Chamran-1 satellite

  • 15 Sep 2024

In News:

Iran successfully launched its Chamran-1 research satellite into orbit, utilising the Qaem-100 rocket developed by the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard.

Key Highlights:

  • Satellite Details: Chamran-1, a research satellite, was designed and manufactured by Iranian engineers at Iran Electronics Industries (SAIran) in collaboration with the Aerospace Research Institute and private firms. It weighs approximately 60 kilograms.
  • Launch Vehicle: The satellite was launched into orbit using the Ghaem-100, Iran's first three-stage solid-fuel space launch vehicle (SLV), developed by the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
  • Mission Objectives: The primary mission of Chamran-1 is to test hardware and software systems for validating orbital maneuver technology. Additionally, it aims to assess the performance of cold gas propulsion subsystems and evaluate navigation and attitude control subsystems.
  • Orbit Details: The satellite was placed into a 550-kilometer (341 miles) orbit above Earth.

What are Intercontinental ballistic missiles?

  • Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are a type of ballistic missile with a range greater than 5,500 kilometers and are primarily designed to deliver nuclear warheads.
  • They can carry conventional, chemical, and biological weapons, although the latter types have rarely been deployed on ICBMs.
  • The United States, Russia, China, France, India, the United Kingdom, Israel, and North Korea are known to possess operational ICBMs, with Pakistan being the only nuclear-armed state that does not have them.