlife Protection Act.
  • According to the Disaster Management Act, except for the Supreme Court or a High Court, no court has jurisdiction to entertain suits or proceedings regarding actions taken by relevant authorities in line with the Act.
  • Additionally, the Act stipulates that its provisions hold precedence over any other law during the specific period of a declared disaster.

Kerala's Success in Managing Man-Animal Conflict:

  • Kerala, with approximately 5,700 wild elephants in 2017, comprising 19% of the nationwide population of 30,000, witnessed a significantly lower incidence of human fatalities caused by elephants, accounting for only 81 (4%) of the 2,036 deaths recorded in India between 2018 and 2021.
  • Factors Contributing to Kerala's Effective Management of Man-Animal Conflict:
  • Maintenance of Unchanged Wilderness Boundaries: Kerala has largely preserved the boundaries between wilderness and civilization in recent years, contributing to the mitigation of man-animal conflicts.
  • Evolution of Agricultural Practices: Changes in agricultural practices, such as the cultivation of crops like coffee, pepper, and tea, which hold less appeal for elephants, have helped reduce conflicts between humans and elephants.
  • Unique Elephant Characteristics: Individual elephants are identified and named based on their distinct characteristics, such as Kabali, an elephant residing in the Athirapally jungle in Thrissur district, known for its tendency to attack or chase automobiles.
  • These factors collectively contribute to Kerala's successful management of man-animal conflict, resulting in relatively fewer human fatalities caused by elephants compared to other regions in India.

Countries hope to bring BBNJ or High Seas treaty into force by 2025

  • 08 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News

The Blue Leaders High-Level Event on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction was held in Belgium on March 7, 2024, to urge nations to ratify a new treaty to protect the high seas from pollution, climate change and overfishing.

What is the BBNJ Treaty?

  • The BBNJ Treaty, also referred to as the Treaty of the High Seas, is an international agreement aimed at conserving and sustainably managing marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, operating within the framework of the UNCLOS.
    • These areas encompass the high seas beyond exclusive economic zones or national waters.
    • It represents nearly half of the Earth's surface and is characterized by minimal regulation and understanding of their biodiversity, with only 1% currently under protection.
  • Launched at the One Ocean Summit in February 2022, the High Ambition Coalition on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction seeks to unite various delegations involved in BBNJ negotiations toward a comprehensive and ambitious outcome.
  • The negotiations focus on key elements agreed upon in 2015, including the conservation and sustainable use of marine genetic resources, area-based management tools such as marine protected areas, environmental impact assessments, and initiatives for capacity-building and technology transfer in marine science and management.
  • India is yet to sign the treaty. However, it called on efforts for entry into force and implementation of the treaty at the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration held in September 2023.

The Importance of a Legally Binding Instrument for BBNJ:

  • Biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction is crucial for ocean health, coastal communities' welfare, and global sustainability, constituting 95% of the ocean and offering essential ecological, economic, social, cultural, scientific, and food-security benefits.
  • Despite their significance, these areas face escalating threats such as pollution, overexploitation, and the impacts of climate change, compounded by the anticipated rise in demand for marine resources in the future.
  • Even the deep seafloors, considered one of the most inhospitable habitats, are experiencing the onset of extinction processes, with alarming statistics showing that 62% of assessed mollusc species are threatened, including critically endangered, endangered, and vulnerable species, while the International Seabed Authority permits deep sea mining contracts.
  • It is imperative to establish a legally binding framework for managing and regulating biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, as over 60% of this resource in the global seas remains unmanaged and unprotected, necessitating comprehensive conservation measures.

ISRO’s second rocket launchport in Tamil Nadu’s Kulasekarapattinam

  • 07 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the second rocket launchport of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) at Kulasekarapattinam on February 28.

Why does India need a new launchport?

  • With the Union government’s recent policy announcing the opening of the space sector to private players, a sharp rise in the number of commercial launches is certain.
  • To ensure that ISRO’s first launchport, the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR in Sriharikota, is not overburdened with a high number of launches, the space agency has decided to build another facility.
  • While SHAR will be only used for launching bigger and heavy-lift-off missions, the Kulasekarapattinam launchport will be used to launch smaller payloads.
  • SHAR will also be available for India’s big ticket missions to the Moon, Venus, and much touted human-flight mission, the Gaganyaan.
  • Private players could develop space-qualified sub-systems, build satellites, and even launch vehicles using the new launchport.
  • It will also facilitate dedicated launch infrastructure for all the on-demand commercial launches.

Why is the new ISRO launchport located in Tamil Nadu?

  • Geographically, scientifically, and strategically, the Kulasekarapattinam launchport provides a natural advantage to ISRO’s future launches pertaining to the Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV).
  • Allowing a direct southward and smaller launch trajectory for the light weight SSLVs carrying less fuel, the Kulasekarapattinam facility will boost ISRO’s attempts to enhance payload capacities.
  • Currently, the trajectory followed by all launches from SHAR are longer as they follow a path which requires the vehicle to skirt eastwards around Sri Lanka before taking the actual southward flight.
  • This consumes additional fuel. However, the same would not be required for future launches from Kulasekarapattinam, which is geographically located several kilometers to the west of Colombo, thereby allowing a straight southward flight and simultaneously saving the already limited fuel available onboard SSLV.
  • Notably, both the launch ports are located in Southern India, near the equator.
    • For a launch site close to equator the magnitude of the velocity imparted due to Earth’s rotation is about 450 m/s, which can lead to substantial increase in the payload for a given launch vehicle.
    • Geostationary satellites must necessarily be in the equatorial plane.
    • So, for such satellites, the closer the launch site is to the equator the better it is.

What are SSLVs?

  • SSLV is the new small satellite launch vehicle developed by ISRO to cater for the launch of small satellites.
    • It has a three-stage launch vehicle, having a lift-off weight of about 120 tonnes and is 34 meters in length and 2 meters in diameter.
    • SSLV is designed with a three-stage solid propulsion and a liquid propulsion stage, which is the terminal stage.
  • The SSLV missions are useful to launch small-sized satellites weighing anywhere between 10 to 500kg into the Low Earth Orbit.
    • Going by their size and weight, these are typically referred to as mini, micro or nano satellites.
    • They are low on cost and intended satellite insertion into orbits takes a shorter flight time.
  • SSLV are best suited for commercial and on-demand launches.
  • Previously, satellite projects built by college students and private players involved in the space sector have benefitted from SSLV missions.

What are the features of SHAR?

  • SHAR is situated along the east coast of Andhra Pradesh and is located 80 km off Chennai.
    • It currently provides launch infrastructure to all ISRO missions.
    • It is equipped with a solid propellant processing setup, static testing, and launch vehicle integration facilities, telemetry services — tracking and command network to oversee the launch — and a mission control center.
  • SHAR has two launch complexes that are routinely used to launch the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), the Geosynchronous Space Launch Vehicles (GSLV) and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk-III, now renamed as LVM3.

Haiper, the text-to-video model created by Google DeepMind and Tiktok alumni

  • 07 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, a company founded by former members of Google DeepMind, TikTok, and top labs from research academia — introduced an eponymous new text-to-video model Haiper.

What is Haiper?

  • Haiper is an all-in-one visual foundation model that allows everyone, with or without technical training, to generate high-quality video content with ease.
  • The founders claim that Haiper brings forward cutting-edge machine learning with the belief that creativity should be “fun, surprising, and shareable”.
  • The company has built Haiper as a powerful, industry-agnostic creativity tool.
  • It was released by Google DeepMind and Tiktok alumni.

What does Haiper do?

  • Haiper offers tools such as text-to-video, animated static images, video repainting tools, etc.
  • Users can go on to the website, log in with their email addresses, and start generating videos for free by typing in text prompts.
  • At present, users can only generate HD video spanning 2 seconds, and a slightly lower-quality video could go up to four seconds.

Strengths and limitations:

  • While the short length is a limitation, the company is working towards extending the video outputs.
  • Presently,  the tool is free to use, with an aim to build a community.
  • While OpenAI’s Sora is still not available for the public, Haiper is offering users to try its tool for free on its website.

Trees in Corbett fell prey to greedy nexus, says Supreme Court

  • 07 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Supreme Court on Wednesday condemned the illegal felling of over 6,000 trees to construct buildings, ostensibly for “eco-tourism” at the Jim Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand, as a “classic case” of nexus between politicians and officials working to ransack the environment for short-term commercial ends.

News Summary:

  • In 2023, a series of applications brought attention to the creation of alleged illegal buildings and encroachment on water bodies, prompting court intervention.
  • Petitioners highlighted violations of environmental norms and encroachment into core wildlife habitats.
  • Evidence presented during proceedings revealed unauthorized constructions within the national park, including concrete and iron enclosures purportedly intended for a 'safari' experience.
  • Moreover, it was disclosed that over 6,000 trees had been felled in the national park under the pretext of safari development.

Supreme Court’s Observations:

  • The Court has raised concerns regarding the necessity of developing facilities within natural forest environments, particularly in areas designated for the protection of endangered species like tigers.
  • Directing the Government to establish a committee, the Supreme Court seeks recommendations on whether tiger safaris should be permitted in buffer or fringe areas and what guidelines should govern their establishment if allowed.
  • Additionally, the Court has strongly criticized the illegal constructions and extensive tree felling in Uttarakhand's Corbett National Park.

What are the Core and Buffer Areas in Tiger Reserves?

  • As per the Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act of 2006, a Tiger Reserve comprises core or critical habitat and a buffer zone surrounding it.
  • Core areas hold the legal status of a National Park or a Sanctuary.
  • Buffer zones consist of a mix of forest and non-forest land, managed as a multiple-use area.
  • The buffer area acts as a protective barrier, absorbing the impact of poaching pressure on tiger and other wildlife populations.

About Jim Corbett National Park:

  • Location: Situated in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand, Jim Corbett National Park is renowned for its rich biodiversity.

Key Facts:

  • Established in 1935, it is India’s oldest national park.
  • Initially named Hailey National Park after its founder Sir Malcolm Hailey, it was renamed Corbett National Park in 1956 to honor Jim Corbett's contributions to wildlife preservation in India.
  • Corbett National Park boasts the highest population of tigers in India, highlighting its importance for tiger conservation efforts.
  • Flora: Dominated by Sal, Semal, Kharpat, Sissoo, Khair, Dhak, Khingan, Bakli, Bel, Ber, Bamboo, Khingam, Jamun, Kanju, Rohini, and Pula trees.
    • Sal, Khair, and Sissoo are prominently featured throughout the park.
  • Fauna: Home to diverse wildlife including Tiger, Leopard, Elephant, Chital Deer, Sambar Deer, Hogg Deer, Barking Deer, Wild Boar, Langur, Wild pig, Rhesus Monkey, Jackal, Rabbit, Yellow Throated Martin, and Otters.
    • Various reptiles such as Crocodile, Gharial, King Cobra, Common Krait, Cobra, Russell's Viper, Rock Python, and Monitor Lizard inhabit the park.
  • The Kosi River feeds the eastern periphery of Corbett National Park.
  • The Ramganga River (West) and its tributaries Sonanadi, Palain, and Mandal serve as significant hydrological resources for the park.

Vaishnaw bats for further simplification of economic laws at ‘NITI for States’ platform launch

  • 07 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Union IT, Communications, and Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw Thursday stressed on the need to further simplify economic laws in a modern and relevant way at the launch of NITI Aayog’s ‘NITI for States’ platform.

About “NITI For States” Platform:

  • It serves as a cross-sectoral knowledge hub envisioned to be a Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) for Policy and Good Governance.

Key features include:

  •  A comprehensive repository comprising Best Practices, Policy documents, datasets, data profiles, and NITI publications across various sectors.
  •  Knowledge products spanning 10 sectors and two cross-cutting themes (Gender and Climate Change), such as Agriculture, Education, Energy, Health, Manufacturing, MSME, Tourism, Urban, and Water resources & WASH.
  • An intuitive and user-friendly interface accessible via multiple devices, including mobile phones.
  • The platform aims to catalyze digital governance transformation by providing government officials with contextualized, actionable knowledge and insights, thereby enhancing decision-making quality.
  • It supports district collectors and block-level functionaries by granting access to innovative best practices from various States and Union Territories.

What is the Viksit Bharat Strategy Room?

  • It serves as an interactive platform enabling users to visualize data, trends, best practices, and policies in an immersive manner, facilitating a comprehensive assessment of any problem statement.
  • The platform features voice-enabled AI for user interaction and facilitates connectivity with multiple stakeholders through video conferencing.
  • Designed as a plug-and-play model, it enables replication by states, districts, and blocks for widespread adoption.
  • Collaboration with various government organizations by NITI Aayog includes:
    •  iGOT Karmayogi's "SAMARTH" online training modules accessible through the platform.
    • Integration of NITI Aayog’s National Data and Analytics Platform (NDAP) to provide access to government datasets.
    • Support from the National E-Governance Division (NeGD) in developing the innovative Viksit Bharat Strategy Room.
    • Multi-lingual support provided by Bhashini.
    • Integration of PM Gatishakti BISAG-N team, with DPIIT support, to offer geospatial tools for Area Based Planning.

INS Jatayu, India’s new naval base in Lakshadweep

  • 06 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

On Wednesday (March 6), Naval Detachment Minicoy will be commissioned as INS Jatayu, an upgraded naval base, marking an important milestone in the Indian Navy’s resolve to incrementally augment security infrastructure at the strategic Lakshadweep Islands.

About INS Jatayu Naval Base:

  • The existing Naval Detachment Minicoy, which is under the operational command of the Naval Officer-in-Charge (Lakshadweep), will be commissioned as INS Jatayu.
  • A naval detachment has administrative, logistics, and medical facilities.
  • INS Jatayu will be upgraded to a naval base with additional infrastructure such as an airfield, housing, and personnel, after obtaining the requisite environmental and other clearances.
  • The fragile ecology of the island may pose challenges for the construction but there are plans to construct a new airfield that will be capable of operating both military and civil aircraft.

