Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024 (GRID-2024)

  • 16 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

Floods, cyclones, earthquakes and other disasters triggered over half a million internal displacements in India in 2023, according to Geneva-based Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC).

About Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024:

  • The Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) 2024, published by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) based in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • It is the authoritative source for data and analysis on the state of internal displacement for the previous year.
  • Each year, IDMC presents the validated estimates of internal displacements by conflict and disasters, and the total cumulative numbers of IDPs worldwide.
  • The GRID also provides an overview of the year’s most significant internal displacement situations, highlighting potential measures to address the issue across the humanitarian, development, disaster risk reduction and climate change agendas.
  • The 2024 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) report presents the data and analysis behind the 75.9 million people living in internal displacement as of the end of 2023.
    • It is the ninth edition of the GRID and includes global and regional insights into the risk, scale and impacts of internal displacement.

Highlights of the GRID 2024:

  • Rising Numbers of (IDPs): In 2023, the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) reached 75.9 million, up from 71.1 million the previous year.
  • Causes of Displacement: Disasters contributed to 7.7 million displacements, with earthquakes being responsible for one-fourth of these.
    • Conflict and violence led to 68.3 million displacements.
  • High-Displacement Countries: Sudan, Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Colombia, and Yemen account for almost half of the world's IDP population.
  • Significant Increases: Sudan had the highest number of IDPs recorded for a single country in 2023, reaching 1 million.
    • The majority of new displacements occurred in Sudan, the Palestinian territories, and the DRC, accounting for nearly two-thirds of all cases.
  • South Asia Displacement: Approximately 3 million people across South Asia experienced internal displacement due to conflict and violence, with 80% of them located in Afghanistan.
    • Manipur violence resulted in 67,000 displacements, marking the highest number of conflict and violence-related displacements in India since 2018.
  • Impact of Natural Disasters: There was a notable decrease in internal displacement due to natural disasters in India in 2023, dropping from 2.5 million in 2022 to 528,000.

About Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC):

  • Established in 1998, the IDMC is the leading source of information and analysis on internal displacement.
  • It was created to address a significant gap in knowledge on global patterns and scales of internal displacement.
  • IDMC defines internal displacement as the number of forced movements of people within their own country over a given year.
  • The IDMC is a part of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), an independent, non-governmental humanitarian organization.
  • Primary Roles: The IDMC serves as a global monitor and advocate for evidence-based policy and action.
    • It aims to influence governments, UN agencies, donors, international organizations, and NGOs.
  • As the official repository of data and analysis on internal displacement, the IDMC's GRID provides critical insights into the global internal displacement crisis and aids in developing informed solutions.