India’s Approach to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Economic Ties

  • 11 Sep 2024

India’s Four-Point Principle on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

  • Principles for Resolution: External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar outlined India's four key principles regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict:
    • Peace as a Priority: Emphasis on the need for peace and the belief that the conflict cannot be resolved through continued warfare.
    • Negotiation Requirement: Asserted that any resolution must involve Russia in the dialogue process.
    • No Battlefield Solutions: Stressed that solutions cannot be achieved on the battlefield.
    • Active Engagement: India is actively engaged and concerned about finding a resolution, with ongoing discussions with both Russia and Ukraine.
  • Hosting Peace Conference: Jaishankar noted that while suggestions for India to host a peace conference have been made, there is no commitment from India to propose or host such a conference.
  • Recent Diplomacy: Referenced Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visits to Moscow and Kyiv and highlighted National Security Adviser Ajit Doval's current visit to Russia.

Diplomatic Discussions with Germany

  • Bilateral Meeting: Jaishankar met with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Berlin to prepare for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to New Delhi on October 24-25.
  • Topics of Discussion:
    • Global Issues: Discussed the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Gaza conflict, and coordination for the UN Summit of the Future.
    • UN Security Council Expansion: India and Germany are jointly advocating for the expansion of the UN Security Council.
  • Ongoing Engagement: Both ministers will reconvene later this month at the UN General Assembly.

India-Germany Relations

  • Germany’s Role: Baerbock acknowledged ongoing discussions with India and other countries about their roles in peace efforts, despite differing positions on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
  • Economic and Trade Relations:
    • Migration and Mobility: Plans to enhance the India-Germany migration and mobility partnership, aiming to increase the number of skilled Indian workers in Germany. Currently, 125,000 Indian nationals work and 50,000 students study in Germany.
    • Military Cooperation: Discussed expanding military partnerships, including joint air force exercises and upcoming naval exercises in Goa.
    • Trade and Investment: Efforts to boost annual bilateral trade to $30 billion and attract about $25 billion in investment from Germany. New Delhi will host the Asia Pacific Conference of German Business next month.

Economic Ties with China

  • Business Relations: Jaishankar addressed concerns about economic ties with China amidst a four-year military stand-off and related restrictions.
    • Business Sectors: India is open to Chinese business but emphasizes the need for clarity on sectors and business terms.


India’s approach to the Russia-Ukraine conflict emphasizes peace, negotiation, and active engagement. Diplomatic efforts with Germany focus on global issues, military cooperation, and economic growth. Jaishankar also highlighted a nuanced stance on economic ties with China amid ongoing tensions.


India's Balancing Act: Navigating Iran Relations in the Face of Regional Turmoil and Leadership Transition

  • 23 May 2024

Why is it in the News?

The death of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter accident on May 20 has added another layer of uncertainty in a region already wracked by political tensions and war.


  • In the wake of President Ebrahim Raisi's unexpected passing in a helicopter accident on May 20, the geopolitical landscape of the region faces heightened uncertainty.
  • Despite the tragic event, the enduring influence of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei suggests minimal immediate impact on Iran's policies.
  • However, this event prompts a closer examination of the evolving dynamics between India and Iran, amidst recent geopolitical shifts.

A Historical Perspective on India-Iran Relations:

  • Historical Background: India and Iran share a rich historical tie woven with deep-rooted cultural and economic connections spanning centuries.
    • From ancient times, both civilizations have influenced each other in language, culture, and commerce, fostering enduring ties.
    • Following India's independence in 1947, formal diplomatic relations were swiftly established between the two nations.
    • Despite the divergence of their Cold War alliances—India with the Non-Aligned Movement and Iran aligning with the United States—mutual respect characterized their interactions.
    • The Iranian Revolution in 1979 heralded a shift in Iran's ideological stance, yet India remained committed to nurturing bilateral relations, recognizing the significance of regional stability and economic collaboration.
  • Economic and Energy Collaboration: Central to the India-Iran partnership is their robust energy cooperation, with Iran serving as a vital supplier of oil and natural gas to India.
    • In addressing India's burgeoning energy demands, Iranian resources have played a pivotal role in sustaining India's economic growth.
    • The early 2000s witnessed landmark agreements, including long-term oil supply pacts and discussions on strategic pipeline projects like the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline.
  • Strategic Imperatives; Strategically, India has recognized Iran's pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of the broader West Asian region.
    • Both nations have shared interests, notably in fostering stability in Afghanistan.
    • Iran's geographic position offers India a strategic gateway to Central Asia, circumventing Pakistan—a factor underscored by India's investments in projects such as the Chabahar port, aimed at bolstering connectivity to Afghanistan and beyond.

Recent Shifts and Implications for India-Iran Relations:

  • The Abraham Accords and Evolving Regional Dynamics: The 2020 Abraham Accords, facilitated by the US, introduced a new layer of complexity to regional geopolitics.
    • These agreements, which normalized ties between Israel and several Arab nations including the UAE and Bahrain, were perceived as part of a broader US strategy to counterbalance Iran's influence.
    • India's active involvement in the I2U2 coalition (India, Israel, UAE, and the US) signals its alignment with this strategy, potentially signalling a departure from traditional bilateral collaborations, a shift Iran has taken note of.
  • India-Middle-East Economic Corridor (IMEC) Initiative: The unveiling of the IMEC project during the 2023 G20 summit in New Delhi marks a pivotal development.
    • This initiative proposes a transportation network linking India to Israel via the UAE and Saudi Arabia, presenting a strategic alternative route that bypasses Iran.
    • The IMEC underscores India's commitment to integrating into evolving economic and strategic frameworks in West Asia, potentially reshaping traditional ties with Iran.
  • Impact of US Sanctions: The reinstatement of US sanctions on Iran following the Trump administration's withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018 had profound implications for India-Iran economic relations.
    • These sanctions triggered a significant reduction in India's oil imports from Iran, prompting India to seek alternative energy sources.
    • While this strained the economic aspect of bilateral ties, India remained interested in advancing projects like the Chabahar port despite the challenges posed by the sanctions.