Significance of INS Jatayu?

  • The basing of an independent naval unit with requisite infrastructure and resources will enhance its overall operational capability in the islands.
  • The establishment of the base is in line with the government’s focus on comprehensive development of the islands.
  • The base will enhance its operational reach, facilitate its anti-piracy and anti-narcotics operations in the western Arabian Sea, and augment its capability as the first responder in the region.
  • With the commissioning of INS Jatayu, the Indian Navy will add to its strength on the western seaboard.
  • The proposed airfield will allow operations for a range of aircraft, including P8I maritime reconnaissance aircraft and fighter jets, and extend the Navy’s reach and operational surveillance capabilities at a time when India is seeking to counter the growing Chinese influence in the Indian Ocean Region.
  • This has an immediate bearing at a time when India’s relations with the Maldives have come under strain since the election of the pro-China President Mohamed Muizzu.

About the Lakshadweep Islands:

  • Lakshadweep, ‘a hundred thousand islands’ in Sanskrit and Malayalam, is an archipelago of 36 islands located between 220 km and 440 km from Kochi.
    • The islands, only 11 of which are inhabited, have a total area of only 32 sq km.
  • The Lakshadweep are part of a chain of coralline islands in the Indian Ocean that includes Maldives to the south, and the Chagos archipelago farther beyond, to the south of the equator.
    • Given their location in the Indian Ocean, the Lakshadweep are of huge strategic importance to India.
  • Minicoy straddles vital Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs) — the world’s main maritime highways — including the Eight Degree Channel (between Minicoy and Maldives) and the Nine Degree Channel (between Minicoy and the main cluster of Lakshadweep islands).
  • In consequence, the Lakshadweep Islands are also vulnerable to marine pollution.

Exclusive-World on brink of fourth mass coral reef bleaching event- NOAA

  • 06 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The world stands on the brink of witnessing its fourth mass coral bleaching event, a phenomenon that threatens to hit vast expanses of tropical reefs, including significant portions of Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef.

Key Findings from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

  • Impending Fourth Mass Coral Bleaching Event: The world is on the brink of a fourth mass coral bleaching event, following those in 1998, 2010, and 2014.
    • To classify as global, widespread bleaching must occur across three ocean basins: the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian.
  • Impact of Previous Events: The last global mass coral bleaching event occurred from 2014 to 2017, resulting in the loss of nearly a third of the Great Barrier Reef's corals.
    • Preliminary data indicates that approximately 15% of the world's reefs experienced significant coral die-offs during this event.
  • Current Situation: This year is witnessing even more severe bleaching events, with the Caribbean experiencing its worst coral bleaching on record following the Northern Hemisphere summer last year.
  • Link to Climate Phenomena: Coral bleaching is often associated with the naturally occurring El Niño climate phenomenon, which leads to warmer ocean waters.
  • Climate Change Impact: The world recently experienced its first 12-month period with an average temperature exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
    • A temperature rise of 1.5°C is considered the tipping point for mass coral die-offs, with scientists estimating that 90% of the world's corals could be lost as a result.

About the Corals and Coral Reefs:

  • Corals: Corals are animals known as polyps, which engage in a symbiotic relationship with tiny algae called zooxanthellae.
    • These algae provide corals with food and oxygen, while corals offer them a safe habitat.
  •  Coral Reefs: Coral reefs are limestone structures formed by thousands of tiny coral animals and are predominantly found in tropical climates.

Coral Bleaching and Its Concerns:

  • Coral bleaching occurs when corals are exposed to stressful conditions like high temperatures, pollution, or changes in water chemistry, leading them to expel the zooxanthellae.
    • Without these algae, corals lose their color and turn white, hence the term 'bleaching,' and cannot survive for long in this state.
  • Recovery Potential: Despite its severity, coral bleaching doesn't necessarily mean the end of the reef; timely removal of stressors can facilitate the return of zooxanthellae and coral recovery.
  • Ecological Importance: Coral reefs serve as habitats and food sources for numerous fish and marine species.
    • They also offer coastal protection from erosion and storms and play a critical role in regulating the Earth's climate by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide.
  • Cultural and Aesthetic Value: Beyond their ecological functions, coral reefs represent stunning biodiversity and natural beauty, making their loss a tragic prospect for future generations.
  • Impacts: When coral reefs suffer, so do the ecosystems and communities reliant on them, underscoring the far-reaching consequences of coral degradation.


Google-backed satellite to track global oil industry methane emissions

  • 06 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

MethaneSAT — a satellite which will track and measure methane emissions at a global scale — was launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon9 rocket from California recently.

What is MethaneSAT?

  • MethaneSAT will orbit the Earth 15 times a day, monitoring the oil and gas sector.
  • It will create a large amount of data, which will tell “how much methane is coming from where, who’s responsible, and are those emissions going up or down over time”.
  • The data collected by MethaneSAT will be made public for free in near real-time.
  • This will allow stakeholders and regulators to take action to reduce methane emissions.

Institutions involved in the development:

  • The entity behind MethaneSAT is the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) — a US-based nonprofit environmental advocacy group.
  • To develop the satellite, EDF partnered with Harvard University, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the New Zealand Space Agency.

Features of MethaneSAT:

  • Historically, tracking the source of methane emissions and measuring them has been quite challenging.
    • ?While some satellites can provide high-resolution data, they can only scan specific, pre-targeted sites.
    • Others can examine larger areas and detect large emitting events, but cannot scan “smaller sources that account for the majority of emissions in many, if not most, regions,” the EDF statement added.
  • Due to this discrepancy, according to an International Energy Agency (IEA) report, global methane emissions are about 70 per cent higher than levels reported by national governments.
  • MethaneSAT is expected to fix the issue.
  • Equipped with a high-resolution infrared sensor and a spectrometer, the satellite will fill critical data gaps.
  • It can track differences in methane concentrations as small as three parts per billion in the atmosphere, which enables it to pick up smaller emissions sources than the previous satellites.
  • MethaneSAT also has a wide-camera view — of about 200 km by 200 km — allowing it to identify larger emitters so-called “super emitters”.

Significance of MethaneSAT:

  • Advancing the Goals of the Global Methane Pledge 2021: The Global Methane Pledge, signed by over 150 countries in 2021, aims to reduce collective methane emissions by at least 30% from 2020 levels by 2030.
    • During the previous year's COP, over 50 companies pledged to significantly reduce methane emissions and routine flaring.
    • MethaneSAT will play a crucial role in helping these entities achieve their targets.
  • Enhancing Transparency: The satellite will usher in a new era of transparency by providing publicly available data accessible to anyone worldwide.
  • This data will enable monitoring of methane commitments made by governments and corporations, promoting accountability and transparency in emission reduction efforts."

Why Do We Need to Track and Measure Methane Emission?

  • Methane is an invisible but strong greenhouse gas, and the second largest contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide, responsible for 30 percent of global heating since the Industrial Revolution.
  • According to the United Nations Environment Programme, over a period of 20 years, methane is 80 times more potent at warming than carbon dioxide.
  • The gas also contributes to the formation of ground-level ozone — a colorless and highly irritating gas that forms just above the Earth’s surface.
    • According to a 2022 report, exposure to ground-level ozone could be contributing to one million premature deaths every year.
  • Therefore, it is crucial to cut methane emissions and the main culprit, fossil fuel operations, which account for about 40 percent of all human-caused methane emissions.
  • The objective of MethaneSAT is to help achieve this goal.

India halts Pakistan-bound ship suspected of carrying CNC machines from China

  • 05 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi witnessed the start of the process of core-loading the indigenous prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR) at the Madras Atomic Power Station in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.

What is the PFBR?

  • The PFBR, or Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, is a nuclear reactor designed to produce more nuclear fuel than it consumes.
  • In nuclear fission, the nucleus of an atom absorbs a neutron, becomes unstable, and splits into two, releasing energy.
  • If the unstable nucleus releases additional neutrons, the reactor’s facilities can utilize them to initiate more fission reactions.

How does the PFBR work?

  • PHWRs use natural or low-enriched U-238 as the fissile material and produce Pu-239 as a byproduct.
    • This Pu-239 is combined with more U-238 into a mixed oxide and loaded into the core of a new reactor together with a blanket.
    • This is a material the fission products in the core react with to produce more Pu-239.
  • A breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor that produces more fissile material than it consumes.
    • In a ‘fast’ breeder reactor, the neutrons aren’t slowed, allowing them to trigger specific fission reactions.
  • The PFBR is designed to produce more Pu-239 than it consumes.
    • It uses liquid sodium, a highly reactive substance, as coolant in two circuits. Coolant in the first circuit enters the reactor and leaves with (heat) energy and radioactivity.
    • Via heat-exchangers, it transfers only the heat to the coolant in a secondary circuit.
    • The latter transfers the heat to generators to produce electricity.

DoT launches Digital Intelligence Portal, ‘Chakshu’ facility to curb cyber crimes, financial frauds

  • 05 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) recently launched its ‘Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP)’ to curb the misuse of telecom resources in cybercrimes and financial frauds, and the ‘Chakshu’ facility on the Sanchar Saathi portal to enable citizens to report suspected fraud communication.

About Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP):

  • Digital Intelligence Platform (DIP) is developed by the Department of Telecommunications.
  • It is a secure and integrated platform for real time intelligence sharing, information exchange and coordination among the stakeholders i.e. Telecom Service Providers (TSPs), law enforcement agencies (LEAs), banks and financial institutions (FIs), social media platforms, identity document issuing authorities etc.
  • The portal also contains information regarding the cases detected as misuse of telecom resources. The shared information could be useful to the stakeholders in their respective domains.
  • It also works as a backend repository for the citizen-initiated requests on the Sanchar Saathi portal for action by the stakeholders.
  • The DIP is accessible to the stakeholders over secure connectivity and the relevant information is shared based on their respective roles.
  • The said platform is not accessible to citizens.

What is the Chakshu Facility?

  • Chakshu is the latest addition to the citizen centric facilities already available on the Sanchar Saathi portal of DoT.
  • It facilitates citizens to report suspected fraud communication received over call, SMS or WhatsApp with the intention of defrauding like KYC expiry or update of bank account / payment wallet / SIM / gas connection / electricity connection, sextortion, impersonation as government official / relative for sending money, disconnection of all mobile numbers by Department of Telecommunications etc.
  • In case, a citizen is already a victim of cyber-crime or financial fraud, it is advised to report at cyber-crime helpline number 1930 or website https://www.cybercrime.gov.in of Government of India.


Carbon Capture and How it Can Help Save the Planet

  • 05 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Germany has recently declared its approval for carbon capture and offshore storage for specific industrial sectors.

What is Carbon Capture and Storage?

  • CCS refers to a host of different technologies that capture CO2 emissions from large point sources like refineries or power plants and trap them beneath the Earth.
  • Notably, CCS is different from carbon dioxide removal (CDR), where CO2 is removed from the atmosphere.
  • CCS involves three different techniques of capturing carbon, including: Post-combustion, Pre-combustion, and Oxyfuel combustion.
    • In post-combustion, CO2 is removed after the fossil fuel has been burnt. By using a chemical solvent, CO2 is separated from the exhaust or ‘flue’ gasses and then captured.
    • Pre-combustion involves removing CO2 before burning the fossil fuel. “First, the fossil fuel is partially burned in a ‘gasifier’ to form synthetic gas. CO2 can be captured from this relatively pure exhaust stream,” according to a report by the British Geological Survey. The method also generates hydrogen, which is separated and can be used as fuel.
    • In oxyfuel combustion, the fossil fuel is burnt with almost pure oxygen, which produces CO2 and water vapor. The water is condensed through cooling and CO2 is separated and captured. Out of the three methods, oxyfuel combustion is the most efficient but the oxygen burning process needs a lot of energy.
  • Post-combustion and oxyfuel combustion equipment can be retro-fitted in existing plants that were originally built without them. Pre-combustion equipment, however, needs “larger modifications to the operation of the facility and are therefore more suitable to new plants.
  • After capture, CO2 is compressed into a liquid state and transported to suitable storage sites.
    • Although CO2 can be transported through ship, rail, or road tanker, pipeline is the cheapest and most reliable method.

Can Carbon Capture Help Save the world?

  • Operational CCS projects generally claim to be 90 percent efficient, meaning they can capture 90 per cent of carbon and store it.
  • Studies, however, have shown that a number of these projects are not as efficient as they claim to be.
    • For example, a 2022 study by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) found most of the 13 flagship CCS projects worldwide that it analyzed have either underperformed or failed entirely.
  • Moreover, CCS technologies are quite expensive.
    • When CCS is attached to coal and gas power stations it is likely to be at least six times more expensive than electricity generated from wind power backed by battery storage.
    • It is far cheaper and more efficient to avoid CO2 emissions in the first place.
  • There are also only a few operational CCS projects across the world even though the technology has been pushed for decades.
  • According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), there were 40 operational CCS projects in 2023, which captured more than 45 metric tonnes (Mt) of CO2 annually.
  • To ensure the planet doesn’t breach the 1.5 degree Celsius temperature increase limit, it would take an “inconceivable” amount of carbon capture “if oil and natural gas consumption were to evolve as projected under today’s policy settings.
  • It added that the electricity required to capture that level of carbon as of 2050 would be more than the entire planet’s use of electricity in 2022.
  • Therefore, there couldn’t be an overreliance on carbon capture as a solution to tackle climate change.

Grey-zone Warfare Latest Entry in Lexicon of Warfare

  • 04 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

On the last day of the 2024 Raisina Dialogue (February 24), India’s Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan said that “grey zone warfare” is the latest in informal warfare.

What is the Grey Zone Warfare?

  • Grey zone warfare refers to a strategic approach where a nation seeks to gain advantages over others without engaging in overt conflict.
  • It involves a series of tactics, including cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns, and economic pressures, aimed at subtly undermining or destabilizing adversaries.
  • China has notably employed this strategy against India and neighboring countries.

What are the China's Grey Zone Tactics Against India?

