19 Apr, 2024

1. Nestlé's baby food sold in Asia and Africa was found to have high sugar levels, unlike those sold in Europe. in this context consider the following statements regarding “added sugar”:

  1. Added sugar is added separately to a food item during preparation or processing.
  2. It can include natural sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar, and honey, as well as other caloric sweeteners that are chemically manufactured (such as high fructose corn syrup).
  3. Excessive consumption of added sugars is associated with various health risks, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and dental problems.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

2. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Wigner Crystals’ recently seen in the news:

  1. Wigner Crystals are composed entirely of electrons.
  2. These are positively charged particles.
  3. Wigner Crystals could provide insights into the behavior of electrons in low-density environments, such as those found in semiconductors and other electronic materials.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

3. Consider the following statements regarding the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA):

  1. GAIA is an international coalition comprised of grassroots groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals.
  2. GAIA's mission is to catalyze a global shift towards environmental justice by strengthening grassroots social movements that advance solutions to waste and pollution.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

4. ‘Mount Ruang’ volcano, which recently erupted five times in a row, triggering a tsunami alert, is located in:

5. According to a recent report, the fourth global mass coral bleaching event has been triggered by extraordinary ocean temperatures. In this context, consider the following statements:

  1. Corals are sessile plants that "take root" on the ocean floor.
  2. Coral reefs are made up of colonies of hundreds to thousands of tiny individual corals, called polyps.
  3. Coral reefs are also referred to as “rainforests of the sea”.
  4. Coral bleaching is the process in which coral reefs lose their vibrant colors due to stress, often caused by high ocean temperatures.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?