Strategic Implications and Hurdles with the Chabahar Project:

Strategic Importance:

  • The Chabahar endeavour stands as a linchpin within India's regional connectivity and strategic framework.
  • Nestled along Iran's southeastern coast, the port furnishes India with direct access to the Arabian Sea, offering a vital alternative to China's Gwadar port under its Belt and Road Initiative.
  • Positioned as a gateway to Afghanistan and Central Asia, Chabahar bolsters India's geopolitical foothold, circumventing historical barriers imposed by Pakistan.
  • Envisioned as a nucleus of economic activity, the port holds the promise of catalyzing trade and investment between India, Iran, and Afghanistan, unlocking the vast potential of Central Asian markets.
  • By fostering Chabahar's development, India aims to provide a counterbalance to China's Gwadar port, positioning itself as a pivotal player in reshaping regional trade dynamics.

Navigating Challenges Amid Strategic Imperatives:

  • Despite its strategic allure, the Chabahar project grapples with multifaceted challenges.
  • US sanctions have cast a pall over international investments and hindered crucial financial transactions vital for the port's advancement.
  • The seismic shift in Afghanistan's political landscape following the Taliban's resurgence has cast uncertainty over the project's trajectory.
  • The original tripartite agreement, contingent upon the stability offered by the erstwhile US-backed Ghani regime, now faces an altered reality.
  • The enduring viability of Chabahar hinges on regional stability and collaboration, factors further complicated by Iran's economic woes amidst ongoing sanctions.
  • Persistent geopolitical tensions pose formidable obstacles to the sustained success of this ambitious undertaking, underscoring the need for adept navigation amid strategic imperatives.

Future Trajectories for India-Iran Relations:

  • Pursuing Strategic Autonomy: Chabahar demonstrates India's pursuit of strategic autonomy, allowing it to navigate geopolitical landscapes and assert regional influence.
    • Balancing relations with Iran, the US, and other regional players enables India to maintain a multifaceted foreign policy that serves its strategic objectives.
  • Leveraging International Cooperation: India could explore collaborations with international partners like the EU to mitigate the impact of US sanctions and garner diplomatic and economic support.
    • Strengthening ties with Central Asian countries may enhance Chabahar's economic prospects.
  • Commitment to Regional Stability: India's continued engagement with Afghanistan, including humanitarian aid, underscores its commitment to regional stability and connectivity through Chabahar.
    • Maintaining a presence in Afghanistan highlights the strategic importance of Chabahar as a key node for regional diplomacy and economic activity.


The sudden demise of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi exacerbates uncertainty in an already tumultuous region. India must deftly balance its strategic interests amidst competing regional powers and the intricate landscape of geopolitical rivalries and international sanctions. The revival of the Chabahar project exemplifies India's strategic adaptability but also underscores the precarious nature of its regional engagements. India's ability to exhibit strategic foresight and diplomatic finesse will be crucial in effectively navigating the ever-changing geopolitical environment.


India’s Nuanced Approach in the South China Sea

  • 19 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

In March 2024, India’s External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, articulated, in a joint statement during his visit to Manila, India’s full support for the Philippines in upholding its national sovereignty concerning the South China Sea.


  • During his visit to Manila in March 2024, India's External Affairs Minister reiterated India's steadfast support for the Philippines in safeguarding its national sovereignty amidst the ongoing South China Sea dispute.
  • This statement came against the backdrop of heightened tensions and frequent maritime incidents in the region throughout 2023.
  • Furthermore, a joint statement issued in 2023 by India and the Philippines emphasized the importance of China adhering to the rules-based maritime order and recognizing the 2016 ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in favor of the Philippines.
  • These statements reflect a notable shift in India's approach towards the South China Sea issue, departing from its previous stance of caution and neutrality.
  • India's evolving position on the South China Sea underscores its broader strategic and economic interests on the global stage, with a renewed emphasis on upholding international maritime law, sovereignty, and sovereign rights in the region.

About the South China Sea (SCS):

  • The South China Sea (SCS) is a pivotal body of water located in Southeast Asia, bordered by China to the north, Vietnam to the east and south, the Philippines to the west, and Borneo to the south.
  • It encompasses a myriad of shoals, reefs, atolls, and islands, with notable features including the Paracel Islands, the Spratly Islands, and the Scarborough Shoal.
  • Strategically situated, the SCS serves as a crucial maritime passage connecting the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Malacca.
  • It plays a vital role in global trade, with approximately one-third of all shipping traversing its waters annually, facilitating trillions of dollars in trade and serving as a linchpin for geopolitical dynamics.
  • Rich in marine biodiversity, the SCS harbors a third of the world's marine species, providing essential fisheries that contribute to the food security of Southeast Asian nations.
    • Additionally, the region is believed to possess vast reserves of oil and gas beneath its seabed, further heightening its economic significance.
  • With an estimated $3.4 trillion worth of ship-borne commerce passing through its lanes each year, including crucial energy supplies to nations like the United States, Japan, and South Korea, the South China Sea stands as one of the busiest and most consequential waterways on the planet.

Various Ongoing Disputes in the South China Sea (SCS):

There are multiple ongoing disputes in the South China Sea (SCS) involving several countries. These disputes revolve around territorial and maritime claims over islands, reefs, banks, and other features in the region.

  • Spratly Islands Dispute: The Spratly Islands are claimed by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei.
    • These islands are strategically important due to their location in the middle of the South China Sea, as well as potential oil and gas reserves.
  • Paracel Islands Dispute: The Paracel Islands are claimed by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
    • China currently controls the islands, but Vietnam also asserts its sovereignty over them.
  • Scarborough Shoal Dispute: The Scarborough Shoal is a disputed territory between China, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
    • The shoal is rich in fishing resources and is strategically located near important shipping lanes.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Dispute: This dispute involves China, Taiwan, and Vietnam, who have overlapping claims over the boundaries in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • Natuna Islands Dispute: Although geographically a part of the South China Sea, Indonesia claims sovereignty over the Natuna Islands, while China's "Nine-Dash Line" claim overlaps with Indonesia's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) near the Natuna Islands.
  • Senkaku Islands Dispute: In the East China Sea, the Senkaku Islands are disputed between China, Taiwan, and Japan, with Japan currently administering them.
  • These disputes stem from historical claims, economic interests, and strategic considerations, leading to tensions between the involved parties.