  • South China Sea Activities: China asserts its dominance in the South China Sea using naval and civilian vessels, raising tensions with neighboring countries like India.
  • Infrastructure Near Borders: China constructs infrastructure and settlements near India's borders, bolstering territorial claims and strategic positioning.
  • Digital Investments: China invests in Indian digital platforms and media, influencing public narratives and perceptions.

India's Counter-Measures:

  • Inter-Agency Collaboration: India promotes collaboration among defense, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies to devise comprehensive strategies to counter grey zone threats.
  • Enhanced Vigilance: India increases surveillance and presence in border areas and strategic locations to detect and respond to covert Chinese activities.
  • Regulating Foreign Investments: India scrutinizes foreign investments in critical sectors, particularly technology, to safeguard national security interests.

Long-Term Implications for India:

  • Information Warfare: Grey zone conflicts often involve digital misinformation, influencing public opinion and perceptions.
  • Economic Leverage: Dependency on foreign investments poses vulnerabilities if used as leverage by investing nations.
  • Technology Dependency: Heavy reliance on foreign technology exposes India to risks, emphasizing the need to bolster indigenous technological capabilities.


Grey zone warfare encompasses a multifaceted strategic landscape, blending digital, economic, and geopolitical tactics. India recognizes these challenges and is actively devising strategies to navigate this complex terrain.

PM Modi hails those supporting wildlife conservation efforts on World Wildlife Day

  • 04 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

On the occasion of World Wildlife Day on March 3, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded those at the forefront of sustainable practices and supporting wildlife conservation efforts.

About the World Wildlife Day:

  • World Wildlife Day is observed to advocate for sustainable practices that contribute to biodiversity conservation and to enhance public consciousness about the importance of safeguarding and nurturing animals.
  • It endeavors to underscore the interconnectedness of all life forms on Earth and to foster harmonious coexistence between humans and animals through activism, advocacy, and education.


  • Initially proposed by Thailand to the UN General Assembly in 2013, World Wildlife Day aimed to dedicate a day to spotlight the significance of wild animals and plants worldwide.
  • On December 20, 2013, the General Assembly adopted a resolution, designating March 3 as World Wildlife Day from 2014 onwards.
  • Coinciding with the day, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was signed in 1973, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding species from the threats of international trade.

The theme of WWD 2024:

  • The theme, "Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation," underscores the potential of technological advancements to revolutionize conservation efforts.
  • In today's digital era, technological breakthroughs offer novel solutions to persistent conservation challenges, making this theme particularly relevant.


  • World Wildlife Day serves as a vital global awareness platform for animal protection and conservation.
  • It reinforces the intrinsic value of animals and advocates for treating them with compassion, integrity, and reverence.

About the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES):

  • CITES is an international treaty that aims to regulate and monitor the trade of endangered plants and animals, including their parts and derivatives, to ensure their survival in the wild.
  • Under CITES, member countries are required to regulate and monitor the trade of endangered species through a system of permits and quotas.
  • They must also report regularly on their implementation of the treaty and collaborate with other countries to ensure its effectiveness.
  • Currently, CITES has 184 parties.

Several OPEC+ nations extend oil cuts to boost prices

  • 04 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Moscow, Riyadh, and several other OPEC+ members announced extensions to oil production cuts first announced in 2023 as part of an agreement among oil producers to boost prices following economic uncertainty.

What is the OPEC+ Oil Alliance?

  • OPEC+ is a coalition of oil-exporting nations that convenes regularly to determine the quantity of crude oil to offer on the global market.
  • Origin: This alliance was established in late 2016 to formalize a framework for collaboration between OPEC and non-OPEC oil-producing nations on a consistent and sustainable basis.
  • The primary objective of these nations is to collaborate on regulating crude oil production to stabilize the oil market.
  • OPEC+ collectively controls approximately 40% of global oil supplies and holds over 80% of proven oil reserves.
  • At its core, OPEC+ consists of OPEC member states, predominantly comprising nations from the Middle East and Africa.
  • Membership: It includes OPEC member states along with Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mexico, Malaysia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Oman.

About the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):

  • OPEC, short for the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, is a permanent intergovernmental organization comprised of oil-exporting nations.


  • To coordinate and harmonize the petroleum policies of its member countries.
  • To ensure the stability of oil prices in global oil markets, aiming to eliminate detrimental and unnecessary fluctuations.
  • Formation: Founded in 1960 by the five original members - Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.
  • Presently, it consists of 13 member countries, which include Algeria, Angola, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Libya, Nigeria, and the United Arab Emirates.
  • Headquarters: Located in Vienna, Austria.

India halts Pakistan-bound ship suspected of carrying CNC machines from China

  • 04 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, Indian security agencies have intercepted a Pakistan-bound ship from China at Mumbai's Nhava Sheva port.

What are CNC Machines and Wassenaar Arrangements?

  • CNC machines are controlled by a computer and offer efficiency, consistency, and accuracy not possible manually.
  • These machines have been included in the Wassenaar Arrangement since 1996.
  • This international arms control regime aims to stop the proliferation of equipment with both civilian and military uses, with India being among the 42 member countries exchanging information on transfers of conventional weapons and dual-use goods and technologies.

About the Wassenaar Arrangement:

  • The Wassenaar Arrangement is a voluntary export control framework established in July 1996.
  • Comprising 42 member nations, it facilitates the exchange of information regarding transfers of conventional weaponry and dual-use goods and technologies.
  • Dual-use items possess the capacity for both civilian and military applications.
  • The arrangement's secretariat is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.


  • The arrangement boasts 42 member states, predominantly consisting of NATO and EU nations.
  • Members are obligated to report arms transfers and dual-use goods and technology transfers or denials to destinations beyond the arrangement biannually.
    • India became a member of the Arrangement in 2017.


  • Central to its operation is the continual exchange of technology-related information, encompassing both conventional and nuclear-capable technologies, among member states.
  • This information exchange involves the maintenance and refinement of comprehensive lists of materials, technologies, processes, and products deemed militarily significant.
  • The primary goal is to regulate the movement of technology, materials, or components to entities or nations that could jeopardize global security and stability.

Wassenaar Arrangement Plenary:

  • The WA Plenary is the decision-making and governing body of the Arrangement.
  • It is composed of representatives of all Participating States who normally meet once a year, usually in December.
  • Chairmanship of the Plenary is subject to annual rotation among Participating States.
  • In 2018, the United Kingdom held the Plenary Chair, while Greece assumed the position in 2019.
  • Decisions within the Plenary are made through consensus.

Bengaluru's Rameshwaram cafe blast puts the spotlight on IEDs

  • 02 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

At least nine people were injured after an explosion at the bustling Rameshwaram Cafe in Bengaluru’s Whitefield area recently, possibly by an improvised explosive device (IED).

What is Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)?

  • An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) refers to a makeshift explosive device constructed and deployed unorthodoxly or improvised.
  • These devices are typically crafted using commonly available materials, including explosives, triggers, and containers, often to cause destruction, injury, or death.
  • IEDs can vary widely in design and complexity, ranging from simple pipe bombs to more intricate devices incorporating timers, remote controls, or even cellular communication for activation.
  • IEDs can be deployed using a vehicle, carried, placed, or thrown by a person, delivered in a package, or concealed on the roadside.
  • Due to their adaptable nature, IEDs are commonly used by insurgents, terrorists, and other malicious actors to carry out attacks against both military and civilian targets.
  • Their unpredictable nature and often concealed placement make them particularly challenging for security forces to detect and mitigate.
  • Efforts to counter IED threats involve a combination of technological advancements, intelligence gathering, and counterinsurgency strategies aimed at identifying and neutralizing these devices before they can cause harm.

Types of IEDs:

  • Vehicle-Borne IEDs: Among the most destructive forms of IEDs are those concealed within vehicles. These can be driven to specific locations and detonated, causing massive explosions capable of levelling buildings.
  • Suicide Bombings: Suicide bombings involve individuals strapping IEDs to their bodies, becoming human carriers of destruction. This method inflicts maximum damage in densely populated areas.
  • Package IEDs: Package IEDs are small devices hidden in innocuous-looking packages. They are often placed in public spaces, targeting unsuspecting victims.

Methods of IED Initiation:

  • Remote Control: IEDs can be remotely triggered using various methods, such as cell phones or radio signals, allowing attackers to maintain a safe distance from the explosion.
  • Pressure Activation: Pressure-sensitive IEDs detonate when a certain amount of pressure is applied, making them lethal traps for those who inadvertently trigger them.
  • Timers: IEDs can also be equipped with timers, which delay the explosion to occur at a specific time, further complicating detection and prevention.

The Devastating Impact of IEDs:

  • The aftermath of IED explosions is often catastrophic, leading to loss of life, severe injuries, and widespread damage to infrastructure.
    • The psychological impact on survivors and affected communities can be long-lasting.

Detection Technologies and Challenges:

  • Detection technologies such as (Metal Detectors, X-ray and Imaging Scanners, Explosive Trace Detection (ETD), and Sniffer Dogs) play a critical role in countering the threat of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), but they also face numerous challenges due to the evolving nature of these devices.

India to Make Climate Risk Disclosures Mandatory for Banks

  • 02 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

While acknowledging the importance of the environment and its long-term impact on organizations and the economy as a whole, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has now released a draft framework for banks to follow.

What are Climate-led Financial Risks?

  • “Climate-related financial risks” means the potential risks that may arise from climate change or from efforts to mitigate climate change, their related impacts, and economic and financial consequences according to RBI.
  • These risks manifest through two primary channels: physical risks and transition risks.
  • Physical Risks: These entail the economic and financial consequences arising from the escalating frequency and severity of extreme weather events linked to climate change. Such events can exert pressure on the financial sector in various ways:
    • Renewable Energy Sector (REs) Vulnerability: The occurrence of local or regional weather events may strain the anticipated cash flows to REs, impacting their financial stability. Furthermore, chronic flooding or landslides pose risks to the collateral that REs have pledged as security for loans.
    • Infrastructure and Property Damage: Severe weather phenomena can inflict damage on the physical assets and data centres owned or leased by REs, impairing their capacity to deliver financial services effectively.
  • Transition Risks: These risks stem from the transition toward a low-carbon economy, influenced by factors such as evolving climate-related policies, technological advancements, and changing consumer behaviours. Key considerations include:
    • Policy and Regulatory Shifts: Changes in climate-related regulations and policies, along with advancements in technologies, can significantly influence the transition process. Moreover, alterations in customer sentiments and behaviour patterns play a pivotal role in shaping this transition.
    • Economic Impact: The transition toward reducing carbon emissions carries substantial implications for the economy at large. It entails a shift toward sustainable practices and investments, which can impact various sectors and industries differently.
  • Recognizing and addressing these climate-related financial risks is imperative for ensuring the resilience and stability of the financial sector in the face of evolving environmental challenges.

About the Framework:

  • Commencing from the financial year 2025-26, all major financial institutions across India, including top-tier NBFCs and renowned NBFCs, will be mandated to furnish details about governance, strategy, and risk management strategies.
  • Additionally, they will be required to initiate disclosure of metrics and targets from the fiscal year 2027-28.

Key highlights of the framework include:

  • Enhanced Disclosure Requirements: Banks will be obligated to unveil climate-related risks that could potentially impact their financial stability.
    • This measure aims to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of climate-related financial risks and opportunities, fostering early assessment and proactive management.
  • Scope of Coverage: The framework encompasses various financial entities, including scheduled commercial banks (excluding local area banks, payments banks, and regional rural banks), Tier-IV primary urban cooperative banks (UCBs), and top and upper layer non-banking financial companies (NBFCs).
  • Disclosure Obligations for Renewable Energy Sector (REs): REs are mandated to disclose crucial information related to climate-related risks and opportunities across short-, medium-, and long-term horizons. Key areas of disclosure include:
  • Identification of Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities: REs are required to identify and disclose climate-related risks and opportunities relevant to their operations and financial outlook.
  • Assessment of Impact: REs must delineate the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on their business strategies and financial planning, enabling stakeholders to comprehend the implications on their overall strategy.
  • Resilience Evaluation: REs are tasked with evaluating the resilience of their strategies in light of diverse climate scenarios, thereby ensuring robustness in navigating potential challenges and capitalizing on emerging opportunities.


  • A pressing requirement exists for an improved and standardized disclosure framework for regulated entities to mitigate financial risks.
  • Without such a framework, there is a risk of assets being mispriced and capital being misallocated, which could have adverse repercussions on financial stability. Consequently, the imperative for a standardized disclosure framework on climate-related financial risks became evident.

How India’s first semiconductor fabrication plant can help plug into the global value chain

  • 02 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Union Cabinet recently approved the country's first semiconductor fab to be made by the Tata Group in collaboration with Powerchip Taiwan.

What is Semiconductor Fabrication?

  • The semiconductor fabrication process is a complex and highly specialized series of steps that transform raw materials into functional electronic components.
  • This process involves a multitude of techniques and technologies, with each stage requiring precise control and attention to detail.
  • A semiconductor fab -- short for fabrication -- is a manufacturing plant in which raw silicon wafers are turned into integrated circuits (ICs).
  • A fab lab features a clean room where ICs are etched onto wafers.
  • The completed chips are sent to a back-end assembly and test facility before they are packaged and sold.
  • A semiconductor fab facility always includes a clean room -- so known because its environment is carefully controlled to eliminate dust and vibrations and to keep the temperature and humidity within a specific narrow range.
    • Contamination can enter the fab environment through external sources, resulting in damage to products that can affect overall yield.
  • To minimize the losses, all potential sources of contamination are thoroughly analysed and cleaned.
    • For example, the tools used in the chip manufacturing process have low levels of particulates and fibres.
  • The goal is to ensure that extraneous contamination is not introduced into the semiconductor fab to ensure the highest quality of the final products.

