Chandrayaan-3 Propulsion Module Retraces Steps to Earth Orbit (Indian Express)

  • 07 Dec 2023

Why is it in the News?

Scientists have brought the Propulsion Module (PM) of the Chandrayaan-3 mission , which initially brought the Vikram lander to within 100 km of the Moon's surface before detaching and executing a historic controlled descent on August 23, back into Earth orbit.

What is a Propulsion Module in Chandrayaan-3?

  • The Propulsion Module is a rectangular component of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft, equipped with solar panels for power.
  • Its primary purpose was to transport the Lander module to the lunar polar circular orbit and facilitate its separation.
  • Following separation, the SHAPE payload within the Propulsion Module was activated.
  • Initially intended for a three-month operation during the mission, the ISRO announced on December 4th that the Chandrayaan-3's Propulsion Module had been manoeuvred out of lunar orbit.
  • Placed high above Earth for an additional mission, the module is currently sustained by residual fuel.
  • This bonus mission will showcase technologies crucial for future lunar sample retrieval, according to ISRO.
  • As of now, the ISRO has not disclosed its plans for the spacecraft once it depletes its fuel.

Importance of Propulsion Module's Return to Earth's Orbit:

  • ISRO highlighted the key achievements resulting from the return manoeuvres conducted on the Propulsion Module (PM) in connection to upcoming missions:
  • Planning and executing the trajectory and manoeuvres for the return journey from the Moon to Earth.
  • Developing a software module for planning such manoeuvres, along with its initial validation.
  • Planning and executing a gravity-assisted flyby around a planet or celestial body.
  • Preventing uncontrolled crashing of the PM onto the Moon's surface at the end of its life, aligning with the requirement of avoiding debris creation.

What is Chandrayaan-3 Mission?