World Earth Day 2024

  • 22 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

On World Earth Day 2024, a global network promoting local food and traditional cooking has called for practical measures to cut down on plastic use in the food chain and to safeguard the environment.

About World Earth Day:

  • World Earth Day, also known as International Mother Earth Day, is a globally recognized event dedicated to raising awareness and promoting the sustainability of our planet.
  • Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 in the United States and on either April 22 or the day the spring equinox occurs throughout the rest of the world.
  • Theme: The theme for World Earth Day 2024 is “Planet vs Plastics”.
    • The theme aims to bring attention to the serious issue of plastic pollution and how it harms nature.

Earth Day History:

  • The origin of Earth Day can be traced back to 1970.
  • The idea behind the event originated from Gaylord Nelson, a US senator, and Denis Hayes, a Harvard student.
    • They were both deeply disturbed by the deteriorating environment in the United States and the massive January 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California.
  • Deeply disturbed by the environmental impacts, Gaylord Nelson wanted to infuse the energy of student protests into an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution.
    • He recruited Denis Hayes, a young activist, to manage the campus teach-ins and to scale the idea of environment conservation to a broader public.
  • They choose April 22, a weekday between Spring Break and Final Exams, to increase student participation.
  • Its immediate success was evident with a massive turnout of 20 million people across the US.
  • By 1990, Earth Day became a global event transcending national borders.

Earth Day Significance:

  • Earth Day symbolizes the need to protect our mother nature.
  • The day encourages every individual to think about environmental conservation and act accordingly.
  • It speaks about the need to reduce carbon footprints, conserve natural resources, and protect wildlife and natural habitats.
  • The day also serves as a platform to advocate for policy changes that can have a positive impact on the environment.