Arctic Sea Ice Changes May Alter India's Monsoon Patterns

  • 09 Sep 2024

In News:

A study by researchers from India’s National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) has found that seasonal variations in Arctic Sea ice are impacting the Indian monsoon.

What is the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall?

The Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR), occurring from July to September, is one of the most significant monsoon systems globally. During the summer, the Central Asian and Indian landmasses heat up more quickly than the surrounding oceans. This temperature difference creates a low-pressure zone at the Tropic of Cancer known as the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). Trade winds from the southeast are then deflected toward the Indian subcontinent due to the Coriolis effect and the low pressure they encounter after crossing the equator. As these winds pass over the Arabian Sea, they pick up moisture and bring rain to India. The southwest monsoon divides into two branches over the Indian landmass. The Arabian Sea branch delivers rain to the west coast, while the Bay of Bengal branch brings rain to the eastern and northeastern parts of India. These branches converge over Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, with the Arabian Sea branch moving inward and the Bay of Bengal branch following the Himalayas.

Complexity of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall

Recent climate models have revealed that the ISMR is influenced by the surface temperatures of the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. Additionally, the circum-global teleconnection (CGT), a large-scale atmospheric wave at mid-latitudes, also plays a significant role in affecting the monsoon.

Influence of Arctic Sea Ice on the Indian Monsoon

The study indicates that reduced sea ice in the central Arctic results in decreased rainfall in western and peninsular India, but increased rainfall in central and northern India. Conversely, lower sea ice levels in the upper latitudes, especially in the Barents-Kara Sea region, delay the onset of the monsoon and make it more unpredictable.

Other Atmospheric Systems Influencing the Pattern

When sea ice levels in the central Arctic rise, the heat transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere triggers cyclonic circulation at lower latitudes, such as the North Atlantic. This process enhances Rossby waves—fast-moving air currents created by Earth's rotation and temperature differences—which move from west to east. These waves cause high pressure over northwest India and low pressure over the Mediterranean region, strengthening the Asian jet stream over the Caspian Sea and shifting the subtropical easterly jet northward. This shift leads to increased rainfall in western and peninsular India. On the other hand, decreased sea ice in the Barents-Kara Sea generates an anticyclonic circulation (clear skies) over northwest Europe. This disturbance affects the upper atmosphere over subtropical Asia and India, resulting in increased rainfall in northeastern India while leaving central and northwest regions drier.

Role of Climate Change

Climate change accelerates the reduction of Arctic sea ice, which intensifies the variability and unpredictability of the ISMR. Lower Arctic sea ice contributes to more frequent and severe droughts in some areas, while causing excessive rainfall and flooding in others. The study underscores the urgent need for expanded research on climate dynamics and more accurate monsoon forecasts to address these changing patterns.

India's Journey to Net-Zero Amidst Mineral Shortages and Technological Challenges

  • 05 Mar 2024

Why is it in the News?

By 2030, India wants to set up 500 GW of non-fossil fuel power generating capacity but the problem is that the availability of the minerals is not enough. One needs to process it and manufacture the final product which also means access to technology.


  • As the world shifts towards decarbonization and faces growing demand for critical minerals, governments worldwide are strategically securing access to these vital resources.
  • In alignment with this trend, the Indian government has amended mining laws to encourage private sector involvement in the extraction and processing of critical minerals.

Importance of Critical Minerals:

  • Driving Decarbonization and Clean Energy Technologies: Critical minerals are pivotal for clean energy technologies such as solar PV plants, wind farms, and electric vehicles, essential for global decarbonization efforts.
    •   According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), a substantial portion of minerals like copper, rare earths, nickel, cobalt, and lithium will be crucial for meeting Paris Agreement targets.
  • Transforming the Transportation Sector: Electric vehicles (EVs) rely heavily on critical minerals like lithium, cobalt, and nickel for their battery production.
    •  As countries shift towards EV adoption, the demand for these minerals is expected to soar, driving sustainable transportation initiatives.
  • Essential in Consumer Electronics: Critical minerals are vital for producing consumer electronics such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets.
    • Rare earth elements and other minerals enable the miniaturization and enhanced performance of electronic devices.
  • Supporting the Construction Industry: Critical minerals contribute to the production of high-strength alloys, cement, and other building materials in the construction sector.
    • These minerals enhance the durability and efficiency of construction materials, promoting sustainability in infrastructure projects.
  • Ensuring Defence and National Security: In the defense sector, critical minerals are indispensable for advanced weaponry and communication systems.
    • Securing a stable supply of these minerals is critical for maintaining national security and technological superiority.
  • Vital for Fertilizers and Agriculture: Minerals like phosphorus and potassium are essential components in fertilizers, crucial for enhancing crop yields and ensuring global food security.
  • Crucial for Industrial Magnets: Neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium, critical minerals, are crucial for manufacturing magnets used in various industries.
    • These magnets are integral components in technologies ranging from electric motors to medical devices.

