Vibrant Village Programme (VVP)

  • 13 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

The government is likely to spend over ?2 crore on each kilometre of road to be constructed along the China border in Uttarakhand and Sikkim under the Vibrant Village Programme (VVP), according to the project’s details.

What is the Vibrant Villages Programme (VVP)?

  • Vibrant Villages Programme (VVP) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme approved on 15th February 2023 for the financial years 2022-23 to 2025-26.


  • For comprehensive development of the select villages in 46 blocks in 19 districts abutting the northern border in the States of  Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand and UT of Ladakh.
  • It will aid in raising the standard of living for residents of designated border communities and encouraging them to remain there, reversing the outmigration from these villages and enhancing border security.
  • Action plans for identified villages would be prepared by the district administration with assistance from the proper mechanisms at the block and panchayat levels, in order to guarantee complete saturation of federal and state programmes.
  • Road connectivity, drinking water, power (including solar and wind energy), mobile and internet access, tourist attractions, multipurpose facilities, healthcare infrastructure, and wellness centres are the intervention areas with the highest priority for village development.

Scheme implementation:

  • Scheme implementation involves identifying and fostering economic drivers in border villages along the northern border, following a "Hub and Spoke Model" to establish growth centres.
    • This includes promoting social entrepreneurship, empowering youth and women through skill development and entrepreneurship, leveraging local tourism potential, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering sustainable eco-agribusinesses.
  • Vibrant Village Action Plans will be developed by district administrations in collaboration with Gram Panchayats, ensuring full coverage of Central and state schemes.

Expected outcomes:

  • Key outcomes that have been attempted are connectivity with all-weather roads, drinking water, 24x7 electricity – Solar and wind energy to be given focussed attention, and mobile and internet connectivity.
  • Tourist centres, multi-purpose centres and health and wellness Centers.