Technology Used in Semiconductor Fab Labs:

  • Photolithography: Photolithography is a crucial optical process in the fabrication process, as it is used to create intricate circuit patterns on a single wafer's surface.
  • This is achieved by coating the wafer with a photosensitive material, called a photoresist, and then exposing it to high-wavelength deep ultraviolet (DUV) or extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light through a mask containing the desired pattern.
  • The exposed photoresist undergoes a chemical change, which allows it to be selectively removed.
  • It leaves behind a patterned layer that serves as a protective layer for subsequent processing steps, such as etching and deposition. 


Minimum age to cast postal ballots hiked to 85 years

  • 02 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

For the upcoming Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections, senior citizens who are 85 years and older will be able to opt for postal ballots as the government recently amended the rule to increase the eligibility from the current limit of 80 years and above.

News Summary:

  • The government, in collaboration with the Election Commission, has introduced amendments to the Conduct of Election Rules (1961), specifically targeting the eligibility criteria for voting by postal ballot.
  • Notably, the minimum age for senior citizens eligible for postal voting has been increased from 80 years to 85 years.
    • Previously, Rule 27A of the Conduct of Election Rules had extended the postal ballot facility to senior citizens above 80 years, persons with disabilities, poll officers, and individuals diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • This provision was first implemented during the 2020 Bihar assembly polls, coinciding with the onset of the pandemic.
  • Despite the initial extension of postal voting rights to senior citizens aged 80 and above, a subsequent review by the Election Commission revealed that only a small fraction, approximately 2-3%, of eligible voters in this age group opted for postal ballots.
    • The majority preferred to physically visit polling stations to cast their votes.
  • Considering the statistics indicating that the total number of senior citizens above 80 years stands at 1.75 crore, with 98 lakh falling within the age range of 80-85 years, the government deemed it necessary to amend the existing rule.
    • This adjustment reflects a nuanced approach aimed at ensuring efficient electoral processes while addressing the preferences and needs of elderly voters.

What is Postal Voting?

  • Postal voting is only available to a specific group of voters.
  • By retyping her choices on the ballot paper and returning it to the inspection officer before counting, a voter can remotely cast her ballot using this feature.

Who Can Avail This?

  • Armed forces members such as those in the Army, Navy, and Air Force, armed police officers serving outside their home states, government workers stationed outside of India, and their wives are only eligible to vote by mail.


  • Voters may use this service from any location outside of the designated constituency.
  • This system makes it easier to create voter electoral roll data for services.
  • It has two layers of security, making it a secure system:
    • 1. Downloading the encrypted electronically transmitted postal ballot (ETPB) file requires an OTP (one-time password).
    • 2. To decrypt, print, and deliver ETPB, a PIN is necessary.
  • By sending postal ballots electronically to eligible service voters, this system addresses the time constraint associated with mailing postal ballots.
  • The specific quick response code ensures confidentiality and prevents the duplication of cast ETPB.

Concerned Raised by Political Parties:

  • Parties argue that allowing voters 65 and older to cast postal ballots violates voting confidentiality since many of the population lacks education and may ask for help from others at various points, ultimately identifying their chosen candidate.
  • Their exposure to "administrative influence or influence by the government or the ruling party" also results from this.

How the development of Agaléga figures in India’s vision for its maritime neighbourhood

  • 02 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, Prime Ministers Narendra Modi and Pravind Jugnauth jointly inaugurated an airstrip and the St James Jetty on North Agaléga Island in the Indian Ocean.

About Agalega Islands:

  • Agaléga Island comprises two islets, a long and thin northern island and a shorter, round southern island.
  • It is slightly over 3,000 kilometres from the nearest mainland Indian coast, deep in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar.
  • Despite its pristine appeal, Agaléga remains largely undiscovered by tourists and there are no hotels, water bungalows, or bustling tourist shops.
    • Instead, approximately 300 islanders sustain themselves through coconut cultivation and fishing, maintaining a way of life passed down through generations.

Importance of Agalega Islands:

  • The development of the Agalega Islands holds significant socio-economic and national security implications for Mauritius, aligning closely with India's maritime vision.
    • Despite being a dependency of Mauritius, the islands have long remained underdeveloped, posing challenges to the sustainability and well-being of their inhabitants.
    • Necessities often required referral to Mauritius due to the lack of infrastructure.
  • Moreover, the absence of an official government or security presence posed a serious vulnerability, necessitating urgent attention.
    • Recognizing the potential to transform this vulnerability into a strategic asset, Mauritius prioritized the development of the islands and the establishment of facilities capable of accommodating ships and aircraft.
  • In this regard, the construction of a jetty and an airstrip emerged as imperative steps to bolster the islands' infrastructure.
    • Given the shared interests and cooperation between Mauritius and India, the government of Mauritius selected India as its preferred development partner for this ambitious initiative.

Why did Mauritians Choose India?

  • Ties between India and Mauritius go back to 1948, 20 years before the country’s independence from Britain.
  • Seventy percent of the inhabitants of Mauritius are of Indian origin, and the two countries share deep historical, social, and cultural bonds.
  • The consistent feature in the history of bilateral relations has been friendship and trust at all levels — the political leadership, the diplomatic and military communities, as well as between the peoples of the two countries.
  • The development of these strategically located islands required trust more than anything else. India was the obvious choice.

Significance for India:

  • The goodwill and trust between the two countries will be further enhanced. India will welcome opportunities to further develop these islands in collaboration with Mauritius as the latter deems appropriate.
  • The joint development of Agaléga underscores India’s commitment to the vision of Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR), and its willingness to assist smaller maritime nations in building capacity and developing capability.
  • It will indicate to other maritime neighbours that India is a benign and friendly country that respects the sovereignty of independent nations.
  • India would like to emerge as the preferred development and security partner in the Indian Ocean Region.

Doomsday Glacier has lost 50 billion tons of ice, melting began 80 years ago

  • 01 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Antarctica's Doomsday Glacier, the world's widest glacier, has lost over 50 billion tons of ice and the melting rate is on the rise as the continent gets warmer.

What is Doomsday Glacier?

  • The Thwaites Glacier (also known as Doomsday Glacier), a massive and world’s widest glacier is located in West Antarctica.
  • The Doomsday nickname reflects the potential for catastrophic flooding if the glacier were to collapse completely.
  • Scientists are particularly concerned about Thwaites Glacier because of its size and location.
    • If it were to collapse or significantly retreat, it could lead to a more rapid flow of ice from the interior of West Antarctica into the ocean, contributing to rising sea levels.
    • The collapse could lead to a 65 cm rise in global sea level.
  • The ice loss in the region has been observed to be accelerating since the 1970s, however, so far it remained unclear as to when this retreat began.
  • The significant glacial retreat began in the 1940s and the findings coincide with previous work that studied retreat on Pine Island Glacier and found glacial retreat began in the ‘40s as well.
  • This change is not random nor specific to one glacier but It is part of a larger context of a changing climate.

Why Did the Melting Begin?

  • The meeting was kicked off by an extreme El Nino climate pattern that warmed the west Antarctic, and since then the glacier has not been able to recover from the damage.
    • It is significant that El Niño only lasted a couple of years, but the two glaciers, Thwaites and Pine Island remain in significant retreat.
    • Once the system is kicked out of balance, the retreat is ongoing.
  • The Doomsday Glacier's melting remains one of the most crucial events triggered and accelerated by climate change and could lead to the submergence of several coastal regions of the world.

India to set up International Big Cat Alliance

  • 01 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Union Environment Ministry plans to set up and coordinate an International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA), along the lines of the International Solar Alliance, an India-headquartered initiative to promote solar installations globally.

About the International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA):

  • The idea of the International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) was first given by Prime Minister Modi during his speech on the occasion of Global Tiger Day in 2019.
    • He called for developing an alliance of global leaders to curb poaching in Asia.
  • The alliance was formally announced on April 9, 202, in Mysuru, as India commemorated the completion of 50 years of Project Tiger.
  • The alliance will focus on the conservation of seven big cats, which include Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Puma, Jaguar, and Cheetah. Out of these, five are found in India.
  • Membership to the IBCA is open to 97 'range' countries, encompassing the natural habitats of these big cats, as well as other interested nations and international organizations.
    • The alliance aims to facilitate cooperation among countries to advance the conservation agenda for mutual benefit.
  • Operating with a multifaceted approach, the IBCA endeavours to establish robust linkages across various domains, including knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking, advocacy, financial and resource support, research, technical assistance, education, and awareness.
  • Governance of the alliance consists of a General Assembly comprising all member countries, a Council comprised of seven to fifteen member countries elected by the General Assembly for a five-year term, and a Secretariat.
    • The IBCA Secretary General, appointed by the General Assembly upon the Council's recommendation, serves a specific term.
  • To support its initiatives, the IBCA has secured initial funding of Rs. 150 crore from the Government of India for the period spanning from 2023-24 to 2027-28.


RBI tweaks norms related to the Regulatory Sandbox scheme

  • 29 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Reserve Bank recently tweaked guidelines for the Regulatory Sandbox (RS) scheme under which participating entities will have to comply with digital personal data protection norms.

About the Regulatory Sandbox Scheme:

  • The Regulatory Sandbox scheme denotes a controlled regulatory environment where new products or services can undergo live testing.
  • Functioning as a "safe space" for businesses, regulators may offer certain relaxations for testing purposes within this environment.
  • It serves as a structured platform for regulators to engage with the industry and develop regulations that foster innovation and enable the delivery of cost-effective financial products.
  • The scheme holds potential as a tool for creating dynamic regulatory environments that adapt to emerging technologies through evidence-based learning.


  • Offering innovative technology-led entities an opportunity for limited-scale testing of new products or services, potentially involving regulatory relaxations before broader implementation.
  • At its core, the Regulatory Sandbox is a formal program allowing market participants to test new products, services, or business models in live settings, under appropriate oversight.
  • Proposed financial services under the scheme should leverage new or emerging technology to address consumer needs or offer benefits.
  • The overarching goal is to promote responsible innovation in financial services, enhance efficiency, and deliver consumer benefits.
  • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) introduced the 'Enabling Framework for Regulatory Sandbox' in August 2019 after extensive consultations.
  • The updated framework mandates compliance with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act of 2023 for sandbox entities.
  • Furthermore, the timeline for various stages of the Regulatory Sandbox process has been extended from seven to nine months.
  • Fintech companies, including startups, banks, financial institutions, and other entities providing support to financial services businesses, are among the target applicants for entry into the Regulatory Sandbox.

European Parliament adopts nature restoration law

  • 29 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The European Parliament recently adopted the first European Union (EU) law to restore degraded ecosystems across the 27-nation political and economic bloc.

About the Nature Restoration Law:

  • The Nature Restoration Law is hailed as a significant stride toward rejuvenating Europe’s natural habitats, with a staggering 81% currently classified as being in poor health.
  • It sets a pioneering example for global emulation, emphasizing the criticality of safeguarding and revitalizing our natural environment for the welfare of forthcoming generations.


  • This legislation aims to rejuvenate ecosystems, habitats, and species across the European Union's (EU) terrestrial and marine domains, fostering the enduring recuperation of diverse and robust nature.
  • Additionally, it endeavors to contribute to the EU's climate mitigation and adaptation objectives while fulfilling international commitments.
  • These directives aspire to encompass a minimum of 20% of the EU's land and marine territories by 2030, with the ultimate goal of restoring all ecosystems in need by 2050.

Specific Targets:

  • Wetlands, forests, grasslands, rivers, lakes, heath & scrub, rocky habitats, and dunes: The objective is to enhance and restore biodiverse habitats on a large scale, fostering the recovery of species populations through habitat improvement and expansion.
  • Pollinating Insects: The target is to reverse the decline of pollinator populations by 2030, aiming for a positive trajectory in pollinator numbers.
  • Forest Ecosystems: The aim is to promote an upward trend in standing and fallen deadwood, varied aged forests, forest connectivity, common forest bird populations, and organic carbon reserves.
  • Urban Ecosystems: The objective is to achieve zero net loss of green urban spaces by 2030 and expand the total area covered by green urban spaces by 2040 and 2050.
  • Agricultural Ecosystems: The goal is to bolster grassland butterfly and farmland bird populations, increase organic carbon reserves in cropland mineral soils, and augment the proportion of agricultural land featuring diverse landscape characteristics.

About the European Union (EU):

  • The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 European countries that collaborate on various issues, including trade, security, and environmental protection.
  • Founded after World War II to promote peace and economic cooperation, the EU has evolved into a complex organization with its own institutions, laws, and currency (the euro).
  • It operates on the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, with the European Commission, European Parliament, and European Council among its key decision-making bodies.
  • The EU's single market allows for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people across member states, fostering economic growth and prosperity.
  • Additionally, the EU plays a prominent role in global affairs, advocating for multilateralism, sustainable development, and climate action.

Scientists are closer to creating a reference genome for Indians; 10,000 samples sequenced already

  • 28 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Government’s ambitious Genome India initiative achieved a significant milestone Tuesday as researchers completed sequencing 10,000 healthy genomes from different regions of the country, representing 99 distinct populations.

News Summary:

  • The Department of Biotechnology has announced the successful completion of India's '10,000 genome' project, aimed at establishing a comprehensive reference database of whole-genome sequences within the country.
  • This milestone marks the creation of a detailed genetic map of India, offering significant potential for both clinicians and researchers in diverse fields.
  • With India emerging as the largest genetic laboratory globally, this rich dataset is poised to catalyze advancements in the country's biology sector.
  • Notably, India's bio-economy has witnessed remarkable growth, expanding from $10 billion in 2014 to over $130 billion in 2024, signaling a promising trajectory for future development.
  • The entirety of the genomic dataset will be housed at the Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC), serving as a valuable digital resource for research purposes.
  • Established in 2022, the IBDC represents India's sole indigenous databank, eliminating the need for Indian researchers to rely on foreign servers for hosting biological datasets.

What is Genome Sequencing?

  • Genome sequencing is the process of determining the exact order of the building blocks (nucleotides) that make up an organism's entire DNA, or genome.
  • It's like reading the complete instruction manual for life, containing the information needed to create and maintain an organism.

