24 May, 2024

1. Consider the following statements regarding the ‘League of Arab States (LAS)’ which recently called for the deployment of UN peacekeepers in occupied Palestinian territory:

  1. The Arab League is a union of Arabic-speaking African and Asian countries that promotes the interests of its member countries and observers.
  2. Its headquarters is in Saudi Arabia.
  3. India is already an Observer in the Arab League.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

2. Consider the following statements regarding the recently launched ‘Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) SKILLS Platform’:

  1. The GSAP SKILLS platform aims to facilitate global collaboration and partnership, connecting decision-makers, species conservation practitioners and experts at all levels.
  2. The platform provides real-time updates on technical tools and resources, ensuring accessibility and relevance.
  3. This platform is managed proactively by the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA).

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

3. With reference to ‘Cyclone Remal’ consider the following statements:

  1. It is the first cyclone in the Bay of Bengal this pre-monsoon season.
  2. The name ‘Remal’ has been suggested by Oman which means ‘sand’ in Arabic.
  3. A tropical cyclone is a rapidly rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure centre, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

4. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Shallow Aquifer Management (SAM)’:

  1. Shallow Aquifer Management (SAM) is a sustainable urban water management technique under the AMRUT scheme.
  2. It drills shallow borewells to pump out water, recharging aquifers during rainfall and raising water tables.
  3. This platform has been launched exclusively in water-deficient South Indian cities like Chennai and Bangalore.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

5. Consider the following statements about ‘Sweet Sorghum’, which offers solutions in drought-hit southern African regions:

  1. Sweet sorghum is a versatile crop used for grain, animal feed, and sugary juice.
  2. Its grains are made into steamed bread, porridge, and beer, providing high nutritional value with proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, and essential minerals like potassium, calcium, sodium, and iron.
  3. It is a drought-resistant crop, capable of dormancy during dry periods and resuming growth later.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?