To avoid worst-case scenarios, the need for fiscal correction is all the more vital this election year (The Hindu)

- 05 Jan 2024
Why is it in the News
The recent observations by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) sparked reactions from the Indian Government in which it states that India’s general government debt, including the Centre and States, could be 100% of GDP under adverse circumstances by fiscal 2028.
- India’s economic landscape has undergone scrutiny as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made two noteworthy observations.
- The IMF report not only acknowledged India’s effective inflation management but also presented a balanced outlook for the country’s economic growth.
- To analyze the IMF’s insights on India’s economic situation, one must understand the broader global context in which these observations were made.
Insights from the IMF on India's Economic Landscape:
Exchange Rate Reclassification:
- A pivotal observation by the IMF is the reclassification of India's exchange rate regime from floating to a stabilised arrangement.
- This reclassification raises questions about the flexibility of the currency and its alignment with market forces, indicating a perception of a more controlled and stabilised environment, potentially influenced by central bank (RBI) interventions.
Debt Sustainability Concerns:
- The IMF expresses significant concerns about the long-term sustainability of India's debts.
- The report projects that, under adverse circumstances, India's general government debt could reach 100% of GDP by fiscal 2028.
- This highlights the imperative for careful debt management strategies, particularly as India confronts substantial investment requirements to meet climate change mitigation targets and enhance resilience to climate stresses and natural disasters.
- It's crucial to note that these IMF insights are framed within the global context of increasing public debts, recognizing that India's economic challenges are interconnected within a complex web of global economic phenomena.
The Global Debt Scenario in a Broader Context:
Dual Nature of Debt: Accelerator vs. Drag on Development:
- Globally, government borrowings have been instrumental in fostering development, supporting infrastructure projects, social programs, and economic growth.
- However, the IMF's concerns emphasize the potential drawbacks of this strategy, as limitations in accessing financing, rising borrowing costs, currency devaluations, and sluggish growth can transform debt from a catalyst into a hindrance.
- The United Nations' assertion that countries face a challenging dilemma between servicing their debt or serving their people encapsulates the inherent difficulty in managing debt for sustainable development.
Surging Global Public Debt Trends:
- According to the UN, global public debt has surged more than fourfold since 2000, surpassing the tripling of global GDP over the same period.
- In 2022, global public debt reached USD 92 trillion, with developing countries contributing nearly 30% to the total, and China, India, and Brazil accounting for a significant portion (70%).
- The acceleration of debt in developing nations over the past decade is attributed to heightened development financing needs exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis, and the impact of climate change.
Asymmetric Burden on Developing Countries:
- The burden of debt is unevenly distributed between developed and developing nations, with developing countries often facing higher interest rates even without considering exchange rate fluctuations.
- This well-documented disparity reveals that countries in Africa, for instance, borrow at rates four times higher than the United States and eight times higher than Germany, undermining the debt sustainability of developing economies.
Increasing Debt Levels and the IMF's Perspective:
- The number of countries grappling with high levels of debt has surged from 22 in 2011 to 59 in 2022, highlighting persistent debt challenges in developing nations.
- The IMF's projections for India should be understood in the broader context of a global debt conundrum.
Challenges Facing India's Economic Landscape:
Increasing Public Debt:
- The central government's debt, amounting to ?155.6 trillion, constitutes 57.1% of GDP as of March 2023, with state government debts accounting for about 28% of GDP.
- Despite claims by the Finance Ministry that India's public debt-to-GDP ratio has marginally increased from 81% in 2005-06 to 84% in 2021-22, the 2022-23 figures indicate a return to 81%, surpassing targets set by the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act (FRBMA).
Balancing Public Debt for Sustainability:
- A significant challenge for India lies in achieving a delicate balance to ensure that public debt remains within sustainable levels.
- IMF projections indicate that India's general government debt, inclusive of both central and state governments, could reach 100% of GDP by fiscal 2028 under adverse circumstances, underscoring the need for meticulous debt management strategies.
Stagnant Credit Ratings:
- Despite being acknowledged as the fastest-growing major economy globally, India's sovereign investment ratings have remained stagnant since August 2006.
- Both Fitch Ratings and S&P Global Ratings have maintained India's credit rating at 'BBB-' with a stable outlook, the lowest investment-grade level, attributed to factors like weak fiscal performance and a burdensome debt stock.
Emerging Fiscal Challenges:
- Disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic contribute to the current high debt-GDP ratio, with potential fiscal slippage in FY24 according to India Ratings and Research.
- Increased expenditure on employment guarantee schemes and subsidies, such as a higher fertiliser subsidy and overspending on the MGNREGA, pose challenges to fiscal stability.
Managing Short-Term Challenges and Election Dynamics:
- As India approaches general elections, increased subsidies are expected, but questions arise about the impact on employment growth and livelihoods in rural areas.
- Navigating these short-term challenges in an election year becomes a critical test for maintaining fiscal discipline and avoiding worst-case scenarios.
Way Forward:
- While the exchange rate reclassification raises potential concerns about excessive management, the focus on debt sustainability underscores the broader call for prudence in managing fiscal policies.
- The IMF's observations highlight the delicate balancing act India must perform—maintaining a stable exchange rate while ensuring long-term debt sustainability.
- There is a pressing need for new and preferably concessional sources of financing, increased private sector investment, and the implementation of carbon pricing or equivalent mechanisms to address long-term risks.
Navigating the multifaceted challenges outlined by the IMF, India finds itself at a crucial juncture, necessitating a strategic approach to economic management. The IMF's observations, addressing concerns about debt sustainability and the reclassification of the exchange rate regime, underscore the importance of nuanced decision-making and long-term planning.