How the development of Agaléga figures in India’s vision for its maritime neighbourhood

  • 02 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

Recently, Prime Ministers Narendra Modi and Pravind Jugnauth jointly inaugurated an airstrip and the St James Jetty on North Agaléga Island in the Indian Ocean.

About Agalega Islands:

  • Agaléga Island comprises two islets, a long and thin northern island and a shorter, round southern island.
  • It is slightly over 3,000 kilometres from the nearest mainland Indian coast, deep in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar.
  • Despite its pristine appeal, Agaléga remains largely undiscovered by tourists and there are no hotels, water bungalows, or bustling tourist shops.
    • Instead, approximately 300 islanders sustain themselves through coconut cultivation and fishing, maintaining a way of life passed down through generations.

Importance of Agalega Islands:

  • The development of the Agalega Islands holds significant socio-economic and national security implications for Mauritius, aligning closely with India's maritime vision.
    • Despite being a dependency of Mauritius, the islands have long remained underdeveloped, posing challenges to the sustainability and well-being of their inhabitants.
    • Necessities often required referral to Mauritius due to the lack of infrastructure.
  • Moreover, the absence of an official government or security presence posed a serious vulnerability, necessitating urgent attention.
    • Recognizing the potential to transform this vulnerability into a strategic asset, Mauritius prioritized the development of the islands and the establishment of facilities capable of accommodating ships and aircraft.
  • In this regard, the construction of a jetty and an airstrip emerged as imperative steps to bolster the islands' infrastructure.
    • Given the shared interests and cooperation between Mauritius and India, the government of Mauritius selected India as its preferred development partner for this ambitious initiative.

Why did Mauritians Choose India?

  • Ties between India and Mauritius go back to 1948, 20 years before the country’s independence from Britain.
  • Seventy percent of the inhabitants of Mauritius are of Indian origin, and the two countries share deep historical, social, and cultural bonds.
  • The consistent feature in the history of bilateral relations has been friendship and trust at all levels — the political leadership, the diplomatic and military communities, as well as between the peoples of the two countries.
  • The development of these strategically located islands required trust more than anything else. India was the obvious choice.

Significance for India:

  • The goodwill and trust between the two countries will be further enhanced. India will welcome opportunities to further develop these islands in collaboration with Mauritius as the latter deems appropriate.
  • The joint development of Agaléga underscores India’s commitment to the vision of Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR), and its willingness to assist smaller maritime nations in building capacity and developing capability.
  • It will indicate to other maritime neighbours that India is a benign and friendly country that respects the sovereignty of independent nations.
  • India would like to emerge as the preferred development and security partner in the Indian Ocean Region.