Conocarpus Tree (Indian Express)

  • 29 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

Recently, the government of Gujarat has instituted a prohibition on the planting of Conocarpus trees in both forested and non-forested areas, citing concerns regarding their detrimental effects on the environment and human well-being.

Facts About:

  • The Conocarpus tree is a flowering plant belonging to the Combretaceae family.
  • It is categorized as an invasive mangrove species.
  • These trees bloom during the winter season, releasing pollen into their surroundings.
  • In India, public authorities have commonly used Conocarpus for landscaping purposes, including road medians, roadsides, and public gardens.
  • In the Arabian Peninsula, it has been employed to combat desert storms and pollution.
  • This tree is renowned for its year-round dark green leaves and its ability to thrive in harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures.
  • It exhibits adaptability, even in areas with high salinity.
  • The Conocarpus tree absorbs a significant amount of water from the soil, posing a threat to groundwater levels.
  • Its extensive root system can damage communication cables, drainage lines, and drinking water pipelines.
  • This species is native to various regions in North and South America, as well as parts of Africa.