India’s Policy Shift:

  • Initially, India's engagement in the region was primarily motivated by economic considerations, in line with its Look East Policy.
    • This policy sought to strengthen economic linkages with Southeast Asia and secure vital energy resources essential for India's growing economy.
    • Demonstrating this economic focus, Indian state-owned enterprises like ONGC Videsh participating in oil and gas ventures in Vietnam's exclusive economic zones highlighted India's economic imperatives and its adherence to the principles of maritime resource exploration and exploitation within the framework of international law, particularly UNCLOS.
  • India's policy trajectory has since evolved from Look East to Act East, indicating a shift towards a more proactive and strategic stance in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • This shift reflects India's acknowledgment of the changing geopolitical landscape and the imperative for a comprehensive foreign policy approach.
    • The Act East Policy places greater emphasis on economic integration and underscores the importance of forging strategic partnerships and enhancing security cooperation with countries in the Indo-Pacific, including Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines.
  • Concurrently, India has augmented its capabilities through various measures such as forward deployment, mission-based operations, heightened maritime domain awareness, and the establishment of deep-water maritime infrastructure.

India's intricate dynamic with China:

  • The assertive behavior exhibited by China in the South China Sea (SCS) and its gradual encroachment strategy across various maritime domains, including the Indian Ocean, have sparked apprehension within India.
    • Chinese intelligence-gathering activities in the Eastern Indian Ocean have heightened India's vigilance, prompting a more proactive stance to address perceived threats to its maritime security.
  • Against the backdrop of escalating geopolitical tensions in the SCS, largely driven by China's assertive territorial assertions and militarization efforts, India's approach has undergone a nuanced yet less cautious evolution.
    • This transformation in India's stance toward the SCS is closely interlinked with its complex relationship with China.
    • Both nations have a history of longstanding border disputes, which escalated following the Galwan Valley clash in 2020.
    • China's periodic incursions into Indian territory and recent actions such as renaming Indian villages in Arunachal Pradesh further exacerbate these tensions.
  • The Galwan Valley incident prompted India to deploy a frontline warship to the SCS, showcasing India's asymmetric deterrence capabilities.
    • China's assertive stance and territorial claims in both the SCS and along India's land border pose significant challenges to regional stability.
  • India's strategic engagements, including regular naval exercises and enhanced military cooperation with Southeast Asian nations, serve dual purposes: reaffirming India's commitment to regional security and acting as a counterbalance to China's contentious assertions.

The ASEAN Perspective:

  • New Delhi's strategic recalibration stems from recognizing the critical importance of the South China Sea (SCS) for regional security and the global maritime order.
    • The disputes involving China and various ASEAN nations in the SCS directly impact the principles of freedom of navigation and overflight, which are essential not only for India's trade and energy transport but also for countries worldwide.
  • As an active participant in the Indo-Pacific region, India cannot afford to remain indifferent to such significant issues.
    • Its central role in the Indo-Pacific extends beyond the Indian Ocean to the broader maritime domain, where China's rise challenges the established order in unforeseen ways.
  • India's Indo-Pacific strategy prioritizes ASEAN centrality, despite internal differences within the regional grouping presenting challenges.
    • India's advocacy for a rule-based international maritime order, particularly its steadfast support for UNCLOS, stands in opposition to unilateral actions that undermine regional stability.
  • This principled stance, deeply rooted in India's foreign policy framework, indirectly counters China's expansive territorial claims and activities in the SCS, underscoring India's dedication to regional stability and security as a responsible stakeholder.

Navigating Challenges and Choices for India:

  • India encounters complexities in managing the South China Sea (SCS) disputes, especially given the divergent interests within ASEAN.
    • While ASEAN nations adopt varying approaches to disputes, India aims to strike a delicate balance between supporting regional partners and steering clear of direct entanglement in confrontational situations.
  • India is exploring a spectrum of options, including initiatives to bolster capacity, cooperation in defense matters, infrastructure development, and advocating for the preservation of international law in the SCS.


India's recalibrated approach to the South China Sea disputes arises from strategic necessities, evolving geopolitical landscapes, and regional intricacies. The nuanced stance adopted by India towards the South China Sea is emblematic of its broader strategy, aimed at safeguarding its interests while actively participating in collective endeavors to uphold peace, stability, and the rule of international law across the Indo-Pacific region.

A Reformed UNSC is not Possible Without India as a Permanent Member

  • 13 Apr 2024

Why is it in the News?

At a time when India is seriously advocating structural and functional reforms in the United Nations, the global forum’s president, Dennis Francis, has expressed optimism about India’s potential to secure a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.


  • Amid India's active promotion of structural and functional reforms within the United Nations, Dennis Francis, the president of the global forum, has voiced optimism regarding India's ability to secure a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
  • The US and other Western countries sound extremely hollow when they pontificate on strengthening democracy and the fight against terrorism even as they keep India out of P5.

What is P5 Nations in the United Nations?

  • P5 refers to the Permanent Five or Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council.
  • These are the five countries that have a permanent seat on the Security Council, granting them significant power within the UN.

The P5 members are:

    • China
    • France
    • Russia
    • United Kingdom
    • United States
  • Most of these countries were major victors of World War II and were seen as key players in maintaining international peace and security. 
  • They hold a special privilege within the Security Council:  the right to veto any resolution.
  • This means any one of these countries can single-handedly block a resolution, regardless of how many other countries support it.
  • The P5's power and influence is a subject of some debate. Some argue that it's necessary to maintain stability, while others believe it gives these countries too much control and hinders the UN's effectiveness.

Urgent Need for Overhauling the United Nations (UN):

  • Addressing the 76th UNGA in 2021, the Prime Minister of India underscored the imperative for 'comprehensive UN reforms,' stressing that 'outmoded structures' are inadequate to tackle contemporary challenges.
  • Issues such as climate change, counterterrorism efforts, and the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs) were not prioritized when the UN was established seven decades ago.
    • Today, they demand urgent attention.
  • The aftermath of World War 2 has spawned numerous conflicts that persist, undermining global peace and economic advancement.
  • The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare the fragility of the world's healthcare systems.
  • In today's multipolar world, the UN's polarized and antiquated structure is ill-suited to meet the demands of global governance.
    • Cooperation among nations is essential to prevent the abuse of selective veto power by members pursuing hegemonic agendas.

