Minimum age to cast postal ballots hiked to 85 years

  • 02 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

For the upcoming Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections, senior citizens who are 85 years and older will be able to opt for postal ballots as the government recently amended the rule to increase the eligibility from the current limit of 80 years and above.

News Summary:

  • The government, in collaboration with the Election Commission, has introduced amendments to the Conduct of Election Rules (1961), specifically targeting the eligibility criteria for voting by postal ballot.
  • Notably, the minimum age for senior citizens eligible for postal voting has been increased from 80 years to 85 years.
    • Previously, Rule 27A of the Conduct of Election Rules had extended the postal ballot facility to senior citizens above 80 years, persons with disabilities, poll officers, and individuals diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • This provision was first implemented during the 2020 Bihar assembly polls, coinciding with the onset of the pandemic.
  • Despite the initial extension of postal voting rights to senior citizens aged 80 and above, a subsequent review by the Election Commission revealed that only a small fraction, approximately 2-3%, of eligible voters in this age group opted for postal ballots.
    • The majority preferred to physically visit polling stations to cast their votes.
  • Considering the statistics indicating that the total number of senior citizens above 80 years stands at 1.75 crore, with 98 lakh falling within the age range of 80-85 years, the government deemed it necessary to amend the existing rule.
    • This adjustment reflects a nuanced approach aimed at ensuring efficient electoral processes while addressing the preferences and needs of elderly voters.

What is Postal Voting?

  • Postal voting is only available to a specific group of voters.
  • By retyping her choices on the ballot paper and returning it to the inspection officer before counting, a voter can remotely cast her ballot using this feature.

Who Can Avail This?

  • Armed forces members such as those in the Army, Navy, and Air Force, armed police officers serving outside their home states, government workers stationed outside of India, and their wives are only eligible to vote by mail.


  • Voters may use this service from any location outside of the designated constituency.
  • This system makes it easier to create voter electoral roll data for services.
  • It has two layers of security, making it a secure system:
    • 1. Downloading the encrypted electronically transmitted postal ballot (ETPB) file requires an OTP (one-time password).
    • 2. To decrypt, print, and deliver ETPB, a PIN is necessary.
  • By sending postal ballots electronically to eligible service voters, this system addresses the time constraint associated with mailing postal ballots.
  • The specific quick response code ensures confidentiality and prevents the duplication of cast ETPB.

Concerned Raised by Political Parties:

  • Parties argue that allowing voters 65 and older to cast postal ballots violates voting confidentiality since many of the population lacks education and may ask for help from others at various points, ultimately identifying their chosen candidate.
  • Their exposure to "administrative influence or influence by the government or the ruling party" also results from this.