AMRUT scheme

  • 30 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

Around 36% of India’s population is living in cities and by 2047 it will be more than 50%. The World Bank estimates that around $840 billion is required to fund the bare minimum urban infrastructure over the next 15 years.

About Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT):

  • AMRUT was launched to enhance the quality of life by providing basic civic amenities, especially benefiting the poor and disadvantaged.
  • The mission focuses on infrastructure development to deliver better services to citizens.
  • AMRUT covers 500 cities, including all cities and towns with a population of over one lakh that have notified Municipalities.

About AMRUT 2.0:

  • AMRUT 2.0 will promote circular economy of water through development of City Water Balance Plan (CWBP) for each city focusing on recycle/reuse of treated sewage, rejuvenation of water bodies and water conservation.
  • It will help cities to identify scope for projects focusing on universal coverage of functional water tap connections, water source conservation, rejuvenation of water bodies and wells, recycle/reuse of treated used water, and rainwater harvesting.
  • Based on the projects identified in CWBP, Mission envisages to make cities ‘water secure’ through circular economy of water.

The target in the second phase of AMRUT is to:

    • Improve sewage and septic management
    • Make cities water-safe
    • Ensure no sewage drains into rivers
  • AMRUT 2.0 focuses on enhancing sewerage and septic management to make all Indian cities water secure.


  • Achieve 100% coverage of water supply to all households in around 4,700 urban local bodies by providing about 2.68 crore tap connections.
  • Achieve 100% coverage of sewerage and septage in 500 AMRUT cities by providing around 2.64 crore sewer or septage connections.

Principles and Mechanism:

  • Adopt principles of the circular economy to promote conservation and rejuvenation of surface and groundwater bodies.
  • Promote data-led governance in water management and leverage the latest global technologies and skills through a Technology Sub-Mission.
  • Conduct 'Pey Jal Survekshan' to encourage competition among cities for better water management.


  • Extend coverage from 500 cities in the first phase to 4,700 cities and towns.
  • Benefit more than 10.5 crore people in urban areas.

Analysis of the AMRUT Scheme:

Performance of the Scheme:

  • As of May 2024, the AMRUT dashboard reports that ?83,357 crore has been disbursed. This funding has facilitated:
    • 58,66,237 tap connections
    • 37,49,467 sewerage connections
    • Development of 2,411 parks
    • Replacement of 62,78,571 LED lights

Criticism of the Sheme:

Despite these achievements, significant issues persist:

  • Approximately 2,00,000 people die annually due to inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene.
  • In 2016, India's disease burden from unsafe water and sanitation was 40 times higher per person than China's, with minimal improvement since then.
  • Large volumes of untreated wastewater increase disease vulnerability.
  • Around 21 major cities are expected to run out of groundwater. A NITI Aayog report predicts that 40% of India's population will lack access to drinking water by 2030.
  • Nearly 31% of urban households lack piped water, and 67.3% are not connected to a piped sewerage system.
  • The average urban water supply is 69.25 litres per person per day, far below the required 135 litres.
  • Air quality in AMRUT cities and other urban areas continues to worsen.
  • While the National Clean Air Programme was launched in 2019 to address air quality, AMRUT 2.0 focuses primarily on water and sewerage issues.


The AMRUT scheme has faced several fundamental challenges:

  • Project-Oriented Approach: The scheme adopted a project-oriented rather than a holistic approach.
  • Lack of City Participation: It lacked significant involvement from elected city governments, being driven instead by bureaucrats, parastatals, and private companies.
  • Governance Issues: Governance was dominated by non-elected officials, violating the 74th constitutional amendment.
    • The apex committee was led by the MOHUA secretary, and state committees were headed by chief secretaries, excluding people's representatives.
  • Private Nexus: The scheme favored a private nexus of consultants and professionals, sidelining local elected officials.
  • Water Management: Effective water management in cities requires consideration of climate, rainfall patterns, and existing infrastructure, which the scheme did not adequately address.
  • Inefficient Sewage Treatment: Sewage treatment plants were inefficiently designed, with faecal matter traveling longer distances than the average worker's commute.
  • Urban Planning: Driven by private players and real estate developers, urban planning often led to the disappearance of water bodies, disrupted stormwater flows, and a lack of proper stormwater drainage systems.

Way Forward:

To improve the AMRUT scheme:

  • Nature-Based Solutions: Implement nature-based solutions.
  • Comprehensive Methodology: Adopt a comprehensive methodology that integrates all aspects of urban development.
  • People-Centric Approach: Focus on a people-centric approach, involving local communities in decision-making.

Empower Local Bodies: Empower local bodies to take a leading role in governance and implementation.