Inconsistencies in Global Perceptions of India's UNSC Candidacy:

  • In 2023, as India's G20 presidency drew to a close, the country's foreign minister noted a positive international reception to India's bid for a permanent seat on the UNSC.
  • During bilateral discussions between the Prime Minister of India and the President of the USA, a joint statement emphasized India's stance on the need for a more inclusive and representative global governance structure through UN Security Council reform.
  • In the same statement, the US expressed support for India's candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UNSC for the term 2028-2029.
  • Beyond the US, other voices echo the call for expanding non-permanent UNSC membership.
  • The Uniting for Consensus (UFC) group, comprising twelve nations, advocates for increasing the number of non-permanent elected UNSC members from 15 to 26.
  • Formed in 1990, the UFC opposes creating new permanent national seats, arguing that the current P5 arrangement stems from post-World War 2 circumstances, and creating additional privileged positions would be detrimental to UN membership's general interests.
  • Critics point out the inconsistency of Western nations, notably the US, a permanent UNSC member, advocating for democracy and counterterrorism while simultaneously excluding India, one of the oldest UN members and the largest democracy, from the P5.
  • China presents the primary obstacle to India's pursuit of a permanent UNSC seat.

China's Influence on UNSC Reform Efforts:

  • Italy-China Collaboration within UFC: In 2023, the Deputy Prime Minister of Italy engaged in discussions with his Chinese counterpart, focusing on bilateral agreements and the situation in Ukraine.
    • During this exchange, the Deputy Prime Minister of Italy commended the productive and consistent cooperation between China and Italy concerning UNSC reform, particularly their coordination within the Uniting for Consensus (UFC) group, where China holds an observer status.
    • The presence of China as an observer suggests dim prospects for those advocating genuine reforms and expansion of the P5.
  • China's Opposition to the G4 Group: Also in 2023, the G4 Group, consisting of India, Brazil, Japan, and Germany, convened during the 78th UNGA to deliberate on the UN reform process, particularly focusing on expanding the P5.
    • Their objective is to modernize the UN's structure, which has its roots in the aftermath of World War 2.
    • However, opposition from China, Russia, and South Korea regarding Japan's participation in the G4 due to historical issues stemming from World War 2 has caused friction and disagreement among the countries involved.
  • Acknowledging India's Role: Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru played a pivotal role in advocating for China's inclusion as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Notably, both the US and the Soviet Union informally offered India the UNSC seat in the early 1950s.
    • Nehru emphasized China's significance within the framework of his foreign policy.
    • However, China's actions in Tibet and its conflict with India in 1962 shattered Nehru's perception of China's global role.
    • India now stresses the importance of resolving issues such as Tibet and territories like Xinjiang and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
    • As a permanent UNSC member, China should remember the circumstances that led to its membership and acknowledge its responsibilities to India.


The international community must acknowledge that without comprehensive restructuring and democratization, untethered from its historical constraints, the United Nations (UN) will struggle to address the complexities of contemporary geopolitics and foster genuine multilateralism. Without these reforms, the aspirations for peace and prosperity will remain elusive. What's urgently required is a revamped, credible, and inclusive UN 2.0 that can effectively safeguard global peace and security.

United Nations Security Council:

  • The Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.
  • It has 15 Members, and each Member has one vote.
  • Under the Charter of the United Nations, all Member States are obligated to comply with Council decisions.
  • The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression.
  • It calls upon the parties to a dispute to settle it by peaceful means and recommends methods of adjustment or terms of settlement.
  • In some cases, the Security Council can resort to imposing sanctions or even authorizing the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Prioritizing Africa in India's Global South Perspective

  • 30 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

As Africa houses three-fourths of humanity and over 39 percent of the global GDP, there's a growing call to reform existing structures towards a more inclusive and representative system focused on development.


  • President of India, Droupadi Murmu's trip to Mauritius underscored the significance of India's ties with African nations, particularly emphasizing Mauritius' role as a pivotal partner in the Indian Ocean Region.
  • This visit reflects India's expanding involvement in Africa, characterized by joint initiatives in community development and the inauguration of critical infrastructure projects.
  • As India endeavors to bolster its standing within the Global South, it becomes imperative to comprehend the diverse facets of the India-Africa relationship, analyzing the potential opportunities it offers and the necessity for enhanced collaboration.

Analyzing India's Comprehensive Engagement with Africa:

  • Investments and Trade: India's commitment to Africa is evidenced by its burgeoning investments, which soared to $98 billion in 2023, reflecting its confidence in Africa's economic potential and its dedication to nurturing enduring partnerships.
    • Bilateral trade between India and Africa has surged to $100 billion, spanning diverse sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, technology, and services, catalyzing economic growth and diversification in both regions.
  • Developmental Projects: India's involvement in Africa extends to diverse developmental initiatives, encompassing infrastructure, healthcare, education, agriculture, and renewable energy sectors.
    • By spearheading such projects, India not only fosters economic progress in Africa but also cements diplomatic ties and goodwill.
  • Export of Scalable Solutions: Drawing on its expertise in cost-effective and scalable solutions, India has played a pivotal role in addressing various challenges confronting African nations.
    • Through initiatives spanning from eco-friendly housing to solar energy technology, Indian entities contribute to poverty alleviation and sustainable development, bolstering India's reputation as a dependable partner committed to mutual progress.
  • Mutual Prosperity and Development: India and Africa mutually benefit by capitalizing on each other's strengths and resources.
    • While India's investments stimulate economic growth, generate employment, and facilitate technology transfer in Africa, African markets offer India access to vital natural resources, new markets, and strategic collaborations.
    • This symbiotic relationship fosters economic resilience, innovation, and inclusive growth in both regions.