Applications of Genome Sequencing:

  • Healthcare: Doctors can diagnose diseases with greater accuracy, personalize treatments, and uncover the causes of rare conditions.
  • Agriculture: Scientists can engineer crops with desired traits like disease resistance and improved yield, while breeders select animals with specific characteristics.
  • Forensics: DNA profiling aids criminal investigations and paternity testing.
  • Conservation: Studying the genetic diversity of endangered species helps with conservation efforts while analyzing invasive species' origins aids in controlling their spread.

What is the Human Genome Project (HGP)?

  • Initiated in 1990, the Human Genome Project aimed to elucidate the entire sequence of the human genome.
  • In 2023, the project culminated in the release of the latest version of the complete human genome, boasting a mere 0.3% error margin.
  • Enabled by the Human Genome Project, whole-genome sequencing facilitates the examination of an individual's genome to uncover deviations from the average human genome.
  • These deviations, or mutations, offer insights into an individual's susceptibility to diseases, their responsiveness to specific stimuli, and other pertinent genetic attributes.

About the Genome India Project:

  • The Genome India Project stands as a pioneering initiative approved by the Department of Biotechnology, geared towards gene mapping.
  • This project sets out with the ambitious objective of compiling an exhaustive repository documenting genetic diversity across the Indian populace.
  • At its core, the endeavor seeks to conduct genome sequencing for more than 10,000 individuals spanning various geographic and ethnic backgrounds within India, ultimately laying the groundwork for a standardized reference genome specific to the Indian demographic.

Significance of the Genome India Project:

  • Unveiling Unique Genetic Variants: The Genome India Project holds the key to unraveling genetic variants exclusive to India’s diverse population, enabling tailored drug formulations and therapeutic interventions.
    • For instance, mutations like MYBPC3, linked to premature cardiac arrest and prevalent in 4.5% of Indians, underscore the necessity of region-specific genetic insights, contrasting with global rarity.
    • Similarly, the discovery of the LAMB3 mutation, causing a severe skin disorder and impacting nearly 4% of the population around Madurai, emphasizes the localized genetic complexities absent in global databases.
  • Comprehensive Database for India's Population: With a colossal population exceeding 1.3 billion, India boasts a mosaic of over 4,600 distinct population groups, many practicing endogamy.
    • This vast demographic diversity underscores the need for a comprehensive genetic database tailored to India's populace, crucial for identifying and addressing disease-causing mutations prevalent within specific groups.
    • Unlike extrapolating findings from global datasets, the Genome India Project provides precise genetic insights essential for Indian-centric healthcare strategies.

Google unveils Genie AI which can create video games from text and image prompts

  • 28 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, Google DeepMind unveiled Genie, a novel model capable of creating interactive video games based solely on textual or image prompts.

What is Genie AI?

  • Genie is a foundation world model that is trained on videos sourced from the Internet.
  • The model can “generate an endless variety of playable (action-controllable) worlds from synthetic images, photographs, and even sketches.”
  • It is the first generative interactive environment that has been trained in an unsupervised manner from unlabelled internet videos.
  • When it comes to size, Genie stands at 11B parameters and consists of a spatiotemporal video tokenizer, an autoregressive dynamics model, and a simple and scalable latent action model.
    • These technical specifications let Genie act in generated environments on a frame-by-frame basis even in the absence of training, labels, or any other domain-specific requirements.

What does Genie do?

  • Genie is a new kind of generative AI that enables anyone – even children – to dream up and step into generated worlds similar to human-designed simulated environments.
  • It can be prompted to generate a diverse set of interactive and controllable environments although it is trained on video-only data.
    • It is a breakthrough as it makes playable environments from a single image prompt.
  • According to Google DeepMind, Genie can be prompted with images it has never seen.
    • This includes real-world photographs, and sketches, allowing people to interact with their imagined virtual worlds.
  • When it comes to training, they focus more on videos of 2D platformer games and robotics.
  • Genie is trained on a general method, allowing it to function on any type of domain, and it is scalable to even larger Internet datasets.

Why is it Important?

  • The standout aspect of Genie is its ability to learn and reproduce controls for in-game characters exclusively from internet videos.
  • This is noteworthy because internet videos do not have labels about the action that is performed in the video, or even which part of the image should be controlled.
  • It allows you to create an entirely new interactive environment from a single image.
  • This opens up many possibilities, especially new ways to create and step into virtual worlds.
  • With Genie, anyone will be able to create their own entirely imagined virtual worlds.

Ex-SC Judge Justice AM Khanwilkar Appointed As Lokpal Chairperson

  • 28 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Nearly 19 months after he retired as a Supreme Court judge, Justice A M Khanwilkar was appointed the chairperson of the anti-corruption ombudsman Lokpal on Tuesday. The post fell vacant nearly two years ago.

Who is AM Khanwilkar?

  • Justice Ajay Manikrao Khanwilkar was a Supreme Court judge between May 2016 and July 2022.
  • He has also served as chief justice of the Madhya Pradesh High Court and the Himachal Pradesh High Court and as a judge of the Bombay High Court.
  • Recently appointed as the Chairperson of the anti-corruption ombudsman Lokpal on Tuesday.
  • The appointment came nearly two years after the post fell vacant.
  • Khanwilkar was elected for the post following discussions by a high-level committee, which included:
    • Prime Minister Narendra Modi
    • Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud
    • Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
  • The Lokpal has been functioning without its permanent chief since the conclusion of Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose's term on May 27, 2022.

About Lokpal:

  • The Lokpal is a statutory body established under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act of 2013.
  • Its primary mandate is to investigate allegations of corruption against certain public officials and handle related matters.
  • The organizational structure of Lokpal includes a chairperson and a maximum of eight members.
  • The chairperson must be a former Chief Justice of India, a former Judge of the Supreme Court, or an eminent individual meeting specified eligibility criteria.
  • Half of the maximum eight members are judicial members, who must be former Judges of the Supreme Court or former Chief Justices of High Courts.
  • Additionally, a minimum of fifty percent of the members are drawn from SC/ST/OBC/minority backgrounds and include women.

How are Members Appointed?

  • The President of India appoints the Chairperson and Members based on recommendations from a selection committee.
    • This committee comprises the Prime Minister as Chairperson, the Speaker of Lok Sabha, the Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, the Chief Justice of India or a nominated Judge, and one eminent jurist.
  • Members serve a term of five years or until they reach 70 years of age, whichever comes first, starting from the date they assume office.
  • The Chairperson receives salary, allowances, and other benefits equivalent to those of the Chief Justice of India.
  • Similarly, Members receive salary, allowances, and other benefits equivalent to those of a Judge of the Supreme Court.


  • The Lokpal has the authority to investigate allegations of corruption against current or former Prime Ministers, Union Ministers, Members of Parliament, and officials from various levels of the Union Government categorized under Groups A, B, C, and D.
  • Its jurisdiction extends to include chairpersons, members, officers, and directors of entities established by parliamentary acts or financed by the Union or State government, as well as any organization receiving foreign contributions exceeding Rs 10 lakh.
  • However, there are exceptions regarding the Prime Minister's jurisdiction. The Lokpal cannot investigate allegations related to international relations, external/internal security, public order, atomic energy, and space. Moreover, complaints against the PM require approval from at least two-thirds of the Lokpal's members before initiation of an inquiry.

Powers of Lokpal:

  • The Lokpal possesses the authority to oversee and issue directives to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
  • Once the Lokpal has referred a case to the CBI, the investigating officer cannot be transferred without the Lokpal's approval.
  • It holds the power to authorize the CBI to conduct search and seizure operations related to these cases.
  • The Inquiry Wing of the Lokpal is endowed with powers akin to those of a civil court.
  • In specific circumstances, the Lokpal can confiscate assets, proceeds, receipts, and benefits obtained through corrupt means.
  • It is empowered to recommend the transfer or suspension of public servants implicated in corruption allegations.
  • The Lokpal can issue directives to prevent the destruction of records during the preliminary inquiry phase.
  • As per Section 48 of the Act, the Lokpal is mandated to submit an annual report on its activities to the President, which is subsequently laid before both Houses of Parliament.

RBI Allows Lending And Borrowing Govt Securities

  • 27 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

In a bid to deepen the bond market, the Reserve Bank of India on Wednesday issued guidelines for lending and borrowing in government securities.

What are Government Securities?

  • Government securities, also known as G-Secs, refer to the debt instruments issued by the government to finance its fiscal requirements.
  • These securities are backed by the government’s guarantee of repayment and are considered risk-free investments.
  • They are an integral part of the fixed-income market and are traded on the government securities market.
  • Government securities serve as a means for the government to raise funds from the public to meet its expenditure needs, bridge budget deficits, and fund developmental projects.
  • Investors who purchase these securities lend money to the government in return for regular interest payments and the principal amount at maturity.
  • These securities come in mainly two categories:
    • Short-Term: Often known as “Treasury Bills,” these have initial maturities of less than a year.
    • Long-Term: Typically referred to as Government Bonds or Dated Securities, these have an original maturity of one year or more.
  • In India, the Central Government issues both treasury bills and bonds or dated securities while the State Governments issue only bonds or dated securities, which are called State Development Loans (SDLs).

Treasury Bills (Short-Term G-Secs)

  • Treasury Bills, commonly known as T-Bills, are short-term government securities with a maturity period of less than one year.
  • They are issued at a discount to their face value and are highly liquid instruments.
  • T-Bills serve as a mechanism for the government to efficiently manage its short-term funding requirements.

 Dated Securities (Long-Term G-Secs)

  • Dated Securities are long-term government securities with a fixed maturity period, typically 5 to 40 years.
  • They pay regular interest to investors, known as coupon payments, and return the principal amount at maturity.
  • Dated Securities are vital for financing long-term projects and meeting government borrowing needs.


India gets desi Garbhini GA2 for evaluation of foetal growth

  • 27 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Specifically tailored to address the unique characteristics of foetal growth within the Indian population, India has finally got its locally made ‘Garbhini-GA2’, a groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence model. 

What is Garbhini-GA2?

  • The Garbhini-GA2 model, developed as part of the DBT India initiative (GARBH-Ini) program by researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras and the Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI), Faridabad, addresses the challenge of accurately estimating foetal age (gestational age, GA) in the Indian population, particularly in the second and third trimesters.
  • Unlike existing formulas designed for Western populations, Garbhini-GA2 accounts for variations in foetal growth specific to the Indian context, significantly reducing estimation errors by nearly threefold.
  • This innovative model is crucial for ensuring precise prenatal care and determining accurate delivery dates, thereby enhancing maternal and foetal health outcomes.
  • Garbhini-GA2 marks a milestone as the first late-trimester GA estimation model validated using Indian population data, offering a tailored approach to foetal age determination that is essential for effective maternal healthcare."

About Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI):

  • THSTI, an autonomous institute under the Ministry of Science and Technology, was founded in 2009 in Faridabad, Haryana, with a core commitment to advancing research beyond mere discovery.
  • By fostering collaboration among diverse teams in medicine, science, and technology, THSTI leverages translational expertise to drive clinical research and innovation.
  • In addition to its core mission, THSTI plays a pivotal role in fostering social innovation and entrepreneurial endeavors, particularly in the domain of maternal and child healthcare.

PM Modi Inaugurates 'Sudarshan Setu', India's Longest Cable-Stayed Bridge

  • 26 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

PM Modi recently inaugurated the Sudarshan Setu, a four-lane cable-stayed bridge connecting Okha to Beyt Dwarka island in Gujarat.

About the Sudarshan Setu:

  • 'Sudarshan Setu' is the country's longest cable-stayed bridge 2.32 km on the Arabian Sea connecting Beyt Dwarka island to mainland Okha in Gujarat's Devbhumi Dwarka district.
  • It boasts a unique design, featuring a footpath adorned with verses from the Bhagavad Gita and images of Lord Krishna on both sides.
  • It also has solar panels installed on the upper portions of the footpath, generating one megawatt of electricity.
  • The 2.32 km bridge, including 900 metres of a central double-span cable-stayed portion and a 2.45 km long approach road, has been constructed at a cost of Rs 979 crore.

About Beyt Dwarka:

  • Bet/Beyt (pronounced ‘Bait’ Dwarka also known as Shankhodara, is an island located near the shores of Okha which is situated around 30 km from Dwarka, in the Gulf of Kutch.
  • It said that Lord Krishna resided here while Dwarka was his constitutional seat.


  • Bet Dwarka derived its name from the word ‘bet’ which translates to ‘gift’ and is believed that Lord Krishna received it from his friend Sudama.
  • In the ancient epic, Mahabharata, Bet Dwarka is known by the name of ‘Antardvipa’ to which people of the Yadava clan needed to travel by boat.
  • Explorations and excavations carried out under the sea have revealed the presence of settlements whose age can be traced back to the era of the Harappan civilisation and that of the Mauryan rule.
  • In the later years, the region was under the administration of the Gaekwad clan of the state of Baroda.
  • During the revolt of 1857, Vaghers attacked the region and captured it, but had to concede defeat in two years and return the region back to the Gaekwads.

Ladakh: Centre agrees to examine demand for statehood, inclusion in Sixth Schedule of Constitution

  • 26 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, the Centre has agreed to examine whether the provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution can be implemented in Ladakh.

What is the Sixth Schedule?

  • The Sixth Schedule under Article 244 provides for the formation of autonomous administrative divisions — Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) — that have some legislative, judicial, and administrative autonomy within a state.
  • ADCs have up to 30 members with a term of 5 years and can make laws, rules and regulations with regard to land, forest, water, agriculture, village councils, health, sanitation, village- and town-level policing, inheritance, marriage and divorce, social customs and mining, etc.
    • The Bodoland Territorial Council in Assam is an exception with more than 40 members and the right to make laws on 39 issues.
  • The Sixth Schedule applies to the Northeastern states of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram (three Councils each), and Tripura (one Council).

Why does Ladakh want to be part of the Sixth Schedule?

