Delhi Air Pollution: Causes, Impact & Measures (The Hindu)

  • 04 Nov 2023

Why is it in the News?

The air quality in Delhi-NCR declined over the past week due to a gradual drop in temperatures, calm winds that trap pollution, and a surge in post-harvest paddy straw burning across Punjab and Haryana.


  • The air quality in Delhi has plummeted to hit the ‘severe’ category for the first time this season, with the AQI breaching the 450 mark according to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).
  • The State government implemented restrictions, including banning construction and demolition activities.
  • Over the last few years, Delhi and its surrounding areas have been subject to hazardous smog, which conincides with the winter months rolling in.
  • Smoke from farmers burning crop stubble, vehicle exhaust and factory emissions combine every winter to blanket the region in a toxic haze.

What is Pollution?

  • Pollution refers to the contamination of the earth's environment with materials that interfere with human health, quality of life or the natural functioning of the ecosystems.
  • The major forms of pollution include water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and soil contamination.
  • Other less-recognised forms include thermal pollution and radioactive hazards.

What are the Reasons behind Rising Air Pollution in Delhi?

  • Delhi is one of the most polluted capital cities in the world for a variety of factors, including location (landlocked city), traffic patterns, dust, and farm fires.
  • However, weather also has a significant impact.
  • Typically, Delhi experiences deteriorating air quality from October to November, with improvements occurring from March to April.
  • Unlike the winter season, the current weather conditions are not unfavorable.
  • During winter, cool and calm weather tends to trap and intensify daily pollution, especially in northern India within the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
  • In addition to local emissions, the decline in air quality is primarily attributed to an increase in fire incidents, largely resulting from the burning of wheat crop stubble in northern India especially Punjab and Haryana.
  • Air Pollution in Delhi-NCR and the Indo-Gangetic Plains is a complex issue influenced by a variety of factors.
  • Location: Delhi is a landlocked city compared to Mumbai and Kolkata so the level of pollution is more as the level of particulate matter and pollutants is not able to get discharged into the surrounding areas.
  • Wind Direction: In October, the monsoons withdraw from Northwest India, bringing northwesterly winds.
  • During summers, northwesterly winds transport dust from northern Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  • Reduced Wind Speed: Winters see lower wind speeds compared to summers, making the region more susceptible to pollution.
  • Delhi's landlocked position doesn't benefit from the sea breeze that disperses pollutants in other parts of the country.
  • Stubble Burning: Burning crop stubble in states like Punjab, Rajasthan, and Haryana adds to the winter smog.
  • This practice releases harmful gases like methane, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
  • Vehicular Pollution: Vehicular emissions significantly contribute to declining air quality in Delhi during winter, accounting for about 20% of the problem.
  • Dust Storms: Dust storms from Gulf countries worsen the existing pollution levels.
  • Dry and cold weather results in dusty conditions from October to June, contributing to PM10 and PM2.5 pollutants.
  • Temperature Drop: Lower temperatures reduce the inversion height, concentrating pollutants in the lower atmosphere.
  • The inversion height is the layer beyond which pollutants cannot disperse upward.
  • Firecrackers: Despite bans on firecracker sales, Diwali celebrations with fireworks contribute to air pollution.
  • Construction Activities and Open Waste Burning: Large-scale construction projects in Delhi-NCR increase dust and pollution.
  • Landfill sites and open waste burning also add to air pollution concerns.

Impact of Air Pollution on health:

  • Respiratory Issues: Air pollution is a major cause of respiratory problems, including asthma, bronchitis, and lung infections.
  • It can exacerbate existing conditions and increase the risk of developing them.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Poor air quality is linked to heart problems, including heart attacks and stroke, as it can lead to the buildup of plaque in blood vessels and raise blood pressure.
  • Cancer Risk: Long-term exposure to certain air pollutants is associated with an increased risk of lung and other types of cancer.
  • Neurological Effects: Emerging research suggests that air pollution may have adverse effects on the central nervous system and could be linked to cognitive decline and mental health issues.
  • Reduced Life Expectancy: Prolonged exposure to air pollution is associated with a shortened life expectancy, as it contributes to a range of health problems that can be life-threatening.

Impact of Air Pollution on Economic Growth:

  • Healthcare Costs: Air pollution increases medical expenses due to illnesses, reducing economic growth.
  • Lower Productivity: Poor air quality impairs worker productivity, hampering economic output.
  • Tourism and Investment: Severe pollution deters tourists and investors, affecting local economies.
  • Agricultural Losses: Air pollution harms crops, impacting food production and livelihoods.
  • Environmental Cleanup Costs: Funds spent on pollution control divert resources from productive sectors, hindering economic growth.

What Steps Should Be Taken to Address Pollution in Delhi?

  • Congestion Charge: Introducing a congestion charge for private vehicles during peak hours can alleviate traffic congestion and promote public transport or carpooling.
  • Revenue generated from this charge can support green projects or subsidize electric vehicles, encouraging eco-friendly choices.
  • Cap-and-Trade for Industrial Emissions: Implementing a cap-and-trade system sets emission limits for industries, fostering a market-driven approach to pollution reduction.
  • This incentivizes industries to lower emissions and invest in cleaner technologies, ultimately reducing pollution.
  • Drones for Pollution Control: Utilizing drones to detect and mitigate pollution hotspots is a proactive measure for managing air quality.
  • Drones provide real-time air quality data with high resolution, allowing for public accessibility and targeted intervention.
  • Vertical Gardens: Incorporating vertical gardens in urban areas enhances aesthetics and air quality.
  • They absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, and create habitats for wildlife, contributing to urban biodiversity.
  • Rewards for Low-Carbon Lifestyles: Promoting low-carbon living through a rewards system, such as points, vouchers, or tax benefits for eco-friendly choices like public transport or carpooling, encourages environmentally conscious behavior, reducing carbon footprints.

Government Measures to Combat Pollution in Delhi:

  • National Clean Air Programme (NCAP): Aims to reduce PM10 and PM2.5 particles by at least 20% by 2024 compared to 2017 levels.
  • Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP): As per a Supreme Court order, GRAP outlines actions based on different Air Quality Index categories, addressing air quality in Delhi and the National Capital Region.
  • Stubble Burning Mitigation: Various short-term solutions, both in-situ and ex-situ, have been introduced to address crop stubble burning, such as Subsidy to farmers for Turbo happy seeders and bio-decomposers.
  • Turbo Happy Seeder (THS) is a machine mounted on a tractor that cuts and uproots the stubble, in order to reduce stubble burning.
  • Mobile Enforcement Teams: Enforce regulations against vehicular pollution, complemented by public awareness campaigns and investments in mass rapid transport systems. Phasing out old commercial vehicles is also underway.
  • Cleaner Transport: The introduction of BS-VI vehicles, push for electric vehicles (EVs), Odd-Even as an emergency measure and construction of the Eastern and Western Peripheral Expressways to reduce vehicular pollution.
  • Improved Farming Practices: Encouraging better disposal of crop residue and exploring cost-effective solutions, like chemical decomposition by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, are essential for tackling stubble burning.
  • "Green War Room": This initiative uses satellite data to identify sources of smog, particularly farm fires in Punjab and Haryana, and takes necessary action.

In response to a growing environmental and health crisis, antipollution measures are being strengthened. However, to ensure success, government bodies at various levels must need to gather the political will to boost investment, foster cross-boundary cooperation, and motivate both citizens and businesses to make their contributions.