The Strategic Significance of India's Advocacy for Africa's Representation in Global Arenas:

  • Enhancing Africa's Representation and Influence India's active advocacy for Africa's presence in global governance platforms underscores its dedication to amplifying the voices of developing nations.
    • Recognizing Africa's substantial population and economic contribution, India emphasizes the necessity of its representation for a fairer and more inclusive international system.
    • Initiatives like supporting the African Union's inclusion in the G20 highlight India's acknowledgment of Africa's pivotal role in shaping global agendas.
  • Driving Reform and Adaptation Amidst evolving global challenges, there's a growing impetus for adapting governance structures to address emerging issues and foster sustainable development.
    • India's push for Africa's participation in global forums reflects its commitment to reforming institutions like the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank to better reflect the interests of developing nations.
  • Fostering Strategic Partnerships India's advocacy for Africa's representation in global governance is not only driven by altruism but also strategic considerations.
    • Recognizing Africa's increasing influence, India seeks to cultivate strategic partnerships with African nations to advance its global interests.
    • By supporting Africa's involvement in decision-making processes, India enhances its diplomatic influence and strengthens its position as a leading voice in the Global South.
  • Advancing Development Goals: Aligned with its broader development agenda, India's advocacy for Africa's representation in global governance focuses on priorities such as poverty alleviation, sustainable development, and inclusive growth.
    • By championing Africa's interests in international forums, India aims to address systemic inequalities and advocate for policies benefiting vulnerable populations.
    • This advocacy spans various domains, including trade, finance, climate change, and peace and security, reflecting India's commitment to fostering a more equitable world order.

Exploring India Africa's Rich Historical Bonds and Charting a Path for Future Collaboration:

  • Legacy of Colonialism and Struggle for Liberation: India's historical relationship with Africa is deeply rooted in its fight against colonialism, with both regions sharing similar experiences of exploitation and oppression under European rule.
    • India's support for African liberation movements during the colonial era solidified a bond based on shared values of freedom and sovereignty.
  • Cultural Exchange and People-to-People Connections: Centuries of interaction between Indian traders, scholars, and missionaries with African societies have left enduring cultural legacies, enriching both regions' traditions and languages.
    • Today, vibrant Indian communities contribute to Africa's cultural diversity and economic vitality, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.
  • Commitment to Development and Capacity-Building: India's engagement with Africa in development cooperation dates back to its early days of independence, with a focus on providing technical assistance and capacity-building support.
    • Continued collaboration in sectors such as education, healthcare, agriculture, and infrastructure underscores India's enduring commitment to Africa's progress and prosperity.
  • Exploring Economic Opportunities and Innovation: With Africa emerging as a dynamic economic hub, India stands poised to deepen its economic ties by leveraging historical bonds and cultural affinities.
    • Opportunities abound for enhanced trade, investment, and technology exchange, benefiting both regions and driving sustainable development.
  • Forging Strategic Partnerships in a Changing Global Landscape: Amid geopolitical shifts, India and Africa have the chance to strengthen strategic alliances grounded in shared values and interests.
  • By aligning diplomatic efforts and leveraging their collective strengths, both regions can wield greater influence on global issues like climate change, terrorism, and pandemics, fostering a more equitable and inclusive world order.


The multifaceted partnership between India and Africa presents abundant prospects for economic, political, and social collaboration. In India's pursuit of leadership within the Global South, fostering closer ties with African nations emerges as imperative. Amidst the swiftly evolving global landscape, the alignment between India and Africa signifies a potential for mutual prosperity and advancement

India's Bhutan Policy: Balancing Regional Allies in the Shadow of Dragon

  • 21 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

India and Bhutan decided on Wednesday to postpone a state visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Thimphu this week because of bad weather.


  • The planned visit to Bhutan on 21-22 March by the Indian prime minister however had to be postponed due to inclement weather conditions over Paro airport.
  • Notwithstanding the sudden intervention by nature, the visit which was otherwise planned amid an electioneering time, showcases the importance that New Delhi is imparting to an important friend and neighbour.
  • The importance of Bhutan for India can be immediately gauged from the manner in which China is seeking to woo its southern neighbour away from the ambit of Indian influence.

Background of India-Bhutan Relations:

  • India and Bhutan have maintained a special bilateral relationship based on mutual trust, goodwill, and understanding.
    • This unique partnership is founded upon the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, first signed in 1949 and subsequently renewed in 2007.
    • The treaty has provided a strong framework for the two nations to develop close political, economic, and cultural ties.
  • A significant aspect of the enduring bond between India and Bhutan lies in their spiritual kinship.
    • Bhutan regards India as the "gyagar," acknowledging its role as the sacred birthplace of Buddhism.
    • This deep cultural and religious connection has helped foster resilience and camaraderie between the two nations, further cementing their historical friendship.

Why does Bhutan Hold Significant Importance for India?

  • India and Bhutan have maintained strong bilateral relations rooted in shared cultural heritage, political cooperation, economic ties, and social connections.

Cultural Bonds:

  • Buddhist Heritage: With India being the birthplace of Lord Buddha, Bhutanese monks frequently visit significant Buddhist sites such as Nalanda, Bodh Gaya, and Rajgir, fostering spiritual connections.
  • Open Border Policy: The open border encourages regular exchanges of travellers for work, tourism, shopping, and medical care, further strengthening cultural ties.

Political Cooperation:

  • High-Level Visits: Frequent political exchanges at the ministerial level, including visits by the Indian Prime Minister and the King of Bhutan, sustain and strengthen bilateral relations.
  • Doklam Crisis: During the 2017 crisis, Bhutan granted access to Indian army personnel to resist Chinese incursions, demonstrating mutual trust and cooperation.
  • Civilian Award: Bhutan conferred its highest civilian award on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2021, recognizing his contributions to the friendship between the two nations.

Economic Partnerships:

  • Financial Assistance: India has provided financial aid to Bhutan since the 1960s, supporting its five-year plans, for agriculture, irrigation, health, industrial development, road transport, energy, and education.
  • Trade and Commerce: The 1972 Agreement on Trade and Commerce, revised in 2016, promotes free trade, with India being Bhutan's largest trading partner, exceeding $1422 million in bilateral trade in 2021-22.
  • Vaccine Maitri Initiative: Bhutan was the first country to receive Indian-made Covishield vaccines, with 550,000 doses gifted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Hydropower Collaboration: A vital cooperation area generating significant revenue, hydroelectric projects are covered under a 2006 bilateral agreement, with four operational projects supplying 2136 MW of electricity to India and two more under construction.