  • There was much enthusiasm initially, mostly in Leh, after the August 5, 2019 decisions that created two new Union Territories.
    • The Buddhist-dominated Leh district had long demanded UT status because it felt neglected by the erstwhile state government, which was dominated by politicians from Kashmir and Jammu.
  • This development has sparked concerns among locals regarding potential challenges related to identity preservation, resource allocation, and administrative oversight.
  • Also, the changed domicile policy in Jammu and Kashmir has raised fears in the region about its own land, employment, demography, and cultural identity.
  • The UT has two Hill councils in Leh and Kargil, but neither is under the Sixth Schedule.
  • Their powers are limited to the collection of some local taxes such as parking fees and allotment and use of land vested by the Centre.
  • The Sixth Schedule empowers the Governor of the State to designate specific areas as administrative units within the Autonomous Districts and Autonomous Regions.

Can Ladakh be included in the Sixth Schedule?

  • In September 2019, the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes recommended the inclusion of Ladakh under the Sixth Schedule, noting that the new UT was predominantly tribal (more than 97%), people from other parts of the country had been restricted from purchasing or acquiring land there, and its distinct cultural heritage needed preservation.
    • Notably, no region outside the Northeast has been included in the Sixth Schedule.
    • In fact, even in Manipur, which has predominantly tribal populations in some places, the autonomous councils are not included in the Sixth Schedule.
    • Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, which are totally tribal, are also not in the Sixth Schedule.
  • “Ladakh’s inclusion in the Sixth Schedule would be difficult.
  • The Constitution is very clear, the Sixth Schedule is for the Northeast.
    • For tribal areas in the rest of the country, there is the Fifth Schedule.
  • However, it remains the prerogative of the government — it can, if it so decides, bring a Bill to amend the Constitution for this purpose.

Analysis of Household Consumption Expenditure Survey 2022-23 Report

  • 26 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The per capita monthly household expenditure more than doubled in 2022-23 as compared to 2011-12, according to the latest study by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO).


  • As per the 2022-23 report, rising inequality between the top and bottom of the pyramid.
  • Urban and rural households register higher expenditure, spending less on food items.
  • New methodology and questionnaire used in Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) 2022-23.

About the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO):

  • The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) comes under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation headed by a Director General.
  • It is responsible for the conduct of large-scale sample surveys in diverse fields on an All-India basis.
  • Primarily data are collected through nationwide household surveys on various socio-economic subjects, Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), etc.
  • Besides these surveys, NSSO collects data on rural and urban prices and plays a significant role in the improvement of crop statistics through supervision of the area enumeration and crop estimation surveys of the State agencies.
  • It also maintains a frame of urban area units for use in sample surveys in urban areas.

The NSSO has four Divisions:

  • Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD): This Division, located at Kolkata, is responsible for the technical planning of surveys, formulation of concepts and definitions, sampling design, designing of inquiry schedules, drawing up of tabulation plans, and analysis and presentation of survey results.
  • Field Operations Division (FOD): The Division, with its headquarters at Delhi/Faridabad, is responsible for the collection of primary data for the surveys undertaken by NSS.
  • Data Processing Division (DPD): The Division, with its headquarters at Kolkata is responsible for sample selection, software development, processing, validation and tabulation of the data collected through surveys.
  • Survey Coordination Division (SCD): This Division, located in New Delhi, coordinates all the activities of different Divisions of NSS.
    • It also brings out the bi-annual journal of NSS, titled “Sarvekshana”, and organizes National Seminars on the results of various Socio-economic surveys undertaken by NSS.

Key Insights From the 2022-23 Survey:

  • Evolution of Food Expenditure: Over the past two decades, there has been a notable shift in spending patterns on food in India.
    • Between 1999-2000 and 2022-23, both urban and rural households witnessed a gradual decline in the share of expenditure allocated to food.
    • This period marks the first instance where food expenditure has dropped to below 50% in rural India and below 40% in urban India.
  • Changing Dietary Preferences: The composition of food consumption has also undergone significant changes.
    • Cereals and pulses have seen a reduction in their share of overall food consumption expenditure, while spending on milk has surged, surpassing that on cereals and pulses combined.
    • In a noteworthy shift, the average Indian now spends more on fruits and vegetables than on food grains.
    • Furthermore, expenditure on animal proteins like eggs, fish, and meat has shown a growing trend, indicating a preference for animal-based proteins over plant-based ones.
  • Rise in Processed Food Consumption: There has been an observed increase in the share of expenditure allocated to processed foods, beverages, and purchased cooked meals.
    • This trend aligns with the Engel Curve hypothesis, suggesting that as incomes rise, households allocate a smaller proportion of their spending to food and tend to prefer superior items over inferior ones.
  • Closing Rural-Urban Consumption Gap: Consumption growth in rural areas has outpaced that in urban areas, leading to a narrowing of the rural-urban consumption divide.
    • If this trend continues, it could potentially lead to parity in urban and rural incomes and consumption patterns in the future.
  • Challenges in Inflation Calculation: The findings of the latest Household Consumption Expenditure (HCE) Survey underscore the need to review the inflation basket.
    • The current Consumer Price Index (CPI)-based inflation calculation, established in 2012, may not accurately reflect contemporary consumption patterns.
    • For instance, the disparity between the weightage assigned to cereals in the CPI basket and actual expenditure on cereals by rural households highlights the need for recalibration.
  • Insights on Poverty Reduction: According to NITI Aayog CEO B V R Subrahmanyam, the latest survey indicates a reduction in poverty to five per cent nationwide.
    • Both rural and urban areas are witnessing increased prosperity, as evidenced by rising per capita monthly expenditure.
  • Demand for Legal Guarantee to MSP: While there is a demand for a legal guarantee to Minimum Support Price (MSP) for 23 crops, including food grains and sugarcane, the survey data suggests that the growth in the farm sector is being primarily driven by livestock, fisheries, and horticulture crops.
    • This poses a pertinent question regarding the promotion of production: should the focus be on crops outside the MSP purview, such as milk, fish, poultry products, fruits, and vegetables, given their growing consumption trends?

BharatGPT Unveils Hanooman, a New Suite of Indic Generative AI Models

  • 24 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, the BharatGPT group, led by IIT Bombay along with seven other elite Indian engineering institutes announced that it would launch its first ChatGPT-like service next month.

What is Hanooman?

  • Hanooman is a series of large language models (LLMs) that can respond in 11 Indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, and Marathi, with plans to expand to more than 20 languages.
  • It is unveiled by Seetha Mahalaxmi Healthcare (SML) in partnership with the IIT Bombay-led BharatGPT ecosystem.
    • The BharatGPT group, which is backed by Reliance Industries.
  • Hanooman has been designed to work in four fields, including health care, governance, financial services, and education.
  •  According to BharatGPT, the series isn’t just a chatbot but It is a multimodal AI tool, which can generate text, speech, videos and more in multiple Indian languages.
  • One of the first customised versions is VizzhyGPT, an AI model fine-tuned for healthcare using reams of medical data.
    • The size of these AI models ranges from 1.5 billion to a whopping 40 billion parameters.

Are There Any Other Indian Language Models?

  • Apart from BharatGPT, a host of different startups like Sarvam and Krutrim, backed by prominent VC investors such as Lightspeed Venture Partners and billionaire Vinod Khosla’s fund, are also building AI models customised for India

What are Large Language Models (LLMs)?

  • Large language models use deep learning techniques to process large amounts of text.
  • They work by processing vast amounts of text, understanding the structure and meaning, and learning from it.
  • LLMs are ‘trained’ to identify meanings and relationships between words.
    • The greater the amount of training data a model is fed, the smarter it gets at understanding and producing text.
  • The training data is usually large datasets, such as Wikipedia, OpenWebText, and the Common Crawl Corpus.
  • These contain large amounts of text data, which the models use to understand and generate natural language.


The NB8 visit to India focuses on cooperation and trust

  • 24 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar hosted the India-Nordic-Baltic meeting on the sidelines of the ongoing Raisina Dialogue 2024 recently.

What are the Nordic-Baltic Countries?

  • The Nordic-Baltic countries, also known as the NB8, are a group of Northern European countries that share historical, cultural, and geopolitical ties.
  • The group includes
    • Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, and
    • Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
  • These countries collaborate on various regional issues, such as security, economy, environment, and culture, and often work together within international organisations and forums.
  • The term "Nordic-Baltic" highlights the close relationship and cooperation between these neighbouring states in the Baltic Sea region.

India's Relations with NB8 Countries:

  • India's collaboration with NB8 nations is broadening, exemplified by initiatives like the India-Denmark Green Strategic Partnership, the India-Norway Task Force on Blue Economy, and cooperation on sustainability and ICT with Finland, including the 'LeadIT' (Leadership for Industry Transition) initiative with Sweden.
  • Cooperation extends across various sectors, including innovation, green transition, maritime affairs, healthcare, intellectual property rights, emerging technologies, space exploration, and artificial intelligence.
  • Trade and investment between the NB8 region and India are on a steady rise, reflecting deepening economic ties.
  • Moreover, the security dynamics of the Nordic-Baltic region and the Indo-Pacific are intertwined, underlining the interconnectedness of regional security challenges.

Significance of NB8:

  • The NB8 nations embody advanced economies characterised by their outward orientation, emphasis on innovation, complementarity, and seamless integration into the European Common Market, the world's largest single market area.
  • The Baltic states, in particular, stand out as pioneers in IT, digitization, cyber technology, and green innovations, showcasing their leadership in these critical domains.
  • Moreover, all NB8 members share a steadfast commitment to democracy and human rights, serving as advocates for an international order grounded in principles of multilateralism and adherence to international law.

NB8 Proposals for India:

  • In light of the Ukraine conflict and its ripple effects on global food and energy security, supply chains, macro-financial stability, inflation, and growth, the NB8 seeks to collaborate with India in the following ways:
  • Recognizing Shared Challenges: In an increasingly interconnected world, challenges such as the Ukraine conflict, global health crises, climate-related events, and geopolitical tensions affect us all.
    • Acknowledging these shared challenges underscores the necessity for collaborative efforts to address them effectively.
  • Embracing a Positive Agenda: There is an urgent imperative to pivot towards a more positive agenda for global cooperation.
    • Leveraging our mutual commitment to the multilateral system, the NB8 proposes to enhance dialogue and cooperation on issues that are paramount to India's priorities and those of other global partners.

Govt amends electricity rules to speed up new connections, promote EVs and solar PV systems

  • 24 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, the government amended the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules 2020, allowing consumers to now obtain separate electricity connections for charging their electric vehicles, and reducing the time period for obtaining a new electricity connection.


  • The Government of India has recently approved the amendments to the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020.
  • According to the Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy, Shri R. K. Singh, these amendments aim to expedite the process of obtaining new electricity connections.
  • Encompassing various facets including billing, grievance redressal, compensation, and timeframes for new connections, these rules are designed to streamline consumer experiences.
  • Moreover, they extend support to prosumers engaged in renewable energy generation.
  • The amendments, as highlighted by the Minister, are poised to enhance consumer empowerment, fostering a more consumer-centric electricity ecosystem.

Major Amendments to the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020:

  • Streamlining Rooftop Solar Installation: Amendments exempt the requirement for technical feasibility studies for rooftop solar systems up to 10 kW capacity.
    • For systems exceeding 10 kW, the timeframe for feasibility studies has been condensed from twenty to fifteen days, with automatic approval if deadlines are missed.
    • Commissioning timelines for distribution licensees have been shortened from thirty to fifteen days.
  • Dedicated Connections for Electric Vehicle Charging: Consumers can now secure separate electricity connections for charging Electric Vehicles (EVs), aligning with national emission reduction targets and Net Zero aspirations by 2070.
  • Accelerated Connection Processes: New electricity connection timelines have been slashed from seven to three days in metropolitan areas, from fifteen to seven days in other municipal areas, and from thirty to fifteen days in rural regions.
    • Exceptions apply in rural hilly terrains, maintaining the existing thirty-day period.
  • Enhanced Consumer Rights in Residential Complexes: Residents in cooperative housing societies and residential colonies gain the option of individual or single-point connections, decided through transparent ballots conducted by Distribution Companies.
    • Tariff parity is ensured between single-point and individual connections.
  • Prompt Meter Installation for Complaints: Distribution licensees are mandated to install additional metres within five days of receiving complaints to verify consumption for a minimum of three months, enhancing consumer confidence and billing accuracy.

First moon-landing by private company

  • 24 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Fifty-two years after the last successful Apollo mission, a US-made spacecraft landed on the Moon recently which also marks the arrival of private space companies on the lunar surface.

What is Odysseus Lunar Exploration?

  • Odysseus is a spacecraft built by Intuitive Machines, embarked on its journey from Earth aboard a Falcon 9 rocket by SpaceX recently.
    • Intuitive Machines, headquartered in Houston, USA, boasts a decade-long legacy in space exploration endeavours.
  • Loaded with six NASA payloads, Odysseus set its course for the Moon.
  • Its lander module, Nova-C, achieved the milestone of landing in the Moon's south pole region, following Chandrayaan-3's similar feat last year.
  • This marks the third successful moon-landing event in under a year, alongside Chandrayaan-3 and Japan's SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon).

Mission Objectives:

  • The primary aim of the lunar lander is to assess the environmental conditions at the Moon's south pole.
  • This assessment holds significant importance as NASA gears up for a crewed mission in September 2026 with Artemis III.
  • Before sending astronauts to this area, NASA seeks to gather crucial data, including insights into water presence and accessibility, to inform mission planning.


  • Under the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, NASA allocated $118 million to Intuitive Machines for this mission.
  • CLPS has engaged at least 14 private companies to ferry NASA payloads to the Moon, fostering a collaborative environment aimed at nurturing the private space industry's capabilities in lunar exploration technology and science.

