NanoPtA (The Hindu)

  • 06 Oct 2023

Why in the News?

Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science's Materials Research Centre (MRC) have recently created a novel enzyme mimic known as NanoPtA.

About NanoPtA:

  • The research team at the Materials Research Centre (MRC), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), has created a unique platinum-based nanozyme called NanoPtA.
  • This nanozyme can be turned into a powder for use in industries.                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  • When NanoPtA encounters wastewater, the molecule's benzene rings and long alkyl chains engage in multiple non-covalent interactions.
  • Individual NanoPtA molecules link together to form tape-like structures that emit light, which is the source of its oxidizing capability.
  • In the presence of sunlight, this nanozyme can break down pollutants in wastewater, reducing its toxicity.
  • Remarkably, the nanozyme can rapidly degrade even small amounts of common contaminants like phenols and dyes (micromolar levels) within ten minutes when exposed to sunlight.
  • The researchers also observed that the NanoPtA complex remained stable for up to 75 days at room temperature.


  • Besides wastewater treatment, this nanozyme could find applications in healthcare and serve as a valuable diagnostic tool for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.