Social Connections:

  • Education: Approximately 1,000 scholarships are provided annually to Bhutanese students in Indian universities for engineering and medicine, fostering knowledge exchange.
  • Indian Diaspora: 50,000 Indians working in Bhutan contribute to fields such as education, arts, and health.

Environmental Importance:

  • Carbon-Neutral Commitment: As one of the few countries committed to carbon neutrality, Bhutan has found a key partner in India to achieve this goal through renewable energy, forest conservation, and sustainable tourism initiatives.

New Cooperation Areas:

  • Space: Joint development of the India-Bhutan SAT small satellite aims to help manage Bhutan's natural resources, promoting scientific collaboration.
  • Fintech: Launching the RuPay Card enables full interoperability, with Bhutan as the second country to launch India's BHIM app for cashless payments.
  • E-learning: Integrating Bhutan's DrukRen with India's National Knowledge Network facilitates information access for universities and research institutions in both countries, fostering educational cooperation.

What are the Challenges in India-Bhutan Relations?

  • Despite their close ties, India-Bhutan relations face several challenges that must be addressed to maintain a strong partnership.

China's Growing Influence:

  • Chinese Presence: China's increasing influence in Bhutan, particularly near the disputed Bhutan-China border, has raised concerns in India, traditionally Bhutan's closest ally.
    • While Bhutan and China have not established diplomatic relations, their friendly exchanges can potentially shift the balance of power in the region.

Border Disputes:

  • Incidents of Incursions: While the 699 km India-Bhutan border has been largely peaceful, recent incursions by Chinese forces have created flashpoints, such as the 2017 Doklam standoff in the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction.
    • Any escalation of these border disputes could strain India-Bhutan relations and challenge their traditional security cooperation.

Hydropower Projects:

  • Bhutan's hydropower sector is a key economic pillar, with India playing a significant role in its development.
    • However, some Bhutanese have expressed concerns over the perceived disproportionate benefits for India.
    • These concerns have led to public opposition in Bhutan against Indian involvement in the sector, which could impact bilateral relations.

Trade Issues:

  • Trade Imbalance: India accounts for over 80% of Bhutan's imports and exports, raising concerns about the significant trade deficit.
    • Bhutan seeks greater access to the Indian market for its products to reduce the trade deficit, which could require further negotiation and collaboration between the two countries.
  • To navigate these challenges, both India and Bhutan must address these concerns through open dialogue, strategic cooperation, and mutually beneficial agreements to maintain their strong and enduring partnership.

Strategies for Strengthening Indo-Bhutan Relations:

  • To further enhance the bilateral ties between India and Bhutan, several approaches can be adopted to address potential challenges and promote mutual growth such as:
  • Diplomatic Engagement: India should regularly discuss with Bhutan to comprehend its evolving foreign policy objectives and concerns.
    • Continual support for Bhutan's sovereignty and development needs is vital to allay any apprehensions of India as a threat.
  • Expanded Economic Assistance: India can provide increased economic aid, trade advantages, and infrastructural development to shield Bhutan from succumbing to China's debt-trap tactics.
  • Fortifying Defense Collaboration: India should address existing impediments in the relationship and reinforce defence and security cooperation with Bhutan to ensure mutual safety and counter potential Chinese influence effectively.
  • Promoting Regional Cooperation: India and Bhutan are members of various regional organizations like SAARC, BIMSTEC, and BBIN.
    • Strengthening regional cooperation mechanisms will ensure Bhutan's interests are adequately represented in these forums, enhancing overall regional stability and prosperity.


Bhutan is perhaps one of the most important allies that India has in its neighbourhood. Time has proven its relationship with India. However, recent times have witnessed changing dynamics in the Himalayan kingdom’s polity. Focusing on diplomatic engagement, bolstering economic support, strengthening military ties, and fostering regional cooperation will pave the way for a prosperous and secure future. Also, corrective and course-correction measures that are being undertaken by India to implement its Neighbourhood First policy are laudable.

Key Facts about Bhutan:

  • Geography: Nestled between India and China, Bhutan is a landlocked country characterized by majestic mountains and verdant valleys.
    • Thimphu is the capital city of Bhutan.
  • Political System: Bhutan transitioned to democracy in 2008, following its inaugural democratic elections. The King of Bhutan serves as the Head of State.
  • Official Name: Referred to as the 'Kingdom of Bhutan', its Bhutanese name is Druk Gyal Khap, translating to the 'Land of the Thunder Dragon'.
  • River: The Manas River, stretching over 376 km, holds the title of Bhutan's longest river. It flows through the Himalayan foothills, forming a transboundary river between southern Bhutan and India.
  • Government system: Bhutan follows a parliamentary monarchy system.
  • Borders: Bhutan shares borders with only two countries: India and Tibet (an autonomous region of China).

Greece’s gateway to Asia, India’s gateway to Europe

  • 20 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

The state visit by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to India will be another important step in building a strategic relationship between India and Greece — a process which began with the historic visit of the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to Greece in August 2023.


  • The upcoming state visit of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to New Delhi signifies a pivotal milestone in the ongoing initiatives to forge a strategic partnership between Greece and India.
  • This diplomatic initiative follows the landmark visit of the Indian Prime Minister to Greece in August 2023, which generated enthusiasm among Greek political and business circles.
  • The anticipation surrounding the visit of the Greek Prime Minister underscores the mutual dedication to enhancing bilateral relations and collaboration across diverse sectors.

Historical Connections:

  • India and Greece share a rich historical bond spanning more than 2500 years, characterized by cultural exchanges and a mutual embrace of democratic values.
  • Presently, their bilateral relations are multifaceted, covering political, economic, and military cooperation.
  • Trade Routes: Ancient maritime trade routes linked the Indus Valley Civilization with the Aegean region, facilitating the exchange of commodities such as spices, textiles, and intellectual ideas.
    • Archaeological evidence, including the discovery of Indus seals in Mesopotamia, suggests the existence of trade connections between the two civilizations.
  • Alexander the Great (326 BCE): Alexander's conquest of parts of northwest India fostered cultural and diplomatic exchanges between Greece and India.
    • Greek philosophies and ideologies potentially influenced various aspects of Indian art, mathematics, and astronomy during this period.
  • Indo-Greek Kingdoms (2nd century BCE – 1st century CE): Hellenistic kingdoms established in northwest India witnessed a fusion of Greek and Indian cultures.
    • This blending is evident in Gandhara art, which exhibits Greco-Buddhist influences and serves as a testament to the cultural interplay between the two civilizations.

