GRIHA-IV Norms (The Hindu)

  • 05 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Indian Army is building a new Thal Sena Bhawan (TSB) using GRIHA-IV (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) standards.

Facts About:

GRIHA stands for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, and the word 'GRIHA' means 'Abode' in Sanskrit.

It's a tool that helps us measure how well a building performs compared to national standards.

GRIHA looks at a building's environmental impact throughout its entire life cycle, setting a clear standard for what qualifies as a 'green building.'

This rating system is based on accepted energy and environmental principles, balancing established practices with new ideas, both nationally and internationally.

TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) developed GRIHA, and it's been adopted by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.


  • GRIHA assesses a building using 34 criteria and awards points on a scale of 100.
  • To get GRIHA certification, a project needs at least 50 points.
  • Some criteria are mandatory, and the project must meet them to be eligible for any rating.

Project Ratings:

  • 50-60 points: 1-star GRIHA rating
  • 61-70 points: 2-star GRIHA rating
  • 71-80 points: 3-star GRIHA rating
  • 81-90 points: 4-star GRIHA rating
  • 91-100 points: 5-star GRIHA rating