Geopolitical Dynamics of Critical Minerals and Global Ramifications:

  • Economic Dynamics: The geographical concentration of critical mineral resources in select countries like Australia, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Indonesia, and Chile fosters economic dependencies.
    • Nations with substantial reserves enjoy advantages in revenue generation, job creation, and overall economic development, potentially leading to global economic disparities.
  • Geopolitical Power Play: The strategic significance of critical minerals turns their extraction and processing into geopolitical instruments, enabling nations to wield influence on the global stage.
    • China, notably, has leveraged its dominance in rare earths to exert political pressure, exemplified by restrictions on exports to countries such as the US and Japan.
    • China's control over critical minerals, coupled with its monopolized processing capacity, carries significant geopolitical implications, prompting international collaborations like the US-led Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) to secure supply chains and reduce dependence on authoritarian regimes.
  • Supply Chain Vulnerability: The concentration of critical mineral resources in specific regions raises concerns about the vulnerability of global supply chains.
    • Political instability, trade conflicts, or other geopolitical events in major producing nations can disrupt the supply of critical minerals, adversely affecting industries reliant on them.

India's Objectives and Hurdles in Acquiring Critical Minerals:

  • Pursuit of Decarbonization Goals and Energy Transition: India has outlined ambitious objectives for decarbonization, aiming for net-zero emissions by 2070 and establishing 500 GW of non-fossil fuel power generation capacity by 2030.
    • Embracing renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, and sustainable practices underscores India's dedication to combatting climate change.
  • Heavy Reliance on Imports: Despite possessing identified reserves, India heavily depends on imports to meet its demand for critical minerals.
    • This import dependency presents significant challenges, exposing the nation to global market fluctuations, supply chain disruptions, and potential geopolitical tensions.
  • Strategic Agreements for Exploration: Acknowledging the necessity to reduce import reliance, India has forged strategic agreements, such as the one with Australia, to jointly explore critical minerals like lithium and cobalt.
    • Collaborations with resource-rich nations aim to secure access to raw materials and diversify sources beyond traditional suppliers.
  • Lack of Domestic Processing Capacity: Identifying critical minerals marks only the initial step; subsequent processing and manufacturing require advanced technology and infrastructure.
    • India encounters challenges in building domestic processing capacity, contributing to an extended gestation period before achieving self-reliance.
    • Apart from raw material availability, accessing advanced processing technology remains crucial, emphasizing the importance of technology transfer and collaborative ventures with proficient countries.
  • Participation in International Collaborations: India's engagement in the US-led MSP illustrates its dedication to fostering strategic partnerships for securing the critical minerals supply chain.
    • The MSP encompasses countries with critical mineral deposits and access to processing technology, fostering a collective endeavor to surmount challenges.

Noteworthy Actions Undertaken by the Indian Government:

  • Identification of Critical Minerals: In July 2023, India took a significant stride by identifying a list of 30 critical minerals, distinct from rare earths.
    • Each mineral was selected based on criteria such as disruption potential, substitutability, cross-cutting usage, import reliance, and recycling rates.
    • The identified minerals are predominantly concentrated in states and union territories, including Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Amendment of Existing Mining Laws: Subsequently, in November 2023, the Indian government amended existing mining laws to facilitate private sector participation in the auction of 20 blocks containing critical minerals and rare earths.
    • This amendment signifies a notable shift in India's mineral sector, unlocking opportunities for private enterprises to engage in the extraction and processing of these vital resources.


There is a mounting concern that the limited access to critical minerals could pose a substantial obstacle to India's ambitious journey towards decarbonization. The achievement of decarbonization objectives hinges on surmounting challenges associated with import reliance, processing capabilities, and technological advancements.