The Significance of Odysseus:

  • Advancing Long-Term Lunar Presence: Odysseus' successful landing heralds a transformative phase in lunar exploration, aiming to establish infrastructure and a technological ecosystem capable of sustaining extended human presence.
  • Diverging from Past Lunar Missions: In contrast to the moon landings of the 1960s and 1970s spearheaded by the US and the Soviet Union, Odysseus' mission focuses on leveraging lunar resources for sustained exploration.
    • While historic moon landings were remarkable feats, technological limitations of the time hindered the immediate utilisation of lunar resources such as mining.
  • Supporting US Commitment to Moon Exploration via Artemis Program: Odysseus' touchdown aligns with the US commitment to rekindle lunar exploration through the ambitious Artemis program.
    • This endeavour transcends mere lunar landing missions, aiming to establish essential infrastructure and a thriving lunar economy conducive to comprehensive exploration.
  • Unlocking Lunar Potential as a Gateway to Deep Space: By laying the groundwork for lunar infrastructure and economic activity, missions like Odysseus pave the way for leveraging the Moon as a springboard for deeper space exploration, offering nations unprecedented opportunities for cosmic discovery.

Kiru Hydropower Corruption Case: CBI Searches J&K Ex-Governor Satya Pal Malik’s Premises

  • 23 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The CBI conducted searches at the premises of former Jammu and Kashmir governor Satya Pal Malik and 29 other locations recently in connection with alleged corruption in the Rs 2,200-crore Kiru Hydropower project.

What are the Corruption Allegations Surrounding the Kiru Hydel Project?

  • During his tenure as the governor of Jammu and Kashmir from August 23, 2018, to October 30, 2019, Satya Pal Malik claimed that he was offered a Rs 300-crore bribe to approve two files, one of which pertained to the project.
  • In 2022, the J&K government requested a CBI investigation into alleged misconduct, previously highlighted by Satya Pal Malik, in the awarding of two government contracts.
  • Concerns have been raised regarding the award of civil works, particularly to Patel Engineering Ltd, a prominent infrastructure and construction company established in 1949.
  • The CBI has initiated action against the former CVPPPL chairman, MD, and Directors, as well as Patel Engineering.
  • According to the FIR, an inquiry by the J&K Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Power Department had been conducted.
  • The FIR alleges non-compliance with e-tendering guidelines in the awarding of civil works for the project.
  • Additionally, accusations of substandard work and failure to employ local youth have been levelled against the hydel project.

What is the Kiru Hydel Power Project?

  • The 624MW Kiru hydroelectric project is being developed as a run-of-river scheme in the Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir, a union territory in India.
  • Location of the Kiru project: The Kiru hydropower project is being built along the Chenab River near the villages of Patharnakki and Kiru, approximately 42 km from Kishtwar.
    • It will be located between the Kirthai II hydroelectric project to its upstream and the Kwar hydroelectric project to its downstream.
  • The project is being developed by the Chenab Valley Power Projects (CVPPPL) joint venture (JV) between:
    • National Hydroelectric Power (NHPC, 49%)
    • Jammu & Kashmir State Power Development (JKSPDC, 49%) and
    • The Power Trading Corporation (PTC, 2%)
  • The Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) awarded environmental clearance for the hydroelectric project in 2016 while the foundation stone was laid in February 2019.
  • The project is being constructed at an estimated cost of Rs 4,287 crore and is expected to start commercial operations in July 2025.
  • The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the investment in the project in March 2019.
  • Apart from helping address the energy demand across northern India and the state’s rural areas, it could aid small-scale and cottage industries.

Advantages of the Kiru Hydroelectric Power Project:

  • This project aims to alleviate the energy shortage in Northern India while also enhancing the transportation, education, healthcare, and road infrastructure in the area.
  • By bringing electricity to rural communities, the project will lessen the reliance of residents on alternative energy sources.
  • The heightened power availability will foster the growth of small-scale and cottage industries, generating employment opportunities and revenue for the local populace.

What is a Run-of-river Project?

  • Run-of-river hydropower is a facility that channels flowing water from a river through a canal or penstock to spin a turbine.
  • Typically a run-of-river project will have little or no storage facility.
  • Run-of-river provides a continuous supply of electricity (base load), with some flexibility of operation for daily fluctuations in demand through water flow that is regulated by the facility.


Race to the global eradication of Guinea worm disease nears the finish line

  • 23 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The world is on the brink of a public health triumph as it closes in on eradicating Guinea worm disease. There were more than 3.5 million cases of this disease in the 1980s, but according to the WHO, they dwindled to 14 cases in 2021, 13 in 2022, and just six in 2023.

What is Guinea Worm Disease?

  • Dracunculiasis is also called guinea worm disease (GWD).
  • It is an infection caused by a parasite called Dracunculus medinensis (guinea worm).
    • This parasite is an organism that survives by deriving nutrients and feeding off another organism.
  • GWD spreads through drinking contaminated water.
  • It is presently eradicated in most parts of the world but is still seen in remote parts of Africa and some remote rural areas in the world where there is no access to clean drinking water.
  • GWD is considered endemic in three African countries, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Mali.
  • In recent years, a few cases of GWD in animals, especially dogs, have been reported in developed countries as well.
  • GWD is a serious condition, that causes debilitating pain and complications, affecting the quality of life


  • People infected with Guinea worm don’t typically have any symptoms until about a year after they're first infected.
  • It’s not until the worm is about to erupt from the skin that people start to feel sick.
  • What that happens, the symptoms of Guinea worm disease can include Fever, Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, Shortness of breath, Burning, itching, pain, and swelling where the worm is in the body (often the legs and feet) and Blister where the worm breaks through the skin.


  • Guinea worm disease isn’t often deadly, but it can cause serious complications, lifelong disabilities, and financial hardship for those involved.
  • The pain involved is often so intense that it’s difficult for people to work, go to school, or care for themselves or others.
  • This lasts an average of 8.5 weeks, though lifelong disability is common.

Dracunculiasis Treatment:

  • There is no vaccine or drug developed to prevent or treat this disease.
  • The only means available is the management of the disease which is removing the whole worm and caring for the wound caused by it and avoiding infection in the process or exposure to the guinea worm larvae at all costs, especially by avoiding contaminated drinking water and stagnant water sources.
  • Without proper treatment, wounds caused by the worm can become infected by bacteria, leading to sepsis, septic arthritis, and contractures (when joints lock and deform).
    • In some cases, these infections become life-threatening.

In a first, CERN scientists carry out laser cooling of Positronium

  • 23 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

In a first, an international team of physicists from the Anti-hydrogen Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy (AEgIS) collaboration has achieved a breakthrough by demonstrating the laser cooling of Positronium.

About Anti-hydrogen Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy (AEgIS):

  • AEgIS is an experiment at the Antiproton Decelerator facility at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research).
  • It is a collaboration of physicists from a number of countries in Europe and from India.
  • In 2018, AEgIS demonstrated the first pulsed production of antihydrogen atoms, by interacting pulse-produced positronium (an atom consisting of only an electron and a positron) with cold, trapped antiprotons.
  • The primary scientific goal of the Antihydrogen Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy (AEgIS) is the direct measurement of the Earth's gravitational acceleration, g, on antihydrogen.

What is Positronium?

  • Positronium is a bound state system of a positron and an electron, similar to the hydrogen atom, where an electron orbits around a proton.
  • In the case of positronium, the positron and the electron orbit around their common centre of mass.
  • The system is unstable, and the two particles eventually annihilate each other, releasing two or more gamma ray photons.
  • Positronium has two possible states:
    • The singlet state (para-positronium), in which the electron and the positron spins are antiparallel and the system has a shorter lifetime, and
    • The triplet state (ortho-positronium), in which the electron and the positron spins are parallel, and the system has a longer lifetime.
  • Positronium has been studied extensively in experimental and theoretical physics because it provides a simple system for testing quantum electrodynamics (QED) and for studying the properties of matter and antimatter.
  • It also has potential applications in fields such as material science, plasma physics, and astrophysics.

What is Antimatter?

  • Antimatter shares similarities with ordinary matter, except for its opposite electric charge.
  • Often referred to as "mirror" matter, antimatter pairs with ordinary matter particles.
  • For example, while an electron possesses a negative charge, its antimatter counterpart is a positron, which carries a positive charge and has the same mass as an electron.
  • Positrons, antiprotons, and antineutrons are the antimatter counterparts of electrons, protons, and neutrons, respectively, collectively known as antiparticles.
  • These antiparticles can combine to form anti-atoms and theoretically could lead to the formation of antimatter regions within our universe.
  • However, the coexistence of matter and antimatter is short-lived due to their tendency to annihilate upon contact, resulting in the release of substantial energy in the form of gamma rays or elementary particles.
  • Antimatter, like matter, emerged during the Big Bang.
  • Scientists have produced antimatter particles through high-speed collisions in large particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider operated by CERN outside Geneva.
  • Additionally, antiparticles are sporadically generated throughout the universe through natural processes.

Eminent Jurist Senior Advocate Fali Nariman passes away

  • 22 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, eminent jurist and senior advocate of the Supreme Court Fali S Nariman died at the age of 95.

Who was Fali S Nariman?

  • Fali S Nariman was born on January 10, 1929, in Rangoon, then part of British India.
  • He began his legal career by enrolling as an advocate of the Bombay High Court in November 1950.
  • His stature grew, and he was designated as a senior advocate in 1961.
  • In 1972, he moved to New Delhi to practise in the Supreme Court of India.
  • In May 1972, Nariman assumed the role of additional solicitor-general of India; however, he resigned a day after the Emergency was imposed on June 26, 1975.
  • He also served as the president of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration and chaired the Executive Committee of the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, from 1995 to 1997.
  • His son, Justice Rohinton F Nariman, formerly served as a judge on the Supreme Court.
  • Nariman received the Padma Bhushan in January 1991 and in 2007 he was awarded the Padma Vibhushan.

What Were Some of Nariman's Landmark Cases?

  • The Golak Nath case: In the historic judgement, the Supreme Court held that the Parliament cannot make a law which is capable of infringing the fundamental rights of citizens.
    • It came up after two brothers in Punjab challenged the Constitution (17) Amendment Act, 1964, which came into effect by amending Article 31A of the Constitution. (This article deals with the acquisition of estates).
    • Nariman, not only supported the petitioners but also appeared to argue on the issue representing the intervenors in the case.
    • They argued that Parliament’s power to amend the Constitution under Article 368 did not include articles contained in Part III of the Constitution dealing with fundamental rights.
    • Following the hearing of the case submitted in 1967, an eleven-judge bench agreed with the petitioner’s submissions pointing out that Article 13(2) states that Parliament cannot make a law which infringes fundamental rights.
  • The Kesavananda Bharati case: The Kesavananda Bharati case is known for setting a benchmark in the Indian judiciary and had Nariman’s prompt representation in the SC.
    • He assisted noted Advocate Nanabhoy Palkhivala in the famous case that led to the path-breaking judgement laying down the basic structure doctrine of the Constitution, clipping Parliament’s power to amend the Constitution.
    • The 1973 verdict simultaneously gave the judiciary the authority to review any constitutional amendment on grounds of violation of the basic structure of the Constitution.
  • The Bhopal Gas Tragedy case: In 1984, the Bhopal gas tragedy where 42 tons of toxic chemicals leaked from a pesticide plant owned by Union Carbide India Limited, resulting in thousands of deaths and environmental damage in the following years.
    • The Supreme Court began hearing the case for compensation to the victims in 1988.
    • Senior Advocate Nariman appeared, representing Union Carbide, and offered to pay a sum of 426 million dollars as compensation to the victims of the tragedy.
    • In 1989, Union Carbide settled with the central government and agreed to pay 470 million dollars as compensation.
  • The Cauvery Water Dispute case: Nariman represented Karnataka for over 30 years in the water-sharing dispute with Tamil Nadu.
    • In 2016, the Supreme Court ordered the Karnataka government to release 6,000 cusecs (cubic feet per second) of water from September 21 to September 27.
    • The Karnataka legislative assembly, however, passed a resolution stating that they did not have water to spare and chose to defy the court’s orders.
    • Due to this non-compliance, Nariman refused to argue the case on behalf of the Karnataka government any further.
    • On February 16, 2018, the court in its final judgement took note of Nariman’s stance on the issue and necessarily mentioned that Nariman had courageously lived up to the highest tradition of the Bar.
    • The court then proceeded to reduce Karnataka’s annual water releases to 177.25 thousand million cubic feet (TMC) from 192 TMC.
  • Disproportionate assets case against former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa: AIADMK leader and former- Tamil Nadu CM Jayalalitha had been accused of misappropriating funds during her tenure between 1991 and 1995.
    • A Sessions Court in Bangalore in September 2014 found that she had acquired property disproportionate to her known income and imposed a Rs 100 crore fine on her.
    • This sentence was upheld by the Karnataka High Court a month later leading to an appeal at the Supreme Court.
    • Nariman appeared on behalf of Jayalalitha in October 2014 and convinced the court to grant bail against executing the fine and suspend the sentence passed by the Sessions judge in Bangalore.
  • The 1981 Second Judges case: The Supreme Court held that the primacy of the Chief Justice of India’s recommendation in judicial appointment and transfer can be turned down on cogent grounds by the government.
    • However, the judicial discussions finally led to the creation of the collegium system of appointment of judges to constitutional courts in 1993, when the top court came out with its judgement in the second judge’s case.
    • Nariman had stated that the advice given through consultation with the CJI must be seen as binding to protect the independence of the judiciary, as judges would be in a better position to determine the suitability and competence of candidates.
    • In 1993, the nine-judge bench agreed with Nariman’s arguments and established the Supreme Court Collegium.
  • The COVID-19 case: Nariman represented the Parsi community in its dispute over the protocol and standard operating procedure for handling of dead bodies of Parsi Zoroastrian COVID-19 victims under which metallic nets were to be installed above ‘Tower of Silence’ so that birds did not feed on the corpses and carry the killer virus elsewhere

Cabinet approves Flood Management and Border Areas Programme (FMBAP) for the period 2021-26

  • 22 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, the Union Cabinet approved the continuation of “Flood Management and Border Areas Programme (FMBAP)” with a total outlay of Rs. 4,100 crore for a period of 5 years from 2021-22 to 2025-26.

