Dark Patterns (The Hindu)

  • 09 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Central Government recently asked the public to share their thoughts on the draft rules for stopping and controlling deceptive tactics on the Internet.

Facts About:

  • Dark patterns are sneaky and tricky design tricks that websites, apps, and digital platforms use to fool or manipulate users into doing things they might not want to do or making choices that aren't good for them.
  • The term "dark patterns" was coined back in 2010 by Harry Brignull, a specialist in making sure user experiences are good.
  • These tricky tricks are often used to get users to sign up for things, buy stuff, or share their personal info, among other stuff.
  • Dark patterns work by using the way our brains work and making us do things we might not mean to do. They can be just a little misleading or really pushy and aggressive.
  • There are 12 types of dark patterns including, Friend spam, Forced continuity, Disguised ads, Confirm shaming, Bait and switch, Hidden costs, Roach motel, Privacy zuckering, Misdirection, Price comparison prevention, Trick questions, Sneak into basket

       For example, "confirm shaming" is when they use words, videos, sounds, or anything else to make you feel bad or embarrassed so you'll do what they want you to do.