05 Apr, 2024

1. To enhance its air defense capabilities, the Army has started the induction of control and reporting systems under ‘Project Akashdeer’. In this context consider the following statements:

  1. The primary objective of 'Project Akashteer' is to automate air defense control and reporting processes.
  2. It is developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  3. The induction of the systems has commenced in the Indian Army's Corps of Army Air Defense.
  4. The Indian Army designates 2024 as the 'Year of Technology Absorption' to focus on modernization and technology integration.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

2. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Microplastics’:

  1. Microplastics are small plastic particles measuring more than 10 millimeters in diameter.
  2. Primary microplastics are made for commercial use, like in cosmetics and textiles such as clothing and fishing nets.
  3. Secondary microplastics come from bigger plastic items breaking down because of sunlight and ocean waves.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

3. The ancient Buddhist site of 'Sannati', which was neglected for many years, has now undergone a restoration project. It is situated in the state of?

4. Consider the following statements regarding the ‘Agni-Prime’ missile which successfully flight-tested from the APJ Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Odisha:

  1. Agni-Prime is a new generation nuclear-capable medium-range cruise missile developed by the DRDO.
  2. It has a strike range of around 1,000 to 2,000 km.
  3. It is developed to achieve maximum maneuverability against missile defense systems and higher accuracy for precision strikes.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

5. Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is an international collaboration of more than 900 researchers from over 70 institutions around the world. Which is the only participating institute from India?