Rythu Bandhu Scheme (The Hindu)

  • 28 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

The Election Commission recently canceled the Telangana government's approval to give money to farmers through the Rythu Bandhu Scheme.

About Rythu Bandhu Scheme:

  • Rythu Bandhu Scheme, also known as the Farmer's Investment Support Scheme (FISS), was initiated by the Telangana government in 2018.
  • Objectives:
  • Provide timely cash grants for the initial investment needs of farmers.
  • Prevent farmers from falling into the debt trap.
  • Financial Assistance: Rs 5,000 per acre per farmer per season directly transferred to their accounts.
  • Distribution: Biannual support for both kharif and rabi harvests.
  • Usage: Farmers can use funds for purchasing seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, labor, and other field operations of their choice.
  • Eligibility: Open to all resident land-owning farmers, including those in forest areas with a Record of Forest Rights (ROFR).
  • Special Inclusion: Farmers in forest areas, mainly from Scheduled Tribe communities, with a ROFR document, are eligible for benefits.
  • It’s India's first direct farmer investment support scheme, providing cash directly to beneficiaries.