Armed Forces Tribunal (Indian Express)

  • 27 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

The Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) Chandigarh Bench Bar Association has taken the step of going on an unlimited strike. This strike is a response to the decision made by the AFT chairperson to move a judicial member from Chandigarh to Kolkata.

Facts About:

  • The Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) is like a special court in India for military matters, and it started in 2009 under the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007.
  • What it does: It deals with arguments and complaints about things like appointments, jobs, and the rules for people who are part of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
  • It handles appeals when someone disagrees with the decisions made by military courts.
  • If the military court's decision seems right, the Tribunal can say so.

              But if it's not right, the Tribunal can change it.

  • If someone doesn't agree with what the Tribunal says, they can only go to the Supreme Court to argue their case.
  • The AFT has its main office in New Delhi, and there are eight other offices in different cities.
  • Each office has two important people:

             A Judicial Member who is a retired High Court Judge and

             An Administrative Member who is a retired Armed Forces officer with a high rank.

  • Sometimes, a Judge Advocate General (JAG) who has been in the job for at least a year can also be an Administrative Member.
  • How it works:

            The Tribunal follows certain rules for how they do things, and they use English for all their work.

            They usually do things the way High Courts in India do them.