The Current Status of Bilateral Relations between India and Greece:

  • Steady Progress in Bilateral Relations: While India and Greece share a historical connection and mutual enthusiasm, the pace of their bilateral cooperation has been characterized by gradual progress.
    • In this context, it is essential to delve into the various facets of collaboration, recognizing both the positive developments and the need for enhanced momentum.
  • Military Cooperation: Over time, military collaboration between the two nations has witnessed notable advancements.
    • Joint exercises involving the Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, and the Greek armed forces have been conducted, underscoring a shared commitment to fostering mutual understanding and coordination.
    • Reciprocal exercises are in the pipeline, illustrating an ongoing endeavour to deepen military bonds.
    • These joint military endeavours not only bolster regional security but also signify an increasing level of confidence and collaboration between the armed forces of Greece and India.
  • Economic Engagement: On the economic front, there have been significant instances of collaboration signalling a burgeoning partnership.
    • For instance, an Indian construction company has joined forces with a prominent Greek construction firm to undertake a significant project: the construction of a new airport on the island of Crete.
    • Such initiatives highlight the potential for cross-border investments and partnerships that can contribute to economic development and diversification.

Advancing Economic Reforms And Greece's Role:

  • Greece's proactive stance in promoting deeper EU-India relations adds another layer of importance to ongoing economic reforms.
  • As Greece endeavours to swiftly finalize the EU-India bilateral trade and investment agreement (BTIA), it underscores its dedication to establishing a conducive environment for heightened economic cooperation.
    • The BTIA is poised to act as a catalyst, providing a structured framework for trade and investment, thereby nurturing closer economic bonds between the EU and India.

A Path to Closer Ties: Economic Reforms in Greece

  • The economic facet of the Greece-India relationship assumes greater prominence as Greece, under the leadership of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, embarks on substantial economic reforms.
  • Over the past half-decade, the Mitsotakis administration has implemented measures aimed at steering the Greek economy towards a more sustainable growth trajectory.
  • This transformation positions Greece not only as a dependable eastern frontier of the European Union (EU) but also as a potential linchpin in broader geopolitical and economic strategies.

IMEEC Corridor: A Vision of Significance

  • As Greece solidifies its role in the Eastern Mediterranean, the concept of establishing the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEEC) emerges as a compelling vision.
  • The IMEEC embodies a comprehensive economic initiative aimed at seamlessly connecting India, the Middle East, and Europe, thereby stimulating trade, investment, and economic collaboration.
  • This ambitious proposition aligns with the shared vision of both nations to deepen their economic bonds and explore novel avenues for cooperation.

The Geopolitical Significance of the Indo-Greek Relationship:

  • A Robust Foundation Rooted in Historical Bonds: The historical backdrop of the evolving ties between Greece and India (with diplomatic relations established in 1950) enriches their contemporary diplomatic endeavours.
    • Furthermore, these diplomatic exchanges acquire significance amidst India's ascent as a global power, being perceived not only as an enduring ally but also as a dynamic and influential player on the world stage.
  • Contemporary Diplomacy: The momentous visit of the Indian Prime Minister to Greece in August 2023 served as a watershed, laying the groundwork for enhanced collaboration.
    • The enthusiasm witnessed in Greece, particularly among political and business circles, underscores the perceived opportunities in forging a strategic partnership with India.
  • Strategic Importance of Both Nations' Locations: The geopolitical relevance of this burgeoning relationship is amplified by the strategic locations of Greece and India.
    • Situated in regions pivotal to the global system, both nations grapple with geopolitical complexities and volatility.
    • Recent events in the Red Sea highlight the interconnectedness of the East Mediterranean, where Greece is positioned, and the Indian Ocean region, accentuating the imperative for collaboration to promote security, stability, and prosperity.
  • A Strategic Vision: Gateway to Europe and Asia: The Greek Prime Minister's assertion that "India will find no better gateway to Europe than my country, and for Greece, there is no better gateway to Asia than a close strategic relationship with India" encapsulates the acknowledgement of each nation's unique role in bridging the other's region.
    • This pragmatic understanding not only acknowledges geographical realities but also reflects a strategic vision to leverage mutual strengths for collective advancement.

Way Forward to Enhance Indo-Greek Relations:

  • Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding: By expanding university student exchange programs, deliberate steps will be taken to familiarize the younger generation with the cultures, traditions, and educational systems of both nations.
    • This fosters not only cross-cultural appreciation but also establishes a groundwork for future collaborations and friendships.
  • Fostering Cultural Exchanges: Cultural exchanges serve as a cornerstone in fortifying the bonds between Greece and India.
    • Through the promotion of cultural events, exhibitions, and festivals, both countries create platforms for their citizens to immerse themselves in and celebrate the richness of each other's cultural heritage.
    • These initiatives act as bridges, connecting hearts and minds, and nurturing a sense of shared identity and mutual respect for cultural diversity.
  • Media Collaboration: Bridging Information Gaps: Media collaboration emerges as a pivotal avenue to bridge geographical distances and keep the citizens of both nations abreast of developments, cultural nuances, and societal trends.
    • Joint efforts in media, including co-productions, cultural documentaries, and news coverage, facilitate a nuanced understanding of each other's realities.


The swift exchange of visits between the political leadership of Greece and India underscores their commitment and the urgency in advancing their strategic partnership. As the world navigates through a pivotal year in 2024, the onus lies on policymakers and businesses to capitalize on this momentum and fortify the strategic partnership between Greece and India.

Inauguration of BAPS Temple in UAE by PM Modi: Exploring Its Unique Features, Architecture, and Significance (Indian Express)

  • 14 Feb 2024

Why is it in the News?

During his two-day visit to UAE, Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate the BAPS Swaminarayan temple in Abu Dhabi, the first Hindu temple in the Gulf nation.


  • Prime Minister Modi on Wednesday inaugurated the (BAPS) temple, the first-ever Hindu temple in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
  • The iconic stone temple is located in Abu Mureikhah, near Al Rahba off the Dubai-Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed Highway.
  • The inauguration of the 108-ft high temple marks a significant moment for the Hindu community in UAE and the two countries’ bilateral ties.