About the Flood Management and Border Areas Programme (FMBAP):

  • The FMBAP Scheme is being implemented throughout the country for effective flood management, erosion control and anti-sea erosion and to help in maintaining peace along the border.
  • The scheme benefits towns, villages, industrial establishments, communication links, agricultural fields, infrastructure etc. from floods and erosion in the country.
    • The catchment area treatment works will help in the reduction of sediment load into rivers.
  • The Scheme aims at the completion of the ongoing projects already approved under FMP. 

The Scheme has two components:

  • Under the Flood Management Programme (FMP) component of FMBAP with an outlay of Rs. 2940 crore, central assistance will be provided to State Governments for taking up critical works related to flood control, anti-erosion, drainage development and anti-sea erosion, etc.
    • The pattern of funding to be followed is 90% (Centre): 10% (State) for Special Category States (8 North-Eastern States and Hilly States of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and UT of Jammu & Kashmir) and 60% (Centre):40% (State) for General/ Non-Special Category States.
  • Under the River Management and Border Areas (RMBA) component of FMBAP with an outlay of Rs. 1160 crore, flood control and anti-erosion work on common border rivers with neighbouring countries including hydrological observations and flood forecasting, and investigation & pre-construction activities of joint water resources projects (with neighbouring countries) on common border rivers will be taken up with 100% central assistance.
  • The Scheme has the provision of incentivizing the States which implement flood plain zoning, recognized as an effective non-structural measure for flood management.


  • While the primary duty of flood management lies with the State Governments, the Union Government actively promotes and advocates for the adoption of modern technology and innovative approaches.
  • Additionally, projects executed under the RMBA component serve to safeguard critical installations of security agencies and border outposts situated along border rivers from the perils of floods and erosion.
  • Furthermore, the scheme includes provisions for incentivizing states that implement flood plain zoning, a recognized and effective non-structural measure for flood management.

Unauthorised online lending apps high on the FSDC scanner

  • 22 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Fresh measures to curb unauthorised online lending apps’ operations could be on the anvil, following deliberations on the issue at the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) chaired by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently.

About the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC):

  • The Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) is a high-level body established by the Government of India in 2010 to address macroeconomic and financial stability issues.
  • Although not a statutory body, it operates under the Financial Stability Division of the Department of Economic Affairs within the Ministry of Finance.


  • In response to the global financial crisis of 2008, recommendations were made by the Raghuram Rajan Committee for the creation of a centralised regulatory body to oversee India's financial system.
  • The establishment of FSDC reflects India's proactive approach to enhance preparedness for future financial challenges.


  • Chaired by the Union Finance Minister, the council comprises key stakeholders including the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), finance and economic affairs officials, regulatory body chairpersons, and other relevant authorities.
  • The Secretary of the Department of Economic Affairs serves as the council's secretary.


  • FSDC is entrusted with the task of promoting financial stability, coordinating policy responses to systemic risks, and fostering the development of India's financial sector.

Concerns and Future Directions:

  • Concerns have been raised about potential encroachment on the autonomy of sectoral regulators due to FSDC's leadership by the Union Finance Minister.
  • To address this, it's crucial to safeguard the independence of regulatory bodies and establish clear guidelines to ensure effective coordination without undermining regulatory authority.

What is Digital Lending?

  • Digital lending refers to the process of accessing credit online, facilitated through web platforms or mobile applications.
  • This approach leverages technology across various stages of the lending process, including customer acquisition, credit assessment, approval, fund disbursement, recovery, and customer service.

Key Features:

  • Utilises technology for end-to-end lending operations, enhancing efficiency and accessibility.
  • Offers flexibility in credit options and facilitates swift transactions, appealing to modern borrowers.
  • Prominent examples include Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) schemes, which provide short-term financing for purchases, allowing consumers to defer immediate payments.

Drivers of Growth:

  • Increased adoption is driven by widespread smartphone usage and the convenience of online transactions.
  • Flexibility in credit offerings and simplified application processes contribute to the popularity of digital lending platforms.
  • BNPL services, in particular, cater to consumers seeking deferred payment options for purchases and services.

Centre increases Fair and Remunerative Prices of sugarcane

  • 22 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs recently approved ?340/quintal as the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane for the sugar season 2024-25 at a sugar recovery rate of 10.25%.

What is the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP)?

  • FRP was introduced by the government in 2009 by an amendment to the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966.
  • It replaced the Statutory Minimum Price (SMP) on the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) consultation.
  • The FRP system assured timely payment to farmers, irrespective of the profit and loss to sugar mills.
    • Further, the new system made it mandatory for sugar mills to pay the farmers within 14 days of delivery of sugarcane.
  • Additionally, the FRP system introduced grading on the basis of sugar recovery rate from sugarcane wherein a premium was paid to the farmer on higher recovery and a reduction in rates on lower recovery.
  • The FRP is based on the Rangarajan Committee report on reorganising the sugarcane industry.

Factors Considered for Announcing FRP:

    • Cost of production of sugarcane
    • Return to the growers from alternative crops and the general trend of prices of agricultural commodities
    • Availability of sugar to consumers at a fair price
    • The price at which sugar produced from sugarcane is sold by sugar producers
    • Recovery of sugar from sugarcane
    • The realisation made from the sale of by-products viz. molasses, bagasse and press mud or their imputed value
    • Reasonable margins for the growers of sugarcane on account of risk and profits

Effect of the New FRP:

  • Sugar production in India was hit hard in the October-December 2023 quarter as production fell by 11.21 million metric tonnes;
    • It was 12 million in the same quarter the previous year.
    • The increase in FRP is going to increase the cost for producers.
  • The increased FRP will benefit over five crore sugarcane farmers in the country, however, the increase in production cost could affect end-consumers as well.
  • Factors such as FRP hikes, akin to MSP, make it attractive to farmers but also increase prices in the local market as mills pass on that cost to consumers

Malta becomes the 119th member of the International Solar Alliance

  • 21 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Malta became the 119th country to join the International Solar Alliance recently.

About the International Solar Alliance (ISA):

  • The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is an alliance of more than 120 signatory countries that aims to reduce the dependence on non-renewable sources of energy like fossil fuels.
  • Currently, 118 countries are signatories to the ISA Framework Agreement.
  • The ISA is an action-oriented, member-driven, collaborative platform for increased deployment of solar energy technologies as a means for bringing energy access, ensuring energy security, and driving energy transition in its member countries.
    • The platform strives to develop and deploy cost-effective and transformational energy solutions powered by the sun to help member countries develop low-carbon growth trajectories, with a particular focus on delivering impact in countries categorised as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
  • The ISA was conceived as a joint effort by India and France to mobilise efforts against climate change through the deployment of solar energy solutions.
  • It was conceptualised on the sidelines of the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris in 2015.

Role of India:

  • As a founding member, India holds a pivotal position within the alliance, serving both as a host nation and a major contributor to achieving its objectives.
  • The ISA marks a historic milestone as the first international organisation to establish its secretariat in India.
  • With a target of generating 100 GW of solar energy by 2022, India's commitment represents a significant portion of the ISA's overall goal.

Recent Developments:

  • The ISA was granted Observer Status by the UN General Assembly, fostering closer collaboration between the alliance and the United Nations to advance global energy growth and development.
  • The approval of the 'Solar Facility' by the ISA introduces a payment guarantee mechanism aimed at incentivizing investments in solar projects, further driving progress towards sustainable energy initiatives.

India contributes $1 million to fund combating poverty and hunger

  • 21 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, India has contributed 1 million US Dollars to the Poverty and Hunger Alleviation Fund established by India, Brazil, and South Africa, IBSA.

What is the IBSA Fund?

  • Established in 2004 and operational since 2006, the IBSA Fund embodies the collaborative efforts of India, Brazil, and South Africa.
  • Contributing one million dollars annually each, the IBSA countries unite in a spirit of partnership to champion Southern-led, demand-driven projects in developing nations.
  • With a focus on identifying replicable and scalable initiatives, the fund aims to address pressing development challenges in recipient countries.
  • Supported projects align with partner countries' national priorities and international development agendas, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • The fund's objectives encompass diverse areas such as promoting food security, combating HIV/AIDS, and expanding access to safe drinking water, among others, to advance sustainable development.
  • To date, the IBSA Fund has allocated USD 50.6 million, funding 45 projects across 37 countries in the Global South.
  • The United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) fulfils the roles of Fund Manager and Secretariat for the IBSA Fund.

What is IBSA?

  • IBSA stands for the India, Brazil, and South Africa Dialogue Forum, a unique platform that unites three major democracies and significant economies from diverse continents, collectively addressing common challenges.
  • Formally established as the IBSA Dialogue Forum during a historic meeting of the Foreign Ministers from India, Brazil, and South Africa in Brasilia on June 6, 2003, the forum's inception was marked by the issuance of the Brasilia Declaration.
  • To date, five IBSA Leadership Summits have been convened, with the 5th Summit held in Pretoria on October 18, 2011.
  • In 2021, India held the chairmanship of IBSA under the theme "Democracy for Demography and Development."
  • On March 2, 2023, Brazil assumed the rotating presidency of the India, Brazil, South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA), further advancing the forum's collaborative agenda.


Global leaders converge in Delhi for Raisina Dialogue 2024

  • 21 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The ninth edition of the Raisina Dialogue will be held from today till Friday (February 23) in New Delhi.

What is the Raisina Dialogue?

  • The Raisina Dialogue is India’s premier conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the global community.
  • Every year, leaders in politics, business, media, and civil society converge in New Delhi to discuss the state of the world and explore opportunities for cooperation on a wide range of contemporary matters.
  • The Dialogue is structured as a multi-stakeholder, cross-sectoral discussion, involving heads of state, cabinet ministers and local government officials, who are joined by thought leaders from the private sector, media and academia.
  • The conference is hosted by the Observer Research Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.
  • This effort is supported by a number of institutions, organisations and individuals, who are committed to the mission of the conference.
  • The theme of the 2024 edition is “Chaturanga: Conflict, Contest, Cooperate, Create”.
  • During the three-day conference, the participants will engage with each other over six “thematic pillars”. These include:
    • Tech Frontiers: Regulations & Realities
    • Peace with the Planet: Invest & Innovate
    • War & Peace: Armouries & Asymmetries
    • Decolonising Multilateralism: Institutions & Inclusion
    • The Post 2030 Agenda: People & Progress; and
    • Defending Democracy: Society & Sovereignty.

India, and ASEAN discuss the review of the trade agreement

  • 20 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

India hosted the 3rd meeting of the AITIGA Joint Committee, which focused on reviewing the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement at Vanijya Bhawan in New Delhi from February 16th to 19th, 2024.

About the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIGA):

  • The ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIGA) is a trade deal between the ten member states of ASEAN and India.
  • ASEAN and India signed the Agreement at the 7th ASEAN Economic Ministers-India Consultations in Bangkok, Thailand in 2009.
  • The Agreement, which came into effect in 2010, is sometimes referred to as the ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement.
  • The Agreement originated out of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between India and ASEAN created in 2003.
    • The Framework Agreement laid a sound basis for the establishment of an ASEAN-India Free Trade Area (FTA), which includes FTA in goods, services and investment.
  • The Agreement has led to steadily increasing trade between ASEAN and India since its signing.
    • In 2019-20, trade between India and ASEAN was worth US$86 billion.

About ASEAN:

  • The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN is an intergovernmental organization of ten Southeast Asian countries:
    • Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
  • ASEAN's primary objectives are to promote political and economic cooperation and regional stability among its member states.
  • The organization operates on the principles of mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs, and consensus-building. ASEAN's motto, "One Vision, One Identity, One Community," underscores its commitment to fostering unity and solidarity among Southeast Asian nations.
  • Economically, ASEAN has made significant strides towards integration through initiatives like the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), aimed at creating a single market and production base.
    • This has facilitated trade, investment, and economic development within the region.
  • Additionally, ASEAN serves as a platform for dialogue and cooperation on a wide range of issues, including security, environmental sustainability, cultural exchange, and disaster management.

BSNL floats Rs 65,000 crore tender for phase-III BharatNet project

  • 20 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

BSNL, the state-owned telecommunications company, has initiated a tender process amounting to approximately Rs 65,000 crore for the implementation of the phase-III BharatNet project.

What is the BharatNet Phase III Project?

  • The BharatNet phase-III project adopts a three-level architecture:
    • Internet leased line bandwidth
    • Middle-mile connectivity, and
    • Last-mile connectivity
  • It aims to involve village-level entrepreneurs or Udyamis in providing last-mile connectivity to households on a revenue-sharing basis.
  • BSNL aims to provide 15 million home fibre connections over five years using the BharatNet Udyami model.

About BharatNet Project:

  • The BharatNet Project is one of the largest rural telecom projects in the world.
  • It aimed at providing broadband connectivity to all Gram Panchayats across India in a phased manner.
  • Its core objective is to ensure equitable access to broadband services for all telecom service providers, fostering the deployment of services like e-health, e-education, and e-governance in rural and remote areas.
  • Initiated in 2011 and executed by Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL), a Special Purpose Vehicle established in 2012, the project operates in three phases.
  • Phase I launched in 2011, focused on creating the National Optical Fibre Network, leveraging existing infrastructure and laying additional fibre to bridge connectivity gaps up to the Gram Panchayat level.
  • Phase II, approved in 2017, builds upon Phase I’s experiences, aligning with the Digital India vision.
    • It adopts a flexible approach, integrating various media such as Optical Fibre Cable (OFC), Radio, and satellite to connect Gram Panchayats, utilizing models like State-led, Private Sector, and CPSU Models for implementation.
  • Phase III, spanning from 2019 to 2023, aims to establish a robust, future-ready network with district-to-block fibre connectivity, featuring ring topology for redundancy.
    • This comprehensive approach ensures the creation of a resilient and inclusive telecom infrastructure, facilitating socio-economic development in rural India.