Hydroclimate Extremes (PIB)

  • 03 Nov 2023

Why in the News?

A recent study conducted at Banaras Hindu University explored the impact of global warming on hydroclimate extremes in the Indian River Basins (IRBs).

About Hydroclimate Extremes:

  • Hydroclimatic extremes are severe events with significant impacts on both human societies and ecosystems.
  • These events encompass phenomena such as floods, droughts, heat waves, and heavy rainstorms.

Key Findings:

  • The research utilized highly detailed simulated precipitation data derived from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project-6 (CMIP6) experiments.
  • The study's results suggest an anticipated rise in the frequency of extreme rainfall in the Western Ghats and Northeast River basins.
  • Additionally, heavy rainfall intensity is predicted to increase in the Upper Ganga and Indus basins.
  • The research sheds light on an agricultural drought in the lower Ganga basin, attributed to a reduction in average rainfall.


  • This study underscores the importance of policymakers creating strategies to address both excess and shortage of water resources.
  • It anticipates a 4% to 10% rise in intense rainfall in the western regions of Indian river basins, along with noteworthy shifts in precipitation patterns in specific areas.
  • These alterations in hydroclimate extremes could greatly impact agriculture, public health, and socio-economic conditions.
  • Furthermore, the research identifies critical areas prone to urban flooding in densely populated cities, emphasizing the need for policymakers to devise tailored climate adaptation and mitigation plans.
  • These should encompass policies related to water management and emergency services to mitigate the risks posed by extreme events in these basins.