What is BAPS?

  • Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) is a socio-spiritual Hindu organisation founded on the principles of practical spirituality.
  • The temple was built by the organisation, a denomination of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya, a Vaishnav sect of Hinduism.
  • With over 3,850 centres globally, BAPS has garnered national and international recognition, including affiliation with the United Nations.
  • Through vows of abstinence and purity, BAPS fosters a foundation for humanitarian endeavours, caring for societies, families, and individuals.

What Does BAPS Do?

  • The BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha views spirituality as its core mission. Through gradual steps, it strives to draw individuals closer to God.
  • In collaboration with BAPS Charities, the organization extends its outreach globally, addressing diverse humanitarian needs.
    • From education to healthcare and environmental concerns, practical solutions are offered to real-world problems, impacting lives on both macro and micro scales.
  • BAPS has a network of around 1,550 temples across the world, including the Akshardham temples in New Delhi and Gandhinagar, and Swaminarayan temples in London, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, Toronto, Los Angeles, and Nairobi.

Who is Swami Narayan?

  • Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s life and work have not only influenced communities in Gujarat, India but have affected change throughout the world. 
  • He reestablished Hindu Sanatan Dharma, cleansing traditions and rituals of the impurities that had seeped in over time. 
  • His contributions have been hailed by Hindus and dignitaries of other faiths as truly transforming the lives of millions of individuals. 
  • He improved societal standards and, most importantly, the innate nature of people, eradicating them from lust, anger, greed, and envy. 
  • Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s teachings transcended borders, rejuvenating Hindu traditions worldwide.

What are the Features of the (BAPS) Temple?

  • The Abu Dhabi temple is a traditional stone Hindu temple with seven shikhars.
  • Built in the traditional Nagar style, the temple’s front panel depicts universal values, stories of harmony from different cultures, Hindu spiritual leaders and avatars.
  • Spread over 27 acres, the temple complex is on 13.5 acres
    • The 13.5 acres of land was gifted by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the UAE in 2019.
  • The height of the temple is 108 ft, its length 262 ft and its width 180 ft.
  • While the external facade uses pink sandstone from Rajasthan, the interior uses Italian marble.
  • A total of 20,000 tonnes of stones and marble were shipped in 700 containers for the temple.
    • More than Rs 700 crore was spent on the temple’s construction.
  • The temple has two central domes, Dome of Harmony and Dome of Peace, emphasizing human coexistence through the carvings of earth, water, fire, air, and plants.
  • A Wall of Harmony, one of the largest 3D-printed walls in the UAE, features a video showcasing key milestones of the temple’s construction.
    • The word ‘harmony’ has been written in 30 different ancient and modern languages.
  • The seven shikhars (spires) are representative of the seven Emirates of the UAE.
  • Other amenities include an assembly hall with a capacity of 3,000 people, a community centre, exhibitions, classrooms, and a majlis venue.

What are the Key Architectural Features?

  • The temple was judged the Best Mechanical Project of the Year 2019 at the MEP Middle East Awards, and the Best Interior Design Concept of the Year 2020.
  • Among the key architectural features are 96 bells and galumphs installed around the path leading to the temple.
    • These 96 bells are a tribute to Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s 96 years of life.
    • Nano tiles have been used, which will be comfortable for visitors to walk on even in the hot weather.
  • On the top left of the temple is a stone carving of the scene of Pramukh Swami Maharaj envisioning the temple in Abu Dhabi in 1997.
  • Non ferrous material (which is more vulnerable to corrosion) has been used in the temple.
  • While many different types of pillars can be seen in the temple, such as circular and hexagonal, there is a special pillar, called the ‘Pillar of Pillars’, which has around 1,400 small pillars carved into it.
  • Buildings surrounding the temple are modern and monolithic, with their colour resembling sand dunes.
  • Deities from all four corners of India have been featured in the temple.
    • These include Lord Ram, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman, Lord Shiv, Parvati, Ganpati, Kartikeya, Lord Jagannath, Lord Radha-Krishna, Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj (Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Gunatitanand Swami), Tirupati Balaji and Padmavati and Lord Ayappa.
  • The temple also has some special features, like a ‘holy river’ surrounding it, for which waters from Ganga and Yamuna have been brought in.
    • The river Saraswati has been depicted in the form of white light.
    • A Varanasi-like ghat has been created where the ‘Ganga’ passes.
  • Apart from 15 value tales from Indian civilisation, stories from the Maya civilisation, Aztec civilisation, Egyptian civilisation, Arabic civilisation, European civilisation, Chinese civilisation and African civilisation have been depicted.

What is the Significance of the Temple?

  • A Muslim king donated land for a Hindu Mandir, where the lead architect is a Catholic Christian, the project manager a Sikh, the foundational designer a Buddhist, the construction company a Parsi group, and the director comes from the Jain tradition.

Religious Significance:

  • First Hindu stone temple in Abu Dhabi: This marks a historic milestone for the Hindu community in the UAE, providing them with a dedicated place of worship and cultural centre.
  • Symbol of religious tolerance: The temple's inauguration signifies the UAE's growing acceptance and appreciation of religious diversity, fostering interfaith dialogue and understanding.

Cultural Significance:

  • Strengthens India-UAE ties: The temple stands as a symbol of the strong cultural and diplomatic relations between India and the UAE, promoting mutual understanding and cooperation.
  • Promotes Indian culture: The temple serves as a platform to educate the UAE community about Indian art, architecture, and traditions, fostering cultural exchange and appreciation.

Social Significance:

  • Provides a sense of belonging: The temple offers a space for the Hindu community to gather, celebrate festivals, and connect with their cultural roots, fostering a sense of belonging and identity.
  • Promotes social integration: The temple's open-door policy welcomes people of all faiths, encouraging social interaction and understanding between different communities in the UAE.
  • Strengthens social fabric: The temple's emphasis on values like compassion, service, and community engagement contributes to strengthening the social fabric of UAE society.

Overall, the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Abu Dhabi represents a significant step forward in religious tolerance, cultural exchange, and community building in the UAE. It serves as a testament to the growing understanding and appreciation between India and the UAE, and its impact will be felt for generations to come.