
  • 10 Oct 2024

In News:

The Gujarat government has recently announced plans to establish a Caracal Breeding and Conservation Center in the Chadva Rakhal area of Kutch, with a budget of ?10 crore.

About the Caracal

  • The caracal, known locally as "siya gosh" (meaning "black ear" in Persian), is a reclusive and primarily nocturnal feline celebrated for its agility and remarkable skill in catching birds mid-flight.
  • In terms of nesting, caracals typically utilize abandoned porcupine burrows or rock crevices for denning and are often found with their young hidden among dense vegetation. They tend to live in small groups, and their elusive behavior makes them hard to spot in the wild.

Habitat and Distribution

Caracals inhabit various environments, including woodlands, savannahs, and scrub forests. In India, suitable habitats are found in regions such as Kutch, the Malwa Plateau, the Aravalli hills, and Bundelkhand. This species is also present in numerous countries across Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia.

Threats to Survival

The caracal faces significant threats from extensive hunting, illegal wildlife trade, and the destruction of its natural habitats.

Conservation Status

According to the IUCN, the caracal is classified as "Least Concern." In India, it is protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.