India and the Asian Development Bank to establish a climate change and health hub in Delhi (The Hindu)

  • 28 Aug 2023

Why in the News?

India's G-20 document states that the climate change and health hub will facilitate knowledge sharing, partnerships, and innovations to assist developing countries, while health systems will face challenges from infectious diseases and natural disasters driven by climate change.

Why in the news?

  • India, in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), is gearing up to inaugurate a climate change and health hub in the national capital.
  • This initiative follows India's earlier achievement in hosting the inaugural WHO Centre for Global Traditional Medicine, located in Jamnagar, Gujarat.
  • The forthcoming hub's mission is to foster knowledge exchange, cultivate partnerships, drive innovations, and extend support to nations beyond the G-20, with a special focus on developing countries.

The Significance of the Climate Change and Health Hub:

  • Fostering Collaboration: This center holds paramount significance as it brings together diverse partners to engage in vital discussions regarding the far-reaching impacts of climate change.
  • It provides a unique platform for shared learning and collaboration among stakeholders.
  • Addressing Health Emergencies: India's recent G-20 outcome document highlights that climate change remains a key driver of health emergencies, including the resurgence of infectious diseases.
  • Moreover, it exacerbates the frequency and severity of natural disasters, posing a significant threat to the capability of health systems to provide essential services.
  • Boosting Resilience: Given this backdrop, it is imperative to bolster the resilience of health systems against the adverse effects of climate change.
  • The G-20 outcome document outlines a commitment to prioritize the development of climate-resilient health systems, establish sustainable and eco-friendly healthcare supply chains, mobilize resources for resilient, low-carbon health systems, and promote collaboration through initiatives like the WHO-led Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH).
  • Tackling Zoonotic Spillovers: The recent G-20 Health Ministers' meeting expressed concern about the rising incidence of zoonotic spillovers, leading to the emergence of new diseases.
  • In this context, there is an urgent need to identify both new and existing drivers using a scientific and risk-based approach while reinforcing existing infectious disease surveillance systems.
  • Global Impact: Situated in New Delhi, the Climate Change and Health Hub is poised to address these pressing issues on a global scale, serving as a hub for international collaboration and solutions.

About Asian Development Bank (ADB):

  • Founded in 1966, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a multilateral institution that counts 68 members among its ownership, with 49 hailing from the Asian and Pacific region.
  • ADB is unwavering in its commitment to fostering a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable future for Asia and the Pacific, all while maintaining its steadfast resolve to eliminate extreme poverty.
  • To achieve its noble objectives, ADB extends its support to member nations and partners through a comprehensive suite of financial instruments.
  • This includes loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity investments, all aimed at catalyzing social and economic development across the region.
  • In essence, ADB stands as a stalwart advocate for advancing social and economic development in Asia and the Pacific.
  • As of December 31, 2019, ADB's five largest shareholders are Japan and the United States, each possessing 15.6% of total shares, followed by the People's Republic of China (6.4%), India (6.3%), and Australia (5.8%). The institution's headquarters are situated in Manila, Philippines.

About WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine (GCTM):

  • The WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine (GCTM) is a pioneering knowledge hub dedicated to traditional medicine, recognized as the world's premier center of its kind.
  • Situated in Jamnagar, Gujarat, it represents a remarkable collaboration between nations.
  • India, as the primary investor in GCTM, has committed an approximate sum of US$ 250 million to facilitate the center's establishment, infrastructure development, and operational activities.

The GCTM is designed to achieve five key objectives:

  • Archiving Traditional Wisdom: GCTM seeks to harness technology to construct a comprehensive database of traditional knowledge systems.
  • Setting International Standards: It aspires to establish global standards for the testing and certification of traditional medicines, enhancing confidence in these age-old remedies.
  • Global Knowledge Exchange: The center aims to serve as a global platform where experts in traditional medicine converge to share their experiences and expertise.
  • Funding Research: GCTM endeavors to mobilize resources and funding for research in the field of traditional medicines, fostering innovation and scientific exploration.
  • Holistic Healing Protocols: The center is dedicated to developing holistic treatment protocols for specific diseases, enabling patients to benefit from the complementary strengths of both traditional and modern medicine approaches.