Antlion species in Kerala (The Hindu)

  • 18 Sep 2023

What is the News ?

Recently, a group of researchers in Kerala found two brand new antlion species. They're called Nemoleon ghoshi and Nemoleon madayiensis.

Facts About:

  • These two new antlion species are part of the Myrmeleontidae family in the Neuroptera order.
  • Antlions are well-known for their habit of building pits.
  • Some antlion types, during their larval stages, create cone-shaped pits in loose, dry soil to catch their prey.
  • However, the larvae of Nemoleon don't build pits. They live beneath the surface in loose soil, which provides them protection from sunlight, wind, and rain.
  • You can easily recognize antlions by their long, distinct antennae.
  • This is the first time that the Nemoleon genus has been spotted in the Oriental region.
  • In Kerala, these are the 5th and 6th antlion species to be discovered, and they are the 125th and 126th species found in India.
  • Antlions are found all around the world, mainly in dry, sandy areas.
  • The research was made possible with financial support from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).