Nitrogen-9 Nucleus (Indian Express)

  • 20 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

Researchers have found "compelling evidence" supporting the existence of the uncommon nitrogen-9 isotope. This discovery challenges previous interpretations and provides a fresh perspective on subatomic structures.

About Nitrogen-9 Nucleus:

  • Nitrogen-9 is a radioactive isotope of nitrogen.
  • This means that it is unstable and will eventually decay into a different isotope of nitrogen or a different element.
  • It is considered unusual because it has an uncommon combination of seven protons and two neutrons (7:2) in its atomic nucleus.
  • This creates an unusually high ratio of protons to neutrons.
  • Generally, elements have a balanced ratio for stability, but Nitrogen-9’s high proton content makes it less stable, challenging the conventional stability thresholds.
  • This oddity raises questions about its existence in this state and how it maintains stability, introducing complexity to our understanding of atomic nuclei.
  • The reason for nitrogen-9's short half-life is that the strong force, which is responsible for holding nuclei together, is not strong enough to overcome the Coulomb repulsion between the positively charged protons in the nitrogen-9 nucleus.
  • The discovery of nitrogen-9 is a major breakthrough in our understanding of nuclear physics.
  • It showed that nuclei with very high proton-to-neutron ratios can exist, even if they are only for a very short time.
  • This discovery has led to new research into the limits of nuclear stability and the role of nucleons (protons and neutrons) in holding nuclei together.

What is an Isotope?

  • An isotope is a variant of a chemical element that has the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons in its atomic nucleus.
  • This variance in neutron count results in different atomic masses for isotopes of the same element.
  • Isotopes of an element share similar chemical properties but may exhibit differences in physical properties, such